How to access props in other functions of imported modules - javascript

Let say i created a basic modules with simple functions like helper.js
export function HelloChandu() {
//How to access navigator props from here.
export function HelloTester() {
Then I imported this module in my component as import * as Helper from './helper';
In some element I then called onpress={Helper.HelloTester.bind(this)} So by this now I can access this.props in HelloTester function but I can not access this.props in HelloChandu function.
Question : How can I access this.props from any function in my helper.js module ? Like if there are 10-20 functions , and i don't have to pass as parameters around.
Thank You

I am afraid that if you want to access this.props in one of your functions you will need to pass this explicitily or to bind all the functions to the current this before using them.
There are several ways to do so.
function HelloChandu() {
function HelloTester() {
// HelloChandu.bind(this)();
// this::HelloChandu(); // Experimental!
const obj = {
props: 'my props'
An alternative way would be to wrap all the functions in another function.
function helpers() {
const functions = {
HelloChandu: () => {
HelloTester: () => {
return functions;
const obj = {
props: 'my props'

1.You can persist props to AsyncStorage, whenever you need, you can access this props.
2.Or if you are familiar with closure, you can do like this :
function Helper(ps) {
function test() {
function test2() {
return {
test: test,
test2: test2,
var obj = Helper({name: 'abc', sex: 'male'});
then you should export Helper, and import Helper from 'Helper.js'

export function HelloChandu(_this) {
//How to access navigator props from here.
export function HelloTester(_this) {


Get function inside default export function

I have function inside user.js with default export like this
export default {
var getListFriends = async (accessToken) =>{
....other function
return {
...other function...
then I import it to index.js
import userService from './user';
Then I will add only index.js to plugin.
I can call this.$userService (it shows as anonymous function) but this.$userService.getListFriends return undefined.
How can I call function getListFriends from import.
Thank you very much.
where is user.js?
if its inside plugins directory, you have to use inject to add it to your nuxt.
then you can access it via nuxt object inside your code.
see this example from nuxt docs:
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
// Inject $hello(msg) in Vue, context and store.
inject('hello', msg => console.log(`Hello ${msg}!`))
you can see the full document here
ok now for this to work the way you want you need to change your user.js file,
export default {
friends: () => {
console.log('hi bro');
notFriends: () => {
console.log('go away man im not your bro');
something like this.
you dont need inject or app in your user.js.
and your code problem is that you are defining a function and trying to access it's inner values from the outside like:
function boo() {
var b = 0;
you can not access the value of b with boo.b. its a local variable to the boo function
instead create a object and have multiple functions inside your object

Chain js function and then method in vue.js

Within a Vue component, I am calling a function from a separate JS file. I then need to call a method in my component just after this first function is completed:
My .vue component:
import myFunction from '#/components/functions';
export default {
name: 'test',
components: {
if (....) {
.then((response) => {
My separate functions.js file:
export default {
function1(myParam) {
return true;
I tried several things such as the last one shown in my code which gives me a
.function1(...).then is not a function
I am sure it is not that complicated but can not find the correct syntax.
The function in your other file could return a Promise or it can except a callback from your view component. Also, if you set this equal to self/vm and then use vm.method2(), this is because in the then callback this is defined in scope of that function not the Vue component.

How can I export all functions from a file in JS?

I'm creating a unit converter, and I want to put all of the conversion functions into their own file. Using ES6 export, is there any way to export all of the functions in the file with their default names using only one line? For example:
export default all;
The functions are all just in the file, not within an object.
No, there's no wildcard export (except when you're re-exporting everything from another module, but that's not what you're asking about).
Simply put export in front of each function declaration you want exported, e.g.
export function foo() {
// ...
export function bar() {
// ...
...or of course, if you're using function expressions:
export var foo = function() {
// ...
export let bar = () => {
// ...
export const baz = value => {
// ...
I think there are a lot of solutions to this. And as has been answered, there's no wildcard export. But, you can 'wildcard' the import. So, I much prefer the one putting export before each of the functions you want to expose from the file:
export function fn1() {...}
export function fn2() {...}
and then import it like so:
import * as MyFn from './myfile.js'
Afterwards you could use it like so:
You can also use module.exports as follows:
function myFunction(arg) {
function otherFunction(arg) {
module.exports = {
myFunction: myFunction,
otherFunction: otherFunction,
Then you can import it:
import {myFunction, otherFunction} from "./Functions.js";
In my use case, I do have three reusable functions in one file.
export const a = () => {}
export const b = () => {}
export const c = () => {}
In order to point the root folder instead of individual file names, I created a file called index.js which will comprise of all the functions that are listed in individual files.
export * from './reusables'
Now, when I want to use my a function, I will have to simply import it like this
import { a } from '../utils'
Rather than calling it from its individual files
import { a } from '../utils/reusables'
You could also export them at the bottom of your script.
function cube(x) {
return x * x * x;
const foo = Math.PI + Math.SQRT2;
var graph = {
options: {
draw: function() {
console.log('From graph draw function');
export { cube, foo, graph };
You can also aggregate submodules together in a parent module so that they are available to import from that module.
// In parentModule.js
export { myFunction, myVariable } from 'childModule1.js';
export { myClass } from 'childModule2.js';
// In top-level module
import { myFunction, myVariable, myClass } from 'parentModule.js'
For Node.js environment, what I did to export functions was this.
module.exports = {
signUp: () => {
return "user"
login: () => {
return "login"
const UserController = require('./UserController')
then login and signUp functions could be used inside UserRouter as UserController.signUp() and UserController.login()
I think there's a missing common solution, which is exporting in index.js file:
export const foo = () => { ... }
export const bar = () => { ... }
then in myModule/index.js
export * from "./myFunctions.js";
This way you can simply import and use it with:
import { foo, bar } from "myModule";
function alpha(msj) {
console.log('In alpha: ' + msj);
function beta(msj) {
console.log('In beta: ' + msj);
module.exports = {
const functions = require('./functions');
node main.js
In alpha: Hi
In beta: Hello
In case anyone still needs an answer to this in modern JavaScript:
const hello = () => "hello there"
const bye = () => "bye bye"
export default { hello, bye }
What I like to do is to export all functions within an object:
export default {
testFunction1: function testFunction1(){
console.log("Hello World")
//a little bit cleaner
testFunction2: () => {
console.log("Nothing here")
Now you can access the functions with calling the key value of the object:
import file from 'File.js'
//Hello World
//Nothing here

