In calling URLs iteratively using http.get() and resolving using $q.all() - javascript

I am implementing this scenario where I have to fetch data from multiple URLs iteratively and process it with some business logic and display on screen. I am implementing this in the controller as it is a requirement. All is well until part-1 and I am getting the 6 promise objects in the promises array. But, I am not getting the data into metricData. I am seeing a null in the console while running in the browser. I am sure that the data is coming in the URL response. I feel I am doing something silly in the $q.all method. Is this correct?
var calculateMutationsInDepth = function(){
var promises=[];
var metricData=[];
for(var depth=0 ; depth<6 ; depth++){
var resourceUrl = urlService(depth);
return status;
//Part-2 Resolving the promise array below
for(var eachResult=0; eachResult < data.length; eachResult++){
if(null != data[eachResult]){
var eachDataObject = data[eachResult];
//For debugging console.log(eachDataObject);
for(var objCount=0; objCount < eachDataObject.length; objCount++){
if(eachDataObject[objCount].scope === "PRJ" || eachDataObject[objCount].scope === "FIL")
if(metricData != null){
analyzeMutationData(metricData); //Calling a function with the aggregated data array where business logic is present
calculateMutationsInDepth(); //Calling the above function

Yes, something silly.
As written, analyzeMutationData(metricData) is called synchronously whereas metricData is populated asynchronously inside the $q.all(promises).then() callback.
Also, as written the error handler function(status){ return status; } is inappropriate. Either :
omit the error handler entirely and allow any single $http error to prevent further processing in Part 2, or
return null, allowing processing in Part 2, and the if(dataObject != null) test in part 2 to filter out any such error.
Here's the revised code with a few other tidies and a demonstration of what can be done if calculateMutationsInDepth() returns a promise.
var calculateMutationsInDepth = function() {
var depth, promises = [];
for(depth=0; depth<6; depth++) {
.then(function(response) {
}, function(error) {
return null; // error recovery - `dataObject` below will be null
//Part-2 Aggregate the promises, extract metric data and apply business logic
return $q.all(promises).then(function(data) { // note `return` here
var dataObject, i, j, metricData = [];
for(i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
dataObject = data[i];
if(dataObject != null) {
for(j=0; j<dataObject.length; j++) {
if(dataObject[j].scope === "PRJ" || dataObject[j].scope === "FIL") {
// Analyse here, inside the .then()
if(metricData.length > 0) { // metricData is an array and will never be null, therefore test metricData.length.
return analyzeMutationData(metricData);
return null;
calculateMutationsInDepth().then(function(analysis) {
// all complete
// `analysis` is either null or whatever `analyzeMutationData(metricData)` returned.
}).catch(function(error) {

Hope this helps you out! Let me know if it doesn't.


Know when jqXHRs of an array are all completed

I'm trying to run some code once all the jqXHR elements of an array are completed (have either succeeded or failed).
You can see the full code here:
Basically I'm expecting the always hook from here:
.apply(undefined, reqs)
.always(function(data) {
console.log('ALL ALWAYS', data);
to run when all the requests that were piled up there have either succeeded or failed. Currently, you can observe in the console that ALL ALWAYS is logged earlier.
A simple solution for modern browsers would be to use the newer fetch() API along with Promise.all()
var makeReq = function(url, pos) {
var finalUrl = url + pos;
// intentionally make this request a failed one
if (pos % 2 === 0) {
finalUrl = "";
return fetch(finalUrl).then(function(resp) {
console.log('Request for user #', pos);
// if successful request return data promise otherwise return something
// that can be used to filter out in final results
return resp.ok ? resp.json() : {error: true, status: resp.status, id: pos }
// mock API
var theUrl = "";
var reqs = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
reqs.push(makeReq(theUrl, i));
Promise.all(reqs).then(function(results) {
console.log('---- ALL DONE ----')
// filter out good requests
results.forEach(function(o) {
if (o.error) {
console.log(`No results for user #${}`);
} else {
console.log(`User #${} name = ${}`);

