$httpBackend doesn't seem to be flushing requests - javascript

I am testing my Angular app using ngDescribe. I don't think ngDescribe should be too much of a problem here, as it's just managing dependency injection for me. I first began to attempt my test the way the ngDescribe docs say, in the code below I have changed it to a more direct approach just to see if I could get any changes. I am calling a method that in turn calls $http.post('urlname', data); While debugging I can clearly see that my method gets all the way to where it calls post() but then it never continues. Because of this, my test always times out.
Hopefully I've just got something simple that's wrong! Here is my code. The test that fails is "Should work", all the others pass as expected.
Please also note that this is being processed by babel, both the test and the service, before being tested.
Here is the service, it works perfectly when being used. It has a few other variables involved that I have removed, but I assure you those variables are working correctly. While debugging for the tests, I can see that the await is hit, but it never continues past that, or returns. When used in the app, it returns exactly as expected. I THINK this has something to do with ngmock not returning as it should.
async function apiCall (endPoint, data) {
if (!endPoint) {
return false;
try {
return data ? await $http.post(`${endPoint}`, data) : await $http.get(`${endPoint}`);
} catch (error) {
return false;
Here are the tests:
name: 'Api Service, apiCall',
modules: 'api',
inject: ['apiService', '$httpBackend'],
tests (deps) {
let svc;
beforeEach(() => {
svc = deps.apiService;
it('is a function', () => {
it('returns a promise', () => {
const apiCall = svc.apiCall();
it('requires an endpoint', async () => {
const apiCall = await svc.apiCall();
it('should work', (done) => {
deps.http.expectPOST('fakeForShouldWork').respond({ success: true });
const apiCall = svc.apiCall('fakeForShouldWork', {});
apiCall.then(() => done()).catch(() => done());
The method being called, apiCall, is simply a promise that is resolved by $http.post().then(); It will also resolve false if an error is thrown.
Since deps.http.expectPOST does not fail, I can tell that the outgoing request is sent. I validated this by changing it to expectGET and then I received an error about it being a POST.
I have tried moving the flush() method to all different parts of the test method, but it seems to make no difference.
Any thoughts? Thanks so much for your help!


Mocha/Chai/Supertest passing tests when not meeting requirements [duplicate]

I'm using Mocha and SuperTest to test my Express API. However my first test always seems to pass when inside the .then() of my request().
I'm passing in a String to a test that is expecting an Array. So should definitely fail the test.
It fails outside of the then() as expected, but I won't have access to the res.body there to perform my tests.
Here is my code:
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const request = require('supertest');
const router = require('../../routes/api/playlist.route');
const app = require('../../app');
describe('Playlist Route', function() {
// before((done) => {
// }
describe('Get all playlists by user', function() {
it('Should error out with "No playlists found" if there are no Playlists', function() {
.then(res => {
const { body } = res;
// Test passes if expect here
.catch(err => {
console.log('err: ', err);
// Test fails if expect here
I found this article but I'm not using a try catch block, but I thought maybe it could have something to do with the promise.
Quick reponse
it('decription', function(done) {
.then(() => {
Detailed response in the comment of #jonrsharpe
Rather than using done, simply return request(app).get('/api/playlists/all') since request() returns a promise. Since you have expect('sdfb').to.be.an('array'); twice, remove the one that's not in the .then callback. When using asynchronous code, remember that synchronous code that appears to come after the async chain will execute before the promise .then handlers. This is counterintuitive.
Here's the .then approach:
it('should ...', () => {
return request(app)
.then(res => {
const {body} = res;
// assert here
The other approach is to await the promise yourself in the test case function, then make assertions on the resolved response object. In this case, drop the then chain. This approach is generally preferred as it reduces nesting.
it('should ...', async () => {
const res = await request(app).get('/api/playlists/all');
const {body} = res;
// assert here
If you don't let Mocha know you're working with asynchronous code by returning a promise, awaiting the promises, or adding and calling the done parameter, the assertions occur asynchronously after the test is over and disappear into the void, creating a false positive.
Skip .catch either way. Since you've informed Mocha of the promise, if it rejects, it'll let you know.

