js-data v3- Keeping meta information in a paginated end point - javascript

I'm trying to deserialize a paginated end point. The return request for this end point looks like
count: number,
next: string,
previous: string,
data: Array[Objects]
The issue I'm having when using js-data to do a findAll, it's injecting this object into the data store. It should be injecting the objects in the data array into the store. So I made a deserialize method on my adapter that looks like this.
deserialize: (resourceConfig:any, response:any) => {
let data = response.data;
if (data && 'count' in data && 'next' in data && 'results' in data) {
data = data.results;
data._meta = {
count: response.data.count,
next: response.data.next,
previous: response.data.previous
return data;
And this works. The array objects are getting injected into my data store. But the meta information is getting lost.
dataStore.findAll('User').then(r => console.log(r._meta)); // r._meta == undefined
I would like to keep that meta information on the returned object. Any ideas?

To do this in v3 you just need to override a couple methods to tweak JSData's
handling of the response from your paginated endpoint. The two most important
things are to tell JSData which nested property of the response are the records
and which nested property should be added to the in-memory store (should be the
same nested property in both cases).
const store = new DataStore({
addToCache: function (name, data, opts) {
if (name === 'post' && opts.op === 'afterFindAll') {
// Make sure the paginated post records get added to the store (and
// not the whole page object).
return DataStore.prototype.addToCache.call(this, name, data.results, opts);
// Otherwise do default behavior
return DataStore.prototype.addToCache.call(this, name, data, opts);
store.registerAdapter('http', httpAdapter, { 'default': true });
store.defineMapper('post', {
// GET /posts doesn't return data as JSData expects, so we've got to tell
// JSData where the records are in the response.
wrap: function (data, opts) {
// Override behavior of wrap in this instance
if (opts.op === 'afterFindAll') {
// In this example, the Post records are nested under a "results"
// property of the response data. This is a paginated endpoint, so the
// response data might also have properties like "page", "count",
// "hasMore", etc.
data.results = store.getMapper('post').createRecord(data.results);
return data
// Otherwise do default behavior
return Mapper.prototype.wrap.call(this, data, opts);
// Example query, depends on what your backend expects
const query = { status: 'published', page: 1 };
.then((response) => {
console.log(response.results); // [{...}, {...}, ...]
console.log(response.page); // 1
console.log(response.count); // 10
console.log(response.hasMore); // true


Pushing to an array is returning index rather then items (React)

I'm trying to add a new object to the end of an array that I'm dynamically fetching over my API. Users complete a form so the data is passed from the form to the state.
The initial first fetch is storing the original array to some react state which is fine, then at some point, a single object should be added to the end of the original array, so the whole array will contain the original data, plus the new object added.
Naturally, I'm trying to use array.push() to try and achieve this, but I keep getting the index rather than the data object.
// declare state will be an array
const [originalPages, setOriginalPages] = useState([]);
// Get all the existing data
loadInitialValues() {
return fetch(`example.com/api/collections/get/testing_features?token=${process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY}`)
.then((res) => {
return res.json();
// set state to be the whole array for this post
return res.entries[4].pagebuild[0].settings;
At this point the data is all working completely fine, the collection of the new data from the forms works fine too. However, this is the point when the data goes to get posted back to update the API but just returns a number:
onSubmit(formData) {
// Dynamically hook all the newly collected form data to this new data object
let theData = {
component: 'page',
settings: {
title: formData.title,
pageOptions: {
pageSideImg: formData.pageOptions.pageSideImg,
isReversed: formData.pageOptions.isReversed,
paraGap: formData.pageOptions.paraGap,
paraFont: formData.pageOptions.paraFont,
pageNavigation: {
pageSlug: formData.pageNavigation.pageSlug,
nextPage: formData.pageNavigation.nextPage,
prevPage: formData.pageNavigation.prevPage,
globalOptions: {
projectName: formData.globalOptions.projectName,
transType: formData.globalOptions.transType,
menuTrans: formData.globalOptions.menuTrans,
blocks: formData.blocks
cms.alerts.info('Saving Content...');
return fetch(`example.com/api/collections/save/testing_features?token=${process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY}`, {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
data: {
// Only returning the array count as a number
pagebuild: originalPages.push(theData),
_id: "610963c235316625d1000023"
.then(response => response.json())
.catch((err) => {
cms.alerts.error('Error Saving Content');
If anyone has any ideas as to why this is happening id greatly appreciate it!
For reference, I've checked here and maybe I should use spread instead?
The Array.push doesn't return the final array you would need, but the final length of modified array (that's why you thought it was an index).
Replace this string pagebuild: originalPages.push(theData), with this one:
pagebuild: [...originalPages, theData],
Of course, if you want to update the internal originalPages state value, call this within your onSubmit():
setOriginalPages(x => [...x, theData]);

