Wrapping AJAX in a function seems to make it lose async? - javascript

I have a script I'm using to schedule resources using an API and a list in CSV format. The script currently loops through the CSV and fires off a call to a function that has the API calls in it. The AJAX calls are nested (Create a Reservation->Take the reservation number and add a resource->Validate the reservation->Submit the reservation). The problem is that after the original AJAX call, it seems to hang until all of the AJAX calls have completed. There doesn't seem to be any asynchronicity going on.
for(line in CSV)
function makeAPICalls(line)
$.ajax("Create Reservation").then(function(){
$.ajax("Add Resource to Reservation").then(function(){
$.ajax("Validate Reservation").then(function(){
$.ajax("Confirm Reservation")
The first API call ("Create Reservation") completes, and then waits for all of the other lines in the CSV to make that call, then they ALL move on to the next step ("Add Resource to Reservation"). I was wondering if the system was just moving too quickly, so there wasn't a chance for everything to get "out of sync", so I added a delay before makeAPICalls(), but it still waited. Once the CSV loop finished, all the AJAX calls moves from ("Create Reservation") to the then("Add Resource to Reservation").
Is this as expected? Ideally I'd like each call to makeAPICalls() to finish as quickly as possible, with no regards for any other calls (which I kind of thought was what async was all about, but it doesn't seem to be happening here.

This is happening because you are chaining the requests. If your requests are not dependent on each other, you can call them without using .then().

The behaviour is quite correct. I don't know how you are putting in the delay but it probably won't help since JavaScript is single-threaded.
If you want all the steps to complete for a specific csv line you could have your function process the list one-by-one. You could even have the last step call back into the function with the next index to process.


Delay required in between the execution of two statements

i am working with extjs 4.2 and at one place i am loading the store object like this :
var userDetailStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model : 'Person.DetailsModel',
autoLoad : true,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax',
method : 'POST',
url : 'getValueAction.action',
reader : {
type : 'json',
root : 'details'
writer : {
type : 'json',
root : 'details'
fields : ['id','loginName','referenceId' ,'name']
});//Here I load the store which will definitely contain a list of values.
and in the very next line i want to get the referenceId of the first value from the store object like this
var empId = userDetailStore.getAt(0).get('referenceId')
and i am getting the error because till now the getCount() of the store object userDetailStore is giving me zero.But if i write an alert statement like alert('loading data'); before the line where i am getting the referenceId then the code works fine.The line userDetailStore.getCount() is giving me the exact value.
So i think some kind of delay is required between the loading the store and then using the store but I don't want an alert to show.I have even used the sleep() method in place of alert statement.But that is also not working.(BTW i don't even want to freeze the browser by executing the sleep())
Am i doing anything wrong while loading the store ?Is there any general way so that i will execute my code for using the store after the store is completely loaded ?
Somebody please help me out here...
Regards :
Vijay's answer is correct, but I thought I'd expand on the concept so that it's clear how this answer fits into what you're doing.
It's important to understand that when you make an AJAX request, the request is asynchronous. What this means in practical terms is that (as you found out) the remainder of your calling script does not wait for the asynchronous process to complete. Rather, the moment that you make an asynchronous request, your script is going to continue on it's merry way, executing the very next line of code.
So if you think about it, this makes perfect sense why you were not seeing a "count" in your store. While your async request was in the process of going to the server, getting the result, and then returning it to your request, the rest of your code kept right on executing, oblivious to what was happening in the async request (and this is precisely why async requests are powerful and awesome).
This is also why adding the alert seemed to "fix" your problem. When you call alert(), you literally halt execution of your script at the point of the alert. However, since your request for data was asynchronous, the time it took you to click the "OK" button of the alert (and hence resume processing of your script) gave the async request enough time to complete its lifecycle and update the original calling object.
In light of this, it's understandable why it would seem that a "delay" would be a desirable way to go, since the "delay" (or really, "halting") of the alert fixed your issue (at least on the surface). However, with async requests, you can never really know how long it's going to take to complete. If you have a large response, or there is unusual network latency, or any other number of issues...the hard-coded delay might work, but it also might not. Most maddening of all is that you'd never get consistent results, and would constantly be increasing the "delay" in order to accomodate all the things that could contribute to your async request taking longer and longer.
This is why the load() event of the store (and callbacks in general) is such a critical concept to understand and implement. By listening for the load() event, and then executing what code you need only within the context of that event firing, you can know for sure that the store's async request for data has completed.
If you've not used callbacks and event handling before, it does take a bit of getting used to in order to break out of the linear, procedural mindset. However, when dealing with AJAX requests in general, and event-driven frameworks like ExtJS 4 in particular, it's a concept you need to embrace in order to build effective and consistent applications.
use on load event to get the count after it's fully loaded
userDetailStore.on('load', function(){
alert("Fully loaded");
Here set autoload to false and on some action you can use load() to load your store.
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
// do something after the load finishes
scope: this

