testing node express endpoint and stub 3rd party api call - javascript

I have an express app like this:
const postsController = require('./controllers/posts_controller.js')
module.exports = app = express()
app.get('posts', postsController.index)
const post = require('./post')()
module.exports = {
index: (req, res) => {
post.getAll().then((posts) => {
}, (error) => {
module.exports = () => {
const thirdPartyApi = require('third_party_api')
return {
get: () => {
// do some stuff
return thirdPartyApi.get().then((resp) => {
// do some more stuff
return Promise.resolve(resp)
const app = require('../server')
const request = require('supertest')
describe('GET /posts', () => {
it('should return a collection of posts', () => {
.end((_err, resp) => {
My goal here is to stub out the thirdPartyApi.get(). I tried with proxyquire by adding this line to posts_controller_spec:
proxyquire('../posts_controller', {third_party_api: {
get: () => { console.log('stubbed out get method'); }
This doesn't work because the server.js file is the file that requires the third_party_api again.
I could do something like this to test the controller:
const postsController = proxyquire('../posts_controller', {third_party_api: {
get: () => { console.log('stubbed out get method'); }
postsController.index(req, res)
This second strategy doesn't feel right because now I have to stub req and res and now I'm bypassing the actual app instance.
Is there an easy way to do this, with proxyquire, or otherwise?

I realized what's going on, proxyquire is not actually messing up here.
the file post.js exports a function, so when posts_controller.js requires() the post.js file, it executes the function and the require for third_party_api is evaluated again and the stub is wiped out.
This is the "runtimeGlobal" scenario described here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/proxyquire#globally-override-require-during-module-runtime
Solution is to fix up post.js so that it doesn't export a function:
const thirdPartyApi = require('third_party_api')
return {
get: () => {
// do some stuff
return thirdPartyApi.get().then((resp) => {
// do some more stuff
return Promise.resolve(resp)
Now, as long as this happens before the app is initialized, the
proxyquire('../posts_controller', {third_party_api: {
get: () => { console.log('stubbed out get method'); }
Then third_party_api module that gets required inside the post controller is evaluated at load time and it gets cached as expected.


How to change the return value of a method within a mocked dependency in Jest?

I am writing a test that looks like this:
import { getAllUsers } from "./users";
import { getMockReq, getMockRes } from "#jest-mock/express";
import User from "../../models/User";
jest.mock("../../models/User", () => ({
find: jest.fn(), // I want to change the return value of this mock in each test.
describe("getAllUsers", () => {
test("makes request to database", async () => {
const req = getMockReq();
const { res, next, clearMockRes } = getMockRes();
await getAllUsers(req, res, next);
Within the jest.mock statement, I am creating a mock of the imported 'User' dependency, specifically for the User.find() method. What I would like to do is set the return value of the User.find() method within each test that I write. Is this possible?
This SO question is similar, but my problem is that I can't import the 'find' method individually, it only comes packaged within the User dependency.
Well after much trial and error, here is a working solution:
import { getAllUsers } from "./users";
import { getMockReq, getMockRes } from "#jest-mock/express";
import User from "../../models/User";
const UserFindMock = jest.spyOn(User, "find");
const UserFind = jest.fn();
describe("getAllUsers", () => {
test("makes request to database", async () => {
const req = getMockReq();
const { res, next, clearMockRes } = getMockRes();
await getAllUsers(req, res, next);
Note how I've used jest.spyOn to set a jest.fn() on the specific User find method, and I can use the UserFind variable to set the return value of the mock implementation.

How to mock a method inside Express router Jest test?

I'm trying to test a router in Node.js app with Jest + Supertest, but my router is making a call to service, which is calling the endpoint:
router.post('/login', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const { username, password } = req.body;
const identity = await userService.getUserInfo(username, password);
if (!identity.authenticated) {
return res.json({});
const requiredTenantId = process.env.TENANT_ID;
const tenant = identity.tenants.find(it => it.id === requiredTenantId);
if (requiredTenantId && !tenant) {
return res.json({});
const userResponse = {
token: jwt.sign(identity, envVars.getVar(envVars.variables.AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET), {
expiresIn: '2h',
return res.json(userResponse);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
This is my test that works well:
test('Authorized - respond with user object', async () => {
const response = await request(app)
expect(response.body).toHaveProperty('authenticated', true);
this is how getUserInfo function looks like:
const getUserInfo = async (username, password) => {
const identity = await axios.post('/user', {username, password});
return identity;
but it executes the method getUserInfo inside a router and this method is making a REST call - I want to mock this method in order to avoid REST calls to other services.
How it could be done?
I've found a mockImplementation function in Jest docs https://jestjs.io/docs/en/mock-function-api.html#mockfnmockimplementationfn
but how I can mock func inside a supertest testing?
You can use jest's auto mocking at the top of your test
like so:
// and include it as well in your test
const userService = require('./path/to/userService');
it will generate a mock of the entire module and every function will be replaced with jest.fn() with no implementation
and then depending on the userService if it's just an object it's getUserInfo method will be a jest.fn() and you can set it's return value like this:
// resolved value as it should return a promise
and the mockIdentity will have to look something like this:
const mockIdentity = {
authenticated: true,
tenants: [
id: "x12",
mockInfo: "mock-info-value"
mother: "Superwoman",
father: "Superman"

