Issue with creating a reusable method - javascript

What's the best way to refactor the following randomizing code into a reusable method? I want to put this part into a reusable method ==>$scope.randTarotImg = $scope.tarotImg[Math.floor(Math.random() * $scope.tarotImg.length)];
I tried the following and it's not working:
function randTarotImg(){
$scope.randTarotImg = $scope.tarotImg[Math.floor(Math.random() * $scope.tarotImg.length)];
$scope.onClick = function() {
Here's the relevant code block:
.controller('TarotCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.tarotImg = [];
for (var i=1;i<=6;i++) {
$scope.randTarotImg = $scope.tarotImg[Math.floor(Math.random() * $scope.tarotImg.length)];
$scope.onClick = function() {
$scope.randTarotImg = $scope.tarotImg[Math.floor(Math.random() * $scope.tarotImg.length)];

var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
function getRandomElement(arr) {
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)];
In your case:
.controller('TarotCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.tarotImg = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
function getRandomElement(arr) {
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)];
$scope.randTarotImg = getRandomElement($scope.tarotImg);
$scope.onClick = function() {
$scope.randTarotImg = getRandomElement($scope.tarotImg);


Javascript Cannot access class before initialization

I have the following bit of code whereby I'm using class expressions
const ShapeOverlays = class {
constructor(elm) {
this.elm = elm;
this.path = elm.querySelectorAll('path');
this.numPoints = 4;
this.duration = 1000;
this.delayPointsArray = [];
this.delayPointsMax = 0;
this.delayPerPath = 60;
this.timeStart =;
this.isOpened = false;
this.isAnimating = false;
(function() {
const elmHamburger = document.querySelector('.hamburger');
const gNavItems = document.querySelectorAll('.global-menu__item');
const elmOverlay = document.querySelector('.shape-overlays');
const overlay = new ShapeOverlays(elmOverlay);
elmHamburger.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (overlay.isAnimating) {
return false;
if (overlay.isOpened === true) {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {
But I'm getting the error
Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'ShapeOverlays' before initialization
on the line const overlay = new ShapeOverlays(elmOverlay); which is weird because the class has been initialized above. What I'm I doing wrong? Thanks.
Your class expression is missing a semicolon.
const ShapeOverlays = class {
constructor(elm) {
// ...
}; // <-- this one
const Test = class {
constructor() {
this.isOpened = false;
this.isAnimating = false;
(function() {
const overlay = new Test(4);
Not working:
const Test = class {
constructor() {
this.isOpened = false;
this.isAnimating = false;
(function() {
const overlay = new Test(4);
you have one too may (...). So, if you moved it to the following I think it should work fine.
const ShapeOverlays = class {
constructor(elm) {
this.elm = elm;
this.path = elm.querySelectorAll("path");
this.numPoints = 4;
this.duration = 1000;
this.delayPointsArray = [];
this.delayPointsMax = 0;
this.delayPerPath = 60;
this.timeStart =;
this.isOpened = false;
this.isAnimating = false;
(function () {
const elmHamburger = document.querySelector(".hamburger");
const gNavItems = document.querySelectorAll(".global-menu__item");
const elmOverlay = document.querySelector(".shape-overlays");
const overlay = new ShapeOverlays(elmOverlay);
elmHamburger.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (overlay.isAnimating) {
return false;
if (overlay.isOpened === true) {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {
Let me know if it does NOT help. Thanks.
It works if you declare the class inside the function, its happening because you are instantly declaring and invoking the function so the scope is lexical in terms to the globally declared class. See this for reference:
(function() {
const ShapeOverlays = class {
constructor(elm) {
this.elm = elm;
this.path = elm.querySelectorAll('path');
this.numPoints = 4;
this.duration = 1000;
this.delayPointsArray = [];
this.delayPointsMax = 0;
this.delayPerPath = 60;
this.timeStart =;
this.isOpened = false;
this.isAnimating = false;
const elmHamburger = document.querySelector('.hamburger');
const gNavItems = document.querySelectorAll('.global-menu__item');
const elmOverlay = document.querySelector('.shape-overlays');
const overlay = new ShapeOverlays(elmOverlay);
elmHamburger.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (overlay.isAnimating) {
return false;
if (overlay.isOpened === true) {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {

