How to structre a very big app in Angular.js? - javascript

Reaching out to Angular experts here, as i am pretty new with it.
What i am trying to accomplish is to build a very large app that will actually consist of multiple apps and login areas.
There will be different login areas for different types of users that have different functionality, but they will also share many sections that will be shared through all the accounts. Also some users will have custom functionalities developed just for them.
How could i build it so that the code for the shared parts is in one place only so that i don't have to update all installations mannually when there is an update and also at the same time for a user avoid loading unnecessary code that doesn't belong to them or their user type?
Note that i am building this in Angular for frontend and Laravel for the backend and they will communicate via an API.
I have a hard time figuring out how to do the Angular part, the Laravel backend will be easy to manage since it will be an API.


Dynamically create UI Components from User Uploaded Templates

TL;DR: Need to create UI pages dynamically from user provided custom templates. These templates should contain enough information so that front-end as well as back-end can be created dynamically, for all user cases.
Keeping the TLDR on top. Also, I am not sure if this has been asked here before, so sorry if this is a duplicate question.
A little background, I am trying to create a Angular 7 based web application that will serve as a single interface for users to configure network devices (routers, switches, etc.). To cover as many different devices and vendors as possible, I cannot make my UI pages static. They should have the capability to change based on user requirements and specifications.
To achieve something like this, common logic states that we should let users create custom templates for their data and data attributes, and then let them upload it to the portal, so that the UI can be rendered dynamically from there.
For example, user A might need a form with 2 input parameters(device name and IP address), while user B in the same organization might need a form with N input parameters, M dropdowns, etc., for some complex configurations.
So coming to the question finally, What is the best way to generate UI pages in case your pages cannot be static and have to change based on user's requirements? In case we go with user uploaded templates, what information should these templates contain?
I am right now using Angular 7 to build my app but I am flexible in this regard. Here for ideas and brainstorming.
The answer is to implement a Data Driven UI. For beginners such as myself, NPM - Data Driven UI is a good starting point.
To satisfy my use case, I implemented a Java platform to generate my UI metadata based on user-input, which is then fed to UI to generate web-pages revolving around a central schema/theme.

Using AngularJS for Multiple Page Application [duplicate]

We are looking at options to build the front end of an application we are creating and are trying to evaluate a tool that will work for us and give us the best platform to move forward.
This is a Node.js project. Our initial plan was to use Express and go down that route, but we decided that before we kick off this stage it might be best to review what is out there. Our application has several areas which we don't believe fit the single-page model in that they are related from an application perspective, but not from a view one.
We have seen a few of the frameworks we could use to build out the client like Backbone.js, Meteor, etc. and also AngularJS.
This may be a fairly obvious question, but we cannot seem to decipher if AngularJS is purely for single-page application or it can be used for multi-page applications like Express for instance.
UPDATE 17 July 2013
Just to keep people in the loop, I will be updating this question as we go through the process. We are going to build everything together for now, and we will see how well that performs. We have reached out to a few people who are more qualified with AngularJS than us and posed the question regarding splitting up larger applications that share context, but may be too large working on a single page.
The consensus was that we could serve multiple static pages and create AngularJS applications that work with only those pages, effectively creating a collection of SPA and linking those applications together using standard linking. Now our use case is very specific as our solution has several applications, and as I said we are going to try the single code base first and optimise from there.
UPDATE 18 June 2016 The project fell of a cliff, so we never got round to getting too much done. We have picked it up again recently, but are no longer using angular and are using React instead. We are still using the architecture outlined in the previous update, where we use express and self contain apps, so for example, we have a /chat route in express that serves up our React chat app, we have another route /projects that serves up the projects app and so on. The way we are kinda looking at it is each app is an aggregate root in terms of its feature set, it needs to be able to standalone for it to be considered an app in itself. Technically, all the information is out there, its just basic express and whatever flavour of client side app building goodness you want to use.
Not at all. You can use Angular to build a variety of apps. Client-side routing is just a small piece of that.
You have a large list of features that will benefit you outside of client-side routing:
two-way binding
currency formatting
reusable controls
RESTful api handling
AJAX handling
dependency injection
It's crazy to think that all of that "could only be used in a single page app". Of course not.. that's like saying "Jquery is only for projects with animations".
If it fits your project, use it.
I struggled with the "how" at first with Angular as well. Then one day it dawned on me: "It is STILL javascript". There are a bunch of examples on the ins-and-outs of Angular (one of my favorites along with the book The biggest thing to remember is to load in the js files just like you would in any other project. All you have to do is make sure the different pages reference the correct Angular object (controller, view, etc.) and you are off and running. I hope this makes sense, but the answer was so simple I overlooked it.
Maybe my experience will be useful to someone. We split our project logically. One SPA we use for feed, another one to work with the map, another one for editing a user profile and etc. For example we have three apps: feed, user and map. I use it in the separated urls, like this:
Each of these applications has it's own local routing mappings between states in the application.
I think it is a good practice because each application work only with its own context and load dependencies that it really need. Also, it's practice very good for debug and integration processes.
Indeed, you can very easily make a mix of SPA apps, for example the feed will be url with the angularjs application, the user app with the reactjs and map to the backbone.js application.
In response to your question:
Angular not just for SPAs, Angular play good and fast for SPA applications, but no one bothers to build MPA application of a variety of SPA applications. But thinking about your url architecture don`t forget about SEO availability of your applications.
I also support the idea:
What’s the difference between a project and an app? An app is a Web
application that does something – e.g., a Weblog system, a database of
public records or a simple poll app. A project is a collection of
configuration and apps for a particular website. A project can contain
multiple apps. An app can be in multiple projects.
If all you need is a few pages with client databinding, I'd go with Knockout and Javascript Namespacing.
Knockout is great, especially if you need uncomplicated backward compatibility and have fairly straight forward pages. If you're using 3rd party components, Knockout's custom bindings are straightforward and easy to work with.
Javascript namespacing allows you to keep your code separate and manageable.
var myCo = myCo || {}; = {
init: function(){ ... },
And in a script tag after your other scripts are loaded
The key is, you use whatever tool you want for when you need it. Need databinding? Knockout (or whatever you like). Need routing? sammy.js (or whatever you like).
Client code can be as simple or complicated as you want it. I tried integrating Angular into a very complicated site with an existing proprietary framework, and it was a nightmare. Angular is great if you're starting fresh, but it has a learning curve and locks you into a very tight workflow. If you don't follow it, your code can get really tangled really fast.
I'd say Angular is overkill if you're just looking to develop a SPA. Sure, if you're already comfortable developing with it, go ahead. But if you're new to the framework and only need to develop a SPA, I'd go with something more simple with a number of its own perks. I recommend looking into Vue.js or
Vue.js uses two-way data binding, MVVM, reusable components, simple and quick to pickup, less code to write, etc. It combines some of the best features of Angular and React., in all honesty, I don't know much about. But I've peeked around and it seems an alternative worth looking into, similar to the above.