Jest mocks bleeding between tests, reset isn't fixing it

Testing two modules, helper which makes use of render. It's possible for render to throw, so I handle that in helper, and I want tests to ensure that's working as expected.
When I originally wrote the tests, I wrote what was needed for that test in the test itself, including mocks, using jest.doMock. Once all the tests pass I wanted to refactor to share mocks where possible.
So this code works great:
test('throws', async () => {
jest.doMock('./render', () => jest.fn(async () => { throw new Error('mock error'); }));
const helper = require('./helper');
expect(async () => { helper(); }).rejects.toThrow('mock error');
test('succeeds', async () => {
jest.doMock('./render', () => jest.fn(async () => 'rendered result'));
const helper = require('./helper');
expect(await helper()).toEqual(true); //helper uses rendered result but doesn't return it
HOWEVER, these are not the only two tests and by far most of the other tests that mock render want it to return its success state. I tried to refactor that success use-case out to a file in __mocks__/render.js like so:
// __mocks__/render.js
module.exports = jest.fn(async () => 'rendered result');
And then refactor my tests to this, to be more DRY:
//intention: shared reusable "success" mock for render module
beforeEach(() => {
test('throws', async () => {
//intention: overwrite the "good" render mock with one that throws
jest.doMock('./render', () => jest.fn(async () => { throw new Error('mock error'); }));
const helper = require('./helper');
expect(async () => { await helper(); }).rejects.toThrow('mock error');
test('succeeds', async () => {
//intention: go back to using the "good" render mock
const helper = require('./helper');
expect(await helper()).toEqual(true); //helper uses rendered result but doesn't return it
With this updated test code, the error-logging test still works as expected -- the mock is overwritten to cause it to throw -- but then for the next test, the error is thrown again.
If I reverse the order of these tests so that the mock overwriting is last, then the failure doesn't happen, but that is clearly not the correct answer.
What am I doing wrong? Why can't I get my mock to properly reset after overriding it with doMock? The doMock docs do kind of illustrate what I'm trying to do, but they don't show mixing it with normal manual mocks.
Aha! I kept digging around and found this somewhat similar Q+A, which led me to try this approach instead of using jest.doMock to override inside of a test:
//for this one test, overwrite the default mock to throw instead of succeed
const render = require('./render');
render.mockImplementation(async () => {
throw new Error('mock error');
And with this, the tests pass no matter what order they run!

original function been called instead of spied function in jest

I have given up on what I feel is simple. I have the following promise:
// other methods
export async function information() {
let info= {
code: ''
await AsyncStorage.multiGet([
.then((response) => {
info['code'] = response[0][1]
.catch((e) => {
return info;
import { information } from "../information"
Promise.all([information()]).then(function (values) {
if (values[0]['code'] != null) {
// tag the code
now in processor.test.js
import * as info from '../information';
it("should tag service code", async () =>{
const spy = jest.spyOn(info,"information")
it fails saying expected 'ABC_Y' but got null. From console.log on the resolved Promise, I can see it is executing the original information method, instead of my spy thus returning null always.
Please correct me if I'm on the wrong track, however could this be solved by changing your test case slightly?
jest.spyOn(info, 'information').mockImplementationOnce(jest.fn(async () => { code: 'ABC' });
I haven't tested this code, just my opinion at 4:42am.
I opt to include a jest.fn call within my mockImplementation call, this allows me to test for other things such as information() being called:
expect(info.information).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ code: 'ABC' })
Hope this goes at-least some way toward helping you resolve your issue, although I'll admit I've had many an issue with Jest (especially with dependencies, although these are usually my mistake through context issues).
I've read your question a few times and I'm still not convinced I truly understand it, so please accept my apologies if above is useless to you.
export async function information() {
let info= {
code: ''
await AsyncStorage.multiGet([
.then((response) => {
// this may produce different results
info['code'] = response[0][1]
.catch((e) => {
return info;
An issue could be above, you're returning info, I'm assuming with the understanding it could contain the resolved value, from your .then statement, as far as I'm aware this wouldn't work in reality.
The .then is processed at the end of the method (after return), so your info could contain an empty code, then some time after would complete the Promise.
I'd change that from above, to:
export async function information() {
let info= {
code: ''
await AsyncStorage.multiGet([
.then((response) => {
info['code'] = response[0][1]
.catch((e) => {
Although I'd recommend not mixing async/await with Promises, as it's a pretty good way to shoot yourself in the foot (my opinion of course).
You can test this theory of course by inserting a comment above your return and inside your .then, a simple console.log('called') | console.log('called1') will give you an indication of which was called first.

