how to fetch json data in scope variable angularjs - javascript

Here is my Json data
"data": {
"address": {
"postalCode": "112629",
"state": "DL",
"city": "new city",
"streetAddress": "my street"
"specialities": [
"_id": "577692f7",
"name": "Football",
"description": "game",
"__v": 0
$scope.test = data;
i am fetching data in html by
ng-repeat="mytest in test" than // this is working fine // not printing anything
i am facing the problem in accessing the specialities name i think that is because of specialities is a array but don't know how to get it.

You defined a specialities object with only one array inside
Also you may want to make sure that the array has at least one element, otherwise you mayget a TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined.
So the code sould look like this:
mytest.specialities.length > 0 ? mytest.specialities[0].name : '(some default value)';

Assuming there will be many specialities you should use ng-repeat to display them all.
<p ng-repeat="s in mytest.specialities"> {{}} / {{s._id}} / {{s.description}} </p>

Yes mytest.specialities is array. JSON has two possible options [ ] - array, { } - object. In this situation we have array of objects - [ { /* object data */ } ] so to get object parameter first go to array element like this ( example getting first element on index 0 ):
second element:
example each:
<div ng-repeat="special in mytest.specialities">
of course before that set mytest to scope like:
$scope.mytest=mytest;//mytest is your data structure


angular 5: setting (click) value from an object not working

I have a nav menu that is rendered using a navigation.ts json file for the menu items. When it gets to the navitem component it uses a ngIf to check if the item from the navigation file has a "function" key and if it does, the desired behavior is for it to use the string value from item.function in the object to fill the value for the (click) event.
In reality, the console throws an error saying "_co.item.function is not a function"
<span class="nav-link" *ngIf="item.function" (click)="item.function()" matRipple>
<mat-icon class="nav-link-icon" *ngIf="item.icon">{{item.icon}}</mat-icon>
<span class="nav-link-title" [translate]="item.translate">{{item.title}}</span>
<span class="nav-link-badge" *ngIf="item.badge" [translate]="item.badge.translate"
[ngStyle]="{'background-color':,'color': item.badge.fg}">
"id": "accounting",
"title": "Accounting",
"type": "collapse",
"children": [
"id" : "salesmenSalesLocation",
"title": "Salesmen Sales Location",
"type": "item",
"function": "handleSelect(ReportTypes.SalesmenSalesLocations)"
"id": "laggingLedgerEntries",
"title": "Lagging Ledger Entries",
"type": "item",
"function": "handleSelect(ReportTypes.LaggingLedgerEntries)"
I have also tried it as (click)="item.function" with no success.
I'm assuming you can change the data source here, because otherwise I don't see any good solution.
A string is not a function, and while you can turn it into one with eval that is a bad idea. What you should really do instead is just pass in a value that tells the function what to use.
Change your data to something like this:
"id" : "salesmenSalesLocation",
"title": "Salesmen Sales Location",
"type": "item",
"reportTypeSource": "SalesmenSalesLocations"
"id": "laggingLedgerEntries",
"title": "Lagging Ledger Entries",
"type": "item",
"reportTypeSource": "LaggingLedgerEntries"
Then pass that value to your function and use that to tell it where to look:
handleSelect (reportTypeSource: string) {
const reportType = ReportTypes[reportTypeSource]
// continue as before
And call it in your HTML like this:
Problem lies here:
"function": "handleSelect(ReportTypes.LaggingLedgerEntries)"
And here:
You cannot simply pass a string and expect the component to execute a function and also know exactly what to do. Here you need to pass the actual function.
Your setup looks over-config'd. I would tear the config down and put the logic into the component itself. Don't be afraid to have more template as well, if anything it makes things more legible (as opposed to the config)
Does that function exist in the component or just the model? If it is just on the model it won't work. (click) is looking for a method on the component. It is, ostensibly just a string in this instance.

Angular 2: Filter by value in nested array?

