Javascript function doesn't return query result - javascript

I am trying to figure out why one of my queries won't return the value from a code looks like this:
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
var query = client.query("SELECT count(*) as count FROM sat_scores")
// Don't use demo key in production. Get a key from
function getNEO(callback) {
var data = '';
query.on('rows', function(rows) {
console.log("Row count is: %s", rows[0].count)
data += rows[0].count;
query.on('end', function() {
with that, getNEO returns a blank...but if I set var data = '4', then getNEO returns 4....the query should return 128 but it just returns a blank...

First of all, getNEO() doesn't return anything - I'm operating on the assumption that you call getNEO() exactly once for your query, and pass in a callback to handle the data, and that callback is what's not getting the appropriate data?
My typical recommendation for troubleshooting things like this is to simplify your code, and try and get really close to any example code given (for instance):
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
// define your callback here, in theory
client.connect(function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
var query = client.query("SELECT count(*) as count FROM sat_scores"),
function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
... I'm doing a couple things here you'll want to note:
It looks like the client.connect() method is asynchronous - you can't just connect and then go run your query, you have to wait until the connection is completed, hence the callback. Looking through the code, it looks like it may emit a connect event when it's ready to send queries, so you don't have to use a callback on the connect() method directly.
I don't see a data event in the documentation for the query object nor do I see one in the code. You could use the row event, or you could use a callback directly on the query as in the example on the main page - that's what I've done here in the interest of simplicity.
I don't see the count property you're using, and row[0] is only going to be the first result - I think you want the length property on the whole rows array if you're looking for the number of rows returned.
I don't know if you have a good reason to use the getNEO() function as opposed to putting the code directly in procedurally, but I think you can get a closer approximation of what you're after like this:
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
// define your callback here, in theory
function getNEO(callback) {
client.on('connect', function () {
var query = client.query("SELECT count(*) as count FROM sat_scores"));
query.on('end', function(result) {
... so, you can call your getNEO() function whenever you like, it'll appropriately wait for the connection to be completed, and then you can skip tracking each row as it comes; the end event receives the result object which will give you all the rows and the row count to do with what you wish.

so here is how I was able to resolve the issue....I moved the var query inside of the function
function getNEO(state, callback) {
var conString = "postgres://";
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
var data = '';
var query = client.query("SELECT avg(Math) as math, avg(Reading) as reading FROM sat_scores WHERE State = '" + state + "'");
console.log("query is: %s", query);
query.on('row', function(row) {
console.log("Row cnt is: %s", row.math);
console.log("row is: " + row)
data += row;
console.log("made it");
query.on('end', function() {


Return a variable from sql query in Node.js

I have MySQL query in Node.js where I'm trying to return "variable" and assign in to getVarible OUTSIDE my query. Is it possible to do in this case? If so, how?
Here is my code :
var sqlQuery = connection.query(result, function(err, rows, fields) {
var count = rows.length;
if(count === 1){
var variable = rows[0].item;
return variable;
var getVariable = variable;
If you declare getVariable before your query call, you should be able to access it once your query return, within your cacllback fuction. You can try something like this:
var getVariable = {};
var sqlQuery = connection.query(result, function(err, rows, fields) {
var count = rows.length;
if(count === 1){
getVariable = rows[0].item;
However keep in mind that query execution is asynchronous, so your variable will be empty until your callback is executed.
So I would suggest you all logic where you use that variable to be executed within callback or use a promise of async framework.
Your connection.query does not return what you think it returns i.e. return variable; statement has no effect.
Checkout the API with the usage of query object.
var query = connection.query('SELECT * FROM posts');
.on('error', function(err) {
// Handle error, an 'end' event will be emitted after this as well
.on('fields', function(fields) {
// the field packets for the rows to follow
.on('result', function(row) {
// Pausing the connnection is useful if your processing involves I/O
processRow(row, function() {
.on('end', function() {
// all rows have been received
Alternatively you can have a short hand to handle the success, error by using the second parameter to connection.query. This is a function with signature function (error, results, fields) which does the same thing as above API.
connection.query(sqlQueryStr, function (error, results, fields) {})
The call to connection.query is asynchronous and the function passed as the second argument is executed only after the results are available i.e the query has executed.