Controller isn't counted as a function

I have many different controllers throughout this project and all of them are declared the same way. This one now isn't getting called/giving an error and I have no clue why. I've looked through it and it all looks right to me.
I think it's probably some syntax error I'm not seeing. If its something else please tell me. I'm trying to learn angular and everything helps. Also if you need anything else just tell me.
I've made sure its not that the app.js name got changed and been looking for missing syntax but can't find anything.,%20got%20undefined
app.controller('companyDepartmentController', ['$scope', '$timeout', 'companyService', function ($scope, $timeout, companyService) {
* Create/Manage Company Departments & Shifts
// INITIALIZE VARIABLES *********************************************************************************
var vm = this;
vm.Departments = [];
vm.activeDepartment = {}
vm.departmentBeforeEdit = {};
vm.activeShift = {};
vm.OffsetString = "";
vm.SaveDepartmentSuccessMessage = null;
vm.SaveDepartmentErrorMessage = null;
// STARTUP **********************************************************************************************
(vm.GetDepartments = function () {
companyService.GetDepartmentsWithShiftInformation().success(function (data) {
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
vm.Departments = data;
// for now we are limiting this to 1
vm.activeDepartment = vm.Departments[0];
// move to global location? handle this better?
(vm.findLocalOffsetString = function () {
vm.OffsetString = moment(new Date()).format('ZZ');
// $BROADCAST/$ON EVENTS ********************************************************************************
// EVENTS ***********************************************************************************************
vm.saveDepartment = function (department) {
// new
if (department.DepartmentID === 0 || typeof department.DepartmentID === 'undefined') {
// update
else {
companyService.UpdateDepartmentHeader(department).success(function (data) {
vm.SaveDepartmentSuccessMessage = "Saved!";
department.InEdit = false
vm.editDepartment = function (department) {
vm.activeDepartment = department;
vm.departmentBeforeEdit = angular.copy(vm.activeDepartment);
vm.activeDepartment.InEdit = true;
vm.cancelDepartmentEdit = function (department) {
for (var i = 0; i < vm.Departments.length; i++) {
if (department.DepartmentID === vm.Departments[i].DepartmentID) {
vm.Departments[i] = vm.departmentBeforeEdit;
vm.departmentBeforeEdit = {};
vm.activeDepartment = vm.Departments[i];
vm.addShift = function () {
if (!vm.activeDepartment) return;
vm.activeShift = {
DepartmentID: vm.activeDepartment.DepartmentID,
StartTime: new Date(),
LocalStartTime: new Date(new Date() + vm.OffsetString)
vm.deleteShift = function (shift) {
if (!shift) return;
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the shift: " + shift.Name + "?")) {
companyService.DeleteShift(shift).success(function () {
angular.forEach(vm.activeDepartment.Shifts, function (c, i) {
if (c.ShiftID === shift.ShiftID) {
vm.activeDepartment.Shifts.splice(i, 1);
vm.setTimeZoneOffsets = function (department) {
if (!department || !department.Shifts || department.Shifts.length === 0) return;
for (var i = 0; i < department.Shifts.length; i++) {
department.Shifts[i].LocalStartTime = new Date(department.Shifts[i].StartTime + vm.OffsetString);
department.Shifts[i].EndTime = moment(department.Shifts[i].StartTime).add(department.Shifts[i].Duration, 'hours').toDate()
var fixTimezoneOnSave = function (shift) {
shift.StartTime = new Date(shift.LocalStartTime).toLocaleString();
vm.setActiveShift = function (shift) {
if (!shift) return;
vm.activeShift = angular.copy(shift);
vm.saveShift = function (shift) {
// new shift
if (shift.ShiftID === 0 || typeof shift.ShiftID === 'undefined') {
companyService.AddShift(shift).success(function (data) {
shift.ShiftID = data;
vm.SaveDepartmentSuccessMessage = "Saved!";
}).error(function (e) {
vm.SaveDepartmentErrorMessage = e.error;
// updating existing
else {
companyService.UpdateShift(shift).success(function (data) {
vm.SaveDepartmentSuccessMessage = "Saved!";
}).error(function (e) {
vm.SaveDepartmentErrorMessage = e.error;
var getUpdatedShiftsAndInfo = function () {
companyService.DepartmentAndShiftInformation(vm.activeDepartment.DepartmentID).success(function (data) {
vm.activeDepartment.DepartmentShiftInformation = data.DepartmentShiftInformation;
vm.activeDepartment.Shifts = data.Shifts;
var resetDepartmentMessage = function () {
// clear error/success message if they have values still
if (vm.SaveDepartmentSuccessMessage != null) {
$timeout(function () { vm.SaveDepartmentSuccessMessage = null; }, 2000);
if (vm.SaveDepartmentErrorMessage != null) {
$timeout(function () { vm.SaveDepartmentErrorMessage = null; }, 2000);
// create controller object in console if we have logging turned on
if (spectrum.LoggingEnabled) {
<div class="container-fluid" data-ng-controller="companyDepartmentController as cd">
#section scripts {
var app = angular.module('app', ['angularFileUpload', 'ngSanitize', 'ui.mask', '', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.tpls', 'angular.filter', 'smart-table', 'colorpicker.module'])
.config(function ($httpProvider) {
//make delete type json to facilitate passing object
//to our generic method.
$httpProvider.defaults.headers["delete"] = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
Outside of a naming issue with the controller(which I can't see), I would imagine your issue dealing with the company-department-controller.js not being loaded.
In setting up your angular project, I would suggest that you follow this angular styleguide. It has been very helpful to me in creating a well structured project.