Call same promise within itself

Still trying to wrap my head around promises and how they work. Im querying the Google webmaster API to return Search Analytics data. I've set up a promise which returns the data if i call it once however i need to call it again based on the result of the previous.
For example:
startRow = 0;
data = [];
Query(startRow).then((results) => {
if (results != null) {
startRow needs to increase by 1 then call the same promise (with the updated startRow) if the promise returned data. Is this possible or am i looking at this totally the wrong way?
You can't call the same Promise more than once, only create new ones.
startRow = 0;
data = [];
function startQuery() {
// Generally a good idea to always return Promises,
// so you can chain them if needed
return Query(startRow).then(processResults);
function processResults(results) {
if (results == null) return;
return startQuery();
Or, in a more compact way:
startRow = 0;
data = [];
function startQuery() {
return Query(startRow).then((results) => {
if (results == null) return;
return startQuery();
What you can do is create a function that recursively returns all of the results from a certain page onward, then call that with an initial page value of 0:
function queryPaged(pageNum, soFar) {
return Query(pageNum).then(function (results) {
return results
? queryPaged(pageNum + 1, soFar.concat(results))
: soFar;
queryPaged(0, []).then(function (allResults) {

Returning empty array in NodeJs using mongoose

I am trying to fill an array with records from a mongoDB database using mongoose. When I am trying to fill the records. It shows an empty array outside the function even though I am declaring the outside the function. Below is the code.
var saveMessageToVariable = function(){
var records = [];
var spark_ids = [];
var obj = new Object();
Message.find().distinct("spark_id").exec(function(err,data) {
data.forEach(function (id) {
if(id != null)
// console.log(spark_ids.length);
obj.spark_id = data.spark_id;
obj.meesage = data.message; =;
obj.message_id = data._id;
When I run this, the log is showing an empty array. How do I resolve this issue?
It's an asynchronous call and as soon as data is fetched from database control shifts to next line and therefore prints the initial value, I would prefer you to use a callback like this:
obj.spark_id = data.spark_id;
obj.meesage = data.message; =;
obj.message_id = data._id;
You two other approachs for this:
1) use try and catch block.
2) use async and await keyword.
I don't have much experience with moongoose, but according to the docs it supports promises since Version 4.
Then this should work:
//I assume you'll need this more often
function notNull(value){ return value != null; }
//returns a promise of the records-Array
var saveMessageToVariable = function(){
//returns a promise of a formated message
function getMessage( spark_id ){
return Message.findOne({ spark_id })
.sort({ date: -1 })
.then( formatMessage )
function formatMessage( msg ){
return {
spark_id: msg.spark_id,
message: msg.message,
message_id: msg._id
return Message.find()
.then(function( ids ){
//waits for all findOnes to complete, then returns an Array
return Promise.all(
ids.filter( notNull ).map( getMessage )
I'm not sure, wether you need exec() in this code or not. You should check that.
btw. saveMessageToVariable doesn't reflect at all what this function does. You should choose a better name.

Parse promises and loop of query

I cannot figure out how I ca apply Promise paradigm to my code.
My code doesn't work out how it should. The last 2 queries are not performed...
The first (mainQuery) is limited to <=5 items so it should be fast enough.
The pipeline should be:
query1.find()->for all elements found->if the element is of type 1 -> query2.count()->if count == 0-> save a new object
Could you please help me to fix it?
Thank you in advance,
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if(items[i].get("type") == 1){
var query = new Parse.Query("Invites");
console.log("why i don't see it in logs...??");
if (count == 0){
var invite = new Parse.Object("Invites");
//invite.set("userId", "aaaaaaa");;
}, function(error){
response.error("Msgs lookup failed");
function(error) {response.error("Msgs lookup failed");
I think the problem is that you're calling response.success before the other queries have been executed.
The code should look more like:
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if(items[i].get("type") == 1){
var query = new Parse.Query("Invites");
// first promise which needs to be resolved
var countPromise = query.count().then(function(count){
console.log("why i don't see it in logs...??");
if (count == 0){
var invite = new Parse.Object("Invites");
//invite.set("userId", "aaaaaaa");
// instead of an resolved object, we return another promise which will be resolved
// before entering the success part below
} else {
// if there is nothing to do, we return an promise which will be resolved with a dummy value
return'nothing to do');
return Parse.Promise.when(promises).then(function (results) {
// we only get in here when all promises aboth has been resolved
function(error) {
// if any of the requests fail, this method will be called
response.error("Msgs lookup failed");
You'll find some additional information on how to chain promises on the official documentation:

Angularjs load resources on after the other using promise

Inside a service, I would like to load a resource using $http. Once loaded resource, I want to store it in a variable. Then, I need to load a child resource and store it too. I know that the promise is designed for this kind of work, but there seems to be so much how to use it I get a little confusion. Here is my code:
var project = {};
var todo = {};
function init(){
var idProject = 21;
var idTodo = 6;
// If idProject is specified
if ( idProject != null ) {
// First, load project data
var promise = WorkspaceManager.getProject($rootScope.workspace, idProject);
// Then save project data
project =;
return project;
if ( idTodo != null ) {
// Then load todo data
return ProjectManager.getTodo(project, idTodo);
// Then save todo data
todo =;
return todo;
console.log(project); // returns {}
Thanks in advance !
If I understand correctly, this is trickier than it appears at first glance. You appear to need a function that chains two asynchronous processes and returns a promise of a composite value comprising data acquired by the first and the second processes.
At least two approaches are available :
Easy but inelegant: In each asynchronous process, accumulate the required values as properties of an outer object.
Elegant but awkward: From each asynchronous process, accumulate the required values as properties of an object, a promise of which is returned.
The code below adopts the first approach :
function init() {
var idProject = 21;
var idTodo = 6;
var projectObj = {};//This object acts as a "bank" for asynchrounously acquired data.
if ( idProject != null ) {
return WorkspaceManager.getProject($rootScope.workspace, idProject).then(function(response) {
projectObj.project =;//put `` in the bank as .project.
if( idTodo != null ) {
return ProjectManager.getTodo(, idTodo);
}).then(function(toDo) {
projectObj.toDo = toDo;//put `toDo` in the bank as .toDo .
return projectObj;
init().then(function(projectObj) {
Or (still the first approach) with error handlers :
function init() {
var idProject = 21;
var idTodo = 6;
var projectObj = {};//This object acts as a "bank" for asynchrounously acquired data.
if ( idProject != null ) {
return WorkspaceManager.getProject($rootScope.workspace, idProject).then(function(response) {
projectObj.project =;//put `` in the bank as .project.
if( idTodo != null ) {
return ProjectManager.getTodo(, idTodo);
else {
$q.defer().reject('idTodo invalid');
}).then(function(toDo) {
projectObj.toDo = toDo;//put `toDo` in the bank as .toDo .
return projectObj;
else {
return $q.defer().reject('idProject invalid');
init().then(function(projectObj) {
}, function(errorMessage) {
The way you doing, you're creating "brothers" promise derived from the first promise. All the promises are going to be resolved as soon as WorkspaceManager.getProject promise has been resolved. What I believe you want is to chain them all, in way that when first promise gets resolved, yo asks for Todo data, when you got it, you asks to save it. If this is the case, you shall grab the derived promise from each promise.
// Then save project data
promise = promise.then(function(response){
project =;
return project;
// Then load todo data
promise = promise.then(function(project){
return ProjectManager.getTodo(project, idTodo);
// Then save todo data
todo =;
return todo;
Trying to illustrate a bit more, the first approach is like:
var mainPromise = ...;
mainPromise.then(function loadTodo(mainPromiseReturn){});
mainPromise.then(function saveTodo(mainPromiseReturn){});
The loadTodo and saveTodo are pararell, they're not chained to each other. They both receive the same data.
The approach I suggest is like:
var mainPromise = ...;
.then(function loadTodo(mainPromiseReturn){})
.then(function saveTodo(loadTodoReturn){});

