Getting a post variable inside a function - javascript

I have a case where I want to pass a variable inside a function.
The code gives more clarity:
echo "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function loadData(page){
type: \"POST\",
url: \"loadSubscritor.php\",
dataType: \"html\",
data: ({ page:page }),
success: function(msg) {
$(\"#subscritor #container\").ajaxComplete(function(event, request, settings) {
$(\"#subscritor #container\").html(msg);
error: function(){
loadData(1); // For first time page load default results
$('#subscritor #container .pagination').live('click',function() {
var page = $(this).attr('p');
$('#subscritor #go_bt').live('click',function() {
var page = parseInt($('.goto').val());
var no_of_pages = parseInt($('.total').attr('a'));
if(page != 0 && page <= no_of_pages){
alert('Enter a PAGE between 1 and '+no_of_pages);
return false;
<div id=\"subscritor\">
<div id=\"container\">
<div class=\"pagination\"></div>
As shown in the code,
I would like to know how could I pass $id inside the loadData(page) function .
I get this variable from a post request made with ajax, and need to use it inside the function to pass it has variable to loadSubscritor.php
Any idea on how to do it?
EDIT 1: I guees I wasnt very clear on what I wanted, i want to do this :
function loadData(page){
data: ({ page:page id:$id }),
Thanks in advance.

Well, if I understood what you are trying to achieve you could replace this :
By this :
$id = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : 1;
And this :
loadData(1); // For first time page load default results
By this :
For explanation, if it's first time page load, $id will be set to "1".
Else, this will come from $_POST['id'].

Inside your jquery code you can call a php variable in following way
var current_page = "<?php echo $id; ?>" ;

You can make a local variable and easily use as below:
echo "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var id = \"".$id."\";
function loadData(page){
type: \"POST\",
url: \"loadSubscritor.php\",
dataType: \"html\",
data: ({ page:page
success: function(msg)
$(\"#subscritor #container\").ajaxComplete(function(event, request, settings)
$(\"#subscritor #container\").html(msg);
{ alert('alertErr');
loadData(1); // For first time page load default results
$('#subscritor #container .pagination').live('click',function(){
var page = $(this).attr('p');
$('#subscritor #go_bt').live('click',function(){
var page = parseInt($('.goto').val());
var no_of_pages = parseInt($('.total').attr('a'));
if(page != 0 && page <= no_of_pages){
alert('Enter a PAGE between 1 and '+no_of_pages);
return false;
<div id=\"subscritor\">
<div id=\"container\">
<div class=\"pagination\"></div>


page redirect is not working in jquery

$(document).ready(function() {
var sum = '0';
var c_data = $(this).val();
var required = $(this).attr("data-required");
var label = $(this).attr("data-label");
if(required == '1'){
if(c_data == ""){
sum += '1';
if(sum == "0"){
var c_data = $(this).val();
var admin = $(this).attr("data-admin");
var form = $(this).attr("data-form");
var component = $(this).attr("date-component");
var unic = $(this).attr("data-unic");
var user = $(this).attr("data-user");
var url = "<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('formdata/admin&id='.$form_id);?>";
if(c_data == ""){
var site_url = "<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('/formdata/deleteDetail' ); ?>";
type: "POST",
url: site_url,
data: {new_value:c_data,admin:admin,form:form,component:component,unic:unic,user:user},
cache: false,
async: false,
success: function(response){
} else {
var site_url = "<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('/formdata/updateDetailValue' ); ?>";
type: "POST",
url: site_url,
data: {new_value:c_data,admin:admin,form:form,component:component,unic:unic,user:user},
cache: false,
async: false,
success: function(response){
window.location = "";
}else {
if(sum != ""){
message: 'Please Fill All Required Field !',
title: 'Alert',
buttons: {
main: {
label: 'OK',
className: 'blue'
return false;
in this script window.location = ""; is not working.
But I check alert message it is working fine. why its not working in if condition.
I need to redirect page when each function was completed.
please any one help me:-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Try this.,
window.location.href = '';
This may work for you.
Window.location.href and () methods in JavaScript
jQuery is not necessary, and window.location.replace(url) will best simulate an HTTP redirect.
still you want to do this with jQuery use this $(location).attr('href', 'url')
If I got your question correct, you want to redirect the user when all your ajax requests, within your each function, are completed. For this, you can create an array that will hold the success status of each ajax request, and depending on this array you may do your redirection task.
Add below few snippets to your existing code:
In your #btnSubmit click function (Though, I recommend you use .on() delegation method)
var ajax_succ_arr = []; // success status container
var this_ajax_succ = false; // flag
In you success function of both ajax calls (within your each function).
if(c_data == ""){
success: function(response){
if(response == "1"){
this_ajax_succ = true; // set true if required response is received
ajax_succ_arr.push(this_ajax_succ); // push it to the success array
} else {
success: function(response){
if(response == "1"){
this_ajax_succ = true; // set true if required response is received
ajax_succ_arr.push(this_ajax_succ); // push it to the success array
And finally your redirection. Put this just after each function ends.
if(ajax_succ_arr.indexOf(false)<0){ // if all statuses are ok
Hope this helps.

