How to get parameterise a string separated by commas with regex? - javascript

I have a string that looks like this:
{{tagName(21, 'hello, jane','smith')}}
I'm trying to use regex to match() this string to result in:
[0] = tagName
[1] = 21
[2] = 'hello, jane'
[3] = 'smith'
The parameter part of the string can grow. That is to say, it may have more or less parameters and the regex needs to be "greedy" yet knows how to group them up.
I've been trying something like that: ^\{\{([^\(]+)\({1}(.*)\){1}\}\}
But this results in:
[0] = tagName
[1] = 21, 'hello, jane','smith'
What should I do to my regex to get the results I want?

Replace {, }, (, ) with empty string; match [a-z]+, \d+, '.+' followed by , or end of input
var str = "{{tagName(21, 'hello, jane','smith')}}";
var res = str.replace(/\{|\}|\(|\)/g, "")

If you're ok with using two regexes, you can return a new array with function name and concat all the parameters onto that array.
With ES6 you can use the spread operator:
const str = "{{tagName(21, 'hello, jane','smith')}}";
const result = str.match(/^\{\{([^\(]+)\({1}(.*)\){1}\}\}/);
In ES5 you'll have to concat the parameters onto the array containing the function name as its first item:
var str = "{{tagName(21, 'hello, jane','smith')}}";
var result = str.match(/^\{\{([^\(]+)\({1}(.*)\){1}\}\}/);
In reality, you could concat in ES6, but

So far I've manage to come up with the following:
Tested on


Get function names from specific string

I have string with slash separated contains function names.
Within above string I want only function name i.e. getCustomer(), getControllerName() & getCsvFileName()
I searched some regex like:
let res = myString.match(/(?<=(function\s))(\w+)/g);
but its returning result as null.
Now I want to get function names without parentheses () i.e. getCustomer, getControllerName & getCsvFileName
Please help me in this
const str = "my_doc/desktop/customer=getCustomer()/getCsvFileName()/controller=getControllerName()"
let tokens = [];
for (element of str.split("/"))
if (element.endsWith("()"))
tokens.push(element.split("=")[1] ?? element.split("=")[0])
General idea: split the string along slashes, and for each of these tokens, if the token ends with () (as per Nick's suggestion), split the token along =. Append the second index of the token split along = if it exists, otherwise append the first.
A "smaller" version (using purely array methods) could be:
const str = "my_doc/desktop/customer=getCustomer()/getCsvFileName()/controller=getControllerName()"
let tokens = str.split("/")
.filter(element => element.endsWith("()"))
.map(element => element.split("=")[1] ?? element.split("=")[0]);
You can split the string that has parentheses () first like /.*?\([^)]*\)/g.
This will give array of results, and after that you can iterate the array data and for each item, you can split the = and / before function name with the help of item.split(/=|\//).
Then push the filtered function name into empty array functionNames.
Working Example:
const string = `my_doc/desktop/customer=getCustomer()/getCsvFileName()/controller=getControllerName()`;
const functionNames = [];
string.match(/.*?\([^)]*\)/g).forEach(item => {
const splitString = item.split(/=|\//);
const functionName = splitString[splitString.length - 1];
As per, MDN docs the match() method returns null if it does not find a match for the provided regex in the provided search string.
The regular expression which you have provided,/(?<=(function\s))(\w+)/g matches any word that has 'function ' before it. (NOTE: a space after the word function)
Your search string my_doc/desktop/customer=getCustomer()/getCsvFileName()/controller=getControllerName() does not include 'function ' before any characters. That is why you got null as result of match() method.
let yourString = 'my_doc/desktop/customer=getCustomer()/getCsvFileName()/controller=getControllerName()';
let myReferenceString = 'SAMPLETEXTfunction sayHi()/function sayHello()';
let res = yourString.match(/(?<=(function\s))(\w+)/g);
let res2 = myReferenceString.match(/(?<=(function\s))(\w+)/g);
console.log("Result of your string", res);
console.log("Result of my string", res2);
My solution here,
let myreferenceString = 'my_doc/desktop/customer=getCustomer()/getCsvFileName()/controller=getControllerName()'
let res = myreferenceString.match(/((?<==)(\w+\(\)))|((?<=\/)(\w+\(\)))/g);
console.log("Result", res);
NOTE: I have used the 'Positive Look Behind regex operator', This is not supported in browsers like Safari and IE. Please do reasearch about this before considering this approach.

Extract string from two identical symbols javascript

suppose I have a string :
I want to replace the above string as:
For this i tried as:
var result=[];
It gives o/p:
Now to replace the said part I tried as:
var res = string1.replace("", ''+result[1]+'');
But it gives me o/p as: hello someting "" still something
I want to replace exactly in the attachment.
Is there any other way to achieve this?
Can't you use: str.replace("", `\`+${result[1]}+\``) ?
This way you are replacing the string with a template literal which includes the result (evaluated to a string). It also includes the backticks in the string by escaping them with backslashes.
I believe what you're trying to achieve is this:
let string1 = "hello something hello something";
const result = ['data', 'yay! My data is here'];
const updatedString = string1.replace('', `+${result[1]}+`);
By using a template literal we can easily replace the with the result data.
Assuming that you want to replace with the actual value of
You need something like this:
var details = { data: 'blabla' }
const string = `hello something "" still something`;
string = string.replace('',;
console.log(string); // hello something "blabla" still something
If you wanted this to be dynamic you would need the details object as a prop of another object:
var obj = { details: { data: 'blabla' }}
var arr = string.split('+'); // ['hello something "','','" still something']
var path = arr[1].split('.'); // ['details', 'data']
// you would need some logic here to check that each of the props from path exists in obj
var value = obj[path[0]][path[1]];
string = string.replace('', value);

How to remove a string from an array of strings?

