Angular.Js dynamically updating an input with sum of other 3 inputs - javascript

I have a table with 6 rows and 4 columns (the fourth one is a Total: which should be a sum of the above 3 columns). Basically what I want to do is calculate the sum of each column and show the total number in the fourth column. My table is generated using ng-repeat.
Something like:
<th ng-repeat="item in items">{{item}}</th>
<td ng-repeat="collection in collections">
<input type="text" ng-model="collection.row1">
<td ng-repeat="collection in collections">
<input type="text" ng-model="collection.row2">
<td ng-repeat="collection in collections">
<input type="text" ng-model="collection.row3">
<td ng-repeat="collection in collections" ng-model="">
"collections" from ng-repeat would be an array with 6 objects which I'm getting from an API using a GET method and storing my data in a $scope.
"Total" row with ng-model is coming from backend with the calculus already done but I need a way to show it on client as it is updating dynamically.
I've tried $watch and $watchCollection and also ng-change but I can't find a way to make it work. In my controller I used a for to go through my array of objects and tried to sum every [i] position but that didn't work.
Is there another solution for my issue?
Here is what I tried in my controller:
$scope.collections = [];
$scope.getTotal = function(){
var total = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.collections[i].length; i++){
var myItems= $scope.collections[i];
total = (myItems.row1+ myItems.row2+ myItems.row3);
return total;
Thank you.

Why not simply do it in the template?
<td>{{collection.row1 + collection.row2 + collection.row3}}</td>
Also, there should not be an ng-model unless it is an <input>. That's probably where your main error is. Ng-model will try to set the value inside the <td>'s, and so the angular template ({{X}}) and ng-model are competing for the display value inside the <td></td> in your code given

If you calculate the total in the back-end
$scope.CalculatedTotal = Some Value;
so you can call in the last row:
<td ng-repeat="collection in collections" ng-model="">
or store the CalculatedTotal in to the object
currentCollection.Total = CalculatedTotal;
something like that


How do I filter a table by any matching code/name and not every available field

I'm trying to do the following: I have a table populated with data from the DB. Apart from that, I have an input where you can write something and a button that will filter, only showing the lines that have that string. This is working now!
The thing is, the input should only allow you to filter by (two propertys of my entity).
I'm adding the code I have in case anyone can guide me out, I've tried several things but this are my first experiences with JQuery while I have a strict story-delivery time. Thanks everyone!
<c:forEach var="foo" items="${foo}">
<tr id = "fooInformation" class="mtrow">
<th id="fooName" scope="row">${}</th>
<td id="fooCode" class="left-align-text">${foo.code}</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${}</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${foo.region}</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${foo.subregion}</td>
$("#search").click(function () { -> button id
var value = $("#fooRegionSearch").val(); -> value of the input
var rows = $("#fooRegionTable").find("tr"); -> table id
rows.filter(":contains('" + value + "')").show();
To start with, your HTML is invalid - there cannot be elemenets with duplicate IDs in HTML. Use classes instead of IDs.
Then, you need to identify which TRs pass the test. .filter can accept a callback, so pass it a function which, given a TR, selects its fooName and fooCode children which contain the value using the :contains jQuery selector:
$("#search").click(function() {
var value = $("#fooRegionSearch").val();
var rows = $("#fooRegionTable").find("tr");
(_, row) => $(row).find('.fooName, .fooCode').filter(`:contains('${value}')`).length
<script src=""></script>
<table id="fooRegionTable">
<tr id="fooInformation" class="mtrow">
<th class="fooName" scope="row">name1</th>
<td class="fooCode" class="left-align-text">code1</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${}</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${foo.region}</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${foo.subregion}</td>
<tr id="fooInformation" class="mtrow">
<th class="fooName" scope="row">name2</th>
<td class="fooCode" class="left-align-text">code2</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${}</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${foo.region}</td>
<td class="left-align-text">${foo.subregion}</td>
<button id="search">click</button><input id="fooRegionSearch" />

how to search for a checkbox inside innerHTML?

