Are function-arguments not necessarily objects? - javascript

I'm learning functional programming and node.js, and I came across this odd problem when using Function.prototype.apply and .bind.
function Spy(target, method) {
var obj = {count: 0};
var original = target[method]
target[method] = function (){//no specified arguments
original.apply(this, arguments)//only arguments property passed
return obj;
module.exports = Spy
This code works, it successfully spies on target.method.
//same code here
target[method] = function (args){//args specified
original.apply(this, args)//and passed here
//same code here
This code, however, does not. It gives an error message: TypeError: CreateListFromArrayLike called on non-object.
And then the biggest surprise is, this method works perfectly fine.
//same code here
target[method] = function (args){
original.bind(this, args)
//same code here
So why exactly do I get this error? Is it because function arguments are not necessarily objects? Or is it because apply has a stricter description than bind?

In this version:
target[method] = function (args){//args specified
original.apply(this, args)//and passed here
Here you are not taking all the arguments but just one, named args. Since apply expects an array like object you cannot use args since it is only the first argument passed to the original target.
You can change it to:
target[method] = function (arg){ //only one argument specified
original.apply(this,[arg]) //one argument passed here
Now it works, but you can only spy on one argument functions. Using call would be better since you only have one extra argument:
target[method] = function (arg){ //only one argument specified
obj.count++,arg) //one argument passed here
Now bind is a totally different animal. It partial applies functions, thus return functions. Imagine you need to send a callback that takes no arguments but calls a function with some arguments you have when making it. You see code like:
var self = this;
return function() {
self.method(a, b);
Well. bind does this for you:
return this.method.bind(this, a, b);
When calling either of these returned functions the same happens. The method method is called with the arguments a and b. So calling bind on a function returns a partial applied version of that function and does not call it like call or apply does.

bind is called the same way as call is, even though they do very different things.
If you really wanted to use bind in this way. You could use the spread operator (ES2015) to expand the arguments 'array' to individual arguments:
original.bind(null, ...args);
That will bind the original function with the array values as individual arguments.


In JavaScript, must bound parameters be in the anonymous function parameters?

Consider the code below, which works fine. It is the outcome of some debugging. It appears to work because I have inlcluded selectedRowNum not only in bind but it seems I am also required to include selectedRowNum as a parameter to the anonymous callback that is run by .end
Does this make sense? If I bind a variable, must I also include it as a param to the function I am binding it to?
for (var i = selectedRows.length; i--;) {
var selectedRowNum = selectedRows[i];
console.log('outer selectedRowNum');
var url = urlbase + '/' +[selectedRowNum].id;
.end(function(selectedRowNum, err, res) {
var data =;
data.splice(selectedRowNum, 1);
this.setState({data: data});
}.bind(this, selectedRowNum));
Yes, you need to.
The args values passed to the bind() will be prepended to the called functions param list, so you need to receive it in the target function as arguments.
A simple example will be
function x(p1, p2, p3) {
console.log(p1, p2, p3)
var fn = x.bind(window, 1);
fn(2, 3);
fn('a', 'b');
where we are passing an additional param 1 to the bind and when the binded function is called we are passing 2 and 3, now when we receive it in the method we need to have 3 parameters there.
How else do you expect to reference the bound value that you're trying to pass in?
function(selectedRowNum, err, res) { here selectedRowNum is simply a reference to the first argument that's passed in.
Well, technically the answer is no you don't need to. You could not list it as an argument, and refer to it as arguments[0]
Arguments are not absolutely required to be in the anonymous function declaration because you can access arguments via the arguments object as in arguments[0] and arguments[1].
But it is best to declare them as named arguments because it makes your code easier to read and write. If you don't declare them as named arguments in the anonymous declaration, then there is no symbolic name by which to refer to them and you are forced to use the arguments object to access them.
This is an important aspect of Javascript. Declaring named function arguments in a function declaration (whether anonymous or not) just gives you name by which you can refer to that specific argument. Since having a symbolic name is an important part of creating readable code, it is generally considered a good practice to follow.
When you use .bind() with arguments in addition to just the first argument, you are prepending more arguments to the actual function call. This will shift any other arguments later in the argument list. In order to access the correct argument, the anonymous function declaration must use the variables from the right spot in the argument list. If you don't include the extra variables that are added via .bind(), then your other arguments will be out of position and will have the wrong values.

Code on MDN: how does this IE specific shim for setTimer work?

