creating ListView in webApp - javascript

Is there any way I could create a listview on a web app build using ember?
I could use css overflow property on a tag to create a scroll-able section. But I want to load data on demand on-to that section of window, unlike with 'overflow' that will fetch all data onLoad only. It should be more alike as in android ListView.

Sure this is possible. You can analyze the scroll position, and then load data. But I would strongly recommend you to checkout smoke and mirrors, which is an addon that does exactly what you need.


TVML Creating Dynamic Templates

Is it possible to create dynamic templates/pages with TVML without relying on Apple's standard templates?
Say I'd like to create a template that has 2 images next to each other and on top of these images a couple of textfields that I want to position based on some parameters.
Could I create a template/view i UIKit and populate it from JS as an alternative?
How would I go about this?
I think you're talking about a mix of "divTemplate", which exists precisely to let you use whatever layout you want with no predefined structure or placement, and using native code to define your own custom TVML elements.
From Apple's documentation, "There is no built-in layout for the contained elements. Use the style properties listed in TVML Styles to personalize the elements placed inside of the div template." It's for completely free-form by-hand element layout.
As for the other path: the way to add a UIKit view to TVML is by defining a custom element. That's how the TVML system knows where your custom view is supposed to go within the TVML "page". If you go down that path, you'll want to read up on TVMLKit, not just TVML and TVJS. You make a class that conforms to the TVInterfaceCreating protocol, potentially create a subclass of TVViewElement (if one of the existing classes isn't enough for your needs), register the element with [TVElementFactory registerViewElementClass: [MyTVViewElement class] forElementName:#"mycustomelement" ], and register your TVInterfaceCreating class with [[TVInterfaceFactory sharedInterfaceFactory] setExtendedInterfaceCreator: myInterfaceCreator].
So the way I see it, you could use a divTemplate and a ton of carefully crafted style info to do it entirely without any custom code or UIView objects, or you could make one or a small number of custom elements for the part you're talking about. I do not know if you can make a new "template" that is itself a custom element, however -- that's something I haven't tried yet.
If you decide to go down the native code path and you find that the TVViewElement-related APIs aren't rich enough for the coordination you want between JavaScript and your custom view, you may also need to read up on the JavaScriptCore APIs. Those let you expose arbitrary native-backed functionality via JavaScript, via the APIs on JSContext. In a TVML app, a good place to hook into all this is by implementing the - appController:(TVAppController *) evaluateAppJavaScriptInContext:(JSContext *) method from the TVApplicationControllerDelegate protocol.

Load content in a div without reloading the page

First of all I warn you i am new in HTML development...
I am creating a website using Bootstrap. I have some buttons on the left as you can see in the screenshot and I want to content on the right to change without having to load the whole page.
Any help here? Thanks a lot!
You'll need to use JavaScript, which is the standard programming language that ships with all modern web browsers. In JavaScript, there is an API called the DOM (Document Object Model) which represents the current page as an object. You can use that API to change the text contained in the div tag.
Here is the W3Schools page on the DOM.
There are a few JavaScript libraries that try to abstract and simplify DOM manipulation. The most famous is jQuery.
You can try using AngularJS or any MVC framework/library. These might be a little heavy-handed for something simple, but they'll help achieve what you're looking for. Pretty good to learn these anyway as they're in high demand.
Here's AngularJS's homepage with docs and tutorials. You'd want to look at information on routing view templates using the ngView module, or you can use ui-router, created by Angular's UI team (my personal favorite) for nested views.
PS: Stay away from W3Schools

How to build a widget to embed in third-party websites using AngularJs?

I would like to create a angularjs widget that can be embedded in third-party websites with minimal code such as
<script src=mywidget.js type=...></script>
<div id="mywidgetContainer"></div>
or similar.
I found some resources such as this article for developing a widget using jquery
How would it be done using Angularjs? In what clever ways can angular features such as directives/views etc. be harnessed to this purpose? What are the gotcha's if any? Your thoughts/suggestions/opinions/experiences, please.
You should also keep in mind the possibility that the 3rd party website also uses angular,
and potentially a different version.
Check Multiple versions of AngularJS in one page
This is what seems to have worked for me. In the script I set the innerHTML property of the Container div to the angular view markup code. The key point is to use angular.$bootstrap to manually bootstrap the app after the page load. I did not see any particular value in creating a directive. A directive would need to be part of the view code that would still need to be assigned to the container using innerHTML.

JQuery Mobile Sub page

As I know that in JQuery Mobile, every page changing is equivalent to create new "page" div, Can we just change a portion in the "content" of the page, something like subpage?
jQuery Mobile doesn't require you to manage pages by creating additional div element in the same HTML file - you can do it perfectly fine in a different HTML file and make a transition to it (perhaps with data-prefetch attribute set) using <a>.
Nothing prevents you from writing a jQuery plug-in, jQuery UI plug-in or (scary though, I know) pure JavaScript that will alter the contents of the DOM element dynamically and manage pages loading according to data received from server - with necessary calls to things of the listview('refresh') ilk - to ensure proper styling.
With that said you have to ask yourself two things:
Why do you need to do it? Can't you manage by pre-creating the page using jQuery Mobile paradigm and just retrieving and inserting the data into the new page?
What will the performance implication (if any) will be, if I have to perform DOM manipulations on every 'page transition'?
As a side note - jQuery Mobile provides you with methods that allow for page manipulation:
$.mobile.changePage and $.mobile.loadPage that you can use (look at pageContainer option).
See API docs here
I am trying to use right now a jQueryMobile plugin for subpages:
I didn't make it work yet but i think it should work :).

Convert my Xcode application to a webapp (to use tabbar)

I have made a basic tabbar view app in xcode but I need it to be a webapp as I will be viewing the data from a server so do not need/ want it on the app store.
I've looked at some other questions with this kind of topic and nothing is relevant. Also I've done plenty of googling and looking into other code plus using things like's slide-in menu.
I really want that tabbar look. I've tried to do this in HTML with images as buttons and using frames but (I think) because I'm using the JS code to stop the UIview from moving (to look more native) it seems that the buttons open the link in a new page, or switch to Safari, rather then open them in the same frame as they would in a regular browser.
Alternatively, does anyone know of a way I can implement a taskbar in a webapp?
Have you seen JQuery Mobile !?
It's awesome... but still in Beta.
They have precisely the toolbar you're looking for: JQuery Mobile Navbar
Without code, it's hard to pinpoint your problem exactly, but you should not be doing:
Text of Button
Because the above code will actually load a different page. Rather, you want:
<div class="some_button_type" onclick="doSomeAction()"><!-- ... --></div>
And that "doSomeAction()" function should use DOM manipulation to transform the current page to look like whatever you want it to look like (rather than navigating to some separate page).
P.S. I'm assuming you have some CSS styling based on class type, and you might want content in the DIV (for example, for the text of the button). I've also omitted some attributes (e.g. "role") that you want.

