ng-options result in two separate divs - javascript

I have a select using ng-options to serve up results. I can get it produce one of the json elements to a div, but i cannot seem to get it to do it for another. What am I missing?
HTML Code:
<table class="table">
<td class="select_container">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="selectedOption_1" ng-options="select_array.value as select_array.displayName for select_array in select_array"></select>
<td colspan="2">{{selectedOption_1}}</td>
<td colspan="3">{{selectedOption_1}}</td>
Angular Code:
$scope.select_array = [
{value: '1', region:'London', displayName: 'display_1'},
{value: '2', region:'London', displayName: 'display_2'},
{value: '3', region:'London', displayName: 'display_3'},
$scope.selectedOption_1 = '123,285';
So what I would like to have happen, is when you select an option, have it populate value in the first div, and region in the second. And have that data change based on which option you select. Thank you in advance for any advice.

Try this, You will to have map your entire object as a value of an option.
<table class="table">
<td class="select_container">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="selectedOption_1" ng-options="select_array as select_array.displayName for select_array in select_array"></select>
<td colspan="2">{{selectedOption_1.value}}</td>
<td colspan="3">{{selectedOption_1.region}}</td>


angularjs: show a dropdown list on tablecell onclick event

i want to replace table cell value with a dropdownlist when i click on tablecell in angularjs.
so if i click 7114 it should change to a dropdownlist containing all VDN numbers
HTML table:
<table class="table table-striped">
<tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in responseData | groupBy: 'NameEn'">
<table class="table table-bordered">
<tr ng-repeat="responses in value">
<td ng-click="editVDN()">
$scope.editVDN = function () {
alert("populate dropdownlist");
Dropdownlist will be populated using response from an api. if anyone can help i will be very thankful.
Change {{responses.vdnnum}} to <div ng-bind-html="responses.vdnnum"></div>
responses.vdnnum should have the html string constructed.
Something like $scope.responses.vdnnum = '<select><option>First</option></select>';
The code should like this finally alongwith ng-bind-html:
$scope.editVdn = function () {
$scope.responses.vdnnum = '<select><option>First</option></select>
So i found a solution i thought it might be helpful for someone else. following is the code which i have coded to resolve the issue.
<td ng-click="mode = 'edit'">
<span ng-show="mode == edit">{{responses.vdnnum}}</span>
<select ng-show="mode != edit" ng-options="option.vdnname for option in responseData track by"
ng-model="selectedOption" ng-change="selectedItemChanged(selectedOption)" class="form-control selcls" style="width:250px;">
<option value="" disabled selected>--Select--</option>

How to display data inside table by ng-repeat using Angular.js

I need one help i need to display data inside table using Angular.js.I am explaining my code below.
{'date':'2016-01-25 18:14:00','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':1,'order_id':1111},
{'date':'2016-02-04 11:26:05','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':0,'order_id':2222}
{'date':'2016-01-23 13:15:59','name':'rahul','email':'','order_status':1,'order_id':3333},
{'date':'2016-01-25 18:14:00','name':'rahul','email':'','order_status':0,'order_id':4444}
my html table is given below.
<div class="table-responsive dashboard-demo-table">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover" id="dataTable" >
<td rowspan="2">Date</td>
<td rowspan="2">Name</td>
<td rowspan="2">Email</td>
<td colspan="7">Order</td>
<td>Order Id</td>
<td>Order status</td>
expected output result.
date name email order
order_id order_status
2016-01-25 raj 1111 1
to 2016-02-04 2222 0
The above table is for serial no-1 again for sl no-2 the data will display accordingly.
Here i need suppose 0th index of $scope.listOfData has two set of data some field value like name,email are same so these two sate of data will join and it will display in 1st index of the table.Here date column will contain lower date to higher date like(from date to todate),name and email filed will contain the value one but here different is for order column order_id and order_status is different for each set of data of 0th index from $scope.listOfData so these will again move in a another loop.Please help me.
The following may help you
<div ng-repeat="data in listOfData">
<!--<Do whatever you need here with, etc...>-->
<!--You can keep your table here.-->
<tr ng-repeat="data in listOfData">
PS for header you can use a <thead> tag
Edit :
{'date':'2016-01-25 18:14:00','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':1,'order_id':1111},
{'date':'2016-02-04 11:26:05','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':0,'order_id':2222}
You can't with your json format like this, flatten it in a one level array with even index containing "from" and odd containing "to" datas then do the following
<tr ng-repeat="data in listOfData">
<td ng-if="$index %2==0">{{}}</td>
<td ng-if="$index %2==1">To {{}}</td>
EDIT : can't really make a plunker, here is what by flatten I mean transform this
{'date':'2016-01-25 18:14:00','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':1,'order_id':1111},
{'date':'2016-02-04 11:26:05','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':0,'order_id':2222}
{'date':'2016-01-23 13:15:59','name':'rahul','email':'','order_status':1,'order_id':3333},
{'date':'2016-01-25 18:14:00','name':'rahul','email':'','order_status':0,'order_id':4444}
Into this :
{'date':'2016-01-25 18:14:00','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':1,'order_id':1111},
{'date':'2016-02-04 11:26:05','name':'raj','email':'','order_status':0,'order_id':2222},
{'date':'2016-01-23 13:15:59','name':'rahul','email':'','order_status':1,'order_id':3333},
{'date':'2016-01-25 18:14:00','name':'rahul','email':'','order_status':0,'order_id':4444}
So your "from" lines will have even index (0,2,4...) and your "to" lines will have the odds ones (1,3,5,...).
Using $index you can now built properly your lines : $index is given by ng-repeat. ng-if is a directive that won't build the dom element if the condition is not true.
So this
<td ng-if="$index %2==0">{{}}</td>
<td ng-if="$index %2==1">To {{}}</td>
Will always build only one <td> element.

