Programmatically check checkboxes for submission of a webform - javascript

Unfortunately there still are forms were bulk/mass editing is not implemented. What can be very annoying, especially when you've a form with over 100 records what you've to update. In my case it's around 1000 records and each record has a checkbox what should be checked, currently they all are unchecked.
Therefor I tried to run an on-the-fly piece of javascript to check those boxes for me. However it did show a checkmarker at all checkboxes after running the javascript. After submission the form the first unchecked checkboxes - what were shown as checked checkbox - returned back to there original state (unchecked).
The on-the-fly javascript I executed from FireFox's console.
var x = document.querySelectorAll('input[name^="example"][type="checkbox"]'), i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].checked = true;
x[i].value = true; // I also tried 'on'
The initial markup of checkboxes (manually) checked and unchecked:
<input name="example[1]" checked="" type="checkbox">
<input name="example[2]" type="checkbox">
As far as I know the checked attribute is only there for visual representation, to allow programmers to show a checked box on initialization of the element. Also good to note is when you uncheck a checkbox than the element won't change.
Am I using the right approach? If so than what I'm doing wrong? Or do I've to use a different approach to reach my goal, what should I do?

Try using the following:-
x[i].setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
If you inspect the input after running your original code you can see it only sets the value attribute
<input name="example[2]" type="checkbox" value="true">
This differs from the html where you manually click the checkbox, where the checked attribute has been set.


How to disable check box per day and fetch the selected values using Angular.js?

I have one table where some dynamic drop down list is present for 7 days. I have also + button implementation which can create more row dynamically for a day.
For each row I have check box. Here I need for each day user can only check up-to two check box and other will remain disable.
In my case after checked from 2 check box from total table other are becoming disable but here I need to disable per day.
My all working code is present inside: plunkr.
There you can find one Edit button; I need when user will click on edit button the stored data (clicked on store button) will again set on the required field with check box.
My all code is here.
Is this what you require, it's a little hard to understand your question:
So instead of your disabled function:
$scope.chk =[];
$scope.isDisabled = function(dayName) {
var count = 0;
if ($scope.chk[dayName]) {
for (var prop in $scope.chk[dayName]) {
if ($scope.chk[dayName][prop]) count++;
return count++ === 2;
Note the line above the disabled function. And then your html:
<input type="checkbox"
ng-checked="answerIsSelected($parent.$index, $index)"
ng-click="toggleAnswerSelected($parent.$index, $index)"
ng-disabled="isDisabled('{{d.day_name}}')" />
Plunk here: Plunky McPlunk
Seems to do as you ask, disable after 2 goes.
Check this additional link: More insight
For further info

ko binding for checkbox: change 'checked' attr from code not change the observable field

I have checkbox at html that is binding to observable-field (field of breeze entity).
<input id="chk1" type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: data().isBirthday"/>
The binding works well from the tow sides:
When I write at code:
the checkbox become checked.
and when I write at code
the checkbox become unchecked.
And when I choose the checkbox by clicking with mouse - the observable field gets value of true. (Or when I unchecked by mouse - it gets value of false).
sometime, I need to change the checked attribute of the checkbox by code, specifically by retrive checkbox with jquery.
(I cannot do it by the observable field becouse of any reasons).
I do:
var control = $('#chk1')[0];
control.checked = false;
but this not change the value of the binded observable-field. It continue holding true value.
I tried to triiger the change event:
It didn't help.
So, what should I do?
Here is an example:
Can we see the html code?
Try $('#chk1').prop("checked", false);

Getting only the list of checkboxes from a collection of checkboxes for which status is changed(checked or unchecked) using jquery

I have a table with multiple rows and each row has a checkbox which is in either checked or unchecked state. The user can check or uncheck few of the checkboxes and hit the submit button to save their changes.
Is their any way to get only the list of checkboxes whose original state changed(from checked to unchecked or unchecked to checked)?
If this is possible then I will be able to provide the users with a single button to update or else I may have to give a button for each row to update.
I am also thinking of updating via ajax as soon as the status changes for each checkbox, but I prefer to make one server call by updating all at once.
Any information regarding this issue is very much appreciated.
Thank you!
If the checked attribute is set in the markup you can do this by using .attr() and .prop()
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />
<input type="checkbox" />
var changedInputs = $("input").filter(function() {
var input = $(this),
checked = (input.attr("checked") || "") === "checked";
return (checked !== input.prop("checked"));

How to disable enable a checkbox based on another checkbox?

