How to convert links to text using JQuery? - javascript

I try to think up function which can replace links to text. Image inside a tag should be moved to the wrapper, the original a should be removed.
var selectors = 'a.mark-video;a.sp5;a>img[alt!=""]'
selectors = selectors.split(";").join(", ");
$(selectors).each(function() {
var current = this;
if (this.nodeName == "IMG") {
current = this.parentNode;
if (current.nodeName != "A")
current = this.parentNode;
if (current.nodeName != "A")
return false;
current = $(current);
var wrapper = current.parent();
var new_context = $().append(current.html());
The problem is
1) that the image is not inserted into the wrapper
2) if it would be inserted it would not have correct position.
I am experimenting using webextensions API (Firefox addon) and I injected the code to site:
In the debugger you can see two wrappers with class="art ". I have removed the first link but image is not inserted. The second one has not been removed yet when debugger was paused after first iteraction.
I hope you can find out why the image is not appended and how to append it to the original position of the element a. I need to find out position of the element a first, and then to move the image into to correct position - that is before
Note: please do not change the selectors string. This is the users input from form field.
Almost there:
if (this.parentNode.nodeName == "A")
$(this).html().replaceWith($(this)); // error: html() result does not have replaceWith...

Is this what you're looking for?
var images = $('a > img');
$.each(images, function(key, image) {
First select all the images that you want to remove the link from, then loop through them and simply replace the parent() with the image.

I have finally solved the problem:
if (this.parentNode.nodeName == "A")
This works similar. Novocaine suggested not to use $(this).html() but this would skip some images so I prefer to use it.


How to determine when an Image DOM has been removed of its firstchild

I am trying to remove an image from a DIV element and re-place that with a different image using the code below but it is not working out for me. Nothing is actually happening.
xmlhttp2.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xmlhttp2.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200){
var json2_obj = JSON.parse(xmlhttp2.responseText);
var img_path = json2_obj.avatar_path;
var img_crop = document.createElement('img');
img_crop.setAttribute('src', img_path);
var hook_img = document.getElementById('cropped_image');
console.log('BEFORE has child: '+ hook_img.hasChildNodes());
// If hook_img has childnodes, remove all.
console.log('has child: '+ hook_img.hasChildNodes());
Using the 'removechild' code only (and not bother with re-appending a replacement child node) I am able to remove the image. However, using both lines of the code results in nothing obervable happening
hook_img has only one child. I am thinking that i need to add an eventListener for the removal of the firstchild before i can add the replacement child, but i do not know what this event would be.
I have tried using a callback function but that has not worked either:
function clearChildNodes(parentNode, childNode, callback){
callback(parentNode, childNode);
function addChildNode(parentNode, childNode){
The problem could be that, there is a non element child as the first child like a text node so try
hook_img.removeChild(hook_img.firstElementChild);//supported in ie 9+

Any way to prevent losing focus when clicking an input text out of tinymce container?

I've made this tinymce fiddle to show what I say.
Highlight text in the editor, then click on the input text, highlight in tinyMCE is lost (obviously).
Now, I know it's not easy since both, the inline editor and the input text are in the same document, thus, the focus is only one. But is there any tinymce way to get like an "unfocused" highlight (gray color) whenever I click in an input text?
I'm saying this because I have a customized color picker, this color picker has an input where you can type in the HEX value, when clicking OK it would execCommand a color change on the selected text, but it looks ugly because the highlight is lost.
I don't want to use an iframe, I know that by using the non-inline editor (iframe) is one of the solutions, but for a few reasons, i can't use an iframe text editor.
Any suggestion here? Thanks.
P.S: Out of topic, does any of you guys know why I can't access to tinymce object in the tinyMCE Fiddle ? looks like the tinyMCE global var was overwritten by the tinymce select dom element of the page itself. I can't execute a tinyMCE command lol.
Another solution:
P.S: Out of topic, does any of you guys know why I can't access to
tinymce object in the tinyMCE Fiddle ? looks like the tinyMCE global
var was overwritten by the tinymce select dom element of the page
itself. I can't execute a tinyMCE command lol.
Well, you can access the tinyMCE variable and even execute commands.
this line is wrong
var colorHex = document.getElementById("colorHex")
colorHex contains input element, not value.
var colorHex = document.getElementById("colorHex").value
now it works ( neolist couldn't load, so I removed it )
I had to do something similar recently.
First off, you can't really have two different elements "selected" simultaneously. So in order to accomplish this you're going to need to mimic the browser's built-in 'selected text highlight'. To do this, you're going to have to insert spans into the text to simulate highlighting, and then capture the mousedown and mouseup events.
Here's a fiddle from StackOverflow user "fullpipe" which illustrates the technique I used.
$(document).ready(function() {
var keylist = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789";
function randWord(length) {
var temp = '';
for (var i=0; i < length; i++)
temp += keylist.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*keylist.length));
return temp;
for(var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
var len = Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 3);
document.body.innerHTML += '<span id="'+ i +'">' + randWord(len) + '</span> ';
var start = null;
var end = null;
$('body').on('mousedown', function(event) {
start = null;
end = null;
start = $(;
$('body').on('mouseup', function(event) {
end = $(;
if(start && end) {
var between = getAllBetween(start,end);
for(var i=0, len=between.length; i<len;i++)
alert('You select ' + (len) + ' words');
function getAllBetween(firstEl,lastEl) {
var firstIdx = $('span').index($(firstEl));
var lastIdx = $('span').index($(lastEl));
if(lastIdx == firstIdx)
return [$(firstEl)];
if(lastIdx > firstIdx) {
var firstElement = $(firstEl);
var lastElement = $(lastEl);
} else {
var lastElement = $(firstEl);
var firstElement = $(lastEl);
var collection = new Array();
var siblingID = $(this).attr("id");
if (siblingID != $(lastElement).attr("id")) {
} else {
return false;
return collection;
As you can see in the fiddle, the gibberish text in the right pane stays highlighted regardless of focus elsewhere on the page.
At that point, you're going to have to apply your color changes to all matching spans.