Modify deeply nested data in Apollo client query result

I'm using #apollo/client to fetch data from Storyblok's API.
I want to iterate over all the fields in the returned data to potentially sanitize its content (it contains raw HTML). Because Apollo makes the result data immutable, I'm not able to do this:
const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: "https://gapi.storyblok.com/v1/api",
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
headers: {
token: "EXAMPLE",
function sanitizeFields(obj) {
for (const field of obj) {
if (field?.type === "custom-rich-text") {
field.content = sanitizeContent(field.content); // 💥 This generates an error because I'm trying to modify a read only object
if (Array.isArray(field) || isPlainObject(field)) {
const postData = await client.query({ query: MY_QUERY });
How can I modify deeply nested data returned by #apollo/client without knowing the particular field name beforehand?

Skipping top level of JSON data and retrieving data below it via JavaScript

Via a microservice, I retrieve several packages of JSON data and spit them out onto a Vue.js-driven page. The data looks something like this:
{"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}
[{"id":22,"name":"Fred","address":"Parmesean Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":24,"name":"George","address":"Loopy Lane","zip":"15090"},
{"id":25,"name":"Lucy","address":"Farm Road","zip":"15090"}]}}
[{"id":2,"name":"device type 1"},
{"id":4,"name":"device type 2"},
{"id":5,"name":"device type 3"}]}}
...and I successfully grab them individually via code like this:
getCompanies() {
method: 'GET',
url: `api/authenticated/function/getcompanies`
.then((response) => {
if(response.data) {
this.dataCompanies = response.data.getcompanies
} else {
...with getUsers() and getDevices() looking respectively the same. getCompanies() returns:
[{"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}]
...which I relay to the Vue template in a table, and this works just fine and dandy.
But this is obviously going to get unwieldy if I need to add more microservice calls down the road.
What I'm looking for is an elegant way to jump past the response.data.*whatever* and get to those id-records with a re-useable call, but I'm having trouble getting there. response.data[0] doesn't work, and mapping down to the stuff I need either comes back undefined, or in bits of array. And filtering for response.data[0].id to return just the rows with ids keeps coming back undefined.
My last attempt (see below) to access the data does work, but looks like it comes back as individual array elements. I'd rather not - if possible - rebuild an array into a JSON structure. I keep thinking I should be able to just step past the next level regardless of what it's called, and grab whatever is there in one chunk, as if I read response.data.getcompanies directly, but not caring what 'getcompanies' is, or needing to reference it by name:
// the call
this.dataCompanies = this.getFullData('companies')
getFullData(who) {
method: 'GET',
url: 'api/authenticated/function/get' + who,
.then((response) => {
if(response) {
// attempt 1 to get chunk below 'getcompanies'
Object.keys(response.data).forEach(function(prop) {
// attempt 2
// for (const prop in response.data) {
// console.log(response.data[prop])
// }
let output = response.data[prop] // erroneously thinking this is in one object
return output
} else {
(63) [{…}, {…}, {…}] <-- *there are 63 of these records, I'm just showing the first few...*
0: {"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"}
1: {"id":7,"name":"McMillan","address":null,"zip":"15090"},
2: {"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}...
Oh, and the return above comes back 'undefined' for some reason that eludes me at 3AM. >.<
It's one of those things where I think I am close, but not quite. Any tips, hints, or pokes in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
I feel it's better to be explicit about accessing the object. Seems like the object key is consistent with the name of the microservice function? If so:
getData(functionName) {
return this.sendMicroServiceRequest({
method: 'GET',
url: "api/authenticated/function/" + functionName
.then( response => response.data[functionName] )
this.getData("getcompanies").then(companies => {
this.dataCompanies = companies
let arrResponse = {data: ['x']};
let objResponse = {data: {getcompanies: 'x'}};
response.data[0] would work if data was an array. To get the first-and-only element of an object, use Object.values(response.data)[0] instead. Object.values converts an object to an array of its values.
Its counterparts Object.keys and Object.entries likewise return arrays of keys and key-value tuples respectively.
Note, order isn't guaranteed in objects, so this is only predictable in your situation because data has exactly a single key & value. Otherwise, you'd have to iterate the entry tuples and search for the desired entry.
Let's begin with a generic function, firstValue. It will get the first value of an object, if present, otherwise it will throw an error -
const x = { something: "foo" }
const y = {}
const firstValue = t =>
{ const v = Object.values(t)
if (v.length)
return v[0]
throw Error("empty data")
console.log(firstValue(x)) // "foo"
console.log(firstValue(y)) // Error: empty data
Now write a generic getData. We chain our firstValue function on the end, and be careful not to add a console.log or .catch here; that is a choice for the caller to decide -
getData(url) {
return this
.sendMicroServiceRequest({ method: "GET", url })
.then(response => {
if (response.data)
return response.data
return Promise.reject(response)
Now we write getCompanies, getUsers, etc -
getCompanies() {
return getData("api/authenticated/function/getcompanies")
getUsers() {
return getData("api/authenticated/function/getusers")
async and await
Maybe you could spruce up getData with async and await -
async getData(url) {
const response =
await this.sendMicroServiceRequest({ method: "GET", url })
return response.data
? firstValue(response.data)
: Promise.reject(response)
power of generics demonstrated
We might even suggest that these get* functions are no longer needed -
async getAll() {
return {
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getcompanies"),
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getusers"),
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getdevices"),
// ...
Above we used three await getData(...) requests which happen in serial order. Perhaps you want all of these requests to run in parallel. Below we will show how to do that -
async getAll() {
const requests = [
const [companies, users, devices] = Promise.all(requests)
return { companies, users, devices }
error handling
Finally, error handling is reserved for the caller and should not be attempted within our generic functions -
.then(data => this.render(data)) // some Vue template