Jest - mock a named class-export in typescript

I have a node module which exports a few classes, one of which is Client, which I use to create a client (having a few APIs as methods).
I'm trying to test my module which uses this node module as a dependency using Jest. However, I've been unable to successfully mock the one method (say search()) in the Client class.
Here is my spec for myModule:
import * as nock from 'nock';
import * as externalModule from 'node-module-name';
import { createClient } from './../../src/myModule';
describe(() => {
beforeAll(() => {
it('test search method in my module', () => {
const mockedClient = <jest.Mock<externalModule.Client>>externalModule.Client;
const myClient = createClient({/*params*/}); //returns instance of Client class present in node module by executing Client() constructor
myClient.searchByName('abc'); //calls search API - I need to track calls to this API
This, however, doesn't create a mock at all and triggers a nock error since the search API tries to connect to the url (given through params).
I've also tried mocking the Client class like the following. While successfully creating a mock for the Client class and also the search API (verified that search() is also mocked through console logs), it gives me an error while I try to check if search() has been called.
externalModule.Client = jest.fn(() => { return { search: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve('some response')) } });
//creates the mock successfully, but not sure how to track calls to 'search' property
const client = myModule.createClient(/*params*/);
expect(externalModule.Client).toHaveBeenCalled(); //Successful
expect(externalModule.Client.prototype.search).toHaveBeenCalled(); //returns error saying "jest.fn() value must be a mock function or spy, Received: undefined"
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thank you in advance.
Mocking whole module
Try moving jest.mock to the top of file
const search = jest.fn();
jest.mock('node-module-name', () => ({
Client: jest.fn(() => ({ search }))
import * as nock from 'nock';
import * as externalModule from 'node-module-name';
import { createClient } from './../../src/myModule';
describe(() => {
beforeAll(() => {
it('test search method in my module', () => {
const myClient = createClient({/*params*/});
Mocking only Client
Create search constant and track it.
const search = jest.fn();
externalModule.Client = jest.fn(() => ({ search }));
const client = myModule.createClient(/*params*/);
Here is how I mocked it. I had to change naming and removing some code to avoid exposing original source.
jest.mock('../foo-client', () => {
return { FooClient: () => ({ post: mockPost }) }
Full code.
// foo-client.ts
export class FooClient {
constructor(private config: any)
post() {}
// foo-service.ts
import { FooClient } from './foo-client'
export class FooLabelService {
private client: FooClient
constructor() {
this.client = new FooClient()
createPost() {
return this.client.post()
// foo-service-test.ts
import { FooService } from '../foo-service'
const mockPost = jest.fn()
jest.mock('../foo-client', () => {
return { FooClient: () => ({ post: mockPost }) }
describe('FooService', () => {
let fooService: FooService
beforeEach(() => {
fooService = new FooService()
it('something should happened', () => {

How to define redis client globally?

I have a simple component that is bind to a controller. So every HTTP request calls testFunction():
const redisHelper = require('../myRedis');
class TEST {
testFunction() {
.then((cacheData) => {
module.exports = TEST;
This component requires myRedis module:
const redis = require('redis');
class myRedis {
constructor () {
this.redisClient = this.getRedisClient();
getRedisClient () {
let redisClient;
return redisClient;
getCache (key) {
quit () {
module.exports = new myRedis();
I don't want to create redis client for every HTTP request but keep it ON/open. So can I declare redis client in app.js and use it in test.js? Then on process exit I'll close the connection.
process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
server.close(() => {
The problem is with redis client that crashes when it's open/close for every of thousands HTTP requests

Mock a method of a service called by the tested one when using Jest

I am trying to mock a method's service i export as a module from my test.
This is something i use to do with "sinon", but i would like to use jest as much as possible.
This is a classic test, i have an "authentication" service and a "mailer" service.
The "authentication" service can register new users, and after each new registration, it ask the mailer service to send the new user a "welcome email".
So testing the register method of my authentication service, i would like to assert (and mock) the "send" method of the mailer service.
How to do that? Here is what i tried, but it calls the original mailer.send method:
// authentication.js
const mailer = require('./mailer');
class authentication {
register() { // The method i am trying to test
// ...
const authentication = new Authentication();
module.exports = authentication;
// mailer.js
class Mailer {
send() { // The method i am trying to mock
// ...
const mailer = new Mailer();
module.exports = mailer;
// authentication.test.js
const authentication = require('../../services/authentication');
describe('Service Authentication', () => {
describe('register', () => {
test('should send a welcome email', done => {
co(function* () {
try {
const mailer = require('../../services/mailer');
mailer.send = jest.fn( () => { // I would like this mock to be called in authentication.register()
console.log('SEND MOCK CALLED !');
return Promise.resolve();
yield authentication.register(knownUser);
// expect();
} catch(e) {
First you have to mock the mailer module with a spy so you can later set. And you to let jest know about using a promise in your test, have a look at the docs for the two ways to do this.
const authentication = require('../../services/authentication');
const mailer = require('../../services/mailer');
jest.mock('../../services/mailer', () => ({send: jest.fn()}));
describe('Service Authentication', () => {
describe('register', () => {
test('should send a welcome email', async() => {
const p = Promise.resolve()
mailer.send.mockImplementation(() => p)
await p