Following code is generated by a for loop.
<form action="saveresponse.php" method="POST" name="mainForm">
<input class="cbox_yes" type="checkbox" name="yes[]" value="01.jpg"
onclick="spenable()" /> OK
<input class="cbox_sp" type="checkbox" name="sp[]" value="01.jpg" disabled />Special<br />
<input class="cbox_yes" type="checkbox" name="yes[]" value="02.jpg"
onclick="spenable()" /> OK
<input class="cbox_sp" type="checkbox" name="sp[]" value="02.jpg" disabled />Special<br />
etc etc upto n times...
Now, what I want is that on page load, all the sp[] checkboxes should be disabled and enabled only if their corrosponding yes[] checkbox is checked by user.
Javascript code I am using: (Just to check if JS is capturing the states of yes[] checkbox?
function spenable(){
var yes = document.mainForm.yes[].value;
if (yes == true)
document.mainForm.yes[].value = checked;
document.mainForm.yes[].value = checked;
But I am not getting any alert (Neither Yes, Nor No).
So, is yes[] (Square brackets) in second line is incorrect? Or my if/else condition is wrong in JS?
P.S. All the questions here at SO or on Google deal with only one case/pair.
P.S. If required, I can change yes[] to yes1, yes2, yes3 etc and corresponding sp1, sp2, sp3 where 1,2,3 is $i of For loop, but then how will I capture/refer to it in JS?
The flow/conditions are(Clarification):
Initially Special checkbox will be disabled and OK checkbox will be unchecked.
Then if user checks Ok, Special gets enabled.
If user want, he can tick Special.
If, later, user changes mind and untick the OK, Special should be unticked as well as disabled again.
I used jQuery here for the sake of simplicity.
$("input[name='yes[]']").change(function() { //When checkbox changes
var checked = $(this).attr("checked");
$(this).next().attr("disabled", !checked); //The next checkbox will enable
});​ // or disable based on the
// checkbox before it
Pure JavaScript:
It will uncheck the first checkboxes when the Special checkbox is checked.
Pure JavaScript:
More Updates
Here's the demo:
Pure JavaScript:
Little note: document.querySelectorAll works on all modern browsers and IE8+ including IE8. It is always better to use jQuery if you want to support IE6.
You can't use yes[] as an identifier in the Javascript, so you have to access the field using the name as a string:
This will not return a single element, it will return an array of elements. Use an index to access a specific element:
The value of the checkbox will always be the value property, regardless of whether the checkbox is selected or not. Use the checked property to find out if it's selected:
function spenable() {
var yes = document.mainForm["yes[]"][0].checked;
if (yes) {
} else {
To access the specific checkbox that was clicked, send the index of the checkbox in the event call:
<input class="cbox_yes" type="checkbox" name="yes[]" value="01.jpg" onclick="spenable(0);" /> OK
Use the index in the function:
function spenable(idx) {
var yes = document.mainForm["yes[]"][idx].checked;
var sp = document.mainForm["sp[]"][idx];
sp.disabled = !yes;
If you are open to using jQuery:
var obj = $(this);'.cbox_sp').attr({'disabled':(':checked') ? false : 'disabled')});
This solution will assign an onclick event handler to all checkboxes and then check to see if the corresponding "special" checkbox should be disabled or not. It also sets the default checked state to true.
Working Example:

checked/unchecked checkboxes

I am trying to pass a value for when a checkbox is either in a checked state or if it's not checked.
However, it doesn't appear to pass the non-checked state. the code I am using is below:
if (document.getElementById('PRODUCT_REVIEW_EMAILS_FIELD').checked == true){
document.getElementById('PRODUCT_REVIEW_EMAILS_FIELD').value = 'on';
else {
document.getElementById('PRODUCT_REVIEW_EMAILS_FIELD').value = 'off';
I have added an alert:
which surprisingly shows the 'off' value - however - this isn't passed successfully.
What am I missing?
This is normal, expected and well-defined behaviour.
Checkboxes have an arbitrary value;
When a checkbox's checked attribute is on, it is submitted as part of a form with that value;
When a checkbox's checked attribute is off, it is not submitted at all.
HTML 4.01 says:
Checkboxes (and radio buttons) are on/off switches that may be toggled by the user. A switch is "on" when the control element's checked attribute is set. When a form is submitted, only "on" checkbox controls can become successful.
When the user submits a form (e.g., by activating a submit button), the user agent processes it as follows.
Step one: Identify the successful controls
Step two: Build a form data set
A form data set is a sequence of control-name/current-value pairs constructed from successful controls. [..]
HTML5 says similar things.
You could write your back-end code to expect fields with a certain name, and react accordingly when they are missing.
You can handle the true on/off values of a checkbox this way (will post when checkbox is on and off). Basically this uses a hidden form field with the name PRODUCT_REVIEW_EMAILS_FIELD and populates it with the value. Hidden form fields always post.
<input id="tempCheckbox" type="checkbox" name="Temp_PRODUCT_REVIEW_EMAILS_FIELD">
<input id="checkboxvalue" type="hidden" name="PRODUCT_REVIEW_EMAILS_FIELD" value="Off">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("tempCheckbox").onclick = function () {
if (this.checked) {
document.getElementById("checkboxvalue").value = "On";
else {
document.getElementById("checkboxvalue").value = "Off";
// used to run on page load to verify the correct value is set incase your server side
// script defaults the checkbox to on
You can do it on the server side so not to relay on JavaScript.
To do it you must add a reference input field right before every checkbox.
<input type="hidden" name="checkboxes" value="reference"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes" value="checked"/>
This will make parameters come in array of values: "reference-checked" sequence if checkbox is checked and just "reference" if it is unchecked. You can have arbitrary amount of such checkboxes, this will not affect your logic.
Now for the server side. Assuming that you get your 'checkboxes' as a String array, here's the logic (in Java) to parse the values:
List<Boolean> parsed = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
for (int i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (i < checkboxes.length - 1 && "checked".equals(checkboxes[i + 1])) {
else {
Now you have a nice array of booleans that correlates to the order, amount and state of checkboxes you have.

