ReactTransitionGroup Lifecycle Hooks Do Not Work - javascript

class Child extends Component {
componentWillAppear(callback) {
console.log('will appear');
componentDidAppear() {
console.log('did appear');
componentWillEnter(callback) {
console.log('will enter');
componentDidEnter() {
console.log('did enter');
componentWillLeave(callback) {
console.log('wiil leave');
componentDidLeave() {
console.log('did leave');
componentWillUnmount() {
console.log('will unmount');
render() {
return (
<div key={this.props.children} className="item">{this.props.children}</div>
class Carousel extends Component {
state = {
idx: 0,
items: ['abc', 'def', 'hij']
onClick = ()=> {
var idx = this.state.idx + 1;
idx: idx
getChild(item) {
return <Child>{item}</Child>;
render() {
const idx = this.state.idx;
const items = this.state.items;
const item = items[idx];
const child = this.getChild(item);
return (
<div onClick={this.onClick} className="btn">click me</div>
At first, i want to make a carousel by ReactCSSTransitionGroup, but there is a simple css transition. If i want to add some events, it could not work.
So, i want to use ReactTransitionGroup. But once i use it, i do not get i want for some hook do not work.
Not all ReactTransitionGroup lifecycle hooks fire! In the above examples, only
'will appear'
'did appear'
If there is a bug in React?


React - is it bad practice to pass up a callback?

I have a REACT app which is basically a till for adding items to an order. I have my OrderSection which does most of the grunt work, including having a barcode scanner, and I have my Search component which is a child of OrderSection, and if someone clicks on a search result it passes that back up to OrderSection via a prop callback.
Now, this is what I initially had, but it had problems:
class OrderSection extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
orderItems: [],
multiMatch: [],
async barcodeScanner(barcode) {
let response;
try {
response = await serverApi.getItemsFromBarcode(barcode);
} catch(e) {
return toast.error(e.message || e.toString());
let {items} = response;
if (items.length === 0) {'no matching items found');
} else if (items.length === 1) {
} else {
// show results in the 'search' section
this.setState({multiMatch: items})
addItem(item) {
// doesn't really matter what happens here
async lookupAdd(no, code) {
try {
let {items} = await serverApi.getItems(no, code);
let item = items[0];
if (item) {
} else {
} catch(e) {
render() {
return (
// render items up here
results={this.state.multiMatch} />
class Search extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
searchResults: [],
show: false // change to true to show the search
// code for updating search results on form submit
// updating this.state.searchResults
render() {
return (
// form with search text input here
// render searchResults here
componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
if (props.results.length) {
this.setState({searchResults: props.results, show: true});
Search.propTypes = {
onItemClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
results: PropTypes.array
The main issue here is how in OrderSection, in barcodeScanner, when I have multiple matches, I pass them down as a prop into Search, and then Search sees that prop and updates itself in the componentWillReceiveProps function.
I wasn't entirely happy with what was happening there -- it was actually fine most of the time, but there was some annoying unexpected behaviour of Search showing itself when the prop actually hadn't changed.
So I came up with the idea of passing a callback up from Search to OrderSection:
class OrderSection extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
orderItems: []
async barcodeScanner(barcode) {
let response;
try {
response = await serverApi.getItemsFromBarcode(barcode);
} catch(e) {
return toast.error(e.message || e.toString());
let {items} = response;
if (items.length === 0) {'no matching items found');
} else if (items.length === 1) {
} else {
// show results in the 'search' section
setSearchResultsFunc(func) {
this.sendMultiMatchToSearch = func;
addItem(item) {
// doesn't really matter what happens here
async lookupAdd(no, code) {
try {
let {items} = await serverApi.getItems(no, code);
let item = items[0];
if (item) {
} else {
} catch(e) {
render() {
return (
// render items up here
class Search extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
searchResults: [],
show: false // change to true to show the search
if (typeof this.props.manuallySetResultsFunc === "function") {
const func = (results) => {
this.setState({searchResults: results, show: true});
render() {
return (
// render searchResults here
Search.propTypes = {
onItemClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
manuallySetResultsFunc: PropTypes.func
But I feel like this is probably bad react practice. It's producing the behavior I want but I think if a React expert looks at this they wouldn't like it.
Can I get some advice on the proper way to pass search results down to Search to trigger it, while still otherwise allowing the SEARCH element to control its own searchResults code
You're right in that you shouldn't have to 'intervene' in this way to modify how your state is updated. You should just set up your state and props and then things should take care of themselves.
Here are some straightforward approaches that I'd typically use:
1) From the OrderSection parent to conditionally render your Search only when there are items:
render() {
return (
{this.state.multiMatch && <Search
2) Within the <Search> child:
render() {
return (
{this.state.searchResults &&> // map to SearchResults)}
3) From the OrderSection parent pass in 'isShowing' as a prop:
render() {
const isShowing = !!this.state.multiMatch; // add other logic here if necessary
return (
Then in your Search, extract isShowing from props.
The idea is that you only need to update the state and the rendering should take care of itself.
I would introduce additional props to Search component showMultiMatch and onSearchClose and add showSearch to OrderSection component(which is set to true when you receive multiMatch and set to false in the onSearchClose handler). Remove componentWillReceiveProps and check condition this.props.showMultiMatch || in the render function to render search conditionally.