On MDN's page for setTimer, there is a little shim / compatibility layer for setTimer that will let Internet Explorer accept additional arguments in the setTimer method that will be passed to the callback.
I pretty much understand all of the code below:
if (document.all && !window.setTimeout.isPolyfill) {
var __nativeST__ = window.setTimeout;
window.setTimeout = function (
nDelay /*,
argumentToPass2, etc. */
) {
var aArgs =, 2);
return __nativeST__(vCallback instanceof Function ? function () {
vCallback.apply(null, aArgs);
} : vCallback, nDelay);
window.setTimeout.isPolyfill = true;
Except for one line:
var aArgs =, 2);
It references arguments, but I cannot see that name being referenced anywhere before this line. It is not on the Reserved words list either, so it does not seem to be magic in any way. In order for me to make any sense out of it, it must somehow refer to the arguments of the overridden setTimeout function, and then use slice() to get every argument after the first two.
The object arguments holds all the arguments that were passed to a function including those, that were not named in the function declaration.
Remember, that assuming the following function
function doStuf( param1 ) { /* do something */ }
it is also valid to make such a call
doStuff( 'stuff', 'morestuff', 2, 'evenmorestuff' );
In that case you could reference all parameters using the arguments object.
So in your particular code, the following row
var aArgs =, 2);
copies all arguments passed to the shim-function, but the first two. The first two, however, were explicitly named and are referenced as such (vCallback and nDelay).
MDN documentation
arguments is indeed magic; it's an object very similar to an array that contains the arguments passed to the current function. This object has local scope inside all functions.
Since it is not exactly an array, the pattern is commonly used to extract a number of (or all) the argument values into a real array. In this specific case, aArgs ends up being an array that contains all arguments passed to the setTimeout replacement apart from the first two.
arguments is magic - it's the arguments that were passed to a function, in array form.
See arguments on MDN: "An Array-like object corresponding to the arguments passed to a function [...] available within all functions"

Passing an array of arguments

I'm trying to have a function that is passed a function and calls it with a set of args. For example:
function foo(func, args) {
return func(args);
However, I don't know how many elements might be in args, and func should be able to be an arbitrary function that takes any number of args. How do I deal with this?
Also say I wanted to store the functions passed to foo and only call them if they hadn't been called before.
Can I just do something like:
var calledFuncs = [];
function foo(func, args) {
if(calledFuncs.indexOf(func) === -1) {
return func(args);
Thanks, I'm a bit new to functional programming in JavaScript.
You're looking for func.apply:
the first argument is the context aka this value. You don't want to change this, so pass it through.
the second argument is an array containing the arguments, which can of course be of dynamic length.
So you could do this:
return func.apply(this, args);
You seem to have a fine approach to your second issue (with the func(args) replaced). You may want to store the return value of called functions, though, since foo now returns undefined for any calls except the first.
Use apply:
func.apply(this, args);
apply takes an array of arguments as the second argument.
The first argument to apply will be the value of this in the scope of the function that you are calling. So you can pass in the current this or anything else that you want.
As far as your second question goes, that will only work for named functions. You can use to store the function name in your array:
var calledFuncs = [];
function foo(func, args) {
if(calledFuncs.indexOf( === -1) {
return func(args);
This won't work for anonymous functions and it doesn't work for named functions in IE or Opera. You're going to have to parse it out, perhaps like so:
var name = func.toString().replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/\s*\(.*$/, "").replace(/^\s*function\s+/, "");
As far as your second question goes, you can do what you're doing right now. But I don't think it would work for the following case:
foo(function() {
}, []);
foo(function() {
}, []);
It will call both of those functions.
You want Function.prototype.apply:
Set the context (the first argument) to whatever you want, including null to get the window global (as you would get with your current func(...) invocation.
Although not directly related to your question, see also the related method that allows you to similarly set the context, but pass explicit parameters.