I’ve been experimenting with this GitHub repo via a course on ( by Ray Villalobos -- it functions similarly to a basic web app that I’m hoping to build, but I’ve recently hit a bit of a road block.
In that repo linked above, in app/, is the following array:
var ARTISTS: Artist[] = [
"name": "Barot Bellingham",
"shortname": "Barot_Bellingham",
"reknown": "Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture",
"bio": "Some bio here."
// etc...
This array is filtered by a pipe as seen in app/
export class SearchPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(pipeData, pipeModifier) {
return pipeData.filter((eachItem) => {
return eachItem['name'].toLowerCase().includes(pipeModifier.toLowerCase()) ||
Here's the filter input:
<input class="search-input" [(ngModel)]="field1Filter" placeholder="type in search term here" (click)="showArtist(item); field1Filter=''">
And the code for the filter results:
<ul class="artistlist cf" *ngIf="field1Filter">
<li class="artistlist-item cf"
*ngFor="let item of (artists | search: field1Filter)">
<artist-item class="content" [artist]=item></artist-item>
<artist-details *ngIf="currentArtist" [artist]="currentArtist"></artist-details>
This all works perfectly, however, in my project, I would need to include three nested arrays, and have the ability to filter based upon the values in those arrays. A sample of the kind of array I need will look something like this:
var ARTISTS: Artist[] = [
"name": "Barot Bellingham",
"shortname": "Barot_Bellingham",
"reknown": "Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture",
"bio": "Some bio here...",
"friends": [
"emails": [
"car": [
"aston martin"
// etc...
Therefore, I hope to filter by “Harry,” and only display objects that contain “harry” in either “name,” “reknown,” “friends,” "emails," or "cars." Is this possible, and if so, how can I edit the pipe filter to do this? Thank you!!
(I'm pretty green at angular and JS in general, so I want to apologize in advance if I’ve used incorrect terminology or overlooked/misunderstood something basic.)
I deleted my prior answer because it was more confusing than helpful. I pasted example code without applying it to your variables/properties/objects and it was misleading. Let's try again:
export class SearchPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(pipeData, pipeModifier) {
pipeModifier = pipeModifier ? pipeModifier.toLowerCase() : null;
return pipeModifier ? pipeData.filter(eachItem => {
eachItem['name'].toLowerCase().indexOf(pipeModifier) !== -1 ||
eachItem['reknown'].toLowerCase().indexOf(pipeModifier !== -1) : pipeData;
The first line of code in the transform method ensures that the modifier passed in is also lowercase so that the compare always compares lower case values. It also has a null check to ensure it does not try to lowercase it if it is null.
The second line of code also uses the "?" syntax to handle the case of a null pipeModifier.
I changed includes to indexOf. Includes checks arrays. Are these items, such as eachItem['name'], an array?
That should be closer.
NOTE: Without a provided plunker ... I did not check the syntax or correct execution of this code.

Error getting a single value from a collection

I have a collection called notification and i am trying to get a single value with findOne()
var allnotices = Notifications.findOne({eventownernumber:"2"},{sort: {noticedate: -1, limit: 1}}).noticemessage;
I want to get the value where the eventownernumber is 2 and i want to get the latest record and i only want one record.
Even though noticemessage is part of the row fields,i get the error that noticemessage is undefined.
This is the schema
"_id": "tmkWCydSKZtYdrKTZ",
"eventoriginalid": "3bXvARk6K6yhee6Hi",
"lat": "-1.851881824302658",
"lng": "96.987469482421875",
"eventownernumber": "1",
"eventownernames": "Test 1",
"eventtitle": "ci",
"eventtime": "08:05",
"invited": "0",
"eventduration": "21",
"eventtype": "notification",
"eventcategory": "hackathon",
"eventstatus": "11",
"createdAt": {
"$date": "2016-11-02T12:38:40.378Z"
"noticedate": {
"$date": "2016-11-02T16:50:53.394Z"
"noticenumber": "2",
"noticenames": "Test 2",
"noticemessage": "Test 2 has joined your event ci",
"noticestatus": "12"
Why is noticemessage undefined?.
There are four basic possibilities why Collection.findOne(query).key could yield an error:
There is no document matching the query therefore you're trying to reference undefined.key
The key in question doesn't exist in the returned document
The document exists in the database but isn't being published by the server and being subscribed to by the client
The document exists and is published and subscribed to but the subscription is not yet .ready(), i.e. you need to wait before you can access it.
A common defensive pattern is:
const oneDoc = myCollection.findOne(query);
let myVar = oneDoc && oneDoc.key;
if ( myVar ) {
// do the thing
} else {
// handle the error
You need to save the number as integer for eventownernnumber (and please write it like eventOwnerNumber, which is a good practice for readability), not string. Either use input type="number" or convert the value to integer like this:
The rest of your query looks fine to me but you don't need limit since you do findOne() and you find the newest inserted doc with noticedate: -1
Another thing is, you need to save the date like this in your insert():
noticeDate: new Date() //your current query should give you the right document after this change

How to get data from json in order to save them in database?