I want to sum a selected column inside a table. 2nd and 3rd column in my case. I managed to get the sum but I really want to add the value of a row in case a checkbox in column #1 is checked.
I can get the innerHTML value of a cell abut I do not know how to search or find out if the checkbox inside is checked or not.
returns for example
"Extend (2x)<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"Extend2x\" name=\"Extend2x\" class=\"beru\" <=\"\" td=\"\">
so I can see that the checkbox is there but that is where I ended up
I tried
console.log($(cell).find(':checkbox').checked) returns undefined
but nothing worked.
Could somoone help me to find out? The working fiddle is here You just click the checkbox and summing of the columns will be done.
The code you are looking for is this
you can add stuff like input:checked, or something to make it more specific.
just saw the comments - and Taplar already answered this. Well this can be considered as alternative answer, and does not need to use cells / iterate through cells of the table.
I think this is what you wanted. This is using jQuery for every reference to elements in the the dom (html).
$(".beru").on('change', function() {
function updateTotals() {
// loop cells with class 'celkem'
// for each celkem, get the column
const column = $(this).index();
let total = 0;
// loop trough all table rows, except the header and the row of totals
$(this).closest('table').find('tr:not(:first, :last)').each(function(){
if($(this).find('input').is(':checked')) {
// if the input is checked, add the numeric part to the total
const str = $(this).find(`td:eq(${column})`).text().replace(/\D/g, "");
if(str) {
total += Number(str);
if(!total) {
// if the total is zero, clear the cell
} else {
// otherwise, print the total for this column in the cell
$(this).text(total + " EUR");
td {
width: 25%;
<script src=""></script>
<table id="Zinzino" style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;" border="1">
<th class="sum"><strong>První balíček</strong></th>
<th class="sum"><strong>Měsíčně</strong></th>
<th> </th>
<td>BalanceOil <input type="checkbox" id="BalanceOil" name="BalanceOil" class="beru"></td>
<td>149 EUR</td>
<td>30 EUR</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Extend (2x)<input type="checkbox" id="Extend2x" name="Extend2x" class="beru"</td>
<td>44 EUR</td>
<td>22 EUR</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Zinobiotic (3x)<input type="checkbox" id="Zinobiotic" name="Zinobiotic" class="beru"</td>
<td>64 EUR</td>
<td>23 EUR</td>
<td> </td>
<td class="celkem"> </td>
<td class="celkem"> </td>
<td> </td>
If you already have a reference to the DOM element then just select all the checkboxes using a selector.
var cbList = cell.querySelectorAll("[type='checkbox']");
for(var i = 0; i < cbList.length; i++){
//do something with each checkbox
Remember a node list is not an array, so you can't use forEach ;)

Get the sum of a calculated expressions depends on template variable in Angular?

I have a simple array of numbers :
data:Array<number> = [1,2,3,4,5];
And I also have an editable input which is a multiplication factor.
on the right side , I show the user the result :
The html is pretty simple :
<tr *ngFor="let a of data">
<td><input type='text' #i [ngModel]="a" /></td>
<td>-------<br/>sum ?</td>
Please notice that the multiplication result is calculated via a template variable (#i ----> i.value*a)
But how can I calc the sum of that calculated column ?
I wonder if I can do it only via in the template.
Sure I can find solutions via TS.
But I wonder if I can do this only via template calculations
I've used [ngModel] and not banana since I need to show (in the input) the left side value at initialization , and if I'd do banana , when I'll change the input value , it would also change the left side value - which I don't want.
Fiddled my brain over this for half a day. Finally found a solution to the above. All value manipulations directly from html are often discouraged as these don't qualify as good code practices. Nevertheless, I implemented the solution as follows.
Add the following in your component.ts.
data : Array<number> = [1,2,3,4,5];
sum : Array<number> = [0];
Add the following code in your component.html
<ng-container *ngIf="{sample : sum} as variable">
<tr *ngFor="let a of data;let index of index">
<td><input type='text' #i [ngModel]="a"/></td>
<td style="display:none;">{{variable.sample[index] = variable.sample[index-1]+i.value*a}}</td>
Basically, I have used a Array<number> named sum which will hold the sum during each iteration of ngFor. I am calculatiing the same using expression inside the last td as {{variable.sample[index] = variable.sample[index-1]+i.value*a}}. For each iteration of the loop, the sample variable gets updated with the new sum. On any change of the input value the sample variable value also changes and this reflects as the Total.
Hope this helps. A nice and challenging question it is, I must say!.
The case was failing in case of non-consecutive numbers. Basically, let a of data;let index of index has two loop conditions. In the longhand notation, the condition evaluates to <tr ngFor let-index="$implicit" ngFor let-a="$implicit" [ngForOf]="data"> , which converts both index and a to implicit variables for the loop over data, thus meaning index === a. I have rectified the same as below. The following code works fine for all cases:
<ng-container *ngIf="{sample : sum} as variable">
<tr *ngFor="let a of data;let in=index">
<td><input type='text' #i [ngModel]="a"/></td>
<td style="display:none;">{{variable.sample[in+1] =variable.sample[in]+ i.value*a}}</td>
You need use [(ngModel)]. The problem when we use a ngModel with an array is that we can not iterate over the same array
/***** This NOT valid ****/
<tr *ngFor="let a of data;let i=index">
<td><input type='text' [(ngModel)]="a" /></td>
See Angular two way data binding in string array doesn't works correctly
So we need use an auxiliar variable
//in ts
data:Array<number> = [1,2,3,4,5];
count:number[]=new Array(; //<--this is the auxiliar variable
//for the sum, I use a getter
get sum()
let sum=0;,index)=>{
return sum;
In .html
<tr *ngFor="let item of count;let i=index">
<td><input type='text' [(ngModel)]="data[i]" /></td>