Delaying a setTimeout()

I'm having an issue with some asynchronous JavaScript code that fetches values from a database using ajax.
Essentially, what I'd like to do is refresh a page once a list has been populated. For that purpose, I tried inserting the following code into the function that populates the list:
var timer1;
timer1 = setTimeout([refresh function], 1000);
As you might imagine, this works fine when the list population takes less than 1 second, but causes issues when it takes longer. So I had the idea of inserting this code into the function called on the success of each ajax call:
timer1 = setTimeout([refresh function], 1000);
So in theory, every time a list element is fetched the timer should reset, meaning that the refresh function should only ever be called 1 second after the final list element is successfully retrieved. However, in execution all that happens is that timer1 is reset once, the first time the second block of code is reached.
Can anybody see what the problem might be? Or if there's a better way of doing this? Thanks.
EDIT: To clear up how my ajax calls work: one of the issues with the code's structure is that the ajax calls are actually nested; the callback method of the original ajax call is itself another ajax call, whose callback method contains a database transaction (incorrect - see below). In addition, I have two such methods running simultaneously. What I need is a way to ensure that ALL calls at all levels have completed before refreshing the page. This is why I thought that giving both methods one timer, and resetting it every time one of the callback methods was called, would keep pushing its execution back until all threads were complete.
Quite honestly, the code is very involved-- around 140 lines including auxiliary methods-- and I don't think that posting it here is feasible. Sorry-- if no one can help without code, then perhaps I'll bite the bullet and try copying it here in a format that makes some kind of sense.
EDIT2: Here's a general workflow of what the methods are trying to do. The function is a 'synchronisation' function, one that both sends data to and retrieves data from the server.
I. Function is called which retrieves items from the local database
i. Every time an item is fetched, it is sent to the server (ajax)
a. When the ajax calls back, the item is updated locally to reflect
its success/failure
II. A (separate) list of items is retrieved from the local database
i. Every time an item is fetched, an item matching that item's ID is fetched from the server (ajax)
a. On successful fetch from server, the items are compared
b. If the server-side item is more recent, the local item is updated
So the places I inserted the second code block above are in the 'i.' sections of each method, in other words, where the ajax should be calling back (repeatedly). I realize that I was in error in my comments above; there is actually never a nested ajax call, but rather a database transaction inside an ajax call inside a database transaction.
You're doing pretty well so far. The trick you want to use is to chain your events together, something like this:
function refresh()
invokeMyAjaxCall(param1, param2, param3, onSuccessCallback, onFailureCallback);
function onSuccessCallback()
// Update my objects here
// Once all the objects have been updated, trigger another ajax call
setTimeout(refresh, 1000);
function onFailureCallback()
// Notify the user that something failed
// Once you've dealt with the failures, trigger another call in 1 sec
setTimeout(refresh, 1000);
Now, the difficulty with this is: what happens if a call fails? Ideally, it sounds like you want to ensure that you are continually updating information from the server, and even if a temporary failure occurs you want to keep going.
I've assumed here that your AJAX library permits you to do a failure callback. However, I've seen some cases when libraries hang without either failing or succeeding. If necessary, you may need to use a separate set of logic to determine if the connection with the server has been interrupted and restart your callback sequence.
EDIT: I suspect that the problem you've got is a result of queueing the next call before the first call is done. Basically, you're setting up a race condition: can the first call finish before the next call is triggered? It may work most times, or it may work once, or it may work nearly all the time; but unless the setTimeout() is the very last statement in your "response-processing" code, this kind of race condition will always be a potential problem.