display child accordion only when parent accordion is opened

I am developing an accordion which is nested in character. I mean, an accordion can have its child accordion as well. Right now, a simple accordion has been build up. The toggling part works either. However, there is a problem. Child accordion is shown without opening the parent accordion. How can i show child accordion only when parent accordion is clicked and hide it when clicked again?
Here is what i have done
class Accordion extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
let state = { activeSections: {} };
React.Children.toArray(props.children).forEach(child => {
if (child) {
state.activeSections[] = !!child.props.defaultOpen;
this.state = state;
get isControlled() {
return typeof this.props.onToggle === "function";
expandAll = () => {
if (this.isControlled) {
} else {
let { activeSections } = this.state;
Object.keys(activeSections).forEach(k => (activeSections[k] = true));
this.setState({ activeSections });
collapseAll = () => {
if (this.isControlled) {
} else {
let { activeSections } = this.state;
Object.keys(activeSections).forEach(k => (activeSections[k] = false));
this.setState({ activeSections });
onToggle = name => {
if (this.isControlled) {
} else {
let activeSections = this.state.activeSections;
activeSections: { ...activeSections, [name]: !activeSections[name] }
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
let { activeSections } = this.state;
.filter(c => c)
.forEach(child => {
if (activeSections[] == null) {
activeSections[] = !!child.props.defaultOpen;
this.setState({ activeSections });
render() {
let { activeSections } = this.state;
let children = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children);
// if (!children.find(c => c && c.type === AccordionHeader)) {
// children = [<AccordionHeader />, ...children];
// }
console.log("children", children);
return (
{ => {
if (!child) {
return child;
} else if (child.type === AccordionItem) {
return React.cloneElement(child, {
expanded: this.isControlled
? child.props.expanded
: activeSections[],
onToggle: this.onToggle
} else {
return child;
export default Accordion;
class AccordionItem extends React.Component {
render() {
let {
} = this.props;
return render ? (
render({ onToggle: onToggle.bind(null, name), expanded })
) : (
<styled.AccordionItem style={{ margin: 10 }}>
onClick={() => onToggle(name)}
<styled.AccordionBody active={rest.defaultOpen || expanded}>
{children && (
export default AccordionItem;
I have create a working example in the sandbox and here it is

Why debounce doesnt invoke my function?

