Is it possible to get this part of a string - javascript

I wonder if it's possible to get this part of a string.
Here is my string:
var string = "";
Now I want to be able to grab just this part of the string, the file name:
I tried:
var result = /[^/]*$/.exec(""+url+"")[0];
, but it will return
My Regex is wrong.
Another this is, the file extension can be .png or jpg so it's not fixed to jpg.

You could use a regex to isolate the part you want :
This works :
var string = "";

Note that may have to be adapted depending on how much the URL string changes:
var string = "";
var out = string.split('?')[0].split('%2F')[2];
console.log(out); // "12391381_10205760647243398_2385261683139818614_n.jpg"

Assuming, you always have an url, first I would decode the encoded / (%2F) characters via:
var string = "";
var decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(string);
and then use a regex:
Mind, that this regex assumes parameters (the part starting with ?...) are present, so if that's not the case, you might have to alter it to your needs.

If the filename always has a .jpg extension:
var url = decodeURIComponent(string);
var filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1, url.lastIndexOf(".jpg"))
If not:
url = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1)
filename = url.substring(0,url.indexOf("?"))

Looking at the string, it appears that the file name is between the second occurrence of "%2F" and the first occurrence of "?" in the string.
The first step is to get rid of the part of the string before the second "%2F". This can be done by splitting the string at every "%2F" and taking the third element in the resulting array.
var intermediate = string.split("%2F")[2]
Then, we need to get rid of everything after the "?":
var file_name = intermediate.split("?")[0]
This should give you the file name from the URL


JS Elegent way to split a relative URLmultiple times to get only a part of the URL?

So I got this function where I retrieve a URL from SP2010. Which gives me a relative URL that does me no good.
I split this multiple times to retrieve the part I need.
For one var I need the reports/125/ReportList/closedTasks.rdl
So the part after the #. And only split method required to do so.
But for an other var I only need the file name without the extension.
So only closedTasks.
Because of this I need the do multiple split method like below.
Is there a more elegant way to do so?
var relName = ($(this).attr("ows_FileRef")).split("#")[1];
var relNameSub = relName.split("/")[3];
var name = relNameSub.split(".")[0];
You can use .slice() and .lastIndexOf()
var url = "8;#reports/125/ReportList/closedTasks.rdl";
var hash = url.slice(3); // slice the first 3 characters
var fileName = url.slice(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, url.lastIndexOf(".")); // slice following last "/" ending at `"."`
console.log(hash, fileName);
You can use the following regex, in order to match two capturing groups as you've defined.
Within context this would look like:
var match = (/^.*#(.*\/([.\w]+)$)/g).exec("8;#reports/125/ReportList/closedTasks.rdl");
// match[1] = "reports/125/ReportList/closedTasks.rdl"
// match[2] = "closedTasks.rdl"
The first capturing group contains everything after a #
The second capturing group (within the first one) contains all the alpha-numeric\dot characters after the last /.

Regexp get last part of url without parameters if they exists

I looking for regular expression to use in my javascript code, which give me last part of url without parameters if they exists - here is example - with and without parameters:
In both cases as result I want to get:
Here is this regexp
and JS code:
let lastUrlPart = /.*\/([^?]+)/.exec(url)[1];
let lastUrlPart = url => /.*\/([^?]+)/.exec(url)[1];
let t1 = ""
let t2 = ""
May be there are better alternatives?
You could always try doing it without regex. Split the URL by "/" and then parse out the last part of the URL.
var urlPart = url.split("/");
var img = urlPart[urlPart.length-1].split("?")[0];
That should get everything after the last "/" and before the first "?".

