Need to pass data into JavaScript forEach function - javascript

I want to be able to cycle through a JSON object and return a value based on what I'm looking for. Say the object contains people, each person has a name and a zipcode. I want a function that will return a zipcode when I pass a name to it.
The following code is giving me an 'undefined' error, so it must be something to do with scope.
var myArray=[
function findIt(myArray,target) {
myArray.forEach(function (person) {
if ( === target) {
var zip=findIt(myArray,"Joe");

You're not returning anything from your function
function findIt(myArray,target) { // <--------------------┐
myArray.forEach(function (person) { // <--┐ |
if ( === target) { // | |
return; // returns this func ---┘ |
} // |
}); // |
// you need a return for this function --------------┘
Anyway, even if you fix that, your function could still use a bit of work. forEach is going to loop through the entire set of data, even if it finds a match on the first item. forEach is the wrong thing to use here.
A really simple thing you could use is Array.prototype.find. Array.prototype.find will stop iterating through the data as soon as the first match is found.
var myArray=[
const findIt = (data, target) => {
// use Array.prototype.find
let {zip} = myArray.find(({name})=> name === target) || {}
return zip
console.log(findIt(myArray, 'Joe'))
// => 90210
console.log(findIt(myArray, 'unmatched name'))
// => undefined
But if you would rather implement the function yourself as a learning exercise, that would look like this. Note this code will operate like Array.prototype.find in that it will return as soon as the first match is found.
var myArray=[
// implement generic find
const find = f => ([x,...xs]) => {
if (x === undefined)
return undefined
else if (f(x))
return x
return find (f) (xs)
// implement your function using find
const findIt = (data, target) => {
let {zip} = find (({name})=> name === target) (data) || {}
return zip
console.log(findIt(myArray, 'Joe'))
// => 90210
console.log(findIt(myArray, 'unmatched name'))
// => undefined
This is a smarter way to write findIt because instead of concerning itself with looping through the list of data, or returning a matching object, it just calls a generic function (find) which can be reutilized by many other functions.
As a courtesy, I'm providing a pre-ES6 version of the code above
var myArray=[
// implement generic find
function find (f) {
return function(xs) {
if (xs[0] === undefined)
return undefined
else if (f(xs[0]))
return xs[0]
return find (f) (xs.slice(1))
// implement your function using find
function findIt (data, target) {
var p = find (function(x) { return === target }) (data) || {}
console.log(findIt(myArray, 'Joe'))
// => 90210
console.log(findIt(myArray, 'unmatched name'))
// => undefined

You are returning zip code from anonymous inner function and not from findIt function.
To solve this problem, you can store result from anonymous inner function in a variable and then return that variable from findIt function as demonstrated below.
var myArray=[
function findIt(myArray,target) {
var answer;
myArray.forEach(function (person) {
if ( === target) {
answer =;
return answer;
var zip=findIt(myArray,"Joe");

A callback version, just for fun:
function findIt(myArray,target, cb) {
myArray.forEach(function (person) {
if ( == target) cb(
findIt(myArray,"Joe", function(zip){ alert(zip) });
An example of finding and using one zip value at a time with the following array.
var myArray=[
It should now alert twice once for "90210" and a second time for "12345"

forEach is implemented like the fallowing, it dose not return a valid value (undefined).
forEach(array, callback) {
for (var index in array) {
you want to return the desired value once find it, so try this:
function findIt(myArray,target) {
for (var index in myArray) {
if (myArray[index].name === target) {
return myArray[index].zip;
if the array have lots of items, this example will stop after find the one matched, rather than scan all items.


How to use recursion in JavaScript for try do function?

