What is this type of chart? - javascript

I have found a chart that suits exactly what our data needs but its simply just an image, it looks like a stacked bar chart, but it works differently.
Each of the ticks along the bottom represents a group, eg hour number, and when you hover you see all that data from the group.
Does anybody have any idea what its called and even better, know any source for the chart in a java script library, d3 or similar ?

It is a 'Stacked Horizontal Bar Graph'
Option for stacked.


Is there a way to show all values corresponding to a value on x-axis in the tooltip of Google Charts linechart?

I have a simple linechart with 2 lines. On hover, I would like to display both y-values in the tooltip that appears. I know I can accomplish this by writing a Javascript function that creates a custom tooltip for every x-value on the graph, but this seems so redundant to do, especially when the graph gets large. Since Google Chart is able to auto-generate the standard tooltip which contain both the x and y-value I feel like there should be an option to do this with built-in tools, is there?
Probably setting focusTarget to 'category' will do the trick.
See here for an example that uses it.

ChartJS: Is this horizontal stacked bar and line graph multiaxis chart even possible?

I'm trying to setup a graph that looks somewhat like this:
The graph consists of two data series, one for the stacked and another for the averages. Pay attention that is has two x-axis (multiaxis).
Looking at the ChartJS documentation, mixed graph types are possible, but not for stacked horizontal bars. Other articles seem to outline this as well, like this one on Alligator.io. I've yet to see any chart library to showcase such an example even.
Question is therefore if this is even possible, or if I should look into alternate approaches instead.
Currently it's not possible (only proof I could find right now).
The next version of chart.js will be 3.0 which has many major impovements, including changes to the horizontal bar chart, verbatim "Remove horizontalBar and make all charts capable of being horizontal". I think it will be possible with this version. But unfortunately not now.

Highcharts stacked area chart with background chart

What i would like: (not in highcharts)
Note the gray backround graph showing the average trend
What i currently have: (made with highcharts)
I managed to implement the stacked area chart, but i would like to add the grey average graph in the background.
Could anyone tell me if and how this is possible?
The answer was simply adding the "stack" variable to my series, which allows you to build multiple stacks of "stacked area" charts: one for the actual values, one for the average of last week. Thanks to everyone for their input

Dynamic Bar chart scrolling with time using javascript

I am fairly new to JavaScript, let alone charting. I'd appreciate any help in accomplishing the following. I have browsed many JavaScript charting libraries and examples but have not seen any that solve my problem:
I need to create dynamic stacked bar charts as shown in the attached picture. Horizontal axis is time axis. The chart should scroll to left with time along with time-markings on x-axis. Each horizontal stacked bar is for a different item on Y-axis. There will be many items on y axis. Each section of bar will have text as shown. The information about each section and its text is received dynamically.
Thank you!
See the desired end result in this image
I have found the Google Charts to be very, very easy to use (https://developers.google.com/chart/?hl=en)
However, in order to have dynamic content, you'll need to have some data source to read from so that you can use something like ajax to constantly ping it for updated data. The Google Charts library will give you a good starting point but it won't be dynamic. You'll have to program that portion but Google Charts is very great in providing you with the basic pie, graph, bar, etc.. 'chart templates' so switching between a bar and a pie chart is super easy.

How to render chart for 10,000+ records in EXT JS?

Currently I am facing issue while rendering chart for large data in EXT JS. Chart gets cut or overlapped.
For example, I have 500 names on x-axis to plot then chart displays only 15 to 20 of them and others get cut. According to my view there should be scroll bar to view whole chart rather cutting the legends. I have tried to found solution for having scroll bars for such large charts but I am not able to find it.
Any other way for viewing whole chart is also accepted.
One workaround I can think about is 'panzoom' interaction.
Please visit link given below to see an official example with 'panzoom'.
With 'panzoom', you can zoom in to the chart and then scroll/pan. Zooming in to the chart would make the hidden coordinates visible.
It may look like this because you might have smaller space to render the chart as your data is too big. So you can try with 'pan zoom'. But I don't think so you will get a useful chart. It will still get junked.

