remember search query to use in function - javascript

I'm using Angularjs with the dirPagination plugin to connect with an Web API. This seems to work fine. I added a search function, to do a server side search:
$scope.searchChanged = function () {
if ($scope.searchFor.length == 0) {
$scope.calculatedValue = 'e';
} else {
vm.getData(vm.pageno, vm.getSearch($scope.searchFor));
vm.getSearch = function (query) {
if (query == undefined) {
query = 'tech';
} else {
query = query;
return query;
See Plnkr for the full code
If I start searching (e.g. sales) the API returns results and the paging is correct, the get request is:
But if you want to go to another page number, the get request to the server is:
How can the view remember the query 'sales', so that the paging and results are correct?

You are making a common mistake here: You don't need to pass in variable from the view if you are already using a scope variable.
Changing to this would be much less error prone
// change this to var getSearch or function getSearch if you don't need it on the view anymore
vm.getSearch = function () {
var query = vm.searchFor;
// you should only use vm, change ng-model to data.searchFor
if (query == undefined) {
query = 'tech';
return query;
vm.getData = function () {
vm.users = [];
$http.get("/api/students/?category=" + vm.getSearch() + "&begin=" + vm.pageno + "&pageSize=" + vm.itemsPerPage).success(function (response) {
vm.users =;
vm.total_count = response.total_count;

Your request id good, you need to optimize the sql query so you can get the right results. it should look something like this:
#begin INT = 0,
#pageSize INT = 10
FROM [TableName]
OFFSET (#pageSize * #begin )


How to keep applied search filters when user hit the back button or refresh the page?

I created a search engine on my page where user can apply some filters. Basically what I do it's to add the filters apllied in a list and automatically adding the parameters to URL.
applyFilters(formValue: any) {
this.filterList = new Array();
this.appliedFilters = 0;
this.filtersStr = '';
if ( != null) {
this.buildStringFilter('active=' + this.activeSelected.value);
this.filterList.push(new Filter('active', 'active: ' + this.activeSelected.descricao));
if (formValue.idLaboratory != null) {
this.buildStringFilter('' +;
this.filterList.push(new Filter('idLaboratory', 'Laboratory: ' + this.labSelected.nome));
if (formValue.idOwner != null) {
this.buildStringFilter('owner=' + this.ownerSelected.idUsuario);
this.filterList.push(new Filter('idOwner', 'Owner: ' + this.ownerSelected.nome));
if (formValue.machineName != null) {
this.buildStringFilter('machineName=ci(contains(' + formValue.machineName + '))');
this.filterList.push(new Filter('machineName', 'Machine Name: ' + formValue.machineName));
The problem I'm facing on this is when the user applys the filters and opens a filtered register, if he hits the back button to see the filtered list again, the applied filters disappear. The vars filtersStr (keeps the URL params) and filterList (keeps the Filters applied) are losing their values.
How could I keep that values when the user hits back button in the browser?
My suggestion would be:
localStorage: if you want that your filters persist for longer time
localStorage.setItem('filter', this.filterList.join(',');
Angular services: if you would like to have filters until the page is not closed
constructor(private someService: SomeService) {
// ... = this.filterList;
// ...
You need to persist the value of your filters to sessionStorage or localStorage after you apply/derive them.
Using the native Storage APIs should suffice for this.
When your app initializes, check if there is a value in your web storage and initialize your filter list with the stored value.
Your solution could then look something like this:
this.filterList = new Array();
ngOnInit() {
const previousFilters = sessionStorage.getItem('FILTER_LIST');
const filterList = JSON.parse(previousFilters);
if (filterList) {
this.filterList = filterList;
applyFilters(formValue: any) {
// this.filterList = new Array(); Remove this line since it has been moved to a higher scope
this.appliedFilters = 0;
this.filtersStr = '';
if ( != null) {
// ... Do your computations
if (formValue.idLaboratory != null) {
// ... Do your computations
if (formValue.idOwner != null) {
// ... Do your computations
if (formValue.machineName != null) {
// ... Do your computations
// Then add this bit
sessionStorage.setItem('FILTER_LIST', JSON.stringify(this.filterList))
Note that I'm using sessionStorage in this example. If you want the filters to be persisted after you close the browser window, then use localStorage
If you want a more robust solution, you can take a look at

