Google People API get contacts emails - javascript

I need to get contacts emails with Google People API, but can't find a way to do it in docs. Currently I'm making the following request:
function (error, response, body) {
And getting the following responce (I pin only the part of it, for example):
"resourceName": "people/c1705421824339784415",
"etag": "328OLZwdaiQ=",
"metadata": {
"sources": [
"type": "CONTACT",
"id": "17aae01d0ff8b2df",
"etag": "#328OLZwdaiQ="
"objectType": "PERSON"
"names": [
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"type": "CONTACT",
"id": "17aae01d0ff8b2df"
"displayName": "testGoogleContact",
"givenName": "testGoogleContact",
"displayNameLastFirst": "testGoogleContact"

To achieve this you need to use the Google Plus API: This is what I found on the Google Plus API Documentation page:
You can get an email address for the authenticated user by using the
email scope.
The following JavaScript code example demonstrates how to:
Use Google+ Sign-In to authenticate the user and get a valid OAuth 2.0
access token.
Use the token to make an HTTP GET request to the
REST endpoint. Parse the response and display the user's email
The JSON should like something like this:
{"kind":"plus#person","etag":"\"xw0en60W6-NurXn4VBU-CMjSPEw/mjjYoraGfq3Wi-8Nee4F3k7GYrs\"","emails":[{"value":"**EMAIL**","type":"account"}],"objectType":"person","id":"Person ID","displayName":"FULL NAME","name":{"familyName":"LAST NAME","givenName":"NAME"},"url":"","image":{"url":"","isDefault":false},"placesLived":[{"value":"CITY","primary":true}],"isPlusUser":true,"verified":false,"cover":{"layout":"banner","coverPhoto":{"url":",00002778ffffffff","height":626,"width":940},"coverInfo":{"topImageOffset":0,"leftImageOffset":0}},"result":{"kind":"plus#person","etag":"\"xw0en60W6-NurXn4VBU-CMjSPEw/mjjYoraGfq3Wi-8Nee4F3k7GYrs\"","emails":[{"value":"**EMAIL HERE**","type":"account"}],"objectType":"person","id":"116508277095473789406","displayName":"FULL NAME","name":{"familyName":"LAST NAME","givenName":"NAME"},"url":"","image":{"url":"","isDefault":false},"placesLived":[{"value":"CITY I LIVE","primary":true}],"isPlusUser":true,"verified":false,"cover":{"layout":"banner","coverPhoto":{"url":",00002778ffffffff","height":626,"width":940},"coverInfo":{"topImageOffset":0,"leftImageOffset":0}}}}
Source: Google Plus API documentation

In case anyone else comes across this question: the solution to retrieving the email addresses of an authorized user's contacts, what the OP seems to want (not the authorized user's own email address) is at Why can't I retrieve emails addresses and phone numbers with Google People API?.
Explanation: If you look at the section under "Query Parameters" on, you'll see that requestMask is a parameter (documented at
It says that you'll need to include the requestMask parameter in your query, because you're doing a people.list query (i.e. using the connections GET endpoint). The requestMask parameter basically tells the API what fields to pull: person.emailAddresses tells it to pull the peoples' email addresses, person.emailAddresses,person.names tells it to pull their email addresses and names, etc.

Try this and it will give you the emails. Make sure your contacts has emails.

You can get the profile emails from the Google People API, by making a request to
If you want non public emails, you will need to request the email or scope as specified in


Matching Mailgun Webhook response event to Mailinglist E-mail

So I am using Mailgun API to send E-mails and recently started using their mailing list feature as well.
When I send to the mailing list for instance:
It returns a single message Id.
However when I receive the webhook responses that messageId is not contained within the data, it gives the message ID pertaining to the individual address mail sent by server. (So if i send an e-mail to which contains 100 addresses, I will receive notifications with 100 different message ID's.
I could potentially match it up by subject, but that doesn't seem right.. What is the correct way to match the event to the mailing list email?
I was able to solve this by generating a random tag when sending the email and including it in the data.
Every MailGun Event that you will receive will have message ID in it. Usually it may be found under message.headers.message-id. For instance, your event may look like this
"id": "ABC123...",
"message": {
"headers": {
"to": "",
"message-id": "",
"from": "",
"subject": "Test email"
"attachments": [],
"size": 29123
"event": "accepted"

