Uppercase condition for polymer template - javascript

How to apply upperCase condition in template if in polymer. My code is:
I applied this but its not working.

I believe Polymer cannot parse complex expressions in the HTML attributes since 1.0. So you have to move your conversion to the function you are calling.


What HTML processing is used on observablehq?

I just read up on the changes in d6.js version 6 and stumbled across this d3.groups() example on observablehq.com.
There, I saw the following code snippet to create an HTML table from the Map athletesBySport:
<tbody>${Array.from(athletesBySport, ([key, values]) => html`
<td>${values.map(d => d.name).join(", ")}</td>
What kind of "markup" / HTML processing is this? Some special patterns that I can detect are
and the
sign which seems to allow to execute a script that generates inline html.
The answer to this question can be found here, in Observable's standard library. This introduction also explores the standard library.
part is "just" a JavaScript tagged template literal, i.e., a JavaScript template literal that is parsed with a specific method.
From Observable's documentation:
Returns the HTML element represented by the specified HTML string literal. This function is intended to be used as a tagged template literal. Leading and trailing whitespace is automatically trimmed. For example, to create an H1 element whose content is “Hello, world!”:
html`<h1>Hello, world!`
The documentation further states how expressions embedded with $ are handled:
If an embedded expression is a DOM element, it is embedded in generated HTML. For example, to embed TeX within HTML:
html`I like ${tex`\KaTeX`} for math.`
If an embedded expression is an array, the elements of the array are embedded in the generated HTML.
There are more tagged literals availabe in Observable, such as svg, md for markdown, tex for LaTex, and more.

Invalidating text field Angular JS [duplicate]

From the Docs:
Embedding interpolation markup inside expressions
Note: AngularJS directive attributes take either expressions or interpolation markup with embedded expressions. It is considered bad practice to embed interpolation markup inside an expression:
— AngularJS Developer Guide - Interpolation
I am looking for a well written canonical answer to which I can point readers.
From the Docs:
Why mixing interpolation and expressions is bad practice:
It increases the complexity of the markup
There is no guarantee that it works for every directive, because interpolation itself is a directive. If another directive accesses attribute data before interpolation has run, it will get the raw interpolation markup and not data.
It impacts performance, as interpolation adds another watcher to the scope.
AngularJS Developer Guide - Interpolation
Directives which expect Boolean values won't work:
<input type="checkbox" ng-hide ="{{x.thenumber === null}}" />
When the expression evaluates to the Boolean value false, interpolation will return the string "false". Strings that have length greater than zero are truthy. The ng-hide directive will always hide and never show the input element.
<input type="checkbox" ng-hide="x.thenumber === null" />

How to remove in angular js?

The angular expression is {{ notification.noti_val }}.
The value stored in the expression is saha like own wall.
How can I remove the characters?
You need to specify your value as safe html. In angular you can use $sceservice to do so. I have created this jsbin explaining the use case and it fixes your issue

How to use ng-translate with variables resolved from controller?

I'm using ng-tranlate for i18n.
I'd like to combine a translated label together with a variable resolved from controller binding. How can I achieve the following?
<div translate="my.lang.text">some more: {{controller.attribute}}</div>
This does not work, and ng-translate ignores any content between the divs. why?
The translate directive will replace the content of the element with the translation you pass to it.
The use case you are describing looks like a parameterized translation. If you want to keep the use of the directive, you could pass the variable through the translate-values directive:
<div translate="my.lang.text"
translate-values="{value: 'some more: ' + controller.attribute}"></div>
You have to specify that your translation is parameterized:
"my.lang.text": "This is a parameterized string {value}"
I believe the translate directive replaces all the element's content with the translation.
In this case, you probably want to use the translate filter instead.
<div>{{'my.lang.text' | translate}} some more: {{controller.attribute}}</div>
As an alternative, you could also avoid this issue by giving the translated value it's own element.
<div><span translate="my.lang.text"></span> some more: {{controller.attribute}}</div>
If the translation is always intended to have have a value appended to it, then using a parameterized translation is probably the best solution (as suggested by Michael https://stackoverflow.com/a/33419608/90305)

Accessing scope params of children directives

I'm new in AngularJS, using it for two months in a project. I've learned how to use directives and theirs scopes (false, true, obj literal), but there's some questions about it...
First of all, we have some ng-repeats and directives with some behaviors, I tried to present a equivalent scenario in this link.
I didn't figure out how to access a function (testfn - within ng-controller) inside a directive child of another directive myItemDirective. But in myStepDirective it's accessible, I tried to pass it like in the first "layer" but didn't work.
PS.1: I created a myStepDirective with a isolated scope for other examples, if you need, just uncomment to test. Both I got a way to access params/functions from parent (controller), but not inside a grandchild.
Why directive's scope params doesn't work with camel case params? I don't remember to read some hint in AngularJS docs... typewithnocase inside myItemDirective works but typeList not.
For your 1. Here is a working fiddle working with limited scope and camel to snake case conversion : https://jsfiddle.net/wu0avqau/
I spend a loooooong time not understanding why it didn't worked but you juste forgot a = in your ng click inside your second directive
For your 2. I can refer you to the documentation : https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive
Angular normalizes an element's tag and attribute name to determine which >elements match which directives. We typically refer to directives by their case->sensitive camelCase normalized name (e.g. ngModel). However, since HTML is case->insensitive, we refer to directives in the DOM by lower-case forms, typically >using dash-delimited attributes on DOM elements (e.g. ng-model).
The normalization process is as follows:
Strip x- and data- from the front of the element/attributes.
Convert the :, -, or _-delimited name to camelCase."
basicaly your myItemDirective would be my-item-directive inside your template but still be myItemDirective inside your js.
Good luck,
Thibaud Lamarche

