How to implement a general set randomizer? - javascript

Let us suppose that I intend to implement a randomization functionality, like this:
function Randomizer() {
//Get random member name of object
Object.prototype.getRandomKey = function() {
var keys = Object.keys(this);
return keys[Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length)];
//Get random member value of object
Object.prototype.getRandomElement = function() {
return this[this.getRandomKey()];
//Get random index of array
Array.prototype.getRandomKey = function() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length);
//Get random element of array
Array.prototype.getRandomElement = function() {
return this[this.getRandomKey()];
//Get random return key of function result
Function.prototype.getRandomKey = function() {
var result = this.apply(this, arguments);
return result && result.getRandomKey();
//Get random return member of function result
Function.prototype.getRandomElement = function() {
var result = this.apply(this, arguments);
return result && result.getRandomElement(result.getRandomKey());
//Get random element name of what if supported
Randomizer.getRandomKey = function(what) {
if ((!what) || (["undefined", "number", "boolean"].indexOf(typeof what) >= 0)) {
} else if (typeof what !== "function") {
return what.getRandomKey(arguments);
} else {
return Randomizer.getRandomKey(what.apply(this, arguments));
//Get random element value of what if supported
Randomizer.getRandomElement = function(what) {
if ((!what) || (["undefined", "number", "boolean"].indexOf(typeof what) >= 0)) {
} else if (typeof what !== "function") {
return what.getRandomElement(arguments);
} else {
return Randomizer.getRandomElement(what.apply(this, arguments));
This is how I initialize it
Usage example
function lorem(b, a) {
return a.substring(1);
Randomizer.getRandomElement(lorem, "abcde");
My question is as follows: How can I modify Randomizer.getRandomKey and Randomizer.getRandomElement so that I can avoid defining a b parameter in lorem which essentially is the lorem object itself at the getRandomElement call? Can I do something with the arguments object before calling apply to get rid of its very first element and pass the arguments after that?

Can I do something with the arguments object before calling apply to get rid of its very first element and pass the arguments after that?
Yes, slice does that:
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
….apply(this,, 1))

An alternative to Array.prototype.slice is using ES6 rest parameters:
Function.prototype.getRandomKey = function(ignoreFirstArg, ...args) {
var result = this.apply(this, args);
// ...


Rxjs observing object updates and changes

I am currently trying to observe any changes to a given object including all of it's elements.
The following code only fires when an object[x] is updates, but not if individually updating object[x]'s elements such as object[x][y]
var elem = document.getElementById("test1");
var log = function(x) {
elem.innerHTML += x + "<br/><br/><br/>";
var a = [{a:1,b:2},
var source = Rx.Observable
.map(function(x) {
return JSON.stringify(x);
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {log(x);},
function (err) {log(err);},
function () {log('Completed');}
a[0] = a[1];
This code runs and fires correctly.
however. if I instead to this
a[0]['a'] = 3;
Then nothing happens.
A better way to phrase this, how can I observe changes from an array of objects?
If you want only the nested object changes:
var source = rx.Observable.from(a).flatMap(function(item) {
return rx.Observable.ofObjectChanges(item);
If you also want changes like a[0] = a[1]:
var source = rx.Observable.merge(
rx.Observable.from(a).flatMap(function(item) {
return rx.Observable.ofObjectChanges(item);
The flatMap or selectMany (they are the same function) will allow you to iterate over a value and execute a function that returns an Observable. The values from all these Observables are "flattened" onto a new stream that is returned.
Perhaps something like this by merging two Observables (one for the array and the other observing the elements of the array):
var a = [
var source1 = Rx.Observable.ofArrayChanges(a).map(function(x) {
return JSON.stringify(x);
var source2 = Rx.Observable
.fromArray(, i) { return [o, i]; }))
.flatMap(function(oi) {
return Rx.Observable.ofObjectChanges(oi[0])
.map(function(x) {
var y = {
type: x.type,
object: x.object,
oldValue: x.oldValue,
arrayIndex: oi[1] // pass the index of the member that changed
return JSON.stringify(y);
source = source1.merge(source2)
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {log(x);},
function (err) {log(err);},
function () {log('Completed');}
a[0] = a[1]
a[1]['b'] = 7
Thanks to #electrichead here we're not using concatMap because the sources that we made by ofObjectChanges and ofArrayChanges never complete.
Here's a working example of Rx.Observable.ofNestedObjectChanges simple implementation, you can get the gist of it and implement you own.,console
Rx.Observable.ofNestedObjectChanges = function(obj) {
if (obj == null) { throw new TypeError('object must not be null or undefined.'); }
if (typeof Object.observe !== 'function' && typeof Object.unobserve !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Object.observe is not supported on your platform') }
return new Rx.AnonymousObservable(function(observer) {
function observerFn(changes) {
for(var i = 0, len = changes.length; i < len; i++) {
Object.observe(obj, observerFn);
//Recursive observers hooks - same observerFn
traverseObjectTree(obj, observerFn);
function traverseObjectTree(element, observerFn){
for(var i=0;i<Object.keys(element).length;i++){
var myObj = element[Object.keys(element)[i]];
if(typeof myObj === "object"){
Object.observe(myObj, observerFn);
return function () {
Object.unobserve(obj, observerFn);
var json = {
element : {
name : "Yocto",
job : {
title: "Designer"
element1: {
name : "Mokto"
json.element.job.title = "A Great Designer";
var source = Rx.Observable.ofNestedObjectChanges(json);
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {
function (err) {
console.log('Error: %s', err);
function () {
}); = "Candy Joe";

