Rendering multiple react component from an array - javascript

I've a react component, Let's say component_1.
And, my array is of the form, let's say, array_list =[{},{},{},{}].
I'm trying to render this component inside my another component, component_2, like so:
import component_1 from 'component_1'
import array_list from 'array_list'
class component_2 extends Component{
const {renderMenu} = this.props
var contentData = [];
array_list.forEach(function(item, index, array){
contentData.push(<component_1 {...item} />);
<div className="ui four column centered grid">
export default component_2
while, it generally works with other HTML elements. Here it throws an error:
React.createElement: type should not be null, undefined, boolean, or number. It should be a string (for DOM elements) or a ReactClass (for composite components). Check the render method of `OnBoardingContentElement`
Can render an array of react component's this way? If not, then is there any circumvent approach for this?

Are you sure your import statement is working? Also look into, it is perfect for turning an array of object data into an array of components.

This is a follow up to #John's answer.
I ran into this exact problem last night. Here's what I was doing:
// MyComponent.js
export const MyComponent = (<h1>Hello, world</h1>);
// index.js
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';
React.render((<MyComponent />), document.getElementById('root'));
Can you see the error? It's kind of subtle.
The problem is that the MyComponent.js is NOT exporting a React component. It's exporting a React element that's already instantiated.
#John is suggesting that this might be what you're doing. The best way to correct it is the ensure that MyComponent.js is actually exporting a component:
// MyComponent.js
export const MyComponent = () => (<h1>Hello, world</h1>);


React Javascript - Visual Studio Code doesn't auto-complete object properties

I have a React HOC that propagate an instance of a class to the children.
import React from "react";
import ObjContext from "../../context/Obj/ObjContext";
const withObj = (Component) => (props) => (
{(obj) => <Component {...props} obj={obj} />}
export default withObj;
Now, if in one of the child, I start coding, my code editor (VS Code Studio) doesn't display the properties of the object.
When I do props.obj. the editor doesn't show me all the stuff which is inside the object.
Instead, if I do const obj = new Obj() directly, I can see them.
Why is that? Is impossible to see the data which is inside the object that is propagated from a HOC and received via props?
Any workaround?
Thank you.
As said in the comments, the real answer here is TypeScript.
To see how your vs code editor would react with typescript, you can quickly do:
// Inside child component:
import Obj from 'path/to/obj'
export class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
this.obj: Obj;
constructor(props) {
this.obj = this.pros.obj;
this.obj.something() // something would be proposed by ide
(Ofc the vs code will growl saying that types are not eligible in a .js file and you'd need .tsx instead, but for the purpose of taking a look at how TS would help with the auto-completion, its fine.

Trying to figure out the definition of JSX.Element

I am trying to make use of a JSX.Element within a React application. The compiler is unhappy though.
I have two files Main.tsx and EmployeeMask.js. For some reason I am not sure of I cannot use EmployeeMask in its JSX form <EmployeeMask /> as it is not understood as a JSX component.
Here is my Main.tsx file:
export interface MainProps {}
export interface MainState {}
export class Main extends React.Component<MainProps, MainState> {
public constructor(props: any) {
private maskChooser(): JSX.Element {
return <EmployeeMask />;
public render() {
return <div>
Here is my EmployeeMask.js file:
import React from 'react';
export class EmployeeMask extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
The compiler tells me the following though:
(alias) class EmployeeMask
import EmployeeMask
'EmployeeMask' cannot be used as a JSX component.
Its instance type 'EmployeeMask' is not a valid JSX element.
Type 'EmployeeMask' is missing the following properties from type 'ElementClass': context, setState, forceUpdate, props, refsts(2786)
I already tried adding export default EmployeeMask;, but this did not change anything.
Why does the compiler not recognize this as a JSX.Element?
You seem to be calling <EmployeeMask />, but the exported component's name is EmployeeMask2, which means it should be called like <EmployeeMask2 />.
This happens because it is a regular export (export class instead of export default class), so when you import it, you have to use something like import {EmployeeMask2} from '<path>/EmployeeMask.js'.
If you used a default export, you could call it however you want in your file, like:
import Whatever from '<path>/EmployeeMask.js'
I got the answer and wanted to post it here in case someone has had the same problem. I found this online TypeScript to JavaScript transpiler in which I could transpile a working TypeScript class into JavaScript in order to compare and find out what was the problem before.
Diffing the result with what I had showed that the import was the problem.
import React from 'react';
instead of
import * as React from 'react';
Correcting this by adding "* as " solves the problem and makes the class usable.

How to route class component by clicking button in React?

