Use X-Editable Inline In A Table - javascript

I want to use xeditable edit table rows inline on a button click.
Here is my jsfiddle:
Here is my code:
$('.edit').on('click', function () {
var id = $(this).attr('data-edit-id');
$('span[data-id=' + id + ']').editable('toggle');
$('span[data-id=' + id + '][data-type=date]').editable('toggle');
The desired result is that when you click 'Edit' the entire row will show the xeditable inline text box where you can enter text along with the checkmark and the exit buttons.
The problem is my implementation just isn't working at all.
Does anyone have any idea why?

I found the answer to my question here:
I needed to set the defaults for it like so:
var defaults = {
mode: 'inline',
toggle: 'manual',
showbuttons: false,
onblur: 'ignore',
inputclass: 'input-small',
savenochange: true
$.extend($.fn.editable.defaults, defaults);


How to set the button in my toolbar to disabled

I have created a toolbar in my windows 10 UWP winjs app and I want to disable some of the buttons.
I append attributes to the button like so :
new WinJS.UI.Command(null, {
disable: true,
id: 'cmdSave',
label: 'save',
section: 'primary',
type: 'button',
icon: 'save',
onclick: clickbuttonprintout()
I have looked through the winjs css files and found many disabled tags. Is it possible to set the button to disabled like I have appended other attributes above ?
Figured this out :
You select the button, set it to disabled and then process it.
var thisBtn = document.getElementById('cmdSave');
thisBtn.disabled = true;
WinJS.UI.process(btn); //this is key
With this in mind, I set up a function so I can pass different buttons to it:
function disableButton(buttonID){
var btn = document.getElementById(buttonID);
btn.disabled = true;
Even though this is not part of the question, it may help people.
What about editing the attributes on the button too ? Ive made this function to edit any attribute on a winjs button :
function changeButtonAttributes(buttonId, element, attribute) {
var btn = document.getElementById(buttonId); //select button
btn.winControl[element] = attribute; //button.element = attribute
WinJS.UI.process(btn); //process all
Hope that helps :)

tinyMCE 4: add Class to selected Element

I created a tinymce menu item and what I want it to do is add a class to the selected text element. I cannot seem to figure out how to do this. Any suggestions?
Adding my menu item looks like this:
tinymce.PluginManager.add('button', function(editor, url) {
editor.addMenuItem('button', {
icon: '',
text: 'Button',
onclick: function() {
tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection, 'test'); //not working
context: 'insert',
prependToContext: true
I'd be very thankful for any helpful hint.
I found a solution that may not be perfect (for example, if you select part of a text then this doesn't work as I hoped), but for now it does what I want:
tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getNode(), 'test');
if I do this on a link, for example, the scripts add the classname "test" to my tag.
In order to be able to add a class to the editor you need a dom element in the editor to add the class to. Textnodes may not hold a class.
So i propose you insert a span element with the class you want to add wrapped around the actual selection. Be aware that this won't work if the selection leaps over paragraph boundaries (in this case you will need a bit more complicated code). Try this:
onclick: function() {
var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor;
var content = ed.selection.getContent({'format':'html'});
var new_selection_content = '<span class="test">' + content + '</span>';
ed.execCommand('insertHTML', false, new_selection_content);
this works for me:
setup: function(editor) {
editor.ui.registry.addButton("addClassBtn", {
icon: "insertdatetime",
text: "Highlight ",
onAction: function (_) {
var newContent = "<span class='test'>" + editor.selection.getContent() + "</span>";

Backbone/Marionette with select2 v4.0, editing the tags

I have this fiddle which is an extension of the Backbone/Marionette playground fiddle. I included select2 js and css files.
Is it possible to edit a tag that is not the last tag? You can edit by backspacing in the box, but it only lets you touch the last one. I would like it to act like a gmail 'to' list where you can double click on one and edit it, then it goes back to a tag on blur.
data: [{
id: 1,
text: ""
}, {
id: 2,
text: ""
multiple: true,
allowclear: true,
tags: [],
placeHolder: "Click Here!",
tokenSeparators: [',', ' '],
minimumResultsForSearch: 1
Unfortunately, there is no way to do this using just the select2 out-of-the-box functionality. But it's quite extendable, so here's what does the trick:
var $select2 = this.$('#foo').select2({ tags: true });
var select2 = $"select2");
$(document.body).on("dblclick", ".select2-selection__choice", function(event) {
var $target = $(;
// get the text and id of the clicked value
var targetData = $"data");
var clickedValue = targetData.text;
var clickedValueId =;
// remove that value from select2 selection
var newValue = $.grep(select2.val(), function (value) {
return value !== clickedValueId;
// set the currently entered text to equal the clicked value
And a JsFiddle, of course.