Writing a function to set some but not necessarily all parameters in another function

I had a coding interview test that asked the following question which I was not able to fully solve. I'm wondering the best way to do this following my approach -- also sorry this is long.
You are given a function to read in like this (not necessarily 2 parameters):
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
The objective is to create a function to initialize some of those variables and again call the function to perform the calculation like, function setParam(func, params). To use this you would do the following:
_add = setParam(add, {b:9})
_add(10) // should return 19
My solution was to parse the function to see how many parameters there are, then set them using the given parameters but since I barely know javascript I was never able to actually return a function with only some variables set and others still undefined.
(attempt at solution)
function setParam(func, params) {
// varray is an array of the the varriables from the function, func
// ie varray = [a,b] in this test
var varray = /function[^\(]*\(([^\)]*)\)/.exec(func.toString())[1].split(',');
//creates an array, paramset, that has the variables in func defined
//where possible
// ex paramset = [a,9] if only b was set
var paramsset = []
for (i = 0; i < varray.length; i++) {
if (typeof(params[varray[i]]) == "undefined"){
paramsset[i] = varray[i];
} else {
paramsset[i] = params[varray[i]];
// need to modify existing function and return with added parameters
// where I'm stuck as this doesn't work.
newfunc = (function(){
var _func = func;
return function() {
return _func.apply(this, paramsset);
I'm sure I'm not doing this the correct way, but any help would be appreciated.
I'm certainly not advocating to go towards that solution, but I still implemented something to follow your initial's API design for fun. The signatures weak map is necessary in order to preserve the initial function's signature so that we can call setParams again on partially applied functions.
var setParams = (function () {
var signatures = new WeakMap();
return function (fn, paramsToApply) {
var signature = signatureOf(fn), newFn;
validateParams(paramsToApply, signature.params);
newFn = function () {
var params = appliedParamsFrom(arguments, paramsToApply, signature.indexes);
return fn.apply(this, params);
signatures.set(newFn, signature);
return newFn;
function signatureOf(fn) {
return signatures.has(fn)?
signatures.get(fn) :
function parseSignatureOf(fn) {
return String(fn)
.replace(/\s+/g, '')
.reduce(function (r, param, index) {
r.indexes[param] = index;
return r;
}, { indexes: {}, params: [] });
function validateParams(paramsToApply, actualParams) {
Object.keys(paramsToApply).forEach(function (param) {
if (actualParams.indexOf(param) == -1) throw new Error("parameter '" + param + "' could not be found in the function's signature which is: 'function (" + actualParams + ")'");
function appliedParamsFrom(args, paramsToApply, paramsIndex) {
var appliedParams = [],
usedIndexes = [],
argsIndex = 0,
argsLen = args.length,
argSpotIndex = 0;
Object.keys(paramsToApply).forEach(function (param) {
var index = paramsIndex[param];
appliedParams[index] = paramsToApply[param];
while (argsIndex < argsLen) {
if (usedIndexes.indexOf(argSpotIndex) == -1) {
appliedParams[argSpotIndex] = args[argsIndex++];
return appliedParams;
function add(a, b) { return a + b; }
var addTo9 = setParams(add, { b: 9 });
var add10To9 = setParams(addTo9, { a: 10 });
document.write(addTo9(10) + ', ' + add10To9());
Now, note that JavaScript comes with the Function.prototype.bind function which allows to perform in-order partial function application. The first parameter to bind has nothing to do with arguments, it's to bind the this value.
function add(a, b) { return a + b; }
var addTo9 = add.bind(null, 9);
And finally, an implementation with a placholder if you need one:
var partial = (function (undefined) {
function partial(fn, partialArgs) {
return function () {
return fn.apply(this, applyPartialArgs(arguments, partialArgs));
Object.defineProperty(partial, 'PLACEHOLDER', {
get: function () { return PLACEHOLDER; }
return partial;
function applyPartialArgs(args, partialArgs) {
var appliedArgs = (arg) {
return arg === PLACEHOLDER? undefined : arg;
partialArgsLen = partialArgs.length,
argsLen = args.length,
argsIndex = 0,
argSpotIndex = 0;
while (argsIndex < argsLen) {
if (
partialArgs[argSpotIndex] === PLACEHOLDER ||
argSpotIndex >= partialArgsLen
) {
appliedArgs[argSpotIndex] = args[argsIndex++];
return appliedArgs;
function add(a, b, c, d) {
return a + b + c + d;
var _ = partial.PLACEHOLDER;
var addTo9 = partial(add, [_, 5, _, 4]);
document.write(addTo9(5, 5));
I'm guessing that they might have been testing for knowledge of partial application. (not currying)
Edit: Edited based upon your comments. This is Crockford's curry function straight from his book.
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
if (!Function.prototype.partial) {
Function.prototype.partial = function() {
var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
args = new Array(arguments.length),
that = this;
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
return function() {
return that.apply(null, args.concat(slice.apply(arguments)));
var example = add.partial(4);
console.log(example(10)); // output 14
console.log(example(20)); // output 24
var example = adder(4) assigns example to be function with a closure with a (in this case 4). When example is called like in the console.log, it will in effect be returning "the value of a when example was assigned, plus this new number."
Walkthrough of the partial() function:
Converts arguments to an array
returns a function gets passed the arguments given, which can be called later. It has a closure with the previously assigned arguments.