Node JS How to get the query data outside

I am new from Node js , just i am trying implementing this functionality last few days but i am unable to fix
exports.get_exercises_for_trainer = function(req, res)
connection.query('SELECT * FROM ag_exercise', function(err, exercise)
console.log('------------------------------before add fields ----------------------------------');
for (var i in exercise)
fields(exercise[i].wt_id, function(result1) {
exercise[i].wt_fields = result1; //here i am adding result set of other query but i am not geting this fields data
console.log(result1) //but i printed here working fine but i need this result1 data out side query
console.log('------------------------------after add fields ----------------------------------');
res.render('pages/trainer_home.ejs',{page_title:"Exercise Create",exercise:exercise});
function fields(wt_id,callback)
connection.query('SELECT * FROM ag_workout_type_fields WHERE wt_id = "'+wt_id+'"', function( err1, result1){
I have one more query ? in node js : If table having users , users having different relation tables like orders , profiles , address
How to implement this
First i am getting users
User loop
getting every user profiles ,address,orders
end user loop
but above scenario i am unable to implement in node js but in php very simple like this
$get_users = ... //users data
foreach($getusers as $usr)
$usr->orders = //orders data
.... like etc
There are three main questions here, I will adress each seperately.
Question 1: When making an async function, how do I then access my data outside that function?
All data from async calls are accessed via callback, event listeners or promises (a fancy callback and event listener handler). For the most part, you are going to just be using callbacks. So, instead of :
get_user = function(user_id){
//Do some stuff to get the user
return the_user;
var user = get_user('1234');
//do whatever you want with user
You will see :
get_user = function(user_id,callback){
//Do some stuff to get the user
//do whatever you want with user
When we get to Question 3, you will see the more complicated use case you were speaking of.
Question 2: How do I loop through my data, perform a subsiquent query on each row, and append that data to my current data?
There are a couple of issues here.
Every time you query the database, you are performing an asynchronous function, so you need to manage all of those callbacks accordingly. Fortunately there are some great tools to do that for you, and we will be using async.
Every time you call an asynchronous function in a for loop, the for loop continues, thus your iterator is overwritten, but your asynchronous function is not done with it yet, so you will get all sorts of unexpected results like vanishing variables, or missmapped results. You can handle this with JavaScript closures, or, you can rely again on libraries like async which handle it all for you.
Instead of running a for loop over your queries results, we're going to pass it to async.forEachOf, which we will use to modify the existing array and append the results of the subsequent queries to the primary query's rows. It is important to note that forEachOf will run the subsequent queries in parallel, so you should not be using a single database connection, but a pool. If you MUST use a single database connection, use forEachOfSeries instead.
async = require('async');
exports.get_exercises_for_trainer = function(req, res){
connection.query('SELECT * FROM ag_exercise', function(err, exercises)
console.log('------------------------------before add fields ----------------------------------');
connection.query('SELECT * FROM ag_workout_type_fields WHERE wt_id = "' + exercise.wt_id + '"', function( err, result1){
if(err)return callback(err1);
exercises[index].wt_fields = result1; //Modify original array
return callback();
if(err){return;} //do some error handling
console.log('------------------------------after add fields ----------------------------------');
res.render('pages/trainer_home.ejs',{page_title:"Exercise Create",exercise:exercises});
Question 3: How do I perform many related but different queries so that I can populate information about my object?
This is another great usage of the async library. In this case since the queries are all different, we'll use parallel instead of forEachOf.
async = require('async');
populate_user = function(user,_callback){
profile: function(callback){
var sql = "SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE user_id = " + + " LIMIT 1 ";
var connection.query(sql,function(err,rows,fields){
if(err)return callback(err);
if(rows.length === 1)return callback(null,rows[0]);
return callback(null,[]);
address: function(callback){
var sql = "SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE user_id = " + + " LIMIT 1 ";
var connection.query(sql,function(err,rows,fields){
if(err)return callback(err);
if(rows.length === 1)return callback(null,rows[0]);
return callback(null,[]);
orders: function(callback){
var sql = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE user_id = " +;
var connection.query(sql,function(err,rows,fields){
if(err)return callback(err);
if(rows.length > 0)return callback(null,rows); //notice how this one could have multiple results so we're returning them all
return callback(null,[]);
if(err)return _callback(err);
for(var att in result){user[att] = result[att];}
user = {id:1234};
console.log(user); //wow notice how it's populated too!
console.log(populated_user); //this is really just a new handle for the same object
I want to note that NONE of this was tested, not even for syntax, so it may take a little reworking.