Ajax not getting only json output data (it print whole loaded view code.).? codeigntier

Here is my little script code I want to get data from codeingiter controller. I get json data from controller to view ajax, but It print with html page code.
any one can help me here, How can I solve this.
I only want to get json data ans a variable data to my page.
this is output that I am getting but this is comming with html code and I don't want html code.
I have follow some question answers but can't et success, because that question's answers not related to me.
Link 1
Link 2 and many more...
var p_name = $(this).attr('value');
url:"<?php echo base_url(); ?>teq/gettabdata",
type: "POST",
data:{p_name : p_name},
success : function(data){
if(data !=""){
var obj = JSON.parse(data);
/*$.each(obj, function(key,val){
console.log(val); //depending on your data, you might call val.url or whatever you may have
alert(data+ '1');
error : function(data){
//var da = JSON.parse(data);
alert(data+ '2');
//alert(da+ '2 da ');
Here is controller code.
public function gettabdata(){
$p_name = $this->input->post('p_name');
//echo $p_name." this is paper name.!";
$tabs_data['res1'] = $this->db->distinct()->select('p_type')->from('t_name')->get()->result();
//$p_name = $data;
$query['res'] = $this->db->select('*')->from('t_name')->where('p_type',$p_name)->get()->result();
echo json_encode($query['res']);
$this->load->view('teq', $tabs_data);
You added view at the end of your function that return view's code.
Remove line:
$this->load->view('teq', $tabs_data);
You can either use
if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
echo json_encode($data_set);
//Procced with your load view
Or if you're avoiding ajax request check then please pass any extra paramter from your ajax call then then check for its existence at your controller and on behalf of it proceed your conditional statement . it will solve your problem
Change your controller method like this:
public function gettabdata(){
$p_name = $this->input->post('p_name');
//echo $p_name." this is paper name.!";
$tabs_data['res1'] = $this->db->distinct()->select('p_type')->from('t_name')->get()->result();
//$p_name = $data;
$query['res'] = $this->db->select('*')->from('t_name')->where('p_type',$p_name)->get()->result();
// if ajax request
if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
echo json_encode($query['res']);
return; // exit function
$this->load->view('teq', $tabs_data);
In your ajax code chage dataType: to json
url:"<?php echo base_url(); ?>teq/gettabdata",
type: "POST",
data:{p_name : p_name},
success : function(res)
if(res !=""){
alert(res+ '1');
And in your controller
public function gettabdata()
$p_name = $this->input->post('p_name');
$query['res'] = $this->db->select('*')->from('t_name')->where('p_type',$p_name)->get()->result();
$resp = $query['res'];
$resp = array('status' => FALSE,'msg' => 'Failed');
echo json_encode($resp);
$tabs_data['res1'] = $this->db->distinct()->select('p_type')->from('t_name')->get()->result();
$this->load->view('teq', $tabs_data);
Hope this helps :)

CodeIgniter - getting data from database automatically using setInterval

In codeigniter, I want to display the change in the database automatically without reloading the page so i use ajax to run a controller function in my view. I'm using setInterval to run the function over and over again until the controller function listen_auth returns 1 and the view displays 1.
<h4 class="qr-title" id="status"></h4>
var username = <?php echo(json_encode($username)); ?>;
function checkAuthStatus() {
setInterval(getStatus, 1000);
function getStatus() {
var isAuth = <?php echo(json_encode($isAuth)); ?>;
url: '<?php echo base_url('auth/listen_auth'); ?>',
type: 'post',
data: {username:username},
success: function(data){
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = isAuth;
here's the listen_auth() function in my CONTROLLER:
public function listen_auth(){
$username = $this->input->post('username');
$isApproved = $this->adminmodel->get_auth($username);
if($isApproved == 1){
return 1;
} else{
return 0;
The problem is that isAuth variable will only change once the page has been reloaded... Am I doing something wrong? Or is there any better way to do this?
The function from server 'listen_auth()' should print text not return.
public function listen_auth(){
$username = $this->input->post('username');
$isApproved = $this->adminmodel->get_auth($username);
if($isApproved == 1){
echo 1;
} else{
echo 0;
And then get the answer from server in AJAX request:
var username = <?php echo(json_encode($username)); ?>;
function checkAuthStatus() {
setInterval(getStatus, 1000);
function getStatus() {
var isAuth = <?php echo(json_encode($isAuth)); ?>;
url: '<?php echo base_url('auth/listen_auth'); ?>',
type: 'post',
data: {username:username},
success: function(data){
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = data;
You need to declare $isAuth and assign its value in ajax request, because php variable will not change its value without server request.