angular().service() wont get a update in the object I pass as parameter

Well fist time here, so sorry for the mess or the long text.
I pass $scope.alertsensorconfigs as tableData to my service, and wen I delete a item, my $scope.alertsensorconfigs changes but wen It try to reload the table I see that tableData had not changed.
Detailed explanation:
I have a site that uses NgTable to create a lot of tables in different pages, but all the logic to convert and filter the data that I want to show in the page was coded in the pages and it repeated a lot of times but it was working, so i decided to thy make a service that do all that.
So my problem is, I created the service, it i almost all working like before, but I notices that wen I delete a item from the table, it deletes the data but keep showing it on the table until I reload the page.
I notice that it is because even that my object on the page have changed after delete, wen it is inside my service the object apear to be the unchanged one, since I passed my object as parameter to my service i took it wold pass like a reference to the object and wen it changes on the page it wold apear changed in my service, but looks like it is not the case, it looks like wen it calls for the fist time my service it makes a copy of my object and wen it calls again it wont get the updated one.
My page code.
$scope.funcFilter = function(pfilter){
return function (item) {
return >= 0
item.criticality1.toString().toUpperCase().indexOf(pfilter) >= 0
item.criticality2.toString().toUpperCase().indexOf(pfilter) >= 0
|| $filter('translate')
( >= 0;
$scope.searchTable = {filter: ""};
$scope.tableParams =
$scope.funcFilter, $scope.searchTable.filter)
Delete function in my page:
AlertSensorConfig.remove({id:}, function () {
$scope.alertsensorconfigs.splice($scope.alertsensorconfigs.indexOf(obj), 1);
$scope.tableParams.reload().then(function(data) {
if (data.length === 0 && $ > 0) {
$$ - 1);
My service:
function ($filter, NgTableParams, Session) {
var session = Session.get();
this.getGenericTableParams = function(tableData, funcFilter, searchTableFilter){
return new NgTableParams({
count: session.user.tablePagination,
filter: searchTableFilter
}, {
counts: rowsPerPageTemplate,
getData: function (params) {
if (params.filter() == ''){
var pfilter = '';
var pfilter = params.filter().filter.toUpperCase();
let filteredData = params.filter() ? $filter('filter')(tableData, funcFilter(pfilter)) : tableData;
if (!!filteredData && filteredData.length >= 0) {;
var rowsPerPageTemplateWithAllData = rowsPerPageTemplate.slice();
var isFound = rowsPerPageTemplateWithAllData.some(function (element) {
return element === filteredData.length;
params.settings().counts = rowsPerPageTemplateWithAllData.filter(item=>item<filteredData.length)
if (filteredData.length >= 5){
rowsPerPageTemplateWithAllData.push(filteredData.length + (isFound ? 1 : 0));
if (session.user.tablePagination >= params.settings().counts[params.settings().counts.length-1]){
params.settings().count = params.settings().counts[params.settings().counts.length-1];
params.settings().count = session.user.tablePagination;
if ( <= params.count()) {;
var x = $filter('orderBy')(filteredData, params.orderBy());
var y = x.slice(( - 1) * params.count(), * params.count());
return y;
} else {
params.settings().counts = [];
return null;
And the ng-table function that reload the table after delete:
this.reload = function() {
var self = this,
pData = null;
settings.$loading = true;
prevParamsMemento = angular.copy(createComparableParams());
isCommittedDataset = true;
if (self.hasGroup()) {
pData = runInterceptorPipeline($q.when(settings.getGroups(self)));
} else {
pData = runInterceptorPipeline($q.when(settings.getData(self)));
log('ngTable: reload data');
var oldData =;
return pData.then(function(data) {
settings.$loading = false;
errParamsMemento = null; = data;
event even when data === oldData
ngTableEventsChannel.publishAfterReloadData(self, data, oldData);
return data;
errParamsMemento = prevParamsMemento;
// "rethrow"
return $q.reject(reason);
there is some way to make sure the object I pas as parameter to my service is updated every time I call it, like some binding?
I think i manage to solve it.
The NgTable have his own reload(), but it wasn't working because what it does is, get the current filteredData and replace with the one tableData, but the tableData on my service was only set wen it was called the fist time and wasn't getting updated wen I updated the $scope.alertsensorconfigs.
So what I manage to do after a lot of headache, was to create in my service:
A var serviceTableData that receives the $scope.alertsensorconfigs wen the service is called so it is global in my service.
And my own reload() function that I replaced in every place that my controller used the NgTable reload().
My service reload() wen called receives as parameter from the controller the $scope.alertsensorconfigs after the controller delete or edit the item, then it will set the serviceTableData to the updated data received as param and then calls the NgTable reload().
So it ended like this:
function ($filter, NgTableParams, Session, MY_CONSTANTS) {
var session = Session.get();
var serviceTableParam = null;
var serviceTableData = null;
this.reloadTableData = function (tableDataAtt){
serviceTableData = tableDataAtt;
serviceTableParam.reload().then(function(data) {
if (data.length === 0 && > 0) { - 1);
return this.tableData = tableDataAtt;
this.getGenericTableParams = function(tableData, searchTableFilter, funcFilter){
serviceTableData = tableData;
return serviceTableParam = new NgTableParams({
// etc...
Edit : I misunderstood the question
According to your comment what you want is to update a variable in your service and retrieve it later.
What you can do is :
In your service
.factory('', dataservice);
dataservice.$inject = ['$http'];
function dataservice($http) {
return {
myFunction: yourServiceFunction,
myData: myData
var myData = [];
function yourServiceFunction(tableData) {
myData = tableData;
Like this you can access to myData in your service or in your controller which is updated in your function with the value of tableData that you passed when you called your function.
And if you want to update myData in your service everytime $scope.alertsensorconfigs changes, add a $watch to this variable and create a function in your service who is called whenever your $scope value change and which simply update myData in your service.
I hope that I answered to the right question this time :)
Here after : old response which do not answer to the question
there is some way to make sure the object I pas as parameter to my service is updated every time I call it, like some binding?
I am sorry to not answer with your code but it is a bit hard to get into it.
The simpliest way is to do something like this :
$scope.alertsensorconfigs =
yourService.yourMethod($scope.alertsensorconfigs, param2, param3).tableData;
While your services' method does something like :
yourMethod = function (tableData, param2, param3) {
return { tableData : tableDataAfterModification, elem2 : 'elem2', elem3 : 'elem3' };

