Choose only the first button - javascript

I'm trying to do that only one can happen, if you click yes or no. As it is now if you click "no" in the first time and "yes" in the second time, it will execute it twice .
function confirm() {
$("#no").one("click", function(){
return false;
$("#yes").one("click", function () {
//do something
thanks for help

Both events are attached at document.ready I assume, which means they will remain active indefinitely unless you specify otherwise.
The following approach is fairly basic, just set a variable 'hasClicked' to false. And as soon as either one of them is clicked, set 'hasClicked' to true. Each button has an if-structure that only executes the code IF 'hasClicked' is false.
Try the following:
var hasClicked = false;
function confirm(){
$("#no").one("click", function(){
if (!hasClicked){
hasClicked = true;
return false;
$("#yes").one("click", function () {
if (!hasClicked) {
hasClicked = true;
//do something

As you can't unbind an event binded with one() check this answer
So you'll have to work around like this:
function confirm() {
$("#no").bind("click", function(){
$(this).unbind(); // prevent other click events
$("#yes").unbind("click"); // prevent yes click event
// Do your stuff
$("#yes").bind("click", function () {
// Do your stuff

Assign your buttons a class called confirmation. Set a event handler based on class. Read the value of the button to decide what you want to do.
$(".confirmation").one("click", function(){
if($(this).val() === 'yes'){
//do something
return false;


How to fire onClick function of a div depending on another div

I want to call a function on one type of button click on my HTML page.
I have got around 10 such button on the page and wrote the below code to call a function when the button is clicked,
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
//Call Another Function
And this is working fine as expected.
However the issue is, sometimes depending on some condition one dynamically generated div is been created(Pop up message) and I dont want my above said code to work when the pop up message comes up.
Could you please advise how this can be achieved.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi What something like set a bool and check if it true or false...somthing like:
var enable = true;
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
//Call Another Function
if(!enable) return;
//set it to false on popup show (or something else event)
enable = false;
In simplest way.
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
//Simply check the condition for that Open Pop up message
try something,
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
if($('#popupModal:visible').length == 0){ // check length of visible modals
//Call Another Function

Disabling and enabling click event on image...jquery

what would be the best way to enable and then re-enable and image click with jquery?
I can diasble the click event easy enough
$(document).on("click", "#rightPager", function () {
if (condition) {
how would I go about in 'enabling' the click event again based on a certain condition?.
I would want to enable the button again for example
$(document).on("click", "#leftPager", function () {
In order to rebind you would need to use the original .on("click") event again.
Write a function to bind an event to your image:
function bindImage() {
$(img).on("click", function() {
// Your bind event goes here
Then write a conditional to unbind the event on the image if your condition returns true, then if its false, rebind the event to the image as normal.
if (condition) {
} else {
Alternatively, you could complete this within a single function such as:
$(document).on("click", "#rightPager", function () {
if (condition) {
// terminate the function
return false;
} else {
// put your function here to run as normal
Try to use jQuery off method.
$(document).off('click', '#rightPager');
Full code:
var condition = true;
$(document).on("click", "#rightPager", function () {
alert('Click was disabled');
$(document).off('click', '#rightPager');
you disable the default event by:
$(document).click(function(e) {
condition ? doSomething() : doSomethingElse();
so basically is not that you enable then disable, you prevent the default action, check for your condition and they execute appropriate function

2 anchor with one click

So here is my code
How do I make it both click if I click any of it ?
If I click .slider-1-prev, at the same I click .slider-2-prev
If I click .slider-2-prev, at the same I click .slider-2-prev
How to make it by javascript ?
As well as triggering the event on the other link, you need to shield against infinite repeating (e.g. with a shield variable):
var inClick = false;
$(document).ready(function {
$('.slider-1-prev').on('click', function {
if (!inClick) {
inClick = true;
inClick = false;
$('.slider-2-prev').on('click', function {
if (!inClick) {
inClick = true;
inClick = false;
If you want a shorter version, you can listen for both on one handler and click "the other":
var inClick = false;
$(document).ready(function {
var $sliders = $('.slider-1-prev,.slider-2-prev');
$sliders.on('click', function {
if (!inClick) {
inClick = true;
// Click the one that was not clicked (not this)
inClick = false;
Another option is a bit more complicated as you need to turn the handler off and then on again. Stick with this simple one for now.
The on/off approach involves disabling the handling while executing it, so that it will not trigger again until you reconnect it. The downside is you need to reference a separate function so that it can effectively reference itself:
$(document).ready(function {
var $sliders = $('.slider-1-prev,.slider-2-prev');
// Define separate named function
var clickTheOtherOne = function(){
// Disable the click
// Click the one that was not clicked (not this)
// Reenable the click handler
$sliders.on('click', clickTheOtherOne);
// Initial enabling of the handler
$sliders.on('click', clickTheOtherOne);
If they're going to behave the same, why not define only one function for both?
$('.slider-1-prev, .slider-2-prev').click(function(){
//... mutual code
I can't figure why you need to do what you ask, but try this approach:
js code:
// this will work on all classes that start with 'slider-prev'
// do something
Of course you will need to alter your htm code to:
this should do the trick
Try this -
// If you need the opposite, then do -