Node.js & Node-Postgres: Putting Queries into Models

I would like to 'functionalize' my queries by putting them into functions which have apt names for the task.
I want to avoid putting everything in the req, res functions (my controllers), and instead put them in 'models' of sorts, that is, another JavaScript file that will be imported and used to run the functions that execute queries and return the results on behalf of the controller.
Assuming that I have the following setup for the queries:
exports.userAccount = function(req, res, next) {
var queryText = "\
FROM users\
WHERE id = $1\
var queryValues = [168];
pg.connect(secrets.DATABASE_URL, function(err, client, done) {
client.query(queryText, queryValues, function(err, result) {
res.render('pathToSome/page', {
queryResult: result.rows
Here, while I'm in the query, I essentially redirect and render a page with the data. That works fine. But I want to take out all that pg.connect and client.query code and move it to a separate file to be imported as a model. I've come up with the following:
exports.findUser = function(id) {
// The user to be returned from the query
// Local scope to 'findUser' function?
var user = {};
var queryText = "\
FROM users\
WHERE id = $1\
var queryValues = [id];
pg.connect(secrets.DATABASE_URL, function(err, client, done) {
client.query(queryText, queryValues, function(err, result) {
// There is only ever 1 row returned, so get the first one in the array
// Apparently this is local scope to 'client.query'?
// I want this to overwrite the user variable declared at the top of the function
user = result.rows;
// Console output correct; I have my one user
console.log("User data: " + JSON.stringify(user));
// I expect this to be correct. User is empty, because it was not really
// assigned in the user = result.rows call above.
console.log("User outside of 'pg.connect': " + JSON.stringify(user));
// I would like to return the user here, but it's empty!
return user;
and I'm calling my model function as so:
var user = UserModel.findUser(;
The query executes perfectly fine in this fashion - except that the user object is not being assigned correctly (I'm assuming a scope issue), and I can't figure it out.
The goal is to be able to call a function (like the one above) from the controller, have the model execute the query and return the result to the controller.
Am I missing something blatantly obvious here?
pgconnect is an asynchronous call. Instead of waiting for data to return from the database before proceeding with the next line, it goes ahead with the rest of the program before Postgres answers. So in the code above, findUser returns a variable that has not yet been populated.
In order to make it work correctly, you have to add a callback to the findUser function. (I told you wrong in a previous edit: The done parameter in pg.connect is called in order to release the connection back to the connection pool.) The final result should look something like this:
exports.findUser = function(id, callback) {
var user = {};
var queryText = "SELECT FROM users WHERE id = $1";
var queryValues = [id];
pg.connect(secrets.DATABASE_URL, function(err, client, done) {
client.query(queryText, queryValues, function(err, result) {
user = result.rows;
done(); // Releases the connection back to the connection pool
callback(err, user);
return user;
And you'd use it, not like this:
var user = myModule.findUser(id);
But like this:
myModule.findUser(id, function(err, user){
// do something with the user.
If you have several steps to perform, each of them dependent on data from a previous asynchronous call, you'll wind up with confusing, Inception-style nested callbacks. Several asynchronous libraries exist to help you with making such code more readable, but the most popular is npm's async module.