Use Javascript Object to Angular Service

I am trying to add functions to a JS Object which will be used as a singleton service.
.factory('createStepsService', createStepsService);
createStepsService.$inject = [];
/* #ngInject */
function createStepsService() {
var steps;
var service = {
newSteps: function (current_step, total_steps) {
if (!steps) {
return new Steps(current_step, total_steps);
return service;
function Steps(current_step, total_steps) {
this.c_step = current_step;
this.t_step = total_steps;
Steps.prototype = {
addSteps: function (num) {
this.c_step += num;
setLastStep: function () {
this.lastStep = this.c_step = this.t_step;
When I run this line from the controller, I am not able to access
addSteps / setLastStep methods.
vm.createStepsService = createStepsService.newSteps(1, 3);
Why I don't see these methods? Were they created?
Your steps.prototype code is never ran.
This is because it appears after the return.
Change the order of your code to this:
/* #ngInject */
function createStepsService() {
var steps;
function Steps(current_step, total_steps) {
this.c_step = current_step;
this.t_step = total_steps;
Steps.prototype = {
addSteps: function (num) {
this.c_step += num;
setLastStep: function () {
this.lastStep = this.c_step = this.t_step;
var service = {
newSteps: function (current_step, total_steps) {
if (!steps) {
return new Steps(current_step, total_steps);
return service;
The reason that you can have a function declared before a return is because of JavaScript variable and function hoisting.
Your problem is that you are creating Steps.prototype after a return statement, so it will never be read.
In AngularJS, services are singletons objects that are instantiated only once per app.
And the factory() method is a quick way to create and configure a service.
It provides the function's return value i.e. Need to create an object, add properties to it, then it will return that same object.
For ex:
.factory("createStepService", function(){
var stepServiceObj = {};
var c_step = 0;
var t_steps = 0;
var last_step = 0;
stepServiceObj.setCurrentStep = function(current_step){
c_step = current_step;
console.log('c_step1: ',c_step);
stepServiceObj.getCurrentStep = function(){
return c_step;
stepServiceObj.setTotalStep = function(total_steps){
t_steps = total_steps;
stepServiceObj.getTotalStep = function(){
return t_steps;
stepServiceObj.setLastStep = function(){
last_step = c_step = t_step;
stepServiceObj.getLastStep = function(){
return last_step;
stepServiceObj.addSteps = function(num){
return c_step += num;
return stepServiceObj;

