Node.js callbacks passed into server.on() - javascript

var server = require('http').createServer(app);
server.on('request',function (req, res) {
How can I know which callback, with how many of arguments, should be passed?
I saw some tutorials, and in some cases callbacks have other amounts of args, like: data, err, message, req, res. Is it somewhere in Node.js docs and it depends on first argument passed into .on() function, or it depends on request type coming, or can I modify it in some my own way, or what?

See the docs.
The request event is emitted with two arguments, request an response. Your code is correct.

Related passing callback functions

I am perplexed as to what is happening in this scenario
socket.emit('ferret', 'tobi', function (data) {
console.log(data); // data will be 'woot'
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('ferret', function (name, fn) {
This is from the docs. How does it make any sense that a function is being passed to the server for the callback? How can the server be calling a client function? I am very confused.
It's obvious that you can't directly call a function on the client from the server.
You can easily do this indirectly, though:
When the client sends the ferret message, it stores the given function locally with an ID.
The client sends this ID along with the message to the server.
When the server wants to call the client function, it sends a special message back with the ID and the arguments to the function.
When the client recieves this special message, it can look up the function by its ID and call it.
I do not know if this is exactly what does, but it's reasonable to assume that it's something similar to this.
Edit: Looking at the source code (here and here), this does indeed seem to be pretty much what does.
The third argument to the emit method accepts a callback that will be passed to the server so that you can call in acknowledgement with any data you wish. It's actually really convenient and saves the effort of having paired call-response events.
Acknowledge is the way to get a response corresponding to a sent message. The following is a code snippet for server-side.
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('echo', function(data, callback) {

How to call a function at start in Node-Express, with dbconnection

I'm a little bit newbie with Nodejs. I'm working in a Nodejs - express solution (as webservice of an angularjs web). I want to send and e-mail when MSSSQL database query gives back some information. This is working well for me. The problem is this function should be call in the app.js (when the nodejs server starts), because the function don't should respond to any frontend/web call.
The function:
exports.sendMailBuy = function(req, res) {
//do stuff
The app.js
var silkcartCtrl = require('./controllers/silkcart.controller');
I need to connect with the database, so I've tried to call the funciont in the same function db connection (I'm using Tedious):
dbsqlservertoken.connect().then(function(err, req, res) {
console.log('Connection pool open for sql server');
silkcartCtrl.sendMailBuy(req, res);
}).catch(function(err) {
console.error('Error creating connection pool', err);
With this call I reach the function in the controller, but the req and res vars are empty, so the connection could not be done.
Any help will be appreciate.
Thanks in advance.
The .then() method is used when a Promise is returned. I'm not familiar with the libraries you're using, but your code indicates that connect() returns a Promise.
See Promises for more information.
In particular, the function passed to .then() takes a single argument which is the result resolved by the Promise. In your code, err is being assigned the result while req and res are undefined because the function only receives one argument.
req, res are not returned from connect callback function they are only acccessed using api requests e.g.'/any route' , function(req, res))
You can use node_mailer module if you need req object to send email because with node_mailer you can send email without req object

Why modify request after

Newbie question while trying to understand code created by others. Believe me I tried to understand this. Here goes..
For what reason would someone still call functions like .qs() and .json() in Request - module after we got what we need with .post() and sent the response already. They can't affect the as they are called afterwards, can they?
With my skills I'm not able to understand from response module API docs (v2.22.0) what these actually do.
This is not the whole code but I tried to get the important parts here:
// When request comes to /getthisapge, make external query and return data in JSON format.
var request = require('request');
module.exports = function(app) {
app.get('/getthispage', function(req, res, next) {
var filter = {};
var query = {};
filter.category = req.query.category;
query.onBehalf = req.query.onBehalf;, function(error, response, body) {
Without knowing exactly what the post function does (unnecessary to your question), you need to look at the order of execution., function (error, response, body){
.qs(query) // ?
.json(filter); // ?
The function passed into post() does not get called at that specific moment. It is given to the post() function to do with as it pleases. This means technically that the function may never be called (depends on the api).
qs() and json() both get called upon the returning of the prior function. Usually this type of api means the following:
call post(), passing in a function to be run on completion
call qs() to setup the query details
call json() to tell the post function how to act, which in turn executes the actual post, running the completion function after data has been retrieved.