Create an object with modified versions of all methods in a source object [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to create an object that has modified versions of all of the methods in a source object, but I'm having trouble using
If this is my source object:
var raw = {};
raw.add = function(a,b){return a + b;}
raw.sub = function(a,b){return a - b;}
raw.neg = function(a){return -a;}
raw.sqrt = function(a){return Math.sqrt(a);}
It works if I recreate the list of properties in an array of strings:
var mod2 = Object.create(raw);
var proplist = ["add", "sub", "neg", "sqrt"];
mod2[prop] = function(){
var arglist = [].slice.apply(arguments);
var out = [];
if(arglist.length == 1){
[].concat(arglist[0]).forEach(function(d){ out.push(raw[prop](d)); });
else if(arglist.length == 2){
return out;
But my attempt to use doesn't work, all of the methods in the new object will do "sqrt":
var modified = Object.create(raw);
for(prop in raw){
modified[prop] = function(){
var arglist = [].slice.apply(arguments);
var out = [];
if(arglist.length == 1){
[].concat(arglist[0]).forEach(function(d){ out.push(raw[prop](d)); });
else if(arglist.length == 2){
return out;
What is the best way to iterate through the methods automatically?
The issue with your second implementation is that you are using prop in your new method (which will be called sometime later), but the for loop that creates prop has already run to completion by the time that method is called sometime later so prop is not the right value any more (it will always be the last property). I fixed that in my implementation by capturing prop in an IIFE (immediately invoked function expression) so it would be frozen separately for each pass through the for loop. Your first implementation doesn't have that problem because you're using .forEach() on the array of properties which uses a callback function which captures the value of prop for you automatically into a closure.
So here's the result with these changes to your implementation:
Add an IIFE to freeze the value of prop for use in the new methods.
Add an extra check to make sure the methods we're copying are not inherited and are functions.
Initialized raw to a plain object as I don't see any reason to use Object.create() here.
The code:
var raw = {};
raw.add = function(a,b){return a + b;}
raw.sub = function(a,b){return a - b;}
raw.neg = function(a){return -a;}
raw.sqrt = function(a){return Math.sqrt(a);}
var modified = {};
for (prop in raw) {
if (raw.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof raw[prop] === "function") {
(function (prop) {
modified[prop] = function () {
var arglist = [].slice.apply(arguments);
var out = [];
if (arglist.length == 1) {
[].concat(arglist[0]).forEach(function (d) {
} else if (arglist.length == 2) {
[].concat(arglist[0]).forEach(function (d1) {
[].concat(arglist[1]).forEach(function (d2) {
out.push(raw[prop](d1, d2));
return out;
Working demo:
var raw = {};
raw.add = function () { console.log('add default method'); }
raw.sub = function () { console.log('sub default method'); }
raw.neg = function () { console.log('neg default method'); }
raw.sqrt = function () { console.log('sqrt default method'); }
console.log('before modifying');
var proplist = ["add", "sub", "neg", "sqrt"];
console.log('after modifying');
var modified = Object.create(raw);
for (prop in proplist) {
if (prop == 0)
console.log('rewriting methods and calling methods inside loop................');
modified[proplist[prop]] = function () { console.log(proplist[prop] + ' method modified, ' + proplist.length + ' argument passed') }
console.log('trying call methods after loop is done................');
console.log(' is becaouse "prop" variable in loop holding last count number ' + prop);
thanks to arnold.NET.JS's response clarifying the problem, I see that closure is one way to do it:
var raw = {};
raw.add = function(a,b){return a + b;}
raw.sub = function(a,b){return a - b;}
raw.neg = function(a){return -a;}
raw.sqrt = function(a){return Math.sqrt(a);}
var mod = Object.create(raw);
for(prop in raw){
mod[prop] = (function(){
var propname = prop;
function f(){
var arglist = [].slice.apply(arguments);
var out = [];
if(arglist.length == 1){
[].concat(arglist[0]).forEach(function(d){ out.push(raw[propname](d)); });
else if(arglist.length == 2){
return out;
return f;