How to get checkboxes to initialize based on model?

I am writing my first non-tutorial angular.js web app. I am using two smart-tables and checklist-model. Here is the first one that uses a st-safe-src of all_types that is an array of json objects that look like this ...
"_id": "56417a9603aba26400fcdb6a",
"type": "Beer",
"__v": 0
"_id": "56456140cb5c3e8f004f4c49",
"type": "Skiing",
"__v": 0
Here is the html for the table I use to display this data:
<table st-table="displayedCollection" st-safe-src="all_types" class="table table-striped">
<th st-sort="type">Types</th>
<tr ng-repeat="x in displayedCollection">
<td><input type="checkbox" checklist-model="vendor.types" checklist-value="x.type">{{x.type}}</td>
<tr><td>id ({{curid}}) {{vendor.types}}</td></tr>
<td colspan="5" class="text-center">
<div st-pagination="" st-items-by-page="itemsByPage" st-displayed-pages="7"></div>
This table looks like this when I load data into it. The checkboxes get checked to match the data from my model.
But when I try to do the same thing in a second smart table with more complete json objects that look like this ...
"_id": "569f047dd90a7874025b344e",
"product_title": "Plugs",
"product_img_001": "p001.jpg",
"product_img_002": "p002.jpg",
"product_vid_001": "",
"__v": 0,
"product_sizes": [
"product_types": [
"Running Shoe"
"_id": "569f3958b108a7d70201b89a",
"product_title": "Back Scratcher",
"product_img_001": "http://itchy.png",
"product_img_002": "http://relief-at-last.png",
"product_vid_001": "my-itch",
"__v": 0,
"product_sizes": [
"product_types": [
Here's the html I am using to display this data in a smart table:
<table st-table="prodCollection" st-safe-src="all_products" class="table table-striped">
<th st-sort="type">Products</th>
<tr ng-repeat="x in prodCollection">
<td><input type="checkbox" checklist-model="vendor.products" checklist-value="x">{{x.product_title}}</td>
<td colspan="5" class="text-center">
<div st-pagination="" st-items-by-page="itemsByPage" st-displayed-pages="7"></div>
This table looks like this when I load data into it:
I had hoped that the checkbox would be checked, but they do not get checked.
If make this change ...
<td><input type="checkbox" checklist-model="vendor.products" checklist-value="x.product_title">{{x.product_title}}</td>
... the correct checkboxes get checked but just the product's title will be posted. What do I need to do to get the checkboxs to display checked and be able to post the whole product data?
I have added a plunker example:
You can use as checklist-value the id instead of the Object as say section on doc Array of objects (pick id)
<input type="checkbox" checklist-model="vendor.products" checklist-value="x._id">
Or if you need use the Object as selected products (checklist-value="x") you need use checklist-comparator because in your plunker the selected array and full product list don't have the same references. The comparator must match the equal objects by _id. Try this
<input type="checkbox" checklist-comparator="._id" checklist-model="vendor.products" checklist-value="prod" />
There is an option called ng-true-value="1". This will check with the values of the ng-model. It will work like if(ng-model(Name) == 1). Try this out.
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_demo_4" id="checkbox_demo_4"
In this, 1 is the true value that I stored in the DB. So it is checking automatically if the ng-model value contains 1.
All the best.
After reading carefully your question, and supossing that you want the same behaviour as the first smart table, the problem I think you had can be solved by
setting the product_title as the checklist-value of the input field, something like this :
<input type="checkbox" checklist-model="vendor.products" checklist-value="prod.product_title" />
Here the plunkr associated

Angular JS object as ng-model attribute name

I'm creating a dynamic angular js application wherein I want to use a textbox as a searchtext for the filter of a table. Here's a preview on what I am doing:
As of now, my code looks like this
<tr class="filterrow">
<td data-ng-repeat="col in items.Properties">
<input id="{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}" type="text"
<!-- Above Here I want to dynamically assign the ng-model based on Databasecolumnname property-->
<th data-ng-repeat="col in items.Properties">{{col.ColumnTitle}}</th>
<tr data-ng-repeat="content in items2.Contents | filter: search_{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}: search_{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}">
<td data-ng-repeat="col in items.Properties">
{{content[col.Databasecolumnname ]}}
I already tried the approach of using $compile but I wasn't able to implement it. Any ideas in an approach? Thanks!
EDIT: Plnkr -
You can do this by setting a base object for your ng-Models. So in your controller you will have:-
$ = {};
and in your view do:-
<input ng-attr-id="{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}" type="text"
With this your dynamic ng-model will be assigned to the search base object, ex:- if col.DatabaseColumnName is col1 then ngModel would be $

How to format table dynamically within ng-repeat in AngularJS

I have a list of items of different types and I would like to display them in a table.
The items of one type will have two columns and items of another type just one. Any suggestions how to change conditionally the colspan on the <> tag on fly?
<div ng-init="items = [
{name:'item1', old:1, new:2},
{name:'item2', old:2, new:2},
{name:'item3', msg: 'message'},
{name:'item4', old:0, new:2}
<table border=1>
<tr ng-repeat="item in items" >
<td colspan='2'>{{item.msg}}</td>
Here is the example to play in jsfiddle:
You can use conditional directives, such as ng-show, to do something like this:
<table border=1>
<tr ng-repeat="item in items" >
<td colspan="2" ng-show="item.type == 'typeA'">{{item.msg}}</td>
<td ng-show="item.type == 'typeB'">{{item.msgB1}}</td>
<td ng-show="item.type == 'typeB'">{{item.msgB2}}</td>
More info about ng-show:
ngShow directive

