VB Collection in JavaScript - javascript

I've been serching the net for quite some time and maybe there is no solution for my problem but I hoped you might be able to help me. I'm currently trying to establish a connection to CatiaV5 via JavaScript. The connection itsself is working just fine. Basically it looks like this now:
var catia = new ActiveXObject('CATIA.Application');
var doc = catia.ActiveDocument;
But here's my problem. The returned object is a Collection in VB and there seems to be no DataType equivalent to this. So this is what i get when i try to read my variables. For example:
[object] {};
So this seems to be empty. However if then I try to get
which by that logic should be undefined, instead i get
so the correct name of my Part/Product is returned.
All the Catia stuff probably isn't that relevant for the question.
my question: Is there any way to somehow parse a VB-Collection on a JavaScript object or something similar, to get the contents of what is returned?

here's the thing. I found out, that you can't really browse throug ActiveXObjects directly in the console in general. In the IE-Dev-Tools i was however able to use the Locals-Watch to browse through the Object. I didn't find a nice way to Parse it onto a JSON-Object, however the manual way to create a new Object and add the Keys piece by piece works.


Image4io and NodeJS: Documentation is clearly outdated. How do I upload an image?

I guess this is as much a call to attention on the fact that the documentation seems to be outright incorrect in its application, as well as just generally lacking. Normally, I would send that part of the message to them personally, but, their contact form is also giving me errors and not sending, so it's not like I have the means to anyway. In the mean time, I'm more worried about getting this code to work, so hopefully someone experienced with this SDK or an Image4io team member sees this and can provide a public answer for others stumbling into this road block.
For starters, I initialized the Image4io object as described in the github here: https://github.com/Image4IO/image4ionodeSDK/
website documentation: https://image4.io/en/documentation/api-sdk/#operation/UploadImage
The image upload example provided on the website's documentation looks like this:
let client=new Image4ioAPI.Image4ioAPI(apiKey,apiSecret);
var request = new Models.UploadImagesRequest("/folderName", true, true);
request.Add("/path/to/image/location/name-of-the-image.jpg", "name-of-the-image", "name-of-the-image.jpg");
let response=client.UploadImage(request);
3 out of the very sparse 4 lines of code they provide give errors. Where did this Models object come from? There is no corresponding class in the import and the code example obviously doesn't show where it was defined. Just what is it and where did it come from?
Well, I found a matching function "UploadImagesRequest" in the original import class, so my guess is Models was deprecated and its functionality was moved into the Image4io class object. If that was the case the solution would be to simply access that function instead... But it's not used the same. It has 4 arguments, the 4th being a "Image4io.UploadFile[]" type. This type has no use examples in the documentation or further details describing what it is exactly. I assume image byte data goes in there somehow, but how?
Finally we have request.Add... except we don't because that isn't a function :( it looks like this was used to actually get the image data (maybe of the type UploadFile?) based on the path of the image. If this function is gone now, how do get file data for use in the upload request function?
Any and all help in figuring out this SDK would be greatly appreciated. Google searches yielded no meaningful results, so hopefully we can help in that department as well. For all I know I just got the wrong version somehow. I guess I could try downgrading to a version that matches the documentation but... that's not a fix in my eyes at all.
Let me know if there's any more info I could provide to help
You can upload image like this:
var client=new Image4ioClient(API_KEY,API_SECRET);
var files=Array();
files.push(new UploadFile("./test.jpg","test.jpg"));
client.UploadImage(new UploadImagesRequest("/",true,false,files))
If you have binary data at hand, you can write it to a temporary file and then upload them.

JavaScript object has different value in source page than in console

So my application is wrote in java and Spring and I need to pass a hash map with [data,value] from backend to frontend , using THYMELEAF, so I can render them into a graph. These are my lines in my controller
When trying to access them in javascript, the hashValues seem to be right, but the time list has a problem. When using console.log to print hashTime my console says something like [1996,1997,1997] when in reality my dates are [2021-10-15, 2021-10-14, 2021-10-13]. I will add some images for a better understanding.
This is how I get the lists from the model.
var time = [[${hashTime}]]
var values = [[${hashValues}]]
I've tried using JSON.parse but I have the same problem. Any help is appreciated cause I've been working with JavaScript for some time and I never encountered this type of problem before.