How would I test this promise based code with jest?

How would I test this code in jest? I'd like to make sure that the error and success of the passed promise is being called as needed. I'm sure it's something sorta simple, but it's driving me crazy. Thanks very much.
handleStatusChangeRequest (changeEntryStatus) {
return changeEntryStatus().then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
If your code uses promises, there is a nice way to handle asynchronous tests. Just return a promise from your test, and Jest will wait for that promise to resolve.
If the promise is rejected, the test will automatically fail.
For example, let's say that changeData, instead of using a callback, returns a promise that is supposed to resolve to the string "status has been successfully modified".
Be sure to return the promise - if you omit this return statement, your test will complete before your changeData() -[async function] completes.
Here's a convenient and easy to follow pattern
test('if the data is changed', () => {
return changeData().then((data) => {
expect(data).toBe('status has been successfully modified');
Happy testing :)
This could be refactored, but for the sake of demonstration, I left the repeating bits in.
In example.spec.js, the callback, changeEntryStatus, is stubbed to return a promise. In order to check if other instance methods (this.method) were called, they are first mocked, then assertions are called on the mock after running the method being tested. Learn more in the Jest docs. (See my thoughts on mocking methods of the unit being tested at the bottom.)
Run the example on repl.it.
class Example {
handleStatusChangeRequest(changeEntryStatus) {
return changeEntryStatus().then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
handleStatusChangeSuccess() {
console.log('stubbed handleStatusChangeSuccess')
handleErrorDisplay(error) {
console.log('stubbed handleErrorDisplay:', error)
module.exports = Example;
const Example = require('./entryStatus')
describe('handleStatusChangeRequest', () => {
it('should run the changeEntryStatus callback', () => {
const {handleStatusChangeRequest} = new Example()
const stub = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue()
// must return because handleStatusChangeRequest is asynchronous
return expect(stub).toHaveBeenCalled()
it('should call example.handleStatusChangeSuccess', async () => {
const example = new Example()
const stub = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue()
example.handleStatusChangeSuccess = jest.fn()
await example.handleStatusChangeRequest(stub)
it('should call example.handleErrorDisplay', async () => {
const example = new Example()
const fakeError = { code: 'fake_error_code' }
const stub = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(fakeError)
example.handleErrorDisplay = jest.fn()
await example.handleStatusChangeRequest(stub)
Opinionated Disclaimer: Mocking methods of the unit under test is a smell. Consider checking for the expected effects of calling handleStatusChangeSuccess and handleErrorDisplay instead of checking to see if they were called. Then don't even expose those methods publicly unless consumers of the class need access.
Opinionated Disclaimer: Mocking methods of the unit under test is a
smell. Consider checking for the expected effects of calling
handleStatusChangeSuccess and handleErrorDisplay instead of checking
to see if they were called. Then don't even expose those methods
publicly unless consumers of the class need access.
I wholeheartedly agree with webprojohn's disclaimer. Mocks are a smell as tests should assert the behavior of the code, not its implementation. Testing the latter makes the code brittle to change.
Stepping off my soapbox... :) We're looking for a way to test an asynchronous method. I'm not sure what assertions your tests should make to verify the behavior inside handleStatusChangeSuccess() and handleErrorDisplay(err) so the example below leaves a comment where those assertions would go. The following uses Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject() to trigger the outcomes to test. I've used async/await, Jest has other async examples in their docs.
const Example = require('./example')
describe('handleStatusChangeRequest', () => {
it('should resolve successfully', async () => {
const {handleStatusChangeRequest} = new Example();
const resolvePromise = () => Promise.resolve();
await handleStatusChangeRequest(resolvePromise);
// resolution assertions here
it('should resolve errors', async () => {
const {handleStatusChangeRequest} = new Example();
const fakeError = new Error('eep');
const rejectPromise = () => Promise.reject(fakeError);
// if your method doesn't throw, we can remove this try/catch
// block and the fail() polyfill
try {
await example.handleStatusChangeRequest(rejectPromise);
// if we don't throw our test shouldn't get here, so we
// polyfill a fail() method since Jest doesn't give us one.
// See https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/2129
catch (e) {
// rejection assertions here
The answer I have looks so:
**Success tests
const instance = el.find(EntryToolBar).instance()
const spy = jest.spyOn(instance, 'handleStatusChangeSuccess')
await instance.handleStatusChangeRequest(() => Promise.resolve('cool man'))
**Error tests
const instance = el.find(EntryToolBar).instance()
const spy = jest.spyOn(instance, 'handleErrorDisplay')
await instance.handleStatusChangeRequest(() => Promise.reject(Error('shit')))
As I stated above, the handleStatusChangeSuccess and handleError methods are test else where with some snapshots (they just set state and render out some different jsx). I feel pretty good about this. I'm using spys/mocks, but I'm testing the implementation functions elsewhere. Sufficient?