Im working on something with React and mobx.
I created an ImageCarousel Component where I show the image that was clicked.
I have a previous and a next buttons(which are themselves a Component), to move between images.
I tried to wrap those actions (prev and next) with lodash debounce,
but something fails on the way.
My current store has those actions:
debounceAction is just a Higher Order Function that get 2 parameters (fn, wait), and invoke lodash debounce with those parameters.
My CarouselButton component get through its props those actions I mantioned above. inside the Component I trigger with onClick event to invoke debounceAction(fn, wait) with the actual action (prev, or next).
Im not sure how to wrap my actions with debounce the right way.
I invoke debounceAction (the HOF that wraps the debounce) in the second code snippet (in CarouselButton Component).
do you see my mistake here?
galleryStore.jsx - current Store:
class GalleryStore {
// Observables
#observable images = [
// ....images
#observable carouselleButtons= {
next: "fa fa-chevron-right",
back: "fa fa-chevron-left"
#observable selectedImageIndex = null;
#observable hideCarousel = true;
#observable onTransition = false;
// Actions
selectImage = (index) =>{
this.selectedImageIndex = index;
toggleCarousel = () =>{
this.hideCarousel = !this.hideCarousel;
carouselNext = () => {
if(this.selectedImageIndex == this.images.length - 1) {
this.onTransition = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.selectedImageIndex = this.selectedImageIndex + 1;
this.onTransition = false;
carouselPrev = () => {
if(this.selectedImageIndex == 0) {
console.log('start of the collection');
this.onTransition = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.selectedImageIndex = this.selectedImageIndex - 1;
this.onTransition = false;
}, 500)
debounceAction = (fn, wait) => {
//lodash's debounce
return debounce(fn, wait);
carouselButton Component - here I Invoke the debounce:
// React's
import React from 'react';
// Styles
import CarouselButtonStyle from './carouselButtonStyle';
// CarouselButton Component
export default class CarouselButton extends React.Component {
debounce = (e) =>{
const { debounceAction } = this.props;
// -----> HERE I CALL DEBOUNCE ! <---------
debounceAction(this.buttonHandler, 400);
buttonHandler = (e) => {
const {limit, index, action, debounceAction} = this.props;
if(index == limit) return;
else action();
const {limit, index, icon, action, debounceAction} = this.props;
onClick={(e) => {this.debounce(e)}}
className={ index == limit ? 'end-of-collection' : '' } >
<i className={icon} aria-hidden="true" />
imageCarousel.jsx - carouselButton parent Component:
// React's
import React from 'react';
// Mobx-react's
import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react';
// Styles
import ImageCarouselStyle from './imageCarouselStyle';
// Components
import ImgContainer from './imgContainer/imgContainer';
import CarouselButton from './carouselButton/carouselButton';
// ImageCarousel Component
export default class ImageCarousel extends React.Component {
closeCarousel = () => {
onKeyDown = (e) => {
const { keyCode } = e;
if(keyCode ===27) this.onEscHandler();
else if (keyCode == 37) this.onLeftArrow();
else if (keyCode == 39) this.onRightArrow();
else return;
onLeftArrow = () => { this.props.galleryStore.carouselPrev() }
onRightArrow = () => { this.props.galleryStore.carouselNext() }
onEscHandler = () => { this.closeCarousel() }
document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown, false);
onClick={this.closeCarousel} >
<CarouselButton action={'prev'}
debounceAction={this.props.galleryStore.debounceAction} />
<CarouselButton action={'next'}
debounceAction={this.props.galleryStore.debounceAction} />
The issue is that you have to return debounceAction from CarouselButton's debounce method.
debounce = (e) =>{
const { debounceAction } = this.props;
// -----> HERE I CALL DEBOUNCE ! <---------
debounceAction(this.buttonHandler, 400);
// -^^^ must return here
However, I would suggest going a step further to avoid future confusion. Simply invoke lodash's debounce when you need it, rather than rewriting it multiple times in your code and leading to questionable method names.
Here is the most basic example of how you can wrap a click handler:
class Button extends React.Component {
handleClick = _.debounce((e) => {
alert('debounced click reaction')
}, 1000)
render() {
return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>CLICK ME</button>
<Button />,
<div id="app"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