parsing image name from img tag with regex

I have an <img> tag inside a div where i want to get the image name through javascript and regex.
Now, I successfully retrieved the <img> tag as a string.
var bigImage = $(this).find('.img-container img')
var bigImageSrc = bigImage[0].src
var regx = /g\bplaceholderdefault\.jpg?\b/g
var match = bigImageSrc.match(regx)
I want this expression to see if there is placeholderdefault.jpg in the string.
By the way, bigImageSrc returns a valid string, as I checked it with typeof
Now the problem is it returns null even if bigImageSrc's value is http://localhost/yogurtbar/images/slider/placeholderdefault.jpg
I don't get why it doesn't detect placeholderdefault.jpg in the string. I tried (and produced) this regular expression in Regexr and it works.
What am I doing wrong in my code?
There is no need of regex.\
You can use indexOf. This will run faster as compared to regex:
if (bigImageSrc.indexOf('placeholderdefault.jpg') > -1) {
// Present
If you want to check it with regex:
if (/placeholderdefault\.jpg/.test(bigImageSrc)) {
// Present
You need to escape .
You need to remove the g present at the start.
var regx = /g\bplaceholderdefault\.jpg?\b/g;
Since there isn't a charcater g exists before p (in placeholder), your regex fails to find a match.
correct one would be,
var regx = /\bplaceholderdefault\.jpg?\b/g;
and also, I think you want to match both jpg and jpeg formats.
var regx = /\bplaceholderdefault\.jpe?g\b/g;
Easy way will be to get the image name using split()
var bigImageSrc = 'http://localhost/yogurtbar/images/slider/placeholder-default.jpg';
var filename = bigImageSrc.split("/").pop();
//output placeholder-default.jpg

remove last two parameters from URL

i want to break a following url
into this by eliminating last two parametes i.e. &cn=bella&cjid=3344324
the length of the url may change but the last two parameters remains in that position only. so how can i remove that in a efficient way.
A RegExp is the easiest way for this case:
str = str.replace(/&[^&]*&[^&]*$/,'');
You can use replace with regular expression. If the url is in var url then you can use this one
var new_url = url.replace(/&cn=.*/, '');
you can test it with
var url = 'http:\';*/, ''));
var string = "";
string.match(/(.*)&(.*)&(.*)/)[1]; // strips last two parameters
You can use regular expressions to replace the last 2 parameters with the empty string:
var url = "";
var urlWithoutLast2Parameters = url.replace(/&[^&]+&[^&]+$/,"");
You could use the function IndexOf to find the location of the '&cn' and then just use the substring function to create a new string eliminating the '&cn' portion of the URL, so something like...
var intIndexOf = str.IndexOf('&cn=')
strURL = strURL.substring(0,intCharAt)

string replace with jquery assitance

I have a string like this
I want to use JavaScript / jQuery to replace the 123456 in the above string with 987654. The entire string is dynamic so cant do a simple string replace. For example, the string could also be
Any tips on this?
Edit :
I am sure there is a better way to do this, but if you are trying to always replace the numbers of that file regardless of what they may be you could use a combination of splits/joins like this:
str = "/folder1/folder2/folder3/IMG_143556_TT.jpg" //store image src in string
strAry = str.split('/') //split up the string by folders and file (as last array position) into array.
lastPos = strAry.length-1; //find the index of the last array position (the file name)
fileNameAry = strAry[lastPos].split('_'); //take the file name and split it into an array based on the underscores.
fileNameAry[1] = '987654'; //rename the part of the file name you want to rename.
strAry[lastPos] = fileNameAry.join('_'); //rejoin the file name array back into a string and over write the old file name in the original string array.
newStr = strAry.join('/'); //rejoin the original string array back into a string.
What this will do is make it so that regardless of what directory or original name of the file name is, you can change it based on the string's structure. so as long as the file naming convention stays the same (with underscores) this script will work.
please excuse my vocab, I know it's not very good heh.
Use a regular expression
var str = '/folder1/folder2/folder3/IMG_123456_PP.jpg';
var newstr = str.replace(/(img_)(\d+)(?=_)/gi,function($0, $1){
return $1 ? $1 + '987654' : $0;
example at
Perhaps more comprehensible is
var str = '/folder1/folder2/folder3/IMG_123456_PP.jpg';
var replacewith = '987654';
var newstr = str.replace(/(img_)(\d+)(?=_)/gi,'$1'+replacewith);
example at

