I am trying to click a button in HtmlUnit to login to a site (m.pge.com) but it is not working. The browser stays on same page. I had similar issue with another site. I tried searching but didn't get a definitive answer.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong ?
Here is code..
Web_Client = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.CHROME);
//Web_Client.setAjaxController(new NicelyResynchronizingAjaxController());
// load home page
HtmlPage page = Web_Client.getPage("https://m.pge.com/#login");
HtmlTextInput userName = loginForm.getFirstByXPath("//*[#id=\"usernameField\"]");
HtmlPasswordInput passWord = loginForm.getFirstByXPath("//*[#id=\"passwordField\"]");
HtmlButton button = null;
DomNodeList<DomElement> buttonList = page.getElementsByTagName("button");
for (Iterator buttonIter = buttonList.iterator(); buttonIter.hasNext();) {
DomElement domElement = (DomElement) buttonIter.next();
if(domElement.asText().equals("SIGN IN")) {
button = (HtmlButton)domElement;
loginpage = button.click();
It is too tedious and unclear to type in comment so i type it as answer and will update with progress.
Part1: login
The first thing is that are you sure you target the button correctly and where did you initialize the HtmlPage loginpage. Normally, when you assign
loginpage = button.click();
It will get you the login page,but sometimes it is weird that it doesn't assign new page but rather change the current page. that is your
You may try to print it out before button click and after button click to see if this page changes? that is
button.click(); // no need to assign page, if the page changes itself
Part2: Search
When you have done input textbox and button click, you will have to target the changes element after search again and get its content, for example, if it is a element, you should probably target the element after button click and get the content you want afterwards. If you target it before button click, the content in that element won't changes itself, you need to get that again.
I am trying to run a script that automatically navigates from one website to another upon button click, enters text into a form field and clicks a button on the second website. However, the script is not working as intended and is not entering the text or clicking the button.
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(() => {
// Attempts to find the form element with the name attribute "url" and enters the text "Test"
var urlInput = document.getElementsByName("url")[0];
if(urlInput) {
urlInput.value = "Test";
// Attempts to find the element with the class "submit" and clicks it
var submitBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("submit")[0];
if(submitBtn) {
}, 3000);
I have added a setTimeout of 3 seconds to ensure that the website has sufficient time to load before attempting to access the form elements.
Also, I have added a check to see if the form element and the button are found and trying to access them only if they are found.
I am trying to create a bot with HtmlUnit to get some products from a website automatically, I am getting to list the products, but the site has several branches and for me to change to the branch I want, I need to change the value of a select and click on a button, but after I click the button, I have the same page as before, it does not change anything and it does not return any error or warning, does anyone give me a hand?
final HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage("url");
final HtmlSelect select = (HtmlSelect) page.getElementById("s-ch-select-city");
select.setSelectedAttribute("8", true);
ScriptResult resultFinal = page.executeJavaScript("document.getElementById('s-ch-change-channel').focus()");
synchronized (page) {
Page pageResultFinal = resultFinal.getNewPage();
HtmlPage pageCascavel = ((HtmlPage) pageResultFinal);
Without having access to the page i can only guess.
Try to replace
Page pageResultFinal = resultFinal.getNewPage();
Page pageResultFinal = page.getEnclosingWindow().getTopWindow().getEnclosedPage();
And check to log for any errors.
Additionally i think doing the js stuff is not required. You can do something like
I am using SharePoint 2013. I have a custom list form for Feedback and Suggestions. Currently, to access the form, a user clicks on a link that takes them directly to the New Item form.
What I am trying to accomplish:
- When a user clicks save, they are taken to a "Thank You" page.
- When a user clicks cancel, they are taken back to the home page.
Things I have done:
- On the link to the new form, I have added "?source=(URL for Thank You Page" - This accomplished the Save button task, but not the Cancel button task.
What I need help with:
I need to know how to override the default cancel button. Right now it also redirects to the Thank you page. I need it to go to the Home Page.
The only thing I can do to edit the form is add code snippets.
Thanks in advance!
SharePoint out of the box behavior is to send the user to the url in the Source querystring parameter WHEN THEY CLICK EITHER THE SAVE BUTTON OR THE CANCEL BUTTON on the new form.
Since the OP is experiencing different behavior, it is possible (maybe even likely) that someone has added code to the master page of her site to override the oob behavior.
Anyone coming here looking for how to redirect the Cancel button, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check the behavior in your own site before spending hours hunting for some esoteric solution like one of my user's did. I showed him how to use the source parameter, and we solved his issue in <1 minute.
To accomplish this I did the following:
To redirect after Save button is pushed:
Create a Thank You page and copy the URL. Save for Later.
Add "?source=" then the url from step 1 to the end of the link that takes you to your new item page.
EX: https://NewItemForm.aspx?Source=https://ThankYou.aspx
That will redirect to the Thank you page, if you hit save or cancel.
To Fix the Cancel button, do the following as well:
Go to your list > Form Web Parts (in the ribbon) > Default New Form
Insert Script Editor Web Part
Add the following code:
function goToByePage(){
function overrideCancel()
//Custom input button
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = "button";
input.name = "Cancel";
input.value = "Cancel";
input.id = "custominput";
document.querySelectorAll('.ms-toolbar input[value=Cancel]')[1].parentNode.appendChild(input);
document.getElementById("custominput").setAttribute("class", "ms-ButtonHeightWidth");
//Hiding already implemented cancel buttons
document.querySelectorAll('.ms-toolbar input[value=Cancel]')[0].style.display = "none";
document.querySelectorAll('.ms-toolbar input[value=Cancel]')[1].style.display = "none";
//this is main logic to move history back
document.getElementById("custominput").setAttribute("onclick", "goToByePage();");
This will remove the upper cancel button that was in the ribbon, and make the cancel button on the form take you back to whatever page is listed in the goToByePage function.
The code for this comes from 2 different sources:
Hope this helps someone else in the future!
I have a website where the subscription form will appear when user click on a subscribe button and will add # to the url(http://signature-bravo.dev/#subscribe_form).
My question is how to make the page reload (usually when user click back button on browser) without showing the subscription form even the url is still http://signature-bravo.dev/#subscribe_form. It just appear when user click on a subscribe button.
How to archive this?
Thanks in advance!
If you are using jQuery this should work:
$(window).on('unload', function(){
window.location.hash = '';
It still leaves the '#', but nothing after.
If you don't want to use jQuery, you can use this code:
window.location.hash = '';
I have some code that closes a modal in the parent when an IFrame's button is pressed.
This works well, but my problem is I need the IFrame to be fully postbacked before executing the close method.
var $MyFrame = $("#editScheduleFrame");
// You need to wait for the iFrame content to load first
// So, that the click events work properly
$MyFrame.load(function () {
var frameBody = $MyFrame.contents().find('body');
var btn = frameBody.find('.schedule-submit');
btn.on('click', function () {
Is there any way I can instead call closeEditModal only once the schedule submit button has been pressed AND the IFrame child page has posted back?
The script on the server should somehow denote the page is a post back. It can be as simple as writing a content attribute: <body data-postback="true">. Then you can detect that with JavaScript and act accordingly.