Ajax call within a 'for' loop

Is it possible to using ajax call in a loop?
Here I want, when I single click on button then the ajax call will called 10 times. below is my code. Don't know is it good practice or not.
But I need this type of solution. How can I do it? thank you.
$(document).ready(function(e) {
for(var i=1;i<=10;i++){ //is it possible ?
url : "a.php",
success: function(result){
a.php :
if(!isset($_POST['a']) || $_POST['a'] == ""){
$a = 0;
$a = $_POST['a'] + 1;
echo $a;
try this:
$(document).ready(function(e) {
var ajaxCalled=0;
url : "a.php",
success: function(result){
return false;

jQuery AJAX with PHP to upload contents to MYSQL DB

I am looking for a jQuery AJAX script alongside a PHP script that allows for the storage of information on a button click. The function defined within the jQuery should take three variables, all of which are defined pre-method call. I have the basis of operation complete but at the end of all operations - after the button is clicked and some time has passed - no data is added to the appropriate mysql database.
Here is my jQuery function "store"
<script type="text/javascript">
function store(ud, ld, tp) {
url: '',
type: 'POST',
data: 'ud='+ud+'&ld='+ld+'&tp='+tp
success : function() {
error : function() {
alert("DIDN'T WORK!");
complete : function() {
Here is the store.php file (very basic I know, I have also yet to secure this script via sanitizing user input)
require ('../mysqli_connect.php');
$errors = 0;
if(isset($_POST['ud']) && is_numeric($_POST['ud'])) {
$ud = $_POST['ud'];
} else {
if(isset($_POST['ld']) && is_numeric($_POST['ld'])) {
$ld = $_POST['ld'];
} else {
if(isset($_POST['tp'])) {
$tp = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['tp']));
} else {
if($errors == 0) {
$q = "INSERT INTO table_name (column_1, column_2, column_3, column_4) VALUES ('$ld', '$ud', NOW(), '$tp')";
mysqli_query($mysqli, $q);
} else {
echo 'There was a problem!';
Assume that I have onclick="store(3, 3, A)" as an attribute for a certain element. How can I fix this? If I remove the onclick attribute how do I pass the necessary parameters to the jQuery function? I appreciate any and all help!
<-- EDIT -->
New jQuery & AJAX Script ...
<script type="text/javascript">
function store(ud, ld, tp) {
url: '',
type: 'POST',
data: 'ud='+ud+'&ld='+ld+'&tp='+tp,
error : function() {
success : function(data) {
complete : function() {
$(function () {
$("a.rec").on("click", function () {
var $this = $(this),
ud = $"ud"),
ld = $"ld"),
tp = $"tp");
store(ud, ld, tp);
Revised PHP
require ('../mysqli_connect.php');
$errors = 0;
if(isset($_POST['ud'])) {
$ud = $_POST['ud'];
} else {
if(isset($_POST['ld'])) {
$ld = $_POST['ld'];
} else {
if(isset($_POST['tp'])) {
$tp = $_POST['tp'];
} else {
if($errors == 0) {
$q = "INSERT INTO table_name (column_1, column_2, column_3, column_4) VALUES ('$ld', '$ud', NOW(), '$tp')";
mysqli_query($mysqli, $q);
} else {
echo 'There was a problem!';
} else {
$url = '';
header("Location: $url");
Now for my HTML
<div class="sample classes">
<a class="rec" data-ud="13" data-ld="10" data-tp="SCI">
<input type="submit" title="Something" value="Something" />
However, when this button is clicked, it still does not do anything!
As you said onclick is something you are going to want to avoid. This is how you do it.
$(function () { //This function will be ran when the page loads
$(".button-class").on("click", function () { //This will run when any button is clicked
var $this = $(this),
ud = $"ud"),
ld = $"ld"),
tp = $"tp");
store(ud, ld, tp);
<input type="button" class="button-class" data-ud="3" data-ld="3" data-tp="A"/>
I find it easier to use JSON and pass variables in an object to the server:
var store = function (ud, lrid, type) {
var data = {
url: '',
type: 'POST',
data: data,
success : function(data) {
error : function() {
alert("DIDN'T WORK!");
complete : function() {
$('#btn').on('click', function(){
Use this script to test you are getting the variables on the server side:
# Put this in to test it works
isset($_POST['ud']) &&
isset($_POST['lrid']) &&
$var = $_POST['ud'] . ", ".$_POST['ud'] . ", ".$_POST['type'] ." passed successfully via ajax!";
echo json_encode($var);