I want to make this code prettier with recursion.
findModel = function(oldModel, ...modelStyles) {
let model = oldModel.elements;
let i = 0;
try {
do {
model = model.children.find(child => child.mStyle === modelStyles[i]);
i += 1;
} while (i < modelStyles.length);
return model;
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
tried this:
findModel = function(oldModel, ...modelStyles) {
let model = oldModel.elements;
let i = 0;
if (i < modelStyles.length) {
model = model.children.find(child => child.mStyle === modelStyles[i]);
i += 1;
return model;
} else {
return undefined;
but it's still not working well. in the first code I get only the element, in the second one I get also undefined.
What did I wrong?
As amply noted in comments, you are actually never calling the function recursively.
When it comes to "pretty", I would not go for recursion, but for reduce:
var findModel = function(oldModel, ...modelStyles) {
try {
return modelStyles.reduce((model, style) => model.children.find(child => child.mStyle === style), oldModel.elements);
} catch (e) {} // No need to explicitly return undefined. It is the default
If you really need recursion, then first realise that your function expects a first argument type that never occurs again. Only the toplevel model has an elements property, so you can only call this function for ... the top level of your hierarchy.
To make it work, you would need another function that takes the model type as it occurs in the children:
var findModel = function(oldModel, ...modelStyles) {
function recur(model, style, ...modelStyles) {
if (style === undefined) return model;
return recur(model.children.find(child => child.mStyle === style), ...modelStyles);
// Need to change the type of the first argument:
try {
return recur(oldModel.elements, ...modelStyles);
} catch (e) {}
If you would change the code where the function is called initially, you could of course pass mainmodel.elements instead of mainmodel, so that this type difference problem is resolved. If you can make that change, then the recursive function can become:
var findModel = function(model, style, ...modelStyles) {
if (style === undefined) return model;
try {
return recur(model.children.find(child => child.mStyle === style), ...modelStyles);
} catch (e) {}
Still, I would prefer the reduce variant.
The point of recursive function is to call themselves into themselves. In your case, you are calling the function once, but the function never call itself so it just go through once. I'm not sure of the context so I can't fix your code but i can give you an example of recursion.
Lets say we have an object with property. Some are string, some are number and some are objects. If you want to retrieve each key of this object you would need recursion, since you don't know how deep the object goes.
let objectToParse = {
id: 10,
title: 'test',
parent: {
id: 5,
title: 'parent',
someKey: 3,
parent: {
id: 1,
title: 'grand-parent',
parent: null,
someOtherkey: 43
function parseParentKey(object) {
let returnedKey = [];
let ObjectKeys = Object.keys(object);
for(let i = 0; i < ObjectKeys.length; i++) {
if(typeof object[ObjectKeys[i]] === "object" && object[ObjectKeys[i]] !== null) {
// we are calling the methode inside itself because
//the current property is an object.
returnedKey = returnedKey.concat(parseParentKey(object[ObjectKeys[i]]));
return returnedKey;
I know this does not answer your question but it gives you a hint on how to use recursion properly. If your first code works, I don't see why you would need to change it in the first place.

Compare value within nested object

So I've been trying to find a solution to this for a little while with no luck.
const nameTest = 'testName';
const test = {
NAME: 'testName',
NAME: 'Name',
Is there any simple, easy way where I can compare the nameTest and the NAME key without knowing what the RANDOM_X is in order to access NAME?
You can use Object.keys() to get the array of all the keys. Then loop through the array to check the property:
const nameTest = 'testName';
const test = {
NAME: 'testName',
NAME: 'Name',
let testKeys = Object.keys(test);
console.log(test[k].NAME == nameTest);
You can use a for ... in loop:
for (let key in test) {
if (test[key].NAME === nameTest) {
// do something
I hope we know that 2 levels down into test is your object. You could write a function, to compare the name key.
function compare(obj, text){
for(let x in obj){
if( == text) return true;
else ;
Then call the function with your object and the string.
let a = compare(test, nameTest);
Note: this would compare the object to only ascertain if it contains the nameTest string.
var obj= test.filter(el){
return el;
var x= obj!=null?true:false;
You could use find.
The find method executes the callback function once for each index of
the array until it finds one where callback returns a true value. If
such an element is found, find immediately returns the value of that
element. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
So it is more memory efficient, than looping over the whole object with forEach, because find returns immediately if the callback function finds the value. Breaking the loop of forEach is impossible. In the documentation:
There is no way to stop or break a forEach() loop other than by
throwing an exception. If you need such behavior, the forEach() method
is the wrong tool.
1. If you want to get the whole object
var nameTest = 'testName';
var test = {
NAME: 'testName',
NAME: 'Name',
function getObjectByNameProperty(object, property) {
var objectKey = Object.keys(object)
.find(key => object[key].NAME === property);
return object[objectKey];
var object = getObjectByNameProperty(test, nameTest);
2. If you just want to test if the object has the given name value
var nameTest = 'testName';
var test = {
NAME: 'testName',
NAME: 'Name',
function doesObjectHaveGivenName(object, nameValue) {
var objectKey = Object.keys(object)
.find(key => object[key].NAME === nameValue);
return objectKey ? true : false;
console.log( doesObjectHaveGivenName(test, nameTest) );