How to get all arguments of a callback function

Very often, I find myself using a callback function and I don't have its documentation handy, and it would be nice to see all of the arguments that are meant to be passed to that callback function.
// callback is a function that I don't know the args for...
// and lets say it was defined to be used like: callback(name, number, value)
something.doSomething( callback );
How can I determine what args its passing into that?
Note: looking at the source code can be unhelpful when the code itself is obfuscated and minified (as many js frameworks are)
To get the list of arguments without breaking functionality, overwrite the callback function in this way:
var original = callback;
callback = function() {
// Do something with arguments:
return original.apply(this, arguments);
The context, this is preserved.
All arguments are correctly passed.
The return value is correctly passed.
NOTE: This method works in most cases. Though there are edge cases where this method will fail, including:
Read-only properties (e.g. defined using Object.defineProperty with writable:false)
Properties that are defined using getters/setters, when the getter/setter is not symmetric.
Host objects and plugin APIs: E.g. Flash and ActiveX.
Could it be as easy as
function callback() {
Every function provides the arguments it has been called with in the automagic arguments collection.
Isn't this sort of the cart leading the horse?
Your function takes a callback. It's the method using your function that should be aware of what arguments the callback should accept.
You can even tell it which function's args to get using [functionName].arguments:
(function(arg1, arg2, agr3){
console.log('args are:', arguments);
return function fn(){
function m(){
'fn.arguments:', fn.arguments,
'm.arguments:', m.arguments,
'argumentsX:', arguments
m('mArg1', 'mArg2', 'mArg3', 'mArg4');
(1, 2, Math.PI) // invoke closure
('fnArg1', 'fnArg2', 'fnArg3', 'fnArg4'); // invoke "fn"
Every function def rewrites the the arguments keyword to be of that scope btw (as seen with the "argumentsX" log).

context to use call and apply in Javascript?

Guys can any one explain context to use call and apply methods in Javascript?
Why to use call and apply instead of calling a function directly ?
You use call or apply when you want to pass a different this value to the function. In essence, this means that you want to execute a function as if it were a method of a particular object. The only difference between the two is that call expects parameters separated by commas, while apply expects parameters in an array.
An example from Mozilla's apply page, where constructors are chained:
function Product(name, price) { = name;
this.price = price;
if (price < 0)
throw RangeError('Cannot create product "' + name + '" with a negative price');
return this;
function Food(name, price) {
Product.apply(this, arguments);
this.category = 'food';
Food.prototype = new Product();
function Toy(name, price) {
Product.apply(this, arguments);
this.category = 'toy';
Toy.prototype = new Product();
var cheese = new Food('feta', 5);
var fun = new Toy('robot', 40);
What Product.apply(this, arguments) does is the following: The Product constructor is applied as a function within each of the Food and Toy constructors, and each of these object instances are being passed as this. Thus, each of Food and Toy now have and this.category properties.
Only if you use call or apply you can modify the this context inside the function.
Unlike other languages - in JavaScript this does not refer to the current object - rather to the execution context and can be set by the caller.
If you call a function using the new keyword this will correctly refer to the new object (inside the constructor function)..
But in all other cases - this will refer to the global object unless set explicitly through call
You use .call() when you want to cause a function to execute with a different this value. It sets the this value as specified, sets the arguments as specified and then calls the function. The difference between .call() and just executing the function is the value of the this pointer when the function executes. When you execute the function normally, javascript decides what the this pointer will be (usually the global context window unless the function is called as a method on an object). When you use .call(), you specify exactly what you want this to be set to.
You use .apply() when the arguments you want to pass to a function are in an array. .apply() can also cause a function to execute with a specific this value. .apply() is most often used when you have an indeterminate number of arguments that are coming from some other source. It is often used too pass the arguments from one function call to another by using the special local variable arguments which contains an array of arguments that were passed to your current function.
I find the MDN references pages for .call() and .apply() helpful.
If you have experience with jQuery, you will know that most functions take use of the this object. For example, collection.each(function() { ... });
Inside this function, "this" refers to the iterator object. This is one possible usage.
I personally have used .apply() for implementing a queue of requests - I push an array of arguments into the queue, and when the time comes for executing it, I take an element, and pass it as the arguments for a handler function using .apply(), thus making the code cleaner then if having to pass an array of arguments as a first argument. That's another example.
In general, just keep in mind that those ways to call a function exist, and you may one day find them convenient to use for implementing your program.
If you have experience with Object Oriented Programming then call and apply will make sense if you compare it with inheritance and override the properties or method/functions of parent class from child class. Which is similar with call in javascript as following:
function foo () {
this.helloworld = "hello from foo"
foo.prototype.print = function () {
foo.prototype.main = function () {
function bar() {
this.helloworld = 'hello from bar'
// declaring print function to override the previous print
bar.prototype.print = function () {
var iamfoo = new foo()
iamfoo.main() // prints: hello from foo bar()) // override print and prints: hello from bar
I can't think of any normal situation where setting the thisArg to something different is the purpose of using apply.
The purpose of apply is to pass an array of value to a function that wants those values as arguments.
It has been superseded in all regular everyday usage by the spread operator.
// Finding the largest number in an array
`Math.max.apply(null, arr)` becomes `Math.max(...arr)`
// Inserting the values of one array at the start of another
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arr1, arr2);
// which becomes
arr1 = [...arr2, ...arr1]

