Getting id of collapsible div in Jquery and Bootstrap - javascript

I have multiple(it can be 100+) collapsible div (using bootstrap)
<a href="#id1" data-toggle="collapse">
<div class="col-lg-12">Title</div>
<div class="image">Image</div>
<div id="id1" class="collapse">
<div class="col-lg-12">Description</div>
<a href="#id2" data-toggle="collapse">
<div class="col-lg-12">Title</div>
<div class="image">Image</div>
<div id="id2" class="collapse">
<div class="col-lg-12">Description</div>
And have Jquery
$('#id1').on('', function () {
$('#id1').on('', function () {
I want to add hidden class on is from bootstrap) and remove hidden class on'With the jq code above I can do this just with one div that has id1. But how can I do this independently?

Try not to subscribe on the elements by ids but by element type
$('a').on('', function () {
$('a').on('', function () {
should return a pointer to the collapsed/uncollapsed element
should move pointer to the next element ( div id="id1" as example)
will find div with class "image" and take the first found element
then you can hide the image in this block or show it without using ids
If you're using
this will hide all the images in all blocks (not only in that one that has been collapsed)

Id refers to one element on the DOM therefore you should use classes instead. Therefore you should select divs based on their classes.
The following is a possible solution:
<a href="#id1" data-toggle="collapse">
<div class="col-lg-12">Title</div>
<div class="some-class collapse ad-col-2">
<div class="col-lg-12">Description</div>
<div class="image"></div>
<a href="#id2" data-toggle="collapse">
<div class="col-lg-12">Title</div>
<div class="some-class collapse ad-col-2">
<div class="col-lg-12">Description</div>
<div class="image"></div>
$('.some-class').on('', function () {
$('.some-class').on('', function () {


Add bootstrap active class to a button if clicked but will be removed if clicked on another button [duplicate]

I've got a couple of divs to scroll between. I need to set the one in active view (after a link was clicked) to 'active' and all the other div's should have that class removed.
Using toggle I can't get it to work.
$('.projecten').click(function () {
$paneTarget.stop().scrollTo('#due', 800, {
margin: true,
onAfter: function () {
backgroundColor: "#1f8311"
}, 800),projectenfade();
}); menuShow(),titleFadeOut();
the html
<div id="due" class="elements">
<h3 class="resizeme">...</h3>
<div id="otto" class="elements">
<h3 class="resizeme">...</h3>
<div id="etc" class="elements">
<h3 class="resizeme">...</h3>
<div id="menu">
<a class="welkom pointme">Welkom</a> <a class="blog pointme">Blog</a> <a class="media pointme">Media</a> <a class="projecten pointme">Projecten</a> <a class="contact pointme">Contact</a>
why not just use addClass and removeClass:
to only remove selected from divs use this for the first line:

Finding the correct selector for: add div to parent in jquery

I have this html structure:
<div class="dropdownedit">
<div class="dropbtn">textxyz</div>
<div class="dropdown-content" style="display: none;">
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text1">text1</div>
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text2">text2</div>
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text3">text3</div>
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text4">text4</div>
now I would like to add a new div line <div href="#" class="ocond" id="text0">text0</div>
to the dropdown-content class. This should be done WITHIN a on-click-event ($("#table_cards").on( 'click', 'div.ocond', function (e) {...) of the class "ocond" (inside of the dropdown-content class).
I have tried those two options:
$(this).closest('.dropdown-content').prepend('<div ... >text0</div>');
$(this).parent('.dropdown-content').prepend('<div ... >text0</div>');
but both do not work.I can not find the correct selector for making this happen when clicking on the "ocond" class.
Thank you for any help in advance!
.parent() doesn't accept selectors because it simply goes up one level.
.parents() does because it keeps going up through the parents, grandparents, etc and will only affect those elements that match the selector.
.closest() accepts a selector just like .parents() but will stop after finding the first parent to meet the selector.
You can use .parent().prepend(), or .closest(".dropdown-content").prepend()
$(".dropbtn").click( function() {
$(".dropdownedit").mouseleave( function() {
$(".ocond").click( function() {
$(this).closest('.dropdown-content').prepend("<div href='#' class='ocond' id='text0'>text0</div>");
.dropdown-content {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="dropdownedit">
<div class="dropbtn">textxyz</div>
<div class="dropdown-content">
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text1">text1</div>
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text2">text2</div>
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text3">text3</div>
<div href="#" class="ocond" id="text4">text4</div>