Dangling callbacks: return response before every callback has returned

Question: Would you consider dangling callbacks as bad node.js style or even dangerous? If so under which premise?
Case: as described below, imagine you need to make calls to a DB in an express server that updates some data. Yet the client doesn't need to be informed about the result. In this case you could return a response immediately, not waiting for the asynchronous call to complete. This would be described as dangling callback for lack of a better name.
Why is this interesting?: Because tutorials and documentation in most cases show the case of waiting, in worst cases teaching callback hell. Recall your first experiences with say express, mongodb and passport.
'use strict'
const assert = require('assert')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
function longOperation (value, cb) {
// might fail and: return cb(err)
setTimeout(() => {
// after some time invokes the callback
return cb(null, value)
}, 4000)
app.get('/ping', function (req, res) {
// do some declartions here
// do some request processesing here
// call a long op, such as a DB call here.
// however the client does not need to be
// informed about the result of the operation
longOperation(1, (err, val) => {
assert(val === 1)
console.log('...fired callback here though')
console.log('sending response here...')
return res.send('Hello!')
let server = app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Starting test:')
Yeah, this is basically what called a "fire and forget" service in other contexts, and could also be the first step in a good design implementing command-query response separation.
I don't consider it a "dangling callback", the response in this case acknowledges that the request was received. Your best bet here would be to make sure your response includes some kind of hypermedia that lets clients get the status of their request later, and if it's an error they can fix have the content at the new resource URL tell them how.
Think of it in the case of a user registration workflow where the user has to be approved by an admin, or has to confirm their email before getting access.

cannot understand what callback does in a Connect module

I am reading a book about NodeJs Connect. There is this small part about basicAuth module. I know that basicAuth is now deprecated, but I cannot understand this simple code. The book says
Providing an asynchronous callback function
The final option is similar, except this time a callback is passed to
basicAuth() with three arguments defined, which enables the use of
asynchronous lookups. This is useful when authenticating from a file
on disk, or when querying from a database.
Listing 7.7. A Connect basicAuth middleware component doing
asynchronous lookups
And no other information. Thats the whole part about having a callback in the basicAuth
So, code gets the username and the password. Then hypothetical object User has a method authendicate that checks if this user actually exists. And when its finished, calls the gotUser function. gotUser contains either a returned error (=no user found with that username/password) or a returned user object (a user found with that username/password). Am I right?
gotUser checks if there is an error. If there is, returns and calls callback with an error argument. So wait, what will callback do at this point? Its not defined anywhere. Will it pass the error to an error handler function? And how?
If there is not an error, gotUser calls callback again with null(= no error) and user. Once again, what will callback do? Why pass the returned user to the callback and not grab its name, mail, age etc etc and use them on a session or fill the innerHTML of a tag or whatever?
So wait, what will callback do at this point? Its not defined anywhere.
The value of callback is defined by the basicAuth middleware.
You can find its definition within the basic-auth-connect module, used by connect, in the module's index.js:
callback(user, pass, function(err, user){
if (err || !user) return unauthorized(res, realm);
req.user = req.remoteUser = user;
When gotUser() invokes callback(...), it's call the function(err, user){...} from the above snippet, passing the err and/or user along to be used.
And, how they're used, in the two scenarios you were wondering about...
gotUser checks if there is an error. If there is, returns and calls callback with an error argument. So wait, what will callback do at this point?
If there is not an error, gotUser calls callback again with null(= no error) and user. Once again, what will callback do?
The if (err || !user) condition will pass for both (one has an error, the other is lacking a user). It then considers the request unauthorized and will end the response immediately.
function unauthorized(res, realm) {
res.statusCode = 401;
res.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="' + realm + '"');
Why pass the returned user to the callback and not grab its name, mail, age etc etc and use them on a session or fill the innerHTML of a tag or whatever?
The middleware is applying separation of concerns, keeping itself as small and concise as possible. It's goal is just to determine a req.user and validate it.
When it's done that successfully, other middleware in the application's queue will be able to reference the user that was found. This can includes using it to render markup from a view:
// determine the user
// now make use of it
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
viewEngine.render('view', { user: req.user }, function (err, result) {
if (err) return next(err);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
Note: This is generalized and won't run as-is. You'll need to find and setup a view engine of your choice and substitute that into the snippet.
Also, side note on...
fill the innerHTML of a tag
Though Node.js is executing JavaScript, it's doing so within its own environment, completely detached from any browsers. It's not possible to interact directly with the DOM currently seen by the user.
There are a couple of different things going on. For one, app.use expect a function that will be called with req, res, and next. When you run connect.basicAuth, it runs this method.
Since this is a middleware method, this method will run every time a route that was defined after this method is hit.
The second thing that is going on is connect.basicAuth is a function that will be called with username, password, and a callback method. Callback is something that connect.basicAuth provides.
If you return callback(err), it will send a 401 Not Authorized back to the client. If you return callback(null, user), it will continue until either the next middleware function, or the appropriate route.