Check if contents of a DIV is only an Image

I have a div containing initially a loader image tag.
<img src="/images/indicator_big.gif" style="display:block;margin:auto">
I want to check if the DIV contains only the loader image then the function should trigger an Ajax Request.
If i do some thing like div.innerHTML I get it as a string.
What will be the best way to test if the innerHTML is only a loader image?
This method will do what you ask, although I'm not sure the general approach is the best to be honest.
function hasOnlyImg(div) {
if (div.children.length != 1)
return false;
return div.children[0].tagName == "IMG";
You can check how many elements are inside your element
var children = document.querySelector("#yourDiv > *");
if (children.length == 1 && children[0].tagName.toLowerCase() == "img") {
//you only have one child in here, and that's an image
This will be 1 if it only contains your initial image.
Be wary of the browser support, though:
I'm assuming your 'style.display' of that loader image will change? You could just check for that?
function checkDiv(div,func) {
var thisDiv = div;
var imgLink = thisDiv.getElementsByTagName("img");
if (imgLink.length == 1 && imgLink[0].style.display !== "block") {
checkDiv(document.getElementById("mydiv"),function() {
//call ajax code
Or if you still would like to check the number of HTML tags within your div, just do something like:
var allDivTags = mydiv.getElementsByTagName("*");
if (allDivTags.length == 1 && allDivTags.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "img") {
//only 1 html element exists in the div, and it's an image.
//run code
Hope this helps.

jQuery selector to check if an element is animating to hidden

Is there a way to tell if an element is either hidden or is currently in the process of hiding (via an animation)? The only way I can think to do it is to store a flag in the element's data when you call show or hide, but I was wondering if there was another way?
Could you do a custom jQuery selector for it
(function($) {
var endOpacity,
oldStep = jQuery.fx.step.opacity;
$.fx.step.opacity = function( fx ) {
endOpacity = fx.end;
return oldStep(fx);
$.expr[':'].hiding = function(obj){
var $this = $(obj);
return ($':hidden') || ($':animated') && endOpacity === 0));
This worked for me (it may require some more testing though).
So just add :hiding it will match hidden elements, and elements that are currently being animated to 0. It will now only match elements that are disappearing, not appearing.
You get the hidden one with $(":hidden") and then the animating ones with $(":animated") and with the :animated check the .queue() if it has the hide method inside.
You can check if the element is animated like this:
if( !$('.your-element').is(':animated') ) {
// do animation...
} else {
return false;

How are they doing the accordion style dropdown on the following website?

