How can i hide my html source code from getting copied? - javascript

How can i hide my page source from getting copied just like
Please help me with any solution.
Is there any plugin need to add,please suggest me.

Hiding html sourcecode is not possible. The browser has to understand what you want to show and therefore needs to know your code.
Google does not encrypt the sourcecode. It is hard to read because a lot is going on but if you copy the sourcecode and paste it in notepad. You will have the same html markup.


Inserting Html, CSS and Javascript into the console to test a new block/feature

I have been tasked with creating a new feature/block of HTML & CSS that contains some light JS for controls (think a carousel). It is working as expected but two of the requirements are that it's one block of code and it can be run in the console and display on the web page(e.g. Chrome)
I have added the CSS and JS into the html file, so one block of code, I hope is solved, I then tried to create a little function using insertAdjacentHTML to run in the console but that doesn't work as it doesn't accept anything other than pure html (no class names or tags etc)
I do not have access to the source code of the website they want to test it on, so apparently it has to be done in the console.
I also looked at extensions, to see if I can work out how they do it but not having much luck, happy if someone can recommend anyway in which I can display this new feature.
I understand why they want to do it this way as they will want to do quick demos of new features built, but still an unorthodox method imo. Happy to be told wrong.
Any help would be great.
EDIT: JS file -
HTML file -

Can not edit script (Unity3D)

I want to edit "SeverLink" script, but it looks a bit strange...
when I click edit script, it show a empty inspector...
Is this some kind of a special mechanism?
What should I do to edit "SeverLink" script?
It seems that the ServerLink and following scripts are embedded in a dll. If thats the case you can't easily edit them if you dont have access to the source files.
There are some decompilers out there, but i dont think thats what you want to do.

Ckeditor issue with malformed html

I'm having a huge issue with a customer. I provided him a CMS that allows you to send mails, can edit them from the ckeditor. Last week, he edited one of them, and left some malformed html there... it was something like:
<a href="mylink.html" _blank">
That small piece of malformed html caused ckeditor to crash the entire page next time he tried to access the edit mail page. Ckeditor is not replacing the textarea also, sounds reasonable.
I'm not getting any error on the script, anywhere in chrome. Just Firefox tells me that the script timed out.
Will appreciate any help, due that I'm stuck with this issue.
Thanks so much in advance!
Try this if you can modify the html
Som Text/image

Can't find html table on source code of a website

I'm a member in a website and there's a huge (automatically generated) HTML table on this PHP page that is only available to me and I wanted the table source code because I want to copy it to a HTML page on my computer to then process it with a program.
The problem is that when I right-click to display the page source code it works. However, I'm tired of looking at the source code and inside all the linked JavaScript files. I can't seem to find the table or any data of it on the scripts/page source codes.
I can select the table data and copy it, but it is just the data. It doesn't say anything about flash, so I'm assuming it's not flash. The data of the scripts/pages isn't obfuscated, it's easily human-readable.
I used Google Chrome's 'inspect element' and it worked.
I was thinking on doing a PHP script that would import data from a similar table, but I will have to know more about a lot of stuff mentioned here.
What can I be doing wrong or what can cause this kind of behavior?
Two possible reasons could be that the table may be returned from an AJAX call to another page that returns the HTML for the table, or they could be generating the table's html code and contents on the fly from a list of values coming from javascript or some other source rather than serving the HTML output to you from the server side.
Something you can do to figure it out is see if there are any empty div or other html elements where the table appears to be inserted, and search their javascript files for references to those elements. That may shed some light on how they populate it.
Feel free to update your question with the raw html (where you don't see the table) and maybe some javascript and we can look. Use pastebin if it is a lot of content.
Would it help to use the Firefox plugin called Firebug?
Using this plugin you can click on an area of a page to see the code displayed in the Firebug section at the bottom of your window.
Here are the details:
Maybe the table is generated with a JS script, if that's the case, doing right click and "View source" would not show you the html. You need to use something like Chrome's devtools. Open google chrome and visit that page, once there, right click the table and select "Inspect element", the devtools will open and then you'll see the table's code, right click it's opening tag and select "Copy as html".
Let me know if that works :)
Try a developer extension like The underlying source code may not reflect output due to how much the DOM can be modified by javascript with extensive use of ajax. This plugin will permit you to view elements as they're interacting with the browser.
its probably that the table is dynamically generated on the fly so looking at the source code won't actually give you much. try looking at the "GENERATED" source code or inspecting the DOM using Firebug, or the Developer tools of chrome/safari.
Or better yet, try your hand at web scraping:
Although I'm not sure if it'll work for pages that need a login. But hey, at least you learned something new :p

Anyone know of a javascript removal tool for html

I am having issues with an Ebay template, if I try to upload it get's kicked back to me saying that it cannot contain javascript, I'm assuming that it's in the picture rollover option (mouseover pic enlarging tool) Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm not real Java intuitive.
Just delete anything between the <script> and </script> tags. Or perhaps post the code snippet here so we can tell you what to remove.
The template should have a HTML file inside.
Search for ... parts and remove them as mentioned before.
Search for instances of onmouseover="...", onmouseout="..." and generally anything that looks like , removing the onsomeevent="dosomething" part.