Instantiating a class dynamically from a string

Good afternoon fellow developers,
I am currently trying to develop a function that instantiates business objects dynamically based on the value of the string it receives as a parameter. I know this can be done in JavaScript as I have done it before and, just to be sure, I even tested it again in Visual Studio Code after having encountered this issue in my SAPUI5 app. My function's code looks somewhat like this:
createObject: function (sObject) {
var newObject = new this[sObject]();
// var newObject = new [sObject](); I also tried this way.
For the sake of testing this function, the sObject string currently contains the hardcoded value "Order" and I am importing my Order.js object into the file where i'm trying to instantiate this objects dynamically. No matter what I try I keep getting this error when debugging my code:
TypeError: this[sObject] is not a constructor
I was wondering if some of you might have tried something similar before and might be able to point me in the right direction. Even if there are ways for me to work around this issue, it would be really nice if I learnt how to do this dynamically since I was planning on using this approach on several different scenarios. I look forward to reading from you!
It is a really unsafe practice to instantiate objects from a string and an ATROCIOUS one to do it from a parameter a user can supply. If you have a limited set of objects its much safer to have a big switch statement.
switch(name) {
"objA": return new ObjA();

Variable keeps turning into an object instead of an Array in Javascript

I'm learning javascript (and HTML on Electron), and I have a variable which is meant to be an array:
var arrayList = [];
When I add objects to it (taken from JSON data), using Push:
Everything works perfect. I then save this using an api from npm called: electron-json-storage
I then want to pull this data, push an object into it and save it back. The problem is when I use the api to obtain the data to save into the variable arrayList, it turns arrayList into an object, it then errors out when I try to push to it as it is the wrong variable type now compared to before.
Would love any help and guidance would be great, thanks!
apologies about this, turns out the 'electron-json-storage' api sends back a blank object if the file doesn't exist, which was actually my problem (even though I know I didn't write that above) and what kept turning it into an object. I wouldn't of figured it out without re-looking over my code before posting here (so thanks klugjo) and for trying to parse the object which double confirmed it was an object and lead me to find the actual problem (So thanks so much Robert).
Again thanks all for the help!

Calling COM methods from unreferenced assemblies

I'm migrating an install script from js to vb.net and I'm facing the following problem.
I'm having issues as JS is late-binded so I need to research the datatype returned by each method in order to make the strong typed counterpart in vb.net (or C# for the matter)
In the original js install script, I'm getting to a point where I don't know how to port this 2 calls:
var objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\.\\root\\cimv2");
var objAccount = objWMIService.Get("Win32_SID.SID='S-1-1-0'");
If I leave data type inference, I get COMType, so I can't call the Get method from the generated object.
I think I could solve this by using IDispatch, but It's been like 10 years since I used IDispatch and I can't rememeber exactly how to do it.
Also, after further research, I've seen that the internal COM is actually a SWBemServicesEX object, which I don't know what to reference in order to generate a COM interop system.
I would appreciate it a lot, if anyone can provide any ideas or solutions to this issue.
Current vb.NET code is just:
Dim objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
not sure how to be able to call the Get method from objWMIService, and how to determine what this method actually returns!
I ended doing what Steve says in his answer and it solved the issue for me. I'm not very happy with runtime late binding, but it gets the job done!
for reference:
Try using Dim objWMIService as Object = GetObject("winmgmts:\.\root\cimv2") instead. Then you can use Dim objAccount as Object = objWMIService.Get("Win32_SID.SID='S-1-1-0'"). When doing late-binding, declare everything as an object. You can then step through the code in debug and sometimes see what the return is. Then search for the methods/properties/etc for that type and write your next line. Takes a little work but you don't need references to any dlls. Theres just an assumption that the dll are registered (COM) or in your path that .Net follows (CLR)