Duplicate array items in Vuex state (using Socket.io)

So I have this app built in Vue and using Vuex. I connect to a Node/Express backend with Socket.Io to be able to push data from the server to client instantly when needed.
The data pushed to the clients are in the form of an object which is then stored in an array in VUEX. Each data object pushed into the array has a unique string attached to it.
This string is used to compare the objects already pushed into the array in VUEX. If there are duplicates they won't be stored. If not equal = they are stored.
I then use ...mapGetters to get the array in Vuex and loop through it. For each object a component is rendered.
HOWEVER - sometimes the same object is rendered twice even though the array in VUEX clearly only shows one copy.
Here is the code in the VUEX Store:
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
insiderTrades: [],
mutations: {
ADD_INSIDER_TRADE(state, insiderObject) {
if (state.insiderTrades.length === 0) {
// push object into array
} else {
state.insiderTrades.forEach((trade) => {
// check if the insider trade is in the store
if (trade.isin === insiderObject.isin) {
// return if it already exists
} else {
// push object into array
getters: {
insiderTrades(state) {
return state.insiderTrades;
Here is the some of the code in App.vue
mounted() {
// //establish connection to server
this.$socket.on('connect', () => {
this.connectedState = 'ansluten';
this.connectedStateColor = 'green';
console.log('Connected to server');
//if disconnected swap to "disconneted state"
this.$socket.on('disconnect', () => {
this.connectedState = 'ej ansluten';
this.connectedStateColor = 'red';
console.log('Disconnected to server');
// recieve an insider trade and add to store
this.$socket.on('insiderTrade', (insiderObject) => {
this.$store.commit('ADD_INSIDER_TRADE', insiderObject);
Your forEach iterates the existing items and adds the new item once for every existing item. Use Array.find:
ADD_INSIDER_TRADE(state, insiderObject) {
const exists = state.insiderTrades.find(trade => trade.isin === insiderObject.isin);
if (!exists) state.insiderTrades.unshift(insiderObject);
You don't need the initial length check

Sequelizejs - Then result issue

I'm work with NodeJS and Sequelize. I have the following issue:
Read the Settings Table:
Settings.findOne({where: {
user_id: data
.then(settings => {
// Next request
I need to save the settings.device (Example) outside of the .then block.
But if I do that like
var device;
Settings.findOne({where: {
user_id: data
.then(settings => {
device = settings.device;
It doesn't work.
Already the error output undefined
The output in .then result block with console.log(settings.device); works perfect.
I need it like:
var array = [];
// Get Settings from table
Settings.findOne({where: {
user_id: data
.then(settings => {
// Get token from other Table
Example.findOne({where: {
user_id: data
.then(example => {
// push to array
"user_id" : data,
"device":settings.device, // output: settings.device is undefined
"token": example.token
// Send array to client
This is really a question of how to handle multiple resolved values in a Promise chain. You can search for that and see lots of great examples on how to handle it. For example, you could return an array or object in each then handler, or re-assign values to higher-scoped variables (as you're doing with settings). I've used both methods heavily in the past, and the resulting code is obviously inelegant and not fun to write.
However, async/await is readily available in Node and simplifies your code quite a bit:
const array = [];
// Get settings.
const settings = await Settings.findOne({where: {
user_id: data
// Get token.
const example = await Example.findOne({where: {
user_id: data
user_id : data,
device: settings.device,
token: example.token
Sequelize return the model object you can get value by dataValue
or if you want lean data
Settings.findOne({where: {
user_id: data,
.then(settings => {
device = settings.device;