Can't update javaScript global variable

Here I have global variable userId, and i want to update it inside signInUserFunction(), to use is in other function. I have tried to define it using var, window, But all these didn't help. This variable doesn't update. As i see its about AJAX async. So, what can i do with it?
And yes, I know that its not good to make authentication with JS, I am quite new to it. So, I am just creating random methods to improve.
var userId = 1;
function signInUser() {
$.getJSON('http://localhost:8887/JAXRSService/webresources/generic/getAllUsers', function(data) {
var items = [];
var i = 0;
$.each(data, function(firstname, value) {
var str = JSON.stringify(value);
data = JSON.parse(str);
var innerId;
for (p in data) {
innerId = data[p].id;
if ($('#nameSignIn').val() == data[p].first_name && $('#passwordSignIn').val() == data[p].password) { //
userId = innerId;
window.location.href = "content.html";
} else {
if (i == data.length) {
alert("Ощибка в логине или пароле!")
How are you determining whether or not it has been set? It looks like immediately after you set it, you navigate to a different page. When you get to that page, you will have an entirely new window.
Try alerting the value before navigating away.
EDITED: Here is how you could pass it to the other page (but you shouldn't do this in a real app)
//this isn't a very secure way to do this. I DON'T recommend this
window.location.href = "content.html?id=" + innerId ;
Then in the other page, you could access it off the document.location:
After reading my comments, you may want to try this:
var userId = 1;
function signInUser(){
$.getJSON('http://localhost:8887/JAXRSService/webresources/generic/getAllUsers', function(data){
var items = [], actors = data.Actors, l = 0;
$.each(actors, function(i, o){
if($('#nameSignIn').val() === o.first_name && $('#passwordSignIn').val() === o.password){
userId =;
// this will redirect before any other code runs -> location = 'content.html';
if(l === actors.length){
alert('End of Loop');
I would not store sensitive data in JSON such as passwords. Use a database. There is no need to get all the data at the same time either.
Using the idea #mcgraphix proposed (and giving you the same warning...this would certainly not be the way to transfer data like this in a production environment), here is one way to do it:
function signInUser() {
var url = 'http://localhost:8887/JAXRSService/webresources/generic/getAllUsers';
var userId;
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
$.each(data.Actors, function(index, actor) {
// Cache the values of the #nameSignIn and #passwordSignIn elements
var name = $('#nameSignIn').val();
var password = $('#passwordSignIn').val();
if (actor.first_name === name && actor.password === password) {
// We have found the correct actor.
// Extract its ID and assign it to userId.
userId =;
window.location.href = "content.html?userId=" + userId;
// This alert should only be reached if none of the actor objects
// has a name and password that matches your input box values.
alert("Ощибка в логине или пароле!");
// On the next page...
// Top answer from
// This approach can handle URLs with more than one query parameter,
// which you may potentially add in the future.
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split('=');
if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
console.log('Query variable %s not found', variable);
var userId = getQueryVariable('userId');
Thanks you for help.Ended it all with usage of:
sessionStorage.setItem('label', 'value')

