Save DOM element into a variable with Jquery - javascript

I have a side-menu-bar with some dropdown-lists. When i click on a list's child element, the menu closes. When i click again on the menu, i want that dropdown list to be expanded. In this way, i thought that it will be alright to save the DOM element into a global variable, and expand it on onClick menu event.
That list contains li and ul elements, to expand that, i'll add a .css class named "open".
The menu items didn't have any id-s to identify them.
How can i do this?
globally {var selectedItem =null}
// If user click any menu link
$('.menu-layer a').on('click', function () {
//--> selectedItem = getClickedElement
//... other code
//If user clicks the hamburger menu
listenForMenuLayer: function () {
$('.nav-menu').on('click', function () {
//--> selectedClick.addClass('open')
//animation and other stuff code

You can try something like this, not saving it as a global variable but just listening for the click event to fire like this, I'd also suggest adding at least on id on the parent of it all so it's easier to target.
$( "#menu" ).on( "click", function() {
$( "#menu" ).addClass( "open" )


How to add, then reference a div with ID and then remove it on JS. (Web)

I am trying to hide the scrollbar when opening a fullscreen menu. That part I got working, what Im missing is getting the same button that hides the scrollbar to make it appear back again (removing the .no-scroll from the body). Here is my failed attempt, looks like the second function is not working.
$('.menu_container').on('click', function(){
$('.menu_container').attr('id', 'menu_close');
$('#menu_close').on('click', function(){
Your event handlers are attached as soon as the DOM is loaded. And when this happens, there's no element with id #menu_close yet (since it's added only after you click on .menu_container), so the second event handler is not attached to anything.
You could move it up inside the first function like this:
$('.menu_container').on('click', function(){
$('.menu_container').attr('id', 'menu_close');
$('#menu_close').on('click', function(){
It's because you've removed the id which is how you're finding the element.
If you want to add and remove a class that makes your scrollable use:
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'no-scroll' );
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'no-scroll' );

Can't get dynamically created modal to close on click | opens with .parents()

I have a module that was built using a Handlebars.js template, I orignally had it opening and closing perfectly, but the information wasn't updated, this can be seen here.
Now I have it so it updates the info, but the toggleClass won't fire when clicking either the 'x' or .overlay. This can be seen here.
Here is my jQuery functions to activate the modal.
$(document).on('click', "a.btn", function (e) {
$(document).on('click', '.overlay', function (e) {
$(document).on('click', '.modal__close', function () {
How can I make it so this modal will both Open and Close, as well as display the correct information?
Some things I've tried...
replacing: $( with $(this)
The problem with your code is that you are trying to toggle class of all .modal divs. But you need to toggle the class of only .modal.modal--show.
Also in case of overlay, you need to find the parent div not the sibling div. So use .closest() in place of .prev()
So if you modify your code as
$(document).on('click', '.overlay', function (e) {
$(document).on('click', '.modal__close', function () {

JQuery conflict between .hide() and .onclick()

So I'm developing a script that makes use of a dropdown (class typeahead_list) and a textbox (class et_email) in Bootstrap. Whenever the text box loses focus, I need the dropdown to close. But if someone clicks on one of the list items in the dropdown (class et_li), the contents of that list item must populate the text box before closing the dropdown.
Note: All of the lis are dynamically generated. I don't know if that makes a difference or not.
This code puts the li contents into the textbox, but does not close the dropdown.
$( ".et_email" ).focusout(function() {
$(".typeahead_list").on("click", "li", function() {
This code closes the dropdown, but does not put the contents of the li into the text box.
$( ".et_email" ).focusout(function() {
$(".typeahead_list").on("click", "li", function() {
Any idea on how to fix this? Where is the conflict coming from?
Alex Cassady suggested the following fix:
$(".typeahead_list").on("click", "li", function() {
$(".et_email").val($(this).text()); // copy value
$(".typeahead_list").hide(); // then hide
Thank you for your help. I've looked into a solution similar to this before. However, I was having an issue because I need the dropdown to close whenever the email box loses focus for any reason at all... while still responding to the li click. With this example, the dropdown only closes when someone clicks on the li.
But if I try to add another handler for $( ".et_email" ).focusout() within the $(document).ready(), it completely invalidates the effects of this function. It's like $( ".et_email" ).focusout() and $(".typeahead_list").on("click", "li", function(){}) can't live in the same universe together. There is some kind of conflict.
Basically, the rule I need to implement is: Always close the dropdown when et_email loses focus for any reason... but if focus is lost because of an li click with the typeahead_list div, then populate the text box with the contents of that li before closing the dropdown.
You're binding a click listener to an element which will be hidden right away and so can not be clicked! The reason it works if you comment the hide() line is because it can be clicked.
If you just want the text before hiding:
$( ".et_email" ).focusout(function() {
Alright I think I have a better understanding of what you're trying to do. This is not a clean solution, but will do the job.
Have a global variable 'focusLost' or anything, It'll be set to true every time .et_email loses focus and set to false in a second. In .typeahead_list click listener we check whether focusLost is true.
var focusLost = false;
$('.typeahead_list').on('click', function () {
if (focusLost) {
$('.et_email').focusout(function () {
focusLost = true;
setTimeout(function () {
focusLost = false;
}, 1000);
jsfiddle DEMO
As A. Wolff said, don't nest handlers. The focusout event is binded to all .et_email, but the click event isn't binded to the .typeahead_list until the focusout event is triggered.
The .typeahead_list is being hidden before the value can be changed. Focusout is the same as clicking outside of .et_email and it's being called first.
Removing the focusout event handler completely should solve the problem.
$(".typeahead_list").on("click", "li", function() {
$(".et_email").val($(this).text()); // copy value
$(".typeahead_list").hide(); // then hide
Edit: You could also try copying the value in a callback function for $.hide()
$(".typeahead_list").on("click", "li", function() {
$(".typeahead_list").hide( function() {
$(".et_email").val($(this).text()); // copy value
}); // then hide