Object has-property-deep check in JavaScript

Let's say we have this JavaScript object:
var object = {
value:'Here am I'
How can we check if value property exists?
I can see only two ways:
First one:
if(object && object.innerObject && object.innerObject.deepObject && object.innerObject.deepObject.value) {
console.log('We found it!');
Second one:
if(object.hasOwnProperty('innerObject') && object.innerObject.hasOwnProperty('deepObject') && object.innerObject.deepObject.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
console.log('We found it too!');
But is there a way to do a deep check? Let's say, something like:
There isn't a built-in way for this kind of check, but you can implement it easily. Create a function, pass a string representing the property path, split the path by ., and iterate over this path:
Object.prototype.hasOwnNestedProperty = function(propertyPath) {
if (!propertyPath)
return false;
var properties = propertyPath.split('.');
var obj = this;
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
var prop = properties[i];
if (!obj || !obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
} else {
obj = obj[prop];
return true;
// Usage:
var obj = {
innerObject: {
deepObject: {
value: 'Here am I'
You could make a recursive method to do this.
The method would iterate (recursively) on all 'object' properties of the object you pass in and return true as soon as it finds one that contains the property you pass in. If no object contains such property, it returns false.
var obj = {
innerObject: {
deepObject: {
value: 'Here am I'
function hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, prop) {
if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) { // only performs property checks on objects (taking care of the corner case for null as well)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { // if this object already contains the property, we are done
return true;
for (var p in obj) { // otherwise iterate on all the properties of this object.
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p) && // and as soon as you find the property you are looking for, return true
hasOwnDeepProperty(obj[p], prop)) {
return true;
return false;
console.log(hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, 'value')); // true
console.log(hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, 'another')); // false
Alternative recursive function:
Loops over all object keys. For any key it checks if it is an object, and if so, calls itself recursively.
Otherwise, it returns an array with true, false, false for any key with the name propName.
The .reduce then rolls up the array through an or statement.
function deepCheck(obj,propName) {
if obj.hasOwnProperty(propName) { // Performance improvement (thanks to #nem's solution)
return true;
return Object.keys(obj) // Turns keys of object into array of strings
.map(prop => { // Loop over the array
if (typeof obj[prop] == 'object') { // If property is object,
return deepCheck(obj[prop],propName); // call recursively
} else {
return (prop == propName); // Return true or false
}) // The result is an array like [false, false, true, false]
.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array) {
return previousValue || currentValue;
} // Do an 'or', or comparison of everything in the array.
// It returns true if at least one value is true.
deepCheck(object,'value'); // === true
PS: nem035's answer showed how it could be more performant: his solution breaks off at the first found 'value.'
My approach would be using try/catch blocks. Because I don't like to pass deep property paths in strings. I'm a lazy guy who likes autocompletion :)
JavaScript objects are evaluated on runtime. So if you return your object statement in a callback function, that statement is not going to be evaluated until callback function is invoked.
So this function just wraps the callback function inside a try catch statement. If it catches the exception returns false.
var obj = {
innerObject: {
deepObject: {
value: 'Here am I'
const validate = (cb) => {
try {
return cb();
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (validate(() => obj.innerObject.deepObject.value)) {
// Is going to work
if (validate(() => obj.x.y.z)) {
// Is not going to work
When it comes to performance, it's hard to say which approach is better.
On my tests if the object properties exist and the statement is successful I noticed using try/catch can be 2x 3x times faster than splitting string to keys and checking if keys exist in the object.
But if the property doesn't exist at some point, prototype approach returns the result almost 7x times faster.
See the test yourself:
You can also check the library I wrote here:
I use try-catch:
var object = {
value:'Here am I'
var object2 = {
a: 10
let exist = false, exist2 = false;
try {
exist = !!object.innerObject.deepObject.value
exist2 = !!object2.innerObject.deepObject.value
catch(e) {
Try this nice and easy solution:
public hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, path)
for (var i = 0, path = path.split('.'), len = path.length; i < len; i++)
obj = obj[path[i]];
if (!obj) return false;
return true;
In case you are writing JavaScript for Node.js, then there is an assert module with a 'deepEqual' method:
const assert = require('assert');
assert.deepEqual(testedObject, {
value:'Here am I'
I have created a very simple function for this using the recursive and happy flow coding strategy. It is also nice to add it to the Object.prototype (with enumerate:false!!) in order to have it available for all objects.
function objectHasOwnNestedProperty(obj, keys)
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object')
return false;
if(typeof keys === 'string')
keys = keys.split('.');
return false;
if(keys.length == 0)
return Object.keys(obj).length > 0;
var first_key = keys.shift();
return false;
if(keys.length == 0)
return true;
return objectHasOwnNestedProperty(obj[first_key],keys);
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'hasOwnNestedProperty',
value: function () { return objectHasOwnNestedProperty(this, ...arguments); },
enumerable: false

How do I allow an empty result in my filter?