Why is this chai-as-promised AssertionError printing to the Console but not my Mocha test runner?

I'm tyring to test some code that uses Promises with chai-as-promised and Mocha. My test suite is also utilizing fetch-mock to mock AJAX requests that would normally be sent using the Fetch API.
Here's the code I'm trying to test:
* Sends a POST request to save (either insert or update) the record
* #param {object} record simple object of column name to column value mappings
* #return {Promise} Resolves when the POST request full response has arrived.
* Rejects if the POST request's response contains an Authorization error.
save(record) {
var _this = this;
return this._auth(record)
.then(function() {
return window.fetch(_this._getPostUrl(), {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
body: _this._objToPostStr(record),
credentials: 'include'
.then(function(saveResp) {
return saveResp.text();
.then(function(saveResp) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (saveResp.indexOf('Authorization') !== -1) {
reject('Request failed');
} else {
In my most upper-level describe, I have this function that initially sets up my fetchMock object.
before(() => {
fetchMock = new FetchMock({
theGlobal: window,
Response: window.Response,
Headers: window.Headers,
Blob: window.Blob,
debug: console.log
name: 'auth',
matcher: /tlist_child_auth.html/,
response: {
body: 'authResp',
opts: {
status: 200
and here's the relevant test code:
describe('save', () => {
it('save promise should reject if response contains the string Authorization', () => {
routes: ['auth', {
name: 'save',
matcher: /changesrecorded.white.html/,
response: {
body: 'Authorization',
opts: {
status: 200
let _getLocationStub = sinon.stub(client, '_getLocation');
client.foreignKey = 12345;
let promise = client.save({
foo: 'bar'
The reason I'm defining the save route in the fetchMock.mock() call is I have another test that needs the save route to be redefined to return something else.
To make sure chai-as-promised is actually working and will notify me of failed tests, I wrote a failing test promise.should.eventually.be.fulfilled;. This will fail because the Promise returned by save will reject if the response contains Authorization, which it does. The Chrome Console shows the AssertionError with message: expected promise to be fulfilled but it was rejected with 'Request failed, but my Mocha test-runner.html page is showing that this test passed. For some reason, chai-as-promised isn't communicating properly with Mocha.
If you'd like to see my entire project, please see this repo on Github.
Any ideas why?
Here's my test setup code:
let expect = chai.expect;
The value promise.should.eventually.be.fulfilled is a promise, which you should return so that Mocha can know when your test is over. I've created a small test file to simulate what you were seeing and I can completely replicate the behavior if, like you do, I just fail to return promise.should.eventually.be.fulfilled;. Here is an example that works:
import chai from "chai";
import chaiAsPromised from "chai-as-promised";
describe("foo", () => {
it("bar", () => {
let promise = Promise.reject(new Error());
return promise.should.eventually.be.fulfilled;
In your code you had some cleanup code at the very end of your test: fetchMock.unregisterRoute('save');. Based on what you show, I'd move this to an after hook so that it mirrors your before hook. In general, after should perform cleanup that corresponds to what is in before and afterEach to what is in beforeEach. However, if you need to have cleanup code inside a test for some reason, you could do:
function cleanup() {
return promise.should.eventually.be.fulfilled.then(
// Called if there is no error, ie. if the promise was
// fullfilled.
// Called if there is an error, ie. if the promise was
// rejected.
(err) => { cleanup(); if (err) throw err; });
Unfortunately, Chai seems to return something which looks like a ES6 Promise but only partially. Eventually, it will probably return a actual ES6 promise, and then you'll be able to call .finally to run cleanup code no matter what happens and have the error automatically propagate up.

