Scrollable Custom Menu with Google Apps Script - javascript

I searched but couldn't find an answer for this.
I'm populating a custom menu on Google Sheets with an array. This works for me, but as the size of the menu grows, users would be unable to select options at the bottom due to sheer size. Is there a way to make this menu scrollable?

Since Class ScrollPanel was already deprecated as of December 11, 2014, your given option is to use the HTML service to create user interfaces as also recommended in UI Style Guide for Add-ons.
You can use the add-ons CSS package in your HTML service pages to control selection of your menus. As stated in Select menus,
If the list grows too long, consider using a different control. For example, you might display a scrollable list to give the menu more space and make it easier to navigate.


Using Ctrl-F and searching inside a select2

Currently we have a page which has options with each section consisting of lots of checkboxes - a section might have 20 checkboxes due to each one being a separate option and then the page might have 10 sections. This takes up a lot of space and looks really messy so we experimented using select2 along with multiple option so now, by default, the space is no bigger than a text input with the added advantage that the list is searchable (when focused).
The issue is that some users have fed back that they load the page and then use ctrl-F in their browser to find the relevant setting section - using select2 (or any select based option I guess) that is no longer possible as the options are not visible on the screen.
It is something similar to the tags section at the bottom of the page - for example if I search for jQuery when focussed in the tags box it comes up but if use Ctrl-F in the browser it would not etc.
Is there a way to make the options in the select list "searchable" using the browser search without having to resort to listing them all which would then defeat the point of the change?
We had thought of displaying the options in a comma list, for example, with the same text colour as the background in a really small font but it is clunky or maybe add some sort of JS search box on the page so, whilst not using the ctrl-F route, it still makes it searchable but were curious if there was there a way we could do this via Select 2 itself or any other routes we could explore using the native browser search?

extjs 3.x styling a tab panel

I have nested tab panels, (outer tab panel groups inner tabs), like the outer panel is Contacts, and then inside it you have a tab panel for each open contact item, another outer panel is Opportunities and in it you have a tab panel for each open opportunity.
This is confusing to users at first, so I would like to add some styling to tab panels, so users can differentiate and give meaning to outer and inner tabs.
I had zero success tough with syling a tabPanel, what is the right way to do it? bodyCfg, tbar, tbarCls, baseClass???? I never dealt with styling a widget in ExtJS and I'm struggling for half a day with no success.
Any pointers on how styling works especially for TabPanels is appreciated.
I find more than often you need to get your hands dirty with CSS when it comes to styling ExtJS controls.
This is the general strategy that I follow that's been working for me so far.
you need chrome debugger or similar that allows you to view HTML and change CSS styles on the fly.
look at the HTML for the widget in chrome debugger and manually tweak the styles until you find the exact DOM node that you need to style.
Look for a config variable in the widget that allows you to style that node you found in step 2. Most of the variables are named "xxxCls". This takes experience, there is no short cut, for example what you could do is set the "baseCls" and look at the resulted HTML to see where in the DOM tree that class is inserted.
quite often you will find there is no config variable available to style the thing you want (for example the line-height of the header bar in most panels). In this case you will have to overwrite the default ExtJS CSS class to the value you want. Standard good CSS practice applies.

Dropdown menus by CSS or JavaScript

I'm a beginner WWW-developer and I'm wondering whether the dropdown menus should be written in CSS or JavaScript. What are the pros and cons between two techniques?
You'll need to use CSS for the styling. That is what it is for.
When it comes to the logic of when to show and hide them, then you need JavaScript unless you want:
The menus to be inaccessible to focused based navigation
Breath switch
The menus to require precision mouse control
e.g. if you have a shaky hand (e.g. from arthritis) and you slip outside the edge of the menu, then a :hover based solution will cause it to vanish without giving time to get back inside
Personally, I'd avoid drop down menus for most situations.
I would like to recommend using just CSS as much as you can. As these will eliminate issues such as if someone got JS disabled and any other possible accessibility issues. Since menus are an integral part of you site navigation, it is important these are accessible to all the user segments. You can use this for pure CSS but also there are lots of tutorials online if you google "pure css menus". Also you can see here for jQuery & CSS menu example
They can be written using solely CSS. Check out this Pure CSS hover list.
JavaScript is often disabled by users, as a security measure, and the necessary code for drop-down menus can be quite involved. Also, a pure JavaScript menu is not available for browsers that don't support it, such as text-only browsers. CSS-based menus are always available, even with JavaScript disabled — browsers that don't handle it will just render a list.
With this technique, adding a menu to a page is as easy as creating an unordered list of links, with nested lists for the sub-menus, and including the appropriate style-sheet.

Javascript tabs widget with drag and drop reordering

Do you know of a tab widget that has built-in drag+drop reordering? I'm building an editor-like interface and want to allow the user to reorder their tabs.
So far I've been using ExtJS with a community plugin, but it's buggy and usually needs updating with every new ExtJS release.
Is something like this what you're looking for?
I'd definitely use jQuery and jQuery UI as a base if I was trying to do what you are. The solid support structure and wealth of tutorials around jQuery is unbeatable!
Of course this is if you don't mind the weight of another javascript framework or having to recode some of your interface.
On a slight tangent, if you want your interface to remember a user's preferences you'll need a server-side language. Alternatively, use the jQuery cookie plugin to store preferences between page loads.
There's a draggable tab widget based on YUI lib just for that.
If you're not concerned about adding another javascript lib to your application, I think it's an interesting alternative. You can even drag and drop tabs from other containers (I didn't see this feature on your ExtJS plugin by the way).
There are attempts to make jquery tabs drag and drop able. While it is not drag and dropable out of the box you could make them yourself in jquery-ui.
Here are some resources that tried it:
Resource 1
Resource 2

Preferred customizable progressively enhanced dropdowns/menus?

I was looking at what YUI had,
Can anyone recommend a library/plugin they used to progressively enhance native select element dropdowns at the request of a client? I know it's impossible to style a dropdown in IE, so it's either this or Flash which I don't want to get into.
I'll still leave the regular dropdown in the source for non-JS users and serve the dropdown replica built out of non-form control elements.
Assuming you mean a different library than YUI, I like dojo's dijit.form.FilteringSelect.
Turns out it wasn't all that difficult, pretty much the same logic as a dropdown menu except with a little extra for the toggling bit.

