angular2 define global file path/namespace - javascript

I can't figure out how to define a global file path/namespace.
For example, when we want to import an angular2 component, we would do something like
import { component_name } from '#angular/core'
and this can be called from any folder nested within the main app folder by using the #angular.
Is there a way I can define something similar for my root app folder such as #app, so that I don't have to use ../../../ for deeply nested components?
This would also be useful when the number of feature components gets really high and we want to start referencing sub apps within the root app folder.

I don't know if this could help you. But you can place an index.ts file on your directory e.g. "directives/index.ts" then from your index.ts file, put export codes somewhat like these
export * from "./somename.directive";
export * from "./anothername.directive";
Then you could import the modules inside your directive folder like these
import {SomeName} from "../directives";
import {AnotherName} from "../directives";
instead of this
import {SomeName} from "../directives/somename.directive";
import {AnotherName} from "../directives/anothername.directive";
I'm not sure with deeply nested components though


Best practice for importing component from components library in React.js

When I create components in React, they're all in a folder called component and each component has a dedicated folder with the same name as the component itself, e.g. ../components/Input.
But a big concern is about naming files. In order to avoid having to long paths, I name the component inside the folder Index.tsx so that when I import, I'll only have ../components/Input otherwise, it would be a very ugly import path like ../components/Input/Input.
So, by naming Index.tsx, in my IDE, I end up having too much index files open and then I get lost.
So what I did was to rename all those components file with the same name as the folder Input.tsx and exporting them using named export like export const Input:React.FC<InputProps>=(props)=>{...}, then at the root of my component folder, I created one index.tsx file where I export all those components so that while importing them in my pages, I can just write import {Input} from "../components".
I like this approach, but my next concern is about tree shaking. Because I don't want to import every time the entire components library.
So with the above approach, does React handle automatically tree shaking for us?
There's a tweet about the possible issues related to re-exporting everything with index files.
If your project has a components/index.js file which re-exports all your components (and does nothing else), that’s one example.
This is bad for performance – for two reasons.
It makes code splitting ineffective.
When you do
import { Button } from './components'
you’re importing not only Button but the whole ‘./components’ file. Which means you’re bundling the whole file – with all the components it exports.
It makes bundle initialization more expensive.
Every time a browser downloads the bundle, it has to execute it – and all its modules as well. If there’re a lot of modules, or some of them do something expensive, this can take a while.
Someone else suggests configuring webpack's sideEffects option so that the tree-shaking can still optimize the bundle as much as possible.
What I'm suggesting is to create small component modules inside the components directory.
- components/
- Input/ # component module
- index.ts # exports public API
- Input.tsx # actual component implementation
- Input.test.tsx
- Input.scss
- Input.stories.tsx
- etc.
Where the index.ts only re-export the public API for this component.
// index.ts
export { Input } from './Input';
export type { InputProps } from './Input';
// etc.
So that we have non-repeating paths when importing, but the filename we're actually working with is named according to the component.

Vuejs, import component file issues

I have a files structure issue that I am trying to fix when referencing components into other components as imports.
The current files setup I have looks like this...
I am working on the file called security_passphrase.vue and within that file I reference 2 files to import as I need to use them there.
import dropdown from '../components/vue_form/dropdown.vue'
import formbutton from '../components/vue_form/form_button.vue'
The compiler cannot find the modules I am trying to load.
Error: Cannot find module '../../components/vue_form/dropdown.vue' from 'C:\wamp64\www\merchant-backend-new\merchant-backend\resources\assets\js\components\vue_form\concertina_form'
Error: Cannot find module '../../components/vue_form/form_button.vue'
I have tried different ways to make this work but no success. The files I am trying to import are outside of the folder where the file is I am working with.
/concertina_form/security_passphrase.vue /vue_form/form_button.vue
Help will be great :)
import dropdown from '../dropdown.vue'
import formbutton from '../form_button.vue'
Should be the correct way to import these files, using ../ goes down one directory which will take you from the concertina_form directory to the vue_form directory.

Importing JavaScript files with the same name as directory they're inside

In my React and Webpack project, I have the following project structure of React components:
├── Component.jsx
├── index.jsx
└── styles.css
The index.jsx file simply imports and exports Component.jsx; the reason being that in files that require it, it allows the usage of the following:
import Component from '../Component'
as opposed to
import Component from '../Component/Component'
However this seems like it may be an unnecessary extra step which requires all new components to follow suit.
With this in mind, my question is: Can I have the best of both worlds? I want to be able to only have Component.jsx and styles.css in my directory, but not have to use the name twice in my import declaration.
Let me suggest you the following structure I personally like:
Your component tree structure (As an example every component has a different folder structure. It is up to you to keep it clean and tidy. Index.jsx in components folder just normalizes access to those components whoever needs them):
Content of components/index.jsx
export Butter from './Butter/index.jsx';
export Beets from './Beets/Beets.jsx';
export Cabbage from './Cabbage/index.jsx';
export Meat from './Meat.jsx';
Some container Borscht.jsx somewhere else in your project which uses those components
import {
} from 'src/components';
If your folder already tells you which is the component name, you don't need to put it again in the file name inside it. I use this approach.
All modern editors already solves the trouble with two equal names (ComponentA/index.jsx and ComponentB/index.jsx) for us, by adding the folder name in the tabs.
Note that this is an Vue component, but it's the same thing for React.
One option for webpack users is to install directory-named-webpack-plugin
Install, and then add the following to Webpack's config file:
var DirectoryNamedWebpackPlugin = require("directory-named-webpack-plugin");
resolve: {
plugins: [
new DirectoryNamedWebpackPlugin()
When using require("component/foo") and the path "component/foo" is resolved to a directory, Webpack will try to look for component/foo/foo.js as the entry point.
Caution: While this approach does allow webpack to resolve filenames when building and bundling, your intellisense / tooling options are a different beast altogether. Unless they also have similar functionality, you may lose Go To Definition and Intellisense support by not providing the full reference statically.

Import files from parent directory into React Native app

I have a file hierarchy as follows:
In my login.js file, I attempt to import the users.js redux into my code as such:
import { actions as usersActions} from "../../../redux/modules/users";
It is shared code and I cannot put the redux code in native/
The error I get is:
Unable to resolve module ../../../redux/modules/users. ... Unable to find this module in its module map or any of the node_modules directories.
I've looked at the other questions, such as: React import from parent directory but in the comments it states it to be impossible. I've also tried the fixes in but that seems to be mostly for node-modules.
Try creating a symbolic link inside the native directory that references the parent directory

ES6 import module as an object

I am using this GULP plugin which converts HTML files into ES6 exports so I could load them on the browser in my MVC (using rollup bundler).
Basically I have page controllers which are exported as modules.
Then, in my main JS file, I just import all the page controllers, once by one, like so (simplified):
import * as page__home from './pages/page1';
import * as page__home from './pages/page2';
Since this is an SPA, I would think it would be easier to somehow import all the page controllers into some object, so then when a controller is to be called, I could check if that name exist in that object which holds all the imported controllers, or something like that.
Or maybe there is a way to check if a module was imported somehow?
Is there any smarter way of doing this? Thanks
As noted above:
I think I got it actually, I will combine all the controllers files using gulp, then import that one file, and it will all be under that namespace, like so import * as pages from './pages/bundle'; then I could check if( pages["xxx"] )