How to know all JSON object has been iterated? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Wait until all jQuery Ajax requests are done?
(22 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I m working on phonegap product using jquery and jquery mobile, the scenario is, when user is logging in for first time, we sync all the data and after done we forward user to another view. The items are retrieved in json format from server. Here are the portion of my code. I have called the webservice and the response is returned as JSON objects in response variable.
//insert into app's sqlite database
//insert into app's sqlite database
//insert into app's sqlite database
//and so on. There could be many rows in each loop above.
My question is how to know all rows has been inserted from the loop so that I can forward user to restricted area.
more precisely, how to know all JSON object has been iterated successfully?
What i tried is put counter in each loop and check if sum of all the counters is equal to total items we are iterating. But this didn't work the sum of all the counters are readily available before all items are inserted.
Here is my helper function that inserts record into sqlite db. This didn't work, user was logged in before all data are inserted. Can you tell me where I went wrong
var sqlhelper = {
var dfrd = $.Deferred();
var fields=sqlhelper.separateFieldData(data,"field");
var dataval=sqlhelper.separateFieldData(data,"value");
sqlhelper.db.transaction(function(tx) {
var sqlquery='INSERT INTO '+tablename+' ('+fields+') values('+dataval+')';
return dfrd.promise();
And here is the code that fetches server response
function defObj1()
var data = {
'reg_id': e.reg_id,
'reg_name': e.reg_name,
'reg_desc': e.reg_desc,
'reg_status': e.reg_status
}); // end of each loop
function defObj2()
var data = {
'grocery_id': e.grocery_id,
'item_name': e.item_name,
'item_qty': e.item_qty,
'item_unit_price': e.item_unit_price
}); // end of each loop
$.when(defObj1() ,defObj2()).done(function(a1,a2){
//sync complete so login user
try this. (Edited)
var isValid = true, i = 0, sum, callback = function () {
//if all inserting is successfully it is called
$( (k, v) {
//insert into app's sqlite database
var data = {
'reg_id': e.reg_id,
'reg_name': e.reg_name,
'reg_desc': e.reg_desc,
'reg_status': e.reg_status
sqlhelper.insertJSONData('tbl_registration', data, function (data) {
if (!data) {
isValid = false;
i++;//onSuccess function
checkLast(i);//call this lastly method or each
}, function () {
i++;//onError function
//other codes is identical logic
function checkLast(i) {
if (i == sum) {
I have added successCallbak and errorCallback to your sqlhelper
var sqlhelper = {
insertJSONData: function (tablename, data, successCallbak, errorCallback) {
var dfrd = $.Deferred();
var fields = sqlhelper.separateFieldData(data, "field");
var dataval = sqlhelper.separateFieldData(data, "value");
sqlhelper.db.transaction(function (tx) {
var sqlquery = 'INSERT INTO ' + tablename + ' (' + fields + ') values(' + dataval + ')';
tx.executeSql(sqlquery, [], function (tx, result) {
if (successCallback) {
}, sqlhelper.errorCB);
if (errorCallback) {
return dfrd.promise();