How to disable the click if a function is in active status

I have created a fiddle of my function here( ) . Now i want to disable the button click i.e play/pause if the sound is playing like Get ready,5,4,3,2,1 .
I know only how to disable the form submit button , but I am very confused how to disable the click in my case the hyperlinks.
Explanation using code example:
I want to disable this
click, while interpreter is executing the below code:
var playGetReady = function (done) {
var ids = ['audiosource', 'a_5', 'a_4', 'a_3', 'a_2', 'a_1'],
playNext = function () {
var id = ids.shift();
if (ids.length) {
setTimeout(playNext, 1000);
} else {
Warning: This JS fiddle demo may play sound on load
You may try this (Changes in following function), but not sure if this is you want and maybe there are other ways to do it.
App.prototype.start = function () {
var self = this;
// unbind for a while
self.$button.unbind('click', self.buttonHandler); // <--
var start = function () {
// start countdown
self.intervalHandle = setInterval($.proxy(self.tick, self), 1000);
// bind again
self.$$.proxy(self.buttonHandler, self)); // <--
// change button text to PAUSE
if (this.newTimer) {
} else {
In jquery, it can be done easily by cancel default action. Here's the sample.
// Prevent anchor to active
return false;
// Anchor active as usual
return true;
In your case, the link will ultimately call this.buttonHandler, which has the following code:
App.prototype.buttonHandler = function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent anchor default action
this.toggle(); // toggle play/pause
Because buttonHandler is attached before playGetReady is executed, it is not possible to let playGetReady attach a click handler to that anchor element that uses .stopImmediatePropagation() to prevent the other click handler from executing.
In this case #gp.'s solution in the comments is most likely the best solution. In your case you might even be able to use a local variable in your app. If you use a global variable, reference it with window.yourglobalvariable. If you use a local variable, make sure you define it somewhere and reference it with this.yourvariable. Change your buttonHandler to:
App.prototype.buttonHandler = function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent anchor default action
if( this.soundready )
this.toggle(); // toggle play/pause
On the appropiate place make this variable false to prevent the 'button' from working. When the button should work, change the variable to true. I think that should be just before done() in the code you have in your question, but you probably have a better idea in what order the code is executed.

jQuery .load() How to prevent double loading from double clicking

I am using jQuery load() function to load some pages into container. Here is the code:
$(' a').live('click',function() {
$('.content').load('page/3/ #info','',function(){
//do something
return false;
Everything works just fine but the problem is when I quickly double click the link, from console I see that it loads the page twice because I did a quick double click. I could even make it 3 clicks and it will load it 3 times and show in console smth like that:
GET http://site/page/3/ 200 OK 270ms
GET http://site/page/3/ 200 OK 260ms
My question is how to prevent such double clicking and not to let load the target page more then once no matter how many times it was clicked.
Thank you.
Whatever happened to good ol' JavaScript? Why are you all trying to figure it out with pure jQuery?
var hasBeenClicked = false;
$(' a').live('click',function() {
hasBeenClicked = true;
$('.content').load('page/3/ #info','',function(){
//do something
//If you want it clickable AFTER it loads just uncomment the next line
//hasBeenClicked = false;
return false;
As a side note, never never never use .live(). Use .delegate instead like:
var hasBeenClicked = false;
$('').delegate('a','click',function() {
hasBeenClicked = true;
$('.content').load('page/3/ #info','',function(){
//do something
//If you want it clickable AFTER it loads just uncomment the next line
//hasBeenClicked = false;
return false;
Why? Paul Irish explains:
To answer your comment...
This could happen if you have your delegate function nested inside your AJAX call (.load(), .get(), etc). The has to be on the page for this to work. If isn't on the page, and this isn't nested, just do this:
$('#wrapper').delegate(' a','click',function() {
Delegate needs the selector to be the parent of the dynamically added element. Then, the first parameter of delegate ( a in the last example) is the element to look for within the selected element (#wrapper). The wrapper could also be body if it's not wrapped in any element.
You could try using the jquery one method:
$("a.button").one("click", function() {
$('.content').load('page/3/ #info','',function(){
//do something
You could unbind the click event with die():
$(this).die('click').click(function() { return False; });
Or you could give the element a .clicked class once it is clicked:
And check if that class exists when performing your logic:
$(' a').live('click',function() {
if (!$(this).is('.clicked')) {
$('.content').load('page/3/ #info','',function(){
//do something
return false;
Store whether you're waiting for the load in a variable.
(function() {
var waitingToLoad = false;
$(' a').live('click',function() {
if (!waitingToLoad) {
waitingToLoad = true;
$('.content').load('page/3/ #info','',function(){
waitingToLoad = false;
//do something
return false;