How do I get the total sum in ng-init and ng-repeat - angularjs

Having a problem with in ng-init and ng-repeat angularjs
i'm trying to loop the fields rates to get the total
for example this is my table
nane +++++++id+++++++rate
joe +++++++++1+++++++3
joe +++++++++2+++++++3
joe +++++++++3+++++++3
joe +++++++++4+++++++3
this my code.
<tr ng-repeat="item in videos">
<td ng-init=" = + item.rate">{{item.rate}}</td>
The Result that I get is 3333 instead of 12 when added all together
this is the line with problem
<td ng-init=" = + item.rate">{{item.rate}}</td>
if i change it to a number it works fine.
<td ng-init=" = + 3">{{item.rate}}</td>
your help would be great.thanks
Try something like this in controller.
$scope.RateTotal= 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$scope.RateTotal= $scope.RateTotal + data[i].rate;
Option above is better, but if you want use ng-init use something like this.
<table ng-init="RateTotal = 0">
<tr ng-repeat="item in videos">
<td ng-init="$parent.RateTotal= $parent.RateTotal + item.rate">{{item.rate}}</td>
This directive can be abused to add unnecessary amounts of logic into
your templates. There are only a few appropriate uses of ngInit, such
as for aliasing special properties of ngRepeat, as seen in the demo
below; and for injecting data via server side scripting. Besides these
few cases, you should use controllers rather than ngInit to initialize
values on a scope. - ngInit
move this logic into the controller. That is what it is for. The view should be displaying data.
Now you have to worry about how to cast strings to an integer and writing 4x more code in a language that angular must interpret into javascript.
The complexity you are adding here is going to be fun to maintain.
but you probably want to continue doing it wrong, in which case this should work: <table ng-init=' = {"rate": 0}'>
Define a filter to calculate the total:
return function(input){
var total = 0;
total = total+value.rate;
return total;
<td ng-bind="videos | calculateRateTotal"></td>
After 10hrs of no luck just my managed to get it right. turned to be very simple.
This is the code.
In the Controller added
$scope.getTotal = function(){
var total = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.videos.length; i++){
var item = $scope.videos[i];
total += (item.rate*1);
return total; }
<tr ng-repeat="item in videos">
<td>Total: {{ getTotal() }}</td>
Thanks everyone for helping

Angular JS object as ng-model attribute name

I'm creating a dynamic angular js application wherein I want to use a textbox as a searchtext for the filter of a table. Here's a preview on what I am doing:
As of now, my code looks like this
<tr class="filterrow">
<td data-ng-repeat="col in items.Properties">
<input id="{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}" type="text"
<!-- Above Here I want to dynamically assign the ng-model based on Databasecolumnname property-->
<th data-ng-repeat="col in items.Properties">{{col.ColumnTitle}}</th>
<tr data-ng-repeat="content in items2.Contents | filter: search_{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}: search_{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}">
<td data-ng-repeat="col in items.Properties">
{{content[col.Databasecolumnname ]}}
I already tried the approach of using $compile but I wasn't able to implement it. Any ideas in an approach? Thanks!
EDIT: Plnkr -
You can do this by setting a base object for your ng-Models. So in your controller you will have:-
$ = {};
and in your view do:-
<input ng-attr-id="{{col.DatabaseColumnName}}" type="text"
With this your dynamic ng-model will be assigned to the search base object, ex:- if col.DatabaseColumnName is col1 then ngModel would be $