Dynamic page fetching with AJAX

i have a question regarding partial page loading with AJAX.
Suppose that an user clicks on a button that makes an AJAX call to load part of a page (it can possibly include dynamically loaded JS and/or CSS), and the html content is dropped on some div. Then, before the first load is complete he clicks on another button that makes another AJAX call that drops other content on the same div. How should i prevent this behaviour to create any conflicts? Some possible conflicts might be something like, for example, the first load executes some JS on content that is not found because the second load already changed that div.
Thanks in advance.
I would appreciate answers based on asynchronous methods. Thanks.
Genesis and Gaurav are right about disabling user interaction. +1 from me to each of them. How you handle the logic is actually quite simple:
error: function(jqXHR, status, error){
// handle status for each: "timeout", "error", "abort", and "parsererror"
// Show submit button again:
$('#my_ajax_container').html('Oops we had a hiccup: ' + status);
make it synchronous (not recommended)
disable link/button while ajaxing
do not mind about it
but in your case it won't do any conflicts because when html is replaced, scripts too
Just disable the buttons that cause the AJAX calls to start while one has not completed yet.
I'm not sure this would actually be a problem for you because Javascript is single threaded. When the first ajax response comes in and you execute some javascript, that javascript cannot be interupted by the second ajax response as long as it is one continuous thread of execution (no timers or other asynchronous ajax calls as part of it's processing).
Let's run through a scenario:
User clicks button - first ajax call starts.
User clicks button - second ajax call starts.
First ajax call finishes and the completion code execution starts for what to do with the new data.
While code is executing from first ajax call, the second ajax call completes. At this point, the browser puts the second ajax call completion into a queue. It cannot trigger any of your completion code yet because the Javascript engine is still running from the first load.
Now the first load completes it's execution and code and returns from it's completion handler.
The browser now goes to it's queue and finds the next event to process. It finds the completion of the second ajax call and then starts the completion code for that ajax call.
As you can see from this scenario which has overlapping ajax calls and the second completing in the middle of the processing the first, there still is no conflict because the Javascript engine is single threaded.
Now, as the other answers have suggested, you make not want this user experience of launching a new request while one is still processing, but they won't technically conflict with each other. You have several tools you can choose from if you want to prevent overlapping calls:
You can prevent starting the second call while the first call is unfinished. You can do this both in the UI and in the actual code.
When there are multiple calls outstanding, you can decide to drop/ignore the earlier responses and not process them - waiting only for the last response.
When the second call is initiated, you can cancel the first call.
You can let the second just replace the first as in the above scenario.
The first two options require you to keep track of some cross ajax-call state so one ajax call can know whether there are others and act accordingly.

jquery $.get(...) one at a time

i have a page with many actions on it, which triggers with $.get, but i want to run one at a time, rather then all triggering at once, that is lots of load time.. so what is the solution for me on this?
well before you give answer.. i dont want to trigger based on time, i want to trigger after each request is completely done from ajax, then go and continue with loop for ajax after first one is done.
Do you want to execute synchronous requests? if so, you need to use jQuery's ajax method instead of get, setting async:false.
check http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/
As one commenter properly pointed, making sync requests hangs the only thread javascript code has. That means no animations or other code running while you wait for the requests to finish.
An interesting option would be to "chain" your requests, executing the next request in the previous one callback like this:
$.get('ajax/first-call.html', function(data) {
$.get('ajax/second-call.html', function(data){
You can setup your own custom queue in jQuery.
Populate your queue with all the functions you want to execute.
Each function is a single call to $.get().
In the callback for each $.get function, call the dequeue() function to start up the next ajax call.
It sounds like you want an ajax queue.
I've used this plugin before, and it's pretty simple.
Most browsers will only request four HTTP calls at once for the same domain. The others will be queued up and executed in serial. So the browser already implements some queuing on these requests.

Any issue with setTimeout calling itself?

I have read a handful of setTimeout questions and none appear to relate to the question I have in mind. I know I could use setInterval() but it is not my prefered option.
I have a web app that could in theory be running a day or more without a page refresh and more than one check a minute. Am I likely to get tripped up if my function calls itself several hundred (or more) times using setInterval? Will I reach "stack overflow" for example?
If I use setInterval there is a remote possibility of two requests being run at the same time especially on slow connections (where a second one is raised before the first is finished). I know I could create flags to test if a request is already active, but I'm afraid of false positives.
My solution is to have a function call my jquery ajax code, do its thing, and then as part of ajaxComplete, it does a setInterval to call itself again in X seconds. This method also allows me to alter the duration between calls, so if my server is busy(slow), one reply can set a flag to increase the time between ajax calls.
Sample code of my idea...
function ServiceOrderSync()
// 1. Sync stage changes from client with the server
// 2. Sync new orders from server to this client
$.ajax( { "data": dataurl,
"success": function(data)
{ // process my data },
"complete": function(data)
// Queue the next sync
setTimeout( ServiceOrderSync, 15000 );
You won't get a stack overflow, since the call isn't truly recursive (I call it "pseudo-recursive")
JavaScript is an event driven language, and when you call setTimeout it just queues an event in the list of pending events, and code execution then just continues from where you are and the call stack gets completely unwound before the next event is pulled from that list.
p.s. I'd strongly recommend using Promises if you're using jQuery to handle async code.