JQuery - Show multiple divs

I'm having some trouble making a working show div and I just can't get it.
So I have the following:
function GetCaptcha() {
<div class="panel-captcha">
The div has the display:none tag.
It works very well, but I have one problem. I need to have many divs inside the same page ( not the same, it may change from database ). If I have 3 or 4 panels, when I click the button it will show them all instead only the div where I have the link to show.
Anyone can help me? Thanks.
Complete HTML file...
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="panel panel-blue" data-widget='{"draggable": "false"}'>
<div class="panel-heading">
<div class="panel-ctrls">
<i class="ti ti-eye"></i>
<div class="panel-body">
<small>Other Text...</small>
<div class="panel-footer">
<div class="tabular">
<div class="tabular-row tabular-row">
<div class="tabular-cell">
<span class="status-total"><strong>More Text...</strong></span>
<div class="tabular-cell">
<span class="status-pending">Other Text...</span>
<div class="panel-captcha">
<!-- HIDDEN DIV -->
<div class="tabular-cell">
You can pass the reference of element to click handler, then use .next()
function GetCaptcha(elem) {
.panel-captcha {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="panel-captcha">
As you are using jQuery bind event using it.
<div class="panel-captcha">
$(function() {
$('.captcha').on('click', function () {
As per updated HTML use
function GetCaptcha(elem) {

How do I bind each child of one element to the child of another element?

There is a bootstrap carousel that is changing automatically:
<div id="carousel">
<div class="active"> </div>
<div class=""> </div>
<div class=""> </div>
<div class=""> </div>
Only one div is set to active at a time, and it cycles through like that.
How can I bind all of carousel's children to another element so that it can set it's specific child to be active as well.
For example:
<div id="copy-cat">
<li class=""> </li>
<li class=""> </li>
<li class=""> </li>
<li class=""> </li>
<div id="carousel">
<div class="active"> </div>
<div class=""> </div>
<div class=""> </div>
<div class=""> </div>
How can I bind copy-cat to have the same child active as carousel? Keep in mind, I don't want to copy all of the class attributes- just detect that one is active, and set that same numbered child to active also.
I'd use Bootstrap's slid event callback:
$('#carousel').on('', function () {
// get the index of the currently active panel
var myIndex = $(this).find('').index();
// set the element with that index active, deactivating the others
Notice that I changed #copy-cat to ul to make it valid HTML.
Given an element x, you can get the index of x in its parent's .children() by calling x.index(). In your example, $("").index() would return 0, the div following would return 1, etc. So you should be able to do something like the following:
$("#copy-cat :nth-child("+(1+$("#carousel").index()) + ")").addClass("active");
(nth-child is 1-index-based, so you need to add 1. You could also call eq(), which is 0-based.)
See this jsFiddle for a rough example.
But this is only a general answer. If there are Bootstrap methods for this purpose, by all means use them.
The Bootstrap carousel has some events that you can tap into.
Information about the events can be found in the "Events" section under the Carousel documentation.
I would recommend doing something like:
<div id="copy-cat">
<div id="copy-1" class="active"></div>
<div id="copy-2" class=""></div>
<div id="copy-3" class=""></div>
<div id="copy-4" class=""></div>
<div id="carousel" class="carousel slide">
<div class="carousel-inner">
<div class="item active" data-transition-to="#copy-1">
<div class="item" data-transition-to="#copy-2">
<div class="item" data-transition-to="#copy-3">
<div class="item" data-transition-to="#copy-4">
Add a listener as described in the event section, and inspect the relatedTarget.
Use the data-transition-to to figure out the class to add the active class to.
Javascript to support this approach:
interval:false //or whatever options you want
$('#carousel').on('',function (event) {
$('#copy-cat .active').removeClass('active');
This is is the fiddle ...I disabled transitioning & you will have to inspect the DOM to see that the copy-cat div is being changed.