I filter the elements of an array using this function:
function filter(arr, criteria) {
return arr.filter(function(obj) {
return Object.keys(criteria).every(function(c) {
return obj[c] == criteria[c];
var newarr = filter(arr, { desc: dv, aasc: av, rev: cv, flo: acv });
However, if the user doesn't input anything, then the results will return nothing. I am trying to code it so that if they choose nothing for that specific criteria, then it won't filter it.
Maybe I'm not getting it, but wouldn't you just check for empty values
function filter(arr, criteria) {
return arr.filter(function(obj) {
return Object.keys(criteria).every(function(c) {
return !(criteria[c]) || obj[c] == criteria[c];
You could just check the criteria for any value ?
function filter(arr, criteria) {
return arr.filter(function(obj) {
return Object.keys(criteria).every(function(c) {
return obj[c] == criteria[c];
return error of some kind.
Or you could add a check for null input on the filter input...
I am trying to code it so that if they choose nothing for that specific criteria, then it won't filter it.
Then do that. Get the filters as an object from user inputs, or null if no filters are provided then just do something, like this:
var userFilters = ... // get filters
var newarr = userFilters ? filter(arr, userFilters) : arr;
If for some reason this doesn't work for you, you could always rewrite your filter method like this:
function filter(arr, criteria) {
if (criteria)
return arr.filter(function(obj) {
return Object.keys(criteria).every(function(c) {
return obj[c] == criteria[c];
return arr;
However, from your comments, it seems like what you mean is simply that if a value is not provided, you'd like to not apply that filter, but that other filters would still apply. In that case your current code works, just change how you're generating the filters object:
var userFilters = {};
if (dv) userFilters[desc] = dv;
if (av) userFilters[aasc] = av;
if (cv) userFilters[rev] = cv;
if (acv) userFilters[flo] = acv;
var newarr = filter(arr, userFilters);
This works because it only adds elements to the filter collection when they're specified. If no items are added, the then arr is returned unmodified.

Function with forEach returns undefined even with return statement

I'm just making a function for checking a value of something in my object array, but for some reason it keeps returning undefined. Why is that?
var data = [{
"Key": "1111-1111-1111",
"Email": ""
}, {
"Key": "2222-2222-2222",
"Email": ""
function getByKey(key) {
data.forEach(function (i, val) {
if (data[val].Key === key) {
return data[val].Key;
} else {
return "Couldn't find";
var asd = getByKey('1111-1111-1111');
In your function, you're returning from the function passed to forEach, not from getByKey.
You could adapt it like this :
function getByKey(key) {
var found = null;
data.forEach(function (val) {
if (val.Key === key) {
found = val;
return found;
But this would iterate over all elements, even if the item is immediately found. That's why you'd better use a simple for loop :
function getByKey(key) {
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].Key === key) {
return data[i];
Note that I also adapted your code to return the value, not the key. I suppose that was the intent. You might also have been confused with another iteration function : the first argument passed to the callback you give to forEach is the element of the array.
Your function getByKey has no return statement. The two returns are for the anonymous function used by forEach.
You're not returning anything to the outer scope, try this alternative:
function getByKey(key) {
var result = data.filter(function (i, val) {
return data[val].Key == key;
return result.length ? result : 'Not found';
Try storing the positive result as a variable, and then returning that variable (or a "Couldn't find" in case nothing is written) at the end of the function after the forEach loop.
function getByKey(key) {
var result;
data.forEach(function (val, i) {
if (data[val].Key === key) {
result = data[val].Key;
return result || "Couldn't find";
In addition to the ideas in the other answers, you're better off using Array.prototype.some, rather than forEach. That will let you stop when you find the first match:
function getByKey(key) {
var found = null;
data.some(function (val) {
if (val.Key === key) {
found = val;
return true; //stop iterating
return found;
You might also consider using filter, which can return an array containing just the objects where key matches:
function filter_array_by_key(key){
return data.filter(function(v){
return v.Key===key;
To get the first matching object, you can then use filter_array_by_key(key)[0], which will yield undefined if there was no match.