Processing database query in node.js

What's the correct way to process information from a database query after it has been retrieved.
Assuming the the below example that dataObj is just a js object that contains a field, name, which is defined, is this how I should be processing data in node.js?
forgot to mention that of course I can't return the data object because this is an async call.
function processData(dataObj){
if( == "CS"){
function getData(anon)
var dat = .... sql query that works and its an object now that works correctly...
Here's a snippet of some code i'm working on using mongoose:
var db = mongoose.createConnection(uristring)
, mongoose = require('mongoose');
db.once('open', function(){
var recipientSchema = mongoose.Schema({
username: String,
recipientEmail: String
var Recipient = db.model('Recipient', recipientSchema);
Recipient.find( {username: user }, function(err, recipients){
Hope that helps!
One of NodeJS' strengths is streaming support. I would expect from a proper SQL driver to give me one row at the time. If I want I can collect all of them, but most of the time I don't want all the rows in memory. Instead I would stream them one by one to a consumer.
My preferred DB code would look like...
var db = require('<somedriver>');
var sqlStatement = ".... sql query that works and its an object now that works correctly...";
var query = db.execute(sqlStatement);
query.on('row', function (row) {
// Do something with a row object...
console.log("This is a row", row);
query.on('done', function (err, rowcount) {
if (err) { throw err; } // or do something else...
console.log("Number of rows received", rowcount)
Hope this helps

Node.js Variable scope

I have a http server setup which basically needs to look up stuff in the database.
Here is the code snippet :
var sys = require('sys');
var Client = require('mysql').Client;
var client = new Client(); = '_';
client.user = '_';
client.password = '_';
client.database = '_';
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
req.on('end', function() {
client.connect(function(error, results) {
if (error) {
console.log('Connection Error:');
ClientConnectionReady = function(client) {
var final = '';
client.query('select * from table', function selectCb(error, result, fields) {
if (error) {
final += "{" + JSON.stringify(result);
client.query("SELECT COUNT(*) from table", function selectCb(error, result, fields) {
if (error) {
final += "," + JSON.stringify(result) + "}";
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
}).listen(8007, "");
If I print the values of the variable 'final' at the places where I assign them, I see valid values, but at the lines when I do 'res.write(final)', final is still blank.
How do I make this work and why is this failing?? Thanks for the help, I am new to node.js
The Node.js environment is asynchronous. Those statements that modify "final" are inside callbacks that are executed only when the database operations finish. The code immediately after the initiation of the database operations, where you write the result, are executed long before those callbacks run.
You've almost stumbled upon the answer to the problem already: you must not write the result until the operations are finished, which you know will be the case inside the callbacks. If you must wait for both to finish (seems like you do), then you can do something like keep a counter in the outer scope. Each callback can increment the counter, and call the same result-writer function only when the counter indicates that both callbacks are complete. (I have the idea that the Node runtime has a fancier way of doing that sort of thing, but I'm not that familiar with it. In a simple case like this, keeping something like a counter is easy enough to do.)
Also, an unrelated note: that "ClientConnectionReady" variable should probably either be written as a function definition:
function ClientConnectionReady(client) {
// ...
or else it should be declared with var. (I'm a little surprised in fact that it's not throwing an error, but again I'm not that familiar with Node.js.)
By the looks of it, you are trying to write final before it is ever assigned a value.
I'm assuming that client.query is asynchronous. Given that, the callback function is most likely being called after the res.writeHead and res.write lines. What you need to do is put other calls and the client.write* lines within the first callback.
This should give you an idea (didn't check if it compiles)
ClientConnectionReady = function(client)
var final = '';
//Get the rows
client.query('select * from table',
function selectCb(error, result, fields)
if (error)
//Get the count query
client.query("SELECT COUNT(*) from table",
function selectCb(error, result, fields)
if (error)
//Return the final results to the client now
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
What this does is first gets the rows. In that callback, it then gets the count. Finally, when that works, it sends the data to the client within the count callback.