TinyMCE Enable button while in read only mode

I have a TinyMCE 4.x instance where the text should be in read only mode. But I still have some buttons that I want to have enabled. For example, one button could provide a character count for the part of the text I've selected.
But when I turn on read only mode for TinyMCE all buttons are disabled. Can I enable just my buttons while still retaining read only mode?
It's probably too late for you but other people may pass by here.
I came up by writing this function
function enableTinyMceEditorPlugin(editorId, pluginName, commandName) {
var htmlEditorDiv = document.getElementById(editorId).previousSibling;
var editor = tinymce.get(editorId);
var buttonDiv = htmlEditorDiv.querySelectorAll('.mce-i-' + pluginName.toLowerCase())[0].parentElement.parentElement;
buttonDiv.className = buttonDiv.className.replace(' mce-disabled', '');
buttonDiv.firstChild.onclick = function () {
It does the trick in 2 steps:
make the button clickable (remove mce-disabled CSS class and remove the aria-disabled property)
assign the good command to the click event
And in my editor init event I call the function.
editor.on('init', function () {
if (readOnly) {
enableTinyMceEditorPlugin(htmlEditorId, 'preview', 'mcePreview');
enableTinyMceEditorPlugin(htmlEditorId, 'code', 'mceCodeEditor');
Current version of TinyMCE for which I wrote this code is 4.4.3. It may break in a future version, specifically about the selectors to get and modify the good HTML elements.
Command identifiers can be found at this page otherwise you can also find them under tinymce\plugins\PluginName\plugin(.min).js
Here is a simple way to enable your custom toolbar button and attach a click event handler inside a read only TinyMCE editor using JQUERY:
//Initialize read only Tinymce editor so that Lock button is also disabled
function initReadOnlyTinyMCE() {
selector: '#main'
, toolbar: 'myLockButton'
, body_class: 'main-div'
, content_css: 'stylesheets/index.css'
, readonly: true
, setup: function (readOnlyMain) {
readOnlyMain.addButton('myLockButton', { //Lock button is disabled because readonly is set to true
image: 'images/lock.png'
, tooltip: 'Lock Editor'
function displayReadOnlyTinyMCEwithLockButtonEnabled() {
var edContent = $('main').html();
//enable the lock button and attach a click event handler
$('[aria-label="Lock Editor"]').removeClass("mce-disabled");
$('[aria-label="Lock Editor"]').removeAttr("aria-disabled");
$('[aria-label="Lock Editor"]').attr("onclick", "LockEditor()");
function LockEditor() {
alert("Tiny mce editor is locked by the current user!!");
//Write your logic to lock the editor...
I couldn't find an easy way to do this. The simplest way is to remove the contenteditable attribute from the iframe body instead and substitute a read only toolbar set. It also means that people will still be able to copy content from the editor.
How about this :
editor.addButton('yourButton', {
title: 'One can Enable/disable TinyMCE',
text: "Disable",
onclick: function (ee) {
if($( == "Disable"){
var theEle = $(;
var edit = editor;
var newBut = "<input type='button' style='opacity:1;color:white; background-color:orange;' value='Enable'/>";
You can try to run the code below:
if you have more than one editors, you can use their id like below