add/remove active class on parent element when clicked

I'm having some issues with my javascript - trying to get this to work.
To begin with, here is what I am wanting this to do:
1.) Add/Remove 'active' class to parent element on click
2.) When on child element, any clicking inside child element makes it close - Need help to make it NOT do that...if any clicking is going on inside the child element, it needs to stay open and not close up...
3.) Besides clicking on the parent element to open/close the child element, is there a way to allow clicking anywhere on the page to close the child element rather than only clicking on the parent element to close the child element up?
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#logsterIn_profile").click(function () {
To see what i currently have in action, FIDDLE ME DEMO
Any help would be much appreciated!
Here's the answer to all three points:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("html").click(function () {
$(".logsterIn_profile").click(function( event ) {
use toggleClass to go between "active" and ""
use stopPropagation on the child element to put the click event on it, and stop it from "propagating" the event up to its parent
to get a click anywhere on the page to open/close the child, just have the click event tied to "html"
Do you want the div to open AND close when the user clicks outside the parent div, or just close?
By your description, you sound like you only want the div to close, but not open if the user clicks outside. If that's the case, you need to check if the child is open or closed when the user clicks outside of the parent, as follows:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("html").click(function(e) {
if ( == document.getElementById("logsterIn_profile")){
$(".logsterIn_profile").click(function( event ) {
You can check it out at this fiddle
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#logsterIn_profile").click(function () {
$(".logsterIn_profile").bind('click',function(e) {
$("html").click(function () {

Error when trying to execute two onclick actions on the same div

I have a little problem here, and if someone could help me, I will truly appreciate.
I have a menu that opens when I click on a div, and once open, I want to close the menu clicking again on te same div. The problem is that I can open the menu but I can't close it.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#menuResp").click(function () {
$('#menuResp').attr('id', 'menuResp2')
$("#menuResp2").click(function () {
$('#menuResp2').attr('id', 'menuResp')
<div id="menuResp">
<ul id="menuRespCss">
<li class="icon-css">
Anyone have an idea of why this doesn't work?
What your code is doing is setting callbacks at the moment, when the initial DOM is being built. Of course, there is no #menuResp2 yet. Insdead, set the callback on the document element (or body, or some other parent element), specifying the selector of your menu - this element will fire the event. This will work:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('click', "#menuResp", function () {
$('#menuResp').attr('id', 'menuResp2')
}).on('click', "#menuResp2", function () {
$('#menuResp2').attr('id', 'menuResp')
But. I would stroungly recommend not to change the ID attribute, but to work with classes instead.
you need to add the click handler like this
$(document).on('click', '#menuResp', function(){
$('#menuResp').attr('id', 'menuResp2');
.click() only works for elements that are already created, using .on() will cover elements that will be created later.
you should really be identifying the element by class though , and using .addClass() and .removeClass() like the comment suggest
just use toggle. if the item is closed, it will open, if its open, it will close. all the answers above do not check to see if the item is open already or not.
$(document).on("click", function(e){
easier would be to give element a single class and just toggle once on class name, rather than changing the ID of the item, this second item would not have an avent binding added to it. But at the same time. You dont need the ID when you can just toggle with class. like so:
this will open any element that is closed with the class of clasname. this will also, at the same time, close all elements that have that class name, and are also open