SAPUI5 / OpenUI5: More than one app in a portal

I have developed some SAPUI5 mobile apps and I'd like to merge them into a portal (with tiles) so I can switch between them as a "reputation".
Now I would like to know, what would be the "best" way to implement this case?
At the moment the apps have got a controller and views. My first idea was to build a "portal-app" which includes all the views of the other apps with an own controller but then I noticed that the performance has decreased (because all resources (OData-models etc.) load when starting the portal-app).
I also tried to link them (all with their own index.html) but this case seems not to be the right one.
So is there a way to load the views dynamicly or a whole app and how can I do that?
First of all, SAP's official solution for this problem is called SAP Fiori Launchpad. However, it's much more complex to set up (you need an underlying application server which holds SAP Fiori. You need to handle user roles and assign applications to roles). However, it's great for inspiration. (Here you can check it)
You can create a separate component which holds the references to other applications. Your applications can be referenced from Tiles.
I don't know the current implementation of your applications, but it's recommended to implement them as components (UI components if they have visual representation).
With components, you will be able to use Routing (navigating between views, or even components using hashes (urls)), which helps you to manage resources and services properly. With this you can prevent unwanted odata requests as well.
It can be a big step forward from a simple application architecture, but it's worth it.
Of course, you can implement one simple application without components. In this case you can experience the mentioned performance issues. Consider to move data intensive operations into event handlers and perform these tasks asynchronously.

Client-side or server-side framework?