Why are there different syntax of methods inside extending React.Component?

I notice that inside class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {...} there are different ways of defining methods, with the former being a declaration for methods that is part of React and the latter being expressions for your own methods. Why is this? Why aren't they both in the same format?
componentDidMount() {
myMethod = () => {
This one goes to prototype
fnProto() {
This one is experimental and goes directly to instance having this always refering to the instance.
fnInstance = () => {}
Translating to ES5
class Cmp {
fnProto() {
console.log('goes to proto')
fnInstance = () => {
console.log('goes to instance')
Will be roughly equivalent to
function Cmp() {
this.fnInstance = (function() {
console.log('goes to instance')
Cmp.prototype.fnProto = function() {
console.log('goes to proto')
When you have
componentDidMount() {
it is a lifecycle function and this inside it is automatically bound by default to the React Component context.
However when you define your own function, this inside it will refer to the content of the function itself. However if you define it using an arrow function like
myMethod = () => {
this keyword inside it will refer to the parent context which in this case is the React Component context.
Check this article on Arrow function

Pass prop as module name when mapping to namespaced module

I'm trying to pass the store module namespace via props to a component. When I try and map to getters with the prop, it throws this error,
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
If I pass the name as a string it works.
This Works
export default {
props: ['store'],
computed: {
...mapGetters('someString', [
This does not work is defined typeof is a String
export default {
props: ['store'],
computed: {
...mapGetters(, [
I used this style utilising beforeCreate to access the variables you want, I used the props passed into the component instance:
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from "vuex";
import module from '#/store/modules/mymod';
export default {
name: "someComponent",
props: ['namespace'],
beforeCreate() {
let namespace = this.$options.propsData.namespace;
const { mapActions, mapState } = createNamespacedHelpers(namespace);
// register your module first
this.$store.registerModule(namespace, module);
// now that createNamespacedHelpers can use props we can now use neater mapping
this.$options.computed = {
name: state =>,
description: state => state.description
// because we use spread operator above we can still add component specifics
aFunctionComputed(){ return + "functions";},
anArrowComputed: () => `${}arrows`,
// set up your method bindings via the $options variable
this.$options.methods = {
created() {
// call your actions passing your payloads in the first param if you need
this.initialiseModuleData({ id: 123, name: "Tom" });
I personally use a helper function in the module I'm importing to get a namespace, so if I hadmy module storing projects and passed a projectId of 123 to my component/page using router and/or props it would look like this:
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from "vuex";
import projectModule from '#/store/project.module';
export default{
props['projectId'], // eg. 123
beforeCreate() {
// dynamic namespace built using whatever module you want:
let namespace = projectModule.buildNamespace(this.$options.propsData.projectId); // 'project:123'
// ... everything else as above with no need to drop namespaces everywhere
this.$options.computed = {
name: state =>,
description: state => state.description
Hope you find this useful.
I tackled this problem for hours, too. Then I finally came up with one idea.
Add attachStore function in a child vue component. A function nama is not important. Any name is ok except vue reserved word.
export default {
attachStore (namespace) {
Object.assign(this.computed, mapGetters(namespace, ['filters']))
When this vue component is imported, call attachStore with namespace parameter. Then use it at parent components attributes.
import Child from './path/to/child'
export default {
name: 'parent',
components: { Child }
The error you're encountering is being thrown during Vue/Vuex's initialization process, cannot be converted because it doesn't exist yet. I haven't had to work with namespacing yet, and this is untested so I don't know if it will work, but you may be able to solve this problem by having an intermediary like this:
export default {
props: ['store'],
data {
namespace: ( !== undefined) ? : 'null',
computed: {
...mapGetters(this.namespace, [
That ternary expression will return a string if is undefined, if it isn't undefined then it will return the value in
Note that there is also a discussion about this on Vue's Github page here:
Until Vue formally supports it, I replaced something like
foo: state =>
foo () {
return this.$store.state[this.namespace + '/foo'] || 0
Where namespace is passed to my child component using a prop:
props: {
namespace: { type: String, required: true }