issue: dual selectlist moving all items

below code is about dual selectlist. as shown in below image.
Its working as desire. Only problem is, if I click on last subject from Right hand side list box (select Subject list), it is moving all subject to left list box. Technically it should only move the clicked (selected) one subject.
Any suggestion to resolve this?
Code is as following
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('multiSelect',['$compile', '$log', multiSelect])
function multiSelect($compile, $log) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
name: '#',
selectedModel: '=',
availableModel: '='
/*template: '<select id="{{name}}-available" multiple ng-model="availableModel" ng-click="toSelected()" ng-options="a as a.subjectShortName for a in Model.available"></select>\n\n\
<select id="{{name}}-selected" ng-click="toAvailable()" multiple ng-model="selectedModel" ng-options="s as s.subjectShortName for s in Model.selected"></select>',
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function($scope, $elem, $attr) {
var RefreshSelect = function(original, toFilter) {
var filtered = [];
angular.forEach(original, function(entity) {
var match = false;
for (var i = 0; i < toFilter.length; i++) {
if (toFilter[i]["subjectId"] === entity["subjectId"]) {
match = true;
if (!match) {
return filtered;
var RefreshModel = function() {
/*$scope.selectedModel = $scope.Model.selected;*/
$scope.selectedModel = angular.copy($scope.Model.selected);
/*$scope.availableModel = $scope.Model.available;*/
$scope.availableModel = angular.copy($scope.Model.available);
var Init = function() {
$scope.Model = {
available: $scope.availableModel,
selected: $scope.selectedModel
$scope.selectedModel = [];
$scope.availableModel = [];
$scope.toSelected = function() {
$scope.Model.selected = $scope.Model.selected.concat($scope.availableModel);
$scope.Model.available = RefreshSelect($scope.Model.available, $scope.availableModel);
$scope.toAvailable = function() {
console.log("in here -x1")
console.log("x3-> " + JSON.stringify($scope.selectedModel))
$scope.Model.available = $scope.Model.available.concat($scope.selectedModel);
$scope.Model.selected = RefreshSelect($scope.Model.selected, $scope.selectedModel);
Try to remove RefreshModel function and updating selected values in toSelected and toAvailable:
$scope.toSelected = function() {
$scope.Model.selected = $scope.Model.selected.concat($scope.availableModel);
$scope.Model.available = RefreshSelect($scope.Model.available, $scope.availableModel);
$scope.selectedModel = $scope.availableModel;
$scope.availableModel = [];
$scope.toAvailable = function() {
$scope.Model.available = $scope.Model.available.concat($scope.selectedModel);
$scope.Model.selected = RefreshSelect($scope.Model.selected, $scope.selectedModel);
$scope.selectedModel = [];
$scope.availableModel = $scope.selectedModel;

A Javascript function which creates an object which calls the function itself

I am trying to make an angular service that returns a new object.
That's fine and good and works. new MakeRoll() creates an instance. But self.add, near the end also calls new MakeRoll() and that doesn't create an instance when I call add like I think it should.
I'm probably doing this all wrong but I haven't been able to figure it out.
var services = angular.module('services', []);
services.factory('Roll', [function() {
var MakeRoll = function () {
var self = {};
self.rolls = [];
self.add = function(number, sizeOfDice, add) {
var newRoll = {};
newRoll.number = number || 1;
newRoll.sizeOfDice = sizeOfDice || 6;
newRoll.add = add || 0;
newRoll.rollDice = function() {
var result = 0;
var results=[];
for (var i = 0; i < newRoll.number; i++) {
var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * newRoll.sizeOfDice) + 1;
result += roll;
newRoll.results = results;
newRoll.result = result;
newRoll.Roll = new MakeRoll();
return self;
self.remove = function(index) {
self.rolls.splice(index, 1);
self.get = function(index) {
return self.rolls[index];
return self;
return new MakeRoll();
angular service is designed to be singleton to accomplish some business logic, so don't mix up plain model with angular service. if you want to have more objects, just create a constructor and link it in service to be operated on.
function MakeRoll() {
angular.module('service', []).factory('Roll', function () {
var rolls = [];
return {
add: add,
remove: remove,
get: get
function add() {
// var o = new MakrRoll();
// rolls.push(o);
function remove(o) {
// remove o from rolls
function get(o) {
// get o from rolls