Basically, I have an array of strings
var array_strings = ['string1', 'string2', 'string3']
And I would like to know using that array, how could I find every piece of a string that contains something from the array array_strings and remove it.
For example, If I have the string var hello = 'string1 Hello string2'
I would like it to output only Hello and remove string1 and string2.
One possibility would be to join the array of strings you want to remove by |, then construct a regular expression from that, and .replace with '':
const array_strings = ['string1', 'string2', 'string3'];
const pattern = new RegExp(array_strings.join('|'), 'g');
const hello = 'string1 Hello string2';
console.log(hello.replace(pattern, ''));
If you also want to remove the leading/trailing spaces, then use .trim() as well.
Iterate over the array and use the string replace method to remove the strings from the array. We turn the string into a regular expression through the RegExp constructor. This will allow for multiple replaces and the use of a variable within our expression.
var array_strings = ['string1', 'string2', 'string3'],
str = "string1 hello string2",
printStr = (str, removables) => {
for (let removable of removables) {
let re_removable = new RegExp(removable,"g");
str = str.replace(re_removable, "").trim();
return str;
console.log(printStr(str, array_strings));
If you are going to have only words as per your example with no commas/punctuation etc then you could also simply split the string and then Array.filter it via Array.includes:
const str = 'string1 Hello string2 there string3',
arr = ['string1', 'string2', 'string3'];
console.log(...str.split(' ').filter(x => !arr.includes(x)))
It is a simpler approach in scenario where you do not have complex sentences/string data for which you would need String.replace via RegEx etc.

Extract strings between occurences of a specific character

I'm attempting to extract strings between occurences of a specific character in a larger string.
For example:
The initial string is:
var str = "";
I want to be able to store all of the substrings between the question marks as their own variables, such as "hello", "kitty" and "test".
How would I target substrings between different indexes of a specific character using either JavaScript or Regular Expressions?
You could split on ? and use slice passing 1 as the parameter value.
That would give you an array with your values. If you want to create separate variables you could for example get the value by its index var1 = parts[0]
var str = "";
var parts = str.split('?').slice(1);
var var1 = parts[0],
var2 = parts[1],
var3 = parts[2];
Quick note: that URL would be invalid. A question mark ? denotes the beginning of a query string and key/value pairs are generally provided in the form key=value and delimited with an ampersand &.
That being said, if this isn't a problem then why not split on the question mark to obtain an array of values?
var split_values = str.split('?');
//result: [ '', 'hello', 'kitty', 'test' ]
Then you could simply grab the individual values from the array, skipping the first element.
I believe this will do it:
var components = "".split("?");
components.slice(1-components.length) // Returns: [ "hello", "kitty", "test" ]
using Regular Expressions
var reg = /\?([^\?]+)/g;
var s = "";
var results = null;
while( results = reg.exec(s) ){
The general case is to use RegExp:
var regex1 = new RegExp(/\?.*?(?=\?|$)/,'g'); regex1.lastIndex=0;
Note that this will also get you the leading ? in each clause (no look-behind regexp in Javascript).
Alternatively you can use the sticky flag and run it in a loop:
var regex1 = new RegExp(/.*?\?(.*?)(?=\?|$)/,'y'); regex1.lastIndex=0;
while(str.match(regex1)) {...}
You can take the substring starting from the first question mark, then split by question mark
const str = "";
const matches = str.substring(str.indexOf('?') + 1).split(/\?/g);

Split string and get array using regExp in javascript/node js

I am writing js code to get array of elements after splitting using regular expression.
var data = "ABCXYZ88";
var regexp = "([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3}d{2})";
It returns
[ 'ABCXYZ88' ]
But I am expecting something like
Any thoughts?
I fixed your regex, then matched it against your string and extracted the relevant capturing groups:
var regex = /([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3})(\d{2})/g;
var str = 'ABCXYZ88';
let m = regex.exec(str);
if (m !== null) {
console.log(m.slice(1)); // prints ["ABC", "XYZ", "88"]
In your case, I don't think you can split using a regex as you were trying, as there don't seem to be any delimiting characters to match against. For this to work, you'd have to have a string like 'ABC|XYZ|88'; then you could do 'ABC|XYZ|88'.split(/\|/g). (Of course, you wouldn't use a regex for such a simple case.)
Your regexp is not a RegExp object but a string.
Your capturing groups are not correct.
String.prototype.split() is not the function you need. What split() does:
var myString = 'Hello World. How are you doing?';
var splits = myString.split(' ', 3);
console.log(splits); // ["Hello", "World.", "How"]
What you need:
var data = 'ABCXYZ88';
var regexp = /^([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3})(\d{2})$/;
var match = data.match(regexp);
console.log(match.slice(1)); // ["ABC", "XYZ", "88"]
Try this. I hope this is what you are looking for.
var reg = data.match(/^([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3})(\d{2})$/).slice(1);