How do I get the gender from a particular user when updating a different table? Azure mobile services

I have a table called Subscription and another table called Client I need the gender of the Client who owns the subscription every time I make an update. Here's my update script:
function update(item, user, request) {
var subscriptionId =;
var subscriptionActivitiesTable = tables.getTable("SubscriptionActivity");
var userTable = tables.getTable("User");
var activityTable = tables.getTable("Activity");
var userGender = userTable.where({id: item.UserId}).select('Gender').take(1).read();
activityTable.where({PlanId:item.PlanId, Difficulty: item.Difficulty}).read({
success: function(results){
var startDate = item.StartDate;
var testDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(),startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate());
testDate.setDate(testDate.getDate() + activity.Sequence + (activity.Week*7));
subscriptionActivitiesTable.insert({SubscriptionId: subscriptionId,
ActivityId:, ShowDate: new Date(testDate.getFullYear(),
testDate.getMonth(), testDate.getDate()), CreationDate: new Date()});
var idealWeight = 0;
if (userGender === "Male")
idealWeight = (21.7 * Math.pow(parseInt(item.Height)/100,2));
idealWeight = (23 * Math.pow(parseInt(item.Height)/100,2));
var metabolismoBasal = idealWeight * 0.95 * 24;
var ADE = 0.1 * metabolismoBasal;
var activityFactor;
if (item.Difficulty === "Easy")
activityFactor = 1.25;
else if(item.Difficulty === "Medium")
activityFactor = 1.5;
activityFactor = 1.75;
var caloricRequirement = ((metabolismoBasal + ADE)*activityFactor);
activityTable.where(function(item, caloricRequirement){
return this.PlanId === item.PlanId && this.Type != "Sport" &&
this.CaloricRequirementMin <= caloricRequirement &&
this.CaloricRequirementMax >= caloricRequirement;}, item, caloricRequirement).read({
success: function(results)
var startDate = item.StartDate;
for (var i=0;i<planWeeks;i++)
var testDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(),startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate());
testDate.setDate(testDate.getDate() + activity.Sequence + (i*7));
subscriptionActivitiesTable.insert({SubscriptionId: subscriptionId,
ActivityId:, ShowDate: new Date(testDate.getFullYear(),
testDate.getMonth(), testDate.getDate()), CreationDate: new Date()});
I tried the code above and clientGender is undefined. As you can see I want to use the gender to set the idealWeight.
The read() method expects a function to be passed in on the success parameter - it doesn't return the result of the query like you'd think.
Try something like this instead:
function update(item, user, request) {
var clientTable = tables.getTable("Client");
var clientGender = 'DEFAULT';
clientTable.where({id: item.ClientId}).select('Gender').take(1).read({
success: function(clients) {
if (clients.length == 0) {
console.error('Unable to find client for id ' + item.ClientId);
} else {
var client = client[0];
clientGender = client.Gender;
// since we're inside the success function, we can continue to
// use the clientGender as it will reflect the correct value
// as retrieved from the database
console.log('INSIDE: ' + clientGender);
// this is going to get called while the clientTable query above is
// still running and will most likely show a value of DEFAULT
console.log('OUTSIDE: ' + clientGender);
In this sample, the client table query is kicked off, with a callback function provided in the success parameter. When the query is finished, the callback function is called, and the resulting data is displayed to the log. Meanwhile - while the query is still running, that is - the next statement after the where/take/select/read fluent code is run, another console.log statment is executed to show the value of the clientGender field outside the read function. This code will run while the read statement is still waiting on the database. Your output should look something like this in the WAMS log:
* INSIDE: Male
* OUTSIDE: Default
Since the log shows the oldest entries at the bottom, you can see that the OUTSIDE log entry was written sometime before the INSIDE log.
If you're not used to async or functional programming, this might look weird, but as far as I've found, this is now node works. Functions nested in functions nested in functions can get kind of scary, but if you plan ahead, it probably won't be too bad :-)