JQuery Parent-Child Selection

I am new to jQuery and am trying to write a script that will run through a menu list and display the correct background image based on the menu item. The menu list is going to be randomly populated so a script is necessary to load the correct image.
The problem is that the attribute where I am able to see which item the menu belongs to is not on the list item itself but on a div contained inside the list item. My question is is it possible to select a child element of the already selected element ?
E.g (the menuli a segment)
$(document).ready( function() {
$(menuli).each( function(index) {
$itemnumber = $(menuli a).attr("href");
switch($itemnumber) {
case 1:
$(this).css("background-image", "image01.jpg");
This is more or less the script I am trying to get, where each list item is iterated through and depending on the href of the link inside the list item a background image is set to that list item.
Here is my html:
<div id="divMenuSportGSXSports">
<div class="VociMenuSportG">
<div class="ImgSport" style="background-image:url(../ImgSport.ashx?IDBook=53&IDSport=468&Antepost=0&)">
<img src="buttons_void.png">
<div class="NomeSport">
<a id="h_w_PC_cSport_repSport_ctl00_lnkSport" href="/Sport/Groups.aspx?IDSport=468&Antepost=0">
<span title="SOCCER">SOCCER</span>
<div class="VociMenuSportG">
<div class="ImgSport" style="background-image:url(../ImgSport.ashx?IDBook=53&IDSport=520&Antepost=0&)">
<img src="buttons_void.png">
<div class="NomeSport">
<a id="h_w_PC_cSport_repSport_ctl01_lnkSport" href="/Sport/Groups.aspx?IDSport=520&Antepost=0">
<span title="BASEBALL">BASEBALL</span>
<div class="VociMenuSportG">
<div class="ImgSport" style="background-image:url(../ImgSport.ashx?IDBook=53&IDSport=544&Antepost=0&)">
<img src="buttons_void.png">
<div class="NomeSport">
<a id="h_w_PC_cSport_repSport_ctl02_lnkSport" href="/Sport/Groups.aspx?IDSport=544&Antepost=0">
<span title="CRICKET">CRICKET</span>
<div class="VociMenuSportG">
<div class="ImgSport" style="background-image:url(../ImgSport.ashx?IDBook=53&IDSport=525&Antepost=0&Tema=Supabets)">
<img src="buttons_void.png">
<div class="NomeSport">
<a id="h_w_PC_cSport_repSport_ctl03_lnkSport" href="/Sport/Groups.aspx?IDSport=525&Antepost=0">
<span title="BASKETBALL">BASKETBALL</span>
<div class="VociMenuSportG">
<div class="ImgSport" style="background-image:url(../ImgSport.ashx?IDBook=53&IDSport=534&Antepost=0&)">
<img src="buttons_void.png">
<div class="NomeSport">
<a id="h_w_PC_cSport_repSport_ctl04_lnkSport" href="/Sport/Groups.aspx?IDSport=534&Antepost=0">
<span title="ICE HOCKEY">ICE HOCKEY</span>
<div class="VociMenuSportG">
<div class="ImgSport" style="background-image:url(../ImgSport.ashx?IDBook=53&IDSport=523&Antepost=0&)">
<img src="buttons_void.png">
<div class="NomeSport">
<a id="h_w_PC_cSport_repSport_ctl05_lnkSport" href="/Sport/Groups.aspx?IDSport=523&Antepost=0">
<span title="TENNIS">TENNIS</span>
Yes you can, use find
var parentElement = $('#someElement');
var childElement = parentElement.find('.child'); //where .child should be your child selector
Where as example code is not clear, I just gave answer to your question.
try to change this:
$(this).css("background-image", "image01.jpg");
to this:
$(this).children("div").css("background-image", "image01.jpg");
If you want to target the direct child of the element, better to use children() than find()
Please refer to this: What is fastest children() or find() in jQuery?