I was taking a look at and I can't figure out how they are doing the accordion style expand and collapse when you click on the orange links. I have been using the Web Developer Toolbar add-on for firefox, but I have not been able to find anything in the source of the page like JavaScript that would be doing the following. If anyone knows how they are doing it, that would be very helpful.
This is actually unrelated, but if all you answers are good, who do I give the answer too?
They're setting the .display CSS property on an internal DIV from 'none' to '', which renders it.
It's a bit tricky, as the JS seems to be in here that's doing it:
But that's basically how everyone does this. It's in there, somewhere.
EDIT: Here it is, it looks like:
//... (bunch of junk)
zf_Features.prototype._entry_onclick = function(e, index)
var cellNode = this.dom().getElementsByTagName("H3")[index].parentNode;
while (cellNode.tagName != "TD") cellNode = cellNode.parentNode;
if (this._current != null) this.dom(this._current).className = "desc";
if ("i" + index != this._current)
cellNode.className = "desc open"; = + "-i" + index;
this._current = "i" + index;
else this._current = null;
return false;
Basically, what they're doing is a really roundabout and confusing way of making the div inside of TD's with a class "desc" change to the class "desc open", which reveals its contents. So it's a really obtuse roundabout way to do the same thing everyone does (that is, handling onclick to change the display property of a hidden div to non-hidden).
lol, while I was trying to format it, others found it too. =) You're faster than I ;)
Using jQuery, this effect can be built very easily:
$('.titleToggle').click(function() {
If you execute this code on loading the page then it will work with any markup that looks like the following:
<span class="titleToggle">Show me</span>
<div style="display:none">This is hidden</div>
Notice that this code will work for any number of elements, so even for a whole table/list full of those items, the JavaScript code does not have to be repeated or adapted in any way. The tag names (here span and div) don't matter either. Use what best suits you.
It is being done with JavaScript.
When you click a link, the parent td's class changes from 'desc' to 'desc open'. Basically, the expanded text is always there but hidden (display: none;). When it gets the css class of 'open' the text is no longer being hidden (display: block;).
If you look in the sitehome.js and sitehome.css file you can get an idea about how they are doing that.
btw I used FireBug to get that info. Even though there is some feature duplication with Web Developer Toolbar it's worth the install.
They're using javascript. You can do it too:
<div id="feature">
Feature Name
<div id="desc" style=="display:none;">
description here...
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle()
var el=document.getElementById('desc');
if ('none')'block'; //show if currently hidden
else'none'; //Hide if currently displayed
The function above can be written using Jquery for smooth fade in/fade out animations when showing/expanding the descriptions. It has also got a SlideUp and Slidedown effect.
There is a lot of obfuscated/minified JS in their master JS include. It looks like they are scraping the DOM looking for H3's and checking for table cells with class desc and then processing the A tags. ( or some other order, possibly ) and then adding the onclick handlers dynamically.
if (this._current != null) this.dom(this._current).className
= "desc"; if ("i" + index != this._current) { cellNode.className = "desc open"; =
+ "-i" + index; this._current = "i" + index; }
The script is here.
The relevant section seems to be (re-layed out):
// This script seems over-complicated... I wouldn't recommend it!
zf_Features.prototype._init = function()
// Get a list of the H3 elements
var nodeList = this.dom().getElementsByTagName("H3");
// For each one...
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++)
// ... set the onclick to be the function below
var onclick = this.eventHandler(this._entry_onclick, i);
// Get the first <a> within the H3 and do the same
var node = nodeList[i].getElementsByTagName("A")[0];
node.href = "#";
node.onclick = onclick;
// And again for the first <span>
node = nodeList[i].getElementsByTagName("SPAN")[0];
node.onclick = onclick;
zf_Features.prototype._entry_onclick = function(e, index)
// Get the parent node of the cell that was clicked on
var cellNode = this.dom().getElementsByTagName("H3")[index].parentNode;
// Keep going up the DOM tree until we find a <td>
while (cellNode.tagName != "TD")
cellNode = cellNode.parentNode;
// Collapse the currently open section if there is one
if (this._current != null)
this.dom(this._current).className = "desc";
if ("i" + index != this._current)
// Open the section we clicked on by changing its class
cellNode.className = "desc open"; = + "-i" + index;
// Record this as the current one so we can close it later
this._current = "i" + index;
this._current = null;
// ???
return false;
Edit: added some comments
Unfortunately their code is in-lined and hard to read (, but this looks quite simple to implement... something along these lines (using prototypejs):
var showHide = {
cachedExpandable: null
,init: function() {
var containers = $$(".container");
for(var i=0, clickable; i<containers.length; i++) {
clickable = containers[i].getElementsByClassName("clickable")[0];
Event.observe(clickable, "click", function(e) {
,doIt: function(container) {
if(this.cachedExpandable) this.cachedExpandable.hide();
var expandable = container.getElementsByClassName("expandable")[0];
if( == "none") {;
} else {
this.cachedExpandable = expandable;
window.onload = function() {
<div class="container">
<div class="clickable">
Storage Space
<div class="expandable" style="display: none;">
Description for storage space
<div class="container">
<div class="clickable">
<div class="expandable" style="display: none;">
Description for galleries
Its also caching the earlier expandable element, so it hides it when you click on a new one.