Converting an array to cursor

Cursors can be easily converted to arrays using .toArray(foo) method:
var cursor = col.find({});
cursor.toArray(function (err, itemsArray) {
/* do something */
But is it possible to convert itemsArray in a cursor so I will have all cursor functions?
var newCursor = foo (itemsArray);
typeof newCursor.toArray === "function" // true
Well it is all just JavaScript so why not create your own iterator:
var Iterator = function () {
var items = [];
var index = 0;
return {
"createCursor" : function (listing) {
items = listing;
"next" : function () {
if ( this.hasNext() ) {
return items[index++];
} else {
return null;
"hasNext" : function () {
if ( index < items.length ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
So then you use it like this with an array:
var cursor = new Iterator();
cursor.createCursor( array );; // returns just the first element of the array
So just a general way to write an iterator. If you want more functionality then just add the other methods to the prototype.

What is the best practice to make an object in JS like this: T('isArray')([]) =='isArray')([]) == T().run('isArray')?

What is the best practice to make an object in JavaScript like this, knowing T is the main object:
T('isArray', [])'isArray', [])
T().run('isArray', [])
They all must use the same function.
Since the main object can be called it must be a function. The function should decide what to return based on the arguments:
var T = (function() {
var functions = { // define functions that can be run like isArray
isArray: function(a) {
return Array.isArray(a);
log: function(a, b) {
console.log(a + b);
var noop = function() {}; // function doing nothing (no operation)
var T = function(f) {
if(arguments.length >= 2) { // function + args provided
return (functions[f] || noop) // call it
.apply(this, [], 1));
} else if(arguments.length === 1) { // only function provided
return function() { // return function that can be called with args
return (functions[f] || noop)
.apply(this, arguments);
} else { // nothing provided, return T itself (so that e.g. === T().run)
return T;
} = function() { // run function
return T.apply(this, arguments);
T.getState = function() { // another function
console.log("Not implemented");
return T; // actually return T so that it gets stored in 'var T'
// tests
T('isArray', []),'isArray', []),
T().run('isArray', [])
T('log')(1, 2);