ES6 - Warning: setState(…): Cannot update during an existing state transition

I am rewriting some old ReactJS code, and got stuck fixing this error (the error repeats about 1700 times in the console, the DOM does not render at all):
Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state
transition (such as within render or another component's
constructor). Render methods should be a pure function of props and
state; constructor side-effects are an anti-pattern, but can be moved
to componentWillMount.
I am a Component that passes it's state down to a component that should render some controls. Based on the clicked controls, the state should change, and new controls should render.
So this is my Container component:
class TeaTimer extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
count: 120,
countdownStatus: 'started'
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.countdownStatus !== prevState.countdownStatus) {
switch (this.state.countdownStatus) {
case 'started':
case 'stopped':
componentWillUnmount() {
delete this.timer;
startTimer() {
this.timer = setInterval(() => {
let newCount = this.state.count -1;
count: newCount >= 0 ? newCount : 0
if(newCount === 0) {
this.setState({countdownStatus: 'stopped'});
}, 1000)
handleStatusChange(newStatus) {
this.setState({ countdownStatus: newStatus });
render() {
let {count, countdownStatus} = this.state;
let renderStartStop = () => {
if (countdownStatus !== 'stopped') {
return <StartStop countdownStatus={countdownStatus} onStatusChange={this.handleStatusChange()}/>
} else {
return <div>This will be the slider form</div>
<div className={styles.container}>
<p>This is the TeaTimer component</p>
<Clock totalSeconds={count}/>
And this is my controls component:
class StartStop extends Component {
constructor(props) {
onStatusChange(newStatus) {
return() => {
render() {
let {countdownStatus} = this.props;
let renderStartStopButton = () => {
if(countdownStatus === 'started') {
return <button onClick={()=> this.onStatusChange('stopped')}>Reset</button>;
} else {
return <button onClick={()=> this.onStatusChange('started')}>Start</button>
<div className={}>
StartStop.propTypes = {
countdownStatus: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
onStatusChange: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
I am sorry about the wall of text, but I really can;t figure out where the error is coming from - and therefor don't know which part of the code I can leave out.
I have tried implementing the solution found in a seemingly related question, but can't get it to work either.
I think you have a typo in this line:
return <StartStop countdownStatus={countdownStatus} onStatusChange={this.handleStatusChange()}/>
It should be:
return <StartStop countdownStatus={countdownStatus} onStatusChange={() => this.handleStatusChange}/>
You seem to be calling the method handleStatusChange instead of passing it as a callback.
Your metods call each other so you must define two instance of your metods.
class StartStop extends Component {
constructor(props) {
onStatusChange(newStatus) {
return() => {
render() {
let {countdownStatus} = this.props;
let renderStartStopButton = () => {
if(countdownStatus === 'started') {
return <button onClick={this.onStatusChangeReset('stopped')}>Reset</button>;
} else {
return <button onClick={this.onStatusChangeStart('started')}>Start</button>
<div className={}>
StartStop.propTypes = {
countdownStatus: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
onStatusChange: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
In this line in your return <StartStop countdownStatus={countdownStatus} onStatusChange={this.handleStatusChange()}/> gives the warning, the handleStatusChanged function is called on pressing a button which tries to change the state by setState keyword. whenever the state is changed render function is called again but in your case render function was in progress of returning while the render function is called again by setState keyword.

Prefer pure function than React Component?