I am beginner in Javascript/jQuery and I am working on an interface made with KnockoutJS, so I have several models. I would like to save all the data in the database but I don't know how to do it.
I started with : = function() {
var data = ko.toJS(self);
var test = ko.toJSON(self);
url: "myURL",
data: {'carrier': data.carrier},
type: "POST",
and this is the result of the console.log :
I can get the value of carrier by using data.carrier but I don't know how to get the other data like DeiveryStandard, DeliveryExpress, fromPrice, maxPrice ...
Have you got an idea?
Thanks you in advance, and sorry if my question is silly!
If you format your JSON into a more readable format, with indenting, it makes it a lot easier to understand:
(though it should be noted that it is only technically JSON while in a string format, outside of that it is just a standard javascript object)
"price": { "id":1,
"Details": { "id":1,
"Standard": [{"id":1,
"Express" //Missing semi-colon
}}//One too many closing braces
First thing to note is you have 2 syntax errors, highlighted above with comments. So fix them first! (Though I wonder if they are typos as you seem to have it working at your end)
Then we can look at the structure tree to work out where the values you want are...
DeiveryStandard and DeliveryExpress are both properties of an object assigned to price, which it a property of the first item in the Settings array. So you can access them like so:
var DeliveryStandard = data.Settings[0].price.DeliveryStandard;
var DeliveryExpress= data.Settings[0].price.DeliveryExpress;
fromPrice and maxPrice are found multiple times, in both Standard and Express items. So you need to decide what version you need. If you want Standard then you can get the first item of the Standard array like so:
var standardObject = data.Settings[0].price.Details.Standard[0];
Which you can then access the properties of like:
var fromPrice = standardObject.fromPrice;
var maxPrice = standardObject.maxPrice;
I am sure you can work out how to get the Express version of the same data!
From what you seem to have been able to work out on your own, I think your problem is not knowing how to deal with the arrays. Note that arrays are defined with square brackets [], and elements within an array should be accessed with a zero-based index, for example: array[0] for the first element, and array[1] for the second element.
This should work.
Fixed some errors in your JSON.
var j = {
"id" : 1,
"carrier" : "1",
"Settings" : [{
"id" : 1,
"price" : {
"id" : 1,
"DeliveryStandard" : "3.00",
"DeliveryExpress" : "6.00",
"Details" : {
"id" : 1,
"Standard" : [
"id" : 1,
"fromPrice" : 0,
"maxPrice" : "45.000"
"Express": [
"id" : 1,
"fromPrice" : 0,
"maxPrice" : "66.000"

Get Data from JSON String

I'm unable to successfully get data from the JSON string below. Using JavaScript, I'm able to alert the full string [ alert(data); ] but I'm unable to get only the first name.
Can someone please help?
var data = {
"name": [
"Enid Norgard",
"Cassie Durrett",
"Josephine Ervin"
"email": [
"role": [
"Team Leader",
"emp_id": [
"id": [
Looks like you have a string(because when you use alert the complete text is shown, if it was a object then [Object object] would have shown), first you need to parse it using JSON.parse()
var t = JSON.parse(data)
Note: Old browsers like IE8 which does not have native support for JSON you have to add a library like json2 to add JSON support
use the following code
//sample code
var json = '{"result":true,"count":1}',
obj = JSON.parse(json);
For the browsers that don't you can implement it using json2.js.
Most browsers support JSON.parse(), hope this will help you for detail see link.
With[0] you will get the name Enid Norgard
Similar to that use[index]
while index is the position of the name in the innerarray.
If you want only the names array use:
try this to loop through all elements
for(x in data)
for(y in data[x])