Commenting in real time using getstream

I'm working with the js/node api of getstream and I'm trying to add a realtime feature to the comments on the activities, but I'm receiving a 403 error, displaying I dont have permission.
I've tried using targetFeeds: '[timeline:userid]' but it wrecks the application.
Also I tried to use the notification feed as in the documents is being used, and I can set targetFeeds like this: '[notification:userid]' which obviously is not the desired thing to do because this will cause that every message on different activities of this user will be shown on the callback.
client.reactions.add("comment", activityId, {
"text": newComment,
"profileImage": '',
"timestamp": date,
"from": userId,
"id": foreignId,
{targetFeeds: [`CommentsFeed:${activityId}`]});
And the response of the 403 is the next one:
code: 17
detail: "You don't have permission to do this"
duration: "0.18ms"
exception: "NotAllowedException"
status_code: 403
The expected result is not having the 403, that will trigger the callback I implemented.
The default permission settings allow users to only write activities to their own feeds; in this case you are adding an activity to CommentsFeed:${activityId}.
You can request support ( to whitelist this for you app(s). Just make sure to mention this case and include your applications.

Google Developer OAuth Consent: The supplied API key is not configured for use from this referrer

I'm trying to play around a little bit with the Google Calendar API but I can't create a OAuth ID ( as mentioned in this example: Google Calendar JS API.
I created a project, clicked Cerdentials and if you try to create an OAutho-client-Id you will be forwarded to the configure consent tab.
Here you have to enter your email address (is standard google account) and a project name. Then pressing save leads to an error:
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "The supplied API key is not configured for use from this referrer.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"links": [
"description": "Google developer console API key",
"url": ""
The URL metioned in this JSON I can't access (no rights).
What can I do to get a simple oAuth ID?
Tried with several new projects, other naming of the consent projet name.
Also tried to create an API key which can be referred by all clients (empty field).
Any ideas anybody?

Share private Google calendar via api

I am trying to access a calendar hosted on google via my node application however I am unable to query it via the given api due to my calendar needing authorisation.
How would I go about disabling this/making the calendar accessible to my application?
Here is my api query:
And this is the response:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Login Required",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Login Required"
If you check the documentation Calendars: get for example: you will notice it states
Requires authorization
Now normally if you set something to public you will be able to retrieve it using a public API key. I took one of my test calendars set it to public then tried to retrieve it using a public API key. (both key and calendar name have been changed)
results are
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Login Required",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Login Required"
Conclusion: You must be authenticated to retrieve data. Either using OAuth2 or a service account. Normally I would suggest you use a service account and grant it access to the Calendar in question. I would not use a service account with JavaScript due to security issues, so I cant help you with that.
Answer to your question you must be authenticated to see a calendar. there is no way around that.
You can easily do this actually (no Oauth required).
The piece of magic is to create a developer key in the developer console (in the APIs & Auth -> Credentials -> Public Access Key -> Key for server app)
Make sure to have the calendar API enabled in the console again (APIs & Auth -> Apis)
I've just successfully retrieved your calendar that way.

Chrome App, getting logged in user's email address

I have searched tutorials like, but I cannot see how I can retrieve a user's email address logged in chrome. I can only get a token for the chrome.identity api
so the example code for getting the token works
chrome.identity.getAuthToken({'interactive': true}, function(token) {
console.log('user token: ' + token);
but from here how do I get the email.
Note: this is for an app not an extension, thus context_script did not work in my manifest from auth example. Also chrome.identity.getProfileUserInfo is for the beta version 37, I tried it also but enail was empty.
I am out of options, but i know there is a way to get the email.
Haha to answer my own question.
Short answer: you have to just add the scope of email in manifest file
Long answer: I had to use the google plus api. Google has deprecated OpenID 2.0 and now using Google Plus sign in and api according to
So I mentioned above that I was not getting the email address on the call to Google Plus using xhr method = "GET, url='h t tps://'. So the response was only showing basic things like name, gender, image etc, but no email. In order to get the email, you must add an email token in the manifest file as in the example
"permissions": ["identity",
"oauth2": {
// client_id below is specifc to the application key. Follow the
// documentation to obtain one for your app.
"client_id": xyz,
"scopes": ["",
""] **<-this one**
Now in your response when ypou call xhr method = "GET, url='h t t ps://', you will get basic user info plus the email
As an update, here it is a simpler way to get the email:
you have to add both "identity" and "" to the permissions section on the manifest file.
with that, using getProfileUserInfo should do the trick:
chrome.identity.getAuthToken({'interactive': true}, function(token) {