My project would be a kind of craiglist, a site where users could post anouncements (evereday-life objects, cars, flat etc.). So, authentication, profile page, content creation, display the for-sale objects etc.
I have developed a very large part of the backend: I have a RESTful API in three-tier architecture developed in java. It makes the link with the db, to provide me with different urls and send me the relevant JSON.
URLs example: sends me back:
{"user": {"username": "jdoe1234", "email", ""}}
I have urls for all actions performed on the entire site (anouncement creation, last data updates ... everything, and I've carefully declared them POST, GET, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.). There is also oAuth to protect the API from queries that are not allowed for the token.
That's all for the "server" aspect, I think that there is no problem with that.
But if all the actions are managed by the webservice, I do not see the interest that could bring me a big server-side framework like Symfony/cakePHP, Zend, etc., to make HTTP requests on my different entry points, retrieve JSON and populate the HTML.
So I looked at client framework, like Angular, Ember and so on. At first, it seemed very suitable for my case: possibility of http requests, manage what to do in case of success or error, directly exploit the resulting JSON to populate the view etc.
I didn't even manage to make my choice between angularjs and Ember, both being very similar, but with the release of Angular v2, I fear the maintainability of v1 (if I choose Angular, it will be v1 , because the majority of tutorials and questions relate to Angular 1.X).
I don't know if I'm doing the right thing by choosing client-side framework, I am afraid that they 'brident' (not sure of that word, sorry) me. Plus, it's fully instantiated in the browser, so the user can change absolutely all code and data I provide. That seems weird to me.
I want to be absolutely sure of the technology that I use in case I make this application available to the public for example. I want to do things properly, in order to avoid maintainability or security problems.
Summary: With the things I already have (webservice / api), is it a good idea to use a client framework like Angular or should I stay on big server-side framework like Symfony/Zend etc? Knowing that I position myself in the context in which this platform would be massively used (craiglist comparable traffic).
I'd say - depends whether you want to be more frontend guy or backend guy in future. If you want to be full stack developer then it doesn't apply.
In my opinion, both Symfony/Zend or other big server-side frameworks aren't so exciting as dynamic frontend JavaScript frameworks like Ember/Angular/React.
Also, if you have already RESTful API and OAuth authentication implemented in backend part I'd go with Ember. Why? Ember Data is great tool for talking to backend API. It's mature, it lazily loads records when they're needed and it's very customizable.
it's fully instantiated in the browser,so the user can change
absolutely all code and data I provide...
Ember has built in security like sanitizing data which is rendered in it's templating language - HTMLBars. Also, there's CORS and content security policy (CSP) standard which is implemented in Ember.
I want to be absolutely sure of the technology that I use in case I
make this application available to the public for example. I want to
do things properly, in order to avoid maintainability or security
problems .
In Ember you can create mature, secure, production-ready applications, but you need to comfortable with your Ember skills to some degree to build such ambitious web application, but it's part of building every application.
With the things that i already have(webservice / api), is it a good
idea to use a client framework like Angular?
Yes, it's very popular solution to use MEAN stack or go with Ember + RESTful API.
Why should I choose Ember instead of Angular (which have a larger
community/tutorials/answered questions) ?
Angular has larger community/tutorials/answered questions, but when I started some side project with Angular to learn its possible advantages over Ember, I was surprised how there was no consensus in it's community for doing one thing. So, instead of fast search how to declare and use directives (I think it was the thing that confused me) I have to do another research which way is the best. Also, there are lots of ways to setup project (where to put custom directives, different Angular objects) and you have to do another research which one to choose. I ended up using repo healthy-gulp-angular as my template, but you can see it hasn't been updated for 8 months, but I think during these 8 months Angular had a lot of changes and I'm not sure if this repo is the best choice.
In Ember you have Ember CLI tool which is built with Convention over Configuration principle. You have also Ember Data which utilizes JSON API standard - if you don't have JSON API compliant server side right now, you can write custom adapter to normalize server responses or change how backend replies. In Ember you don't have all that headache and different best solutions to do 1 basic thing depending who you ask.
What means "Single page application" ?
Single-page application is basically a page which doesn't have to reload all assets and HTML when you navigate. It's advantage over PHP - when user moves to another location he downloads only new data for that route. More info here.
Does those frameworks allow me to create real routes ? (
www.myapp/profil/userid etc )
Yes, of course. You don't even need # in your URL. With simple rewrite rule and small amount of logic for profile route and specified path profile/:userid, when user will open URL www.myapp/profile/userid he will be automatically taken to profile route, and userid would be interpreted as route parameter, so you can take this userid and find user record from the store in model hook.
Client = speed, Server = stability
JS frameworks updates once per week
Non-Js back-end once per year
Client side depends to behavior depending on browser
Back is related only on machine but not on environment
I chose FE coz I tired to debug code by writing variables values to database to actually see what is going on in controllers -_-

Is using AngularJS and WebApi good for large complex systems? Questions also

We currently have an webforms web application, which needs updating in terms of look and speed. I think its time to redevelop it and was thinking about creating a webApi and change the website to asp mvc. But then i started using AngularJS and loved it, now i am thinking about redeveloping our site using AngularJs and a webApi.
Am i right in thinking that using AngularJs + ASP MVC is pointless, as they are nearly the same thing (although 1 is clientside and 1 is server side)
Also i have a couple questions about using angularJs on a website.
On the mobile apps that i have used angularJS i have used the routeProvider and stateProvider to change the page. This adds #/SOMETHING to the url and angular loads the correct content accordingly. Does this work ok with search engines like google?
Should the whole web application be 1 app within angular, or should it be broken down into app modules and each be a separate "app", even though it is 1 website? I am wondering about performance. Say i have a website where the user can look at companies, contacts, projects. Each module may have 10 different pages, can angular handle this? In our app we would have over 20 modules, each with maybe 10 pages+.
Is this something i should avoid? Would ASP MVC + webApi be better?
Any other views and opinions are greatly welcome, i want to get as much information as possible before making my decision and developing.
Thanks in advance
Let me try to address some of your concerns.
ASP.Net Partial views can still be used even if you decide to use AngularJS and WebAPI. Have a server view has some advantages. For example if your view has element that are only accessible to authorize users in a specific role, then better to not emit that view content from server, rather than hiding it on client side using AngularJS.
I have not done mobile development using AngularJS so i cannot answer your bullet point 1. But as far as SEO goes every client side framework has the same challenge. Google SEO techniques for Angular and you may find something interesting.
Regarding bullet 2, all depends. Multiple SPA apps can be created if the functionality is tangential. For example user side of app and admin side of the app can be different SPA but they can be a single SPA too. I think it all depends upon on scenario and there is no hard and fast rule.
For bullet 3, this is too broad question. I can only say AngularJS is a very capable framework and can do everything that MVC+ WebApi can achieve. There is a learning curve involved and it takes some time to do stuff the Angular way but i believe it is well worth.