I am new to React. I am trying to build a page and having like 3 button or img on main page. When I click either one, I shall be routed to another class component. You can treat it like click the icon and route you to another category page (just an example). Below is my structure and partial code I tried. I have no idea how to achieve that, and I googled and seems cannot find the stuff I want.
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
<App />,
import React from "react";
import BookStore from "./BookStore";
const AppContainer = () => {
return (
//do the routing
export default AppContainer;
export default class BookStore extends React.Component {
const contentDiv = document.getElementById("root");
const gridProps = window.gridProps || {};
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(BookStore , gridProps), contentDiv);
First, you could have a look at the/one react router, e.g.
However, since you're writing you're new to react, this might be a little too much ...
First, I was wondering why you're using the "ReactDOM" in your indexjs (that seems to be correct), but also in the BookStore.js. I would also recommend to write your components as functions, like your "AppContainer" and not use the class components anymore (or do you really need to do that? - why?). You can use hooks instead to have e.g. state in the components.
You would then need any kind of state in your AppContainer which is used for the routing. Maybe like this:
const AppContainer = () => {
const [showDetail, setShowDetail] = useState();
return <>
{!showDetail && <BookStore onDetail={detail => setShowDetail(detail)} />}
{showDetail && <DetailPage detail={showDetail} onBack={() => setShowDetail(undefined)}}
Your AppContainer then has a state wheter or not to show the Bookstore (which is shown when "showDetail" is falsy, or a DetailPage which is shown when showDetail is truthy.
For this to work, your Bookstore needs to provide callbacks to let the AppContainer know that something should change. Very simply it could look like this:
const BookStore = ({onDetail}) => {
return <button onClick={() => onDetail("anything")}>Click me</button>
Now when someone clicks the button on the bookstore, it calls the "onDetail" callback, which was set in the AppContainer to set the "showDetail" state. So this one will be updated to "anything" in this case. This will result in a rerender on the AppContainer which will now render a DetailPage component instead.

Why HOC are applied during exporting of component in place of importing it

My basic understading is that HOC like connect (for connecting with redux store) and other HOC's are applied to a component while exporting it.
Like this
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import myHoc from './myHoc/index';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
export default myHoc({})(App);
Where as a better thing would be to apply HOC during import as it would make it easier to make reusable component. The same component can pick up props from store or from props and that would be the responsibility of the parent component to check what to give which HOC to apply on the component.
I know we can use container components which takes the component and render children but that just adds code in the JSX (wont look good if there are many container components)
though we can do it like this
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import myHoc from './myHoc/index';
import AppChild from './AppChild';
const NewAppChild = myHoc({}, ()=> {
class App extends Component {
state = {
count: 1,
reRender = () => {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<NewAppChild handleClick={this.reRender} count={this.state.count}/>
export default App;
What my question is that, is there something better that can handle this kind of situations where I want to apply my HOC on import that is each many container components can import it and they can apply different HOCs depending on the needs.
There is no single concrete reason for this design choice - as you have already seen you can invoke your HOC wherever you use the component - but I see at least 1 advantage: configuration & component reuse.
In your example, myHoc takes no parameters or configuration so this doesn't necessarily apply, but imagine instead that you are invoking connect from redux.
In most use cases, connect accepts 2 configuration functions -
mapStateToProps & mapDispatchToProps - that define the behaviour. If you define those within MyComponent then any consuming component can import MyComponent from 'MyComponent' and start using it.
If you instead rely on the parent component to call connect() then you are forcing every consumer to re-implement the configuration of connect as well. That may mean many instances of duplicated configuration and adds to the complexity for consuming components.
That being said, there are certainly cases where you might want this behaviour - for example, if you wanted to connect the same component to different state definitions. Ultimately you need to pick the best pattern to support what you need from the component.

Construct React Component from a React Element

I'm trying to create a "higher-order" function in React that performs some permissions-based checks on the wrapped component and returns it accordingly.
export default Permissions(MyComponent)
export default function Permissions(Component) {
class NewComponent extends React.Component {
// ... perform checks here
render() {
return {validPermissions && <Component />}
However, I'd like to be able to use this Permissions as a React Component (as opposed to a function that wraps the component export).
It would looks similar to this:
<MyComponent />
When I run React.Component.isPrototypeOf(Component.children) I get false in these instances. My inclination is to think that the solution is to use some React or ReactDOM method to transform the React Element into a React Component, and then perform the same checks.
How can I transform a React Element into a React Component?
I gave the bit about permissions as context, but not looking for help with regard to implementing permissions.
I am basically looking for the opposite of React.createElement(MyComponent).
You can use a functional component, which combines the best of both worlds: it's simple (just a function!) and at the same time it's a proper stateless React component.
const Permissions = ({ granted, children }) =>
granted ? React.Children.only(children) : null;
<Permissions granted={true}>
<MyComponent />