I'm working on a HTMl5 video player for a French company. We use React and Redux to build the UI, and it works very well, it's very pleasant to code ! We currently use eslint-plugin-react to check React code style. Since last versions, the linter recommands to use pure functions instead of React Components (view the rule) but it raises some debates in my team.
We are already using pure function for very small components that render always the same things (for given props). No problems with that. But for bigger components, in my opinion, pure functions seem to make the code less elegant (and less uniform compared to other components).
This is an example of one of our components that should be changed :
const ControlBar = ({ actions, core, root }) => {
const onFullscreenScreen = (isFullscreen) => {
const playerRoot = root;
if (isFullscreen && !screenfull.isFullscreen) {
} else {
const renderIconButton = (glyph, action, label = false) => {
let content = (
<Button modifier="icon" clickCallback={ action }>
<Icon glyph={ glyph } />
if (label) {
content = <TooltipOrigin content={label}>{content}</TooltipOrigin>;
return content;
const renderPlayButton = () => {
const { play, pause } = actions;
const { playerState } = core;
if (playerState === CoreStates.PAUSED) {
return renderIconButton(playGlyph, play, 'lecture');
return renderIconButton(pauseGlyph, pause, 'pause');
const renderMuteButton = () => {
const { mute, unmute } = actions;
const { currentVolume } = core;
if (currentVolume === 0) {
return renderIconButton(muteGlyph, unmute);
return renderIconButton(volumeGlyph, mute);
const renderFullscreenButton = () => {
const { isFullscreen } = core;
if (!isFullscreen) {
return renderIconButton(fullscreenGlyph, () => { onFullscreenScreen(true); });
return renderIconButton(fullscreenExitGlyph, () => { onFullscreenScreen(false); });
const { setCurrentVolume } = actions;
const { currentVolume } = core;
return (
<div className={ style.ControlBar }>
<div className={ }>
{ renderMuteButton() }
<SoundBar setCurrentVolume={ setCurrentVolume } volume={ currentVolume } />
<div className={ style.controls }>
{ renderPlayButton() }
<div className={ style.settings }>
{ renderFullscreenButton() }
ControlBar.propTypes = {
actions: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
core: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
root: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
export default ControlBar;
versus :
export default class ControlBar extends Component {
static propTypes = {
actions: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
core: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
root: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
onFullscreenScreen(isFullscreen) {
const playerRoot = this.props.root;
if (isFullscreen && !screenfull.isFullscreen) {
} else {
renderIconButton(glyph, action, label = false) {
let content = (
<Button modifier="icon" clickCallback={ action }>
<Icon glyph={ glyph } />
if (label) {
content = <TooltipOrigin content={label}>{content}</TooltipOrigin>;
return content;
renderPlayButton() {
const { play, pause } = this.props.actions;
const { playerState } = this.props.core;
if (playerState === CoreStates.PAUSED) {
return this.renderIconButton(playGlyph, play, 'lecture');
return this.renderIconButton(pauseGlyph, pause, 'pause');
renderMuteButton() {
const { mute, unmute } = this.props.actions;
const { currentVolume } = this.props.core;
if (currentVolume === 0) {
return this.renderIconButton(muteGlyph, unmute);
return this.renderIconButton(volumeGlyph, mute);
renderFullscreenButton() {
const { isFullscreen } = this.props.core;
if (!isFullscreen) {
return this.renderIconButton(fullscreenGlyph, () => { this.onFullscreenScreen(true); });
return this.renderIconButton(fullscreenExitGlyph, () => { this.onFullscreenScreen(false); });
render() {
const { setCurrentVolume } = this.props.actions;
const { currentVolume } = this.props.core;
return (
<div className={ style.ControlBar }>
<div className={ }>
{ this.renderMuteButton() }
<SoundBar setCurrentVolume={ setCurrentVolume } volume={ currentVolume } />
<div className={ style.controls }>
{ this.renderPlayButton() }
<div className={ style.settings }>
{ this.renderFullscreenButton() }
We like the structure of a React Component. The PropTypes and default props can be inside the class thanks to ES7, it's not possible with pure functions. And, in this example particularly, we have many function to render sub-components.
We could simply disable this rule if we don't like, but we really want to understand that and we care about performance and React good practices. So, maybe you can help us.
How can you help me ? I would get other opinions about this interesting problematic. What are the arguments in favor of pure functions ?
Maybe the solution is not to change ControlBar Component in pure function but just to improve it. In this case, what would be your advices to do that ?
Thanks a lot for your help !