Kendo UI Grid editable manual dataItem.set() slow/delay

I have an editable Kendo Grid that may have a column with a checkbox to change a boolean value. I have used this solution proposed by OnaBai that is working perfectly!
The only problem is that the checkbox value change is too slow. When user clicks it, it takes about 1 second to change. I realize that the dataItem.set() method is responsible by this delay.
My grid has a considerable amount of data. About 30-40 columns and 300+ lines. It is defined as follows:
dataSource: dataSource,
pageable: false,
sortable: true,
scrollable: true,
editable: true,
autoBind: false,
columnMenu: true, // Cria o menu de exibição de colunas
height: getGridHeight(),
toolbar: [/* hide for brevity */],
columns: [/* hide for brevity */],
dataBound: function() { /* hide for brevity. */},
edit: function() { /* hide for brevity. */}
Another detail is that, when dataItem.set() is called, it calls dataBound() event but that is not causing the delay. Grid's edit() method is not being called on this process. I don't know if worths to post dataSource code.
I would suggest using the approach from this code library article when it comes to use checkboxes. It does not use the set methods of the model and still works the same way. Even with 2000 records on a single page CheckAll will work flawlessly.
I have found an alternative way for doing what OnaBai proposed and it's working better.
// This is the grid
var grid = $("#mainGrid").data("kendoGrid");
// .flag is a class that is used on the checkboxes
grid.tbody.on("change", ".flag", function (e)
// Get the record uid
var uid = grid.dataItem($("tr")).uid;
// Find the current cell
var td = $(;
// This opens the cell to edit(edit mode)
// This ones changes the value of the Kendo's checkbox, that is quickly shown,
// changed and then hidden again. This marks the cell as 'dirty' too.
$(td.find("input")[0]).prop("checked", $(":checked") ? "checked" : null).trigger("change").trigger("blur");
Should try something like this:
I'll set the column with the Edit button to look like this:
columns.Command(command => {command.Edit().HtmlAttributes(new { id = "btnEdit_" + "${Id}" }); }).Width(100).Hidden(true);
And have it where clicking into the first column (I have an image with a hyperlink) uses an onclick function to programmatically click the Edit button, click the checkbox, then click the Update button. Probably more "old school", but I like knowing it is following the order I would be doing if I were updating it, myself.
I pass in the object ("this"), so I can get the row and checkbox when it appears, the new status as 0 or 1 (I have some code that uses it, not really necessary for this demo, though, so I'm leaving that part out of my function for simplicity), and the ID of that item:
columns.Bound(p => p.IsActive).Title("Active").Width(100).ClientTemplate("# if (IsActive == true ) {# <a href=javascript:void(0) id=btnActive_${Id} onclick=changeCheckbox(this, '0', ${Id}) class='k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-update'><img style='border:1px solid black' id=imgActive src=../../Images/active_1.png /></a> #} else {# <a href=javascript:void(0) id=btnActive_${Id} onclick=changeCheckbox(this, '1', ${Id}) class='k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-update'><img style='border:1px solid black' id=imgActive src=../../Images/active_0.png /></a> #}#");
function changeCheckbox(obj, status, id) {
var parentTr = obj.parentNode.parentNode;
$('[id="btnEdit_' + id + '"]').click();
parentTr.childNodes[5].childNodes[0].setAttribute("id", "btnUpdate_" + id); // my Update button is in the 6th column over
parentTr.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].setAttribute("id", "chkbox_" + id);
$('[id=chkbox_' + id + ']').click().trigger("change");
$('[id=chkbox_' + id + ']').blur();
var btnUpdate = $('[id="btnUpdate_' + id + '"]');
$('[id="btnUpdate_' + id + '"]').click();
Code above assumes, of course, the checkbox is in the first column. Otherwise, adjust the first childNodes[0] on that chkbox setAttribute line to the column it sits in, minus one because it starts counting from zero.
I did a solution much like #DontVoteMeDown. But I have a nested grid (master / detail) so I get the parent grid from the event parameter. Also I just trigger a click-event on the checkbox.
$("#grid .k-grid-content").on("change", "input.chkbx", function (e) {
// Get the parent grid of the checkbox. This can either be the master grid or the detail grid.
var parentGrid = $('div[data-role="grid"]').data("kendoGrid");
// Get the clicked cell.
var td = $("td");
// Enter the cell's edit mode.
// Find the checkbox in the cell (which now is in "edit-mode").
var checkbox = td.children("input[type=checkbox]");
// Trigger a click (which will toggle check/uncheck).

