How does $doCheck not have any impact if $doChanges is also called? - javascript

AngularJS official documentation provided the following information in this regard.
$doCheck() - Called on each turn of the digest cycle. Provides an opportunity to detect and act on changes. Any actions that you wish to take in response to the changes that you detect must be invoked from this hook; implementing this has no effect on when $onChanges is called. For example, this hook could be useful if you wish to perform a deep equality check, or to check a Date object, changes to which would not be detected by Angular's change detector and thus not trigger $onChanges. This hook is invoked with no arguments; if detecting changes, you must store the previous value(s) for comparison to the current values.
I've explored on the web but could not find any information related to how calling $onChanges will makes the calls to $doCheck void. Someone please provide more information.

The $onChanges and $doCheck hook can easily live side-by-side. The $doCheck hook doesn't effect the $onChanges hook at all. Of course fields checked in the $doCheck hook no longer need to be handled in the $onChanges hook. In Angular 2 it’s even recommended to not use these 2 hooks together.


Vue methods to change data discouraged by docs - but why?

According to the Vue 3.0 guide:
Methods called from a template should not have any side effects, such
as changing data or triggering asynchronous processes. If you find
yourself tempted to do that you should probably use a lifecycle hook
I'm curious why this is? I feel like it's very likely you'll want to change data on an event listener that references your own method rather than a lifecycle hook.
I think what they mean is you should not call a method with side effects during the render, like this:
<div :title="changeSomeData()">Hello</div>
One such problem with this is calling changeSomeData() during the render can mutate reactive data which will trigger another re-render of the component, potentially infinitely. It's not good code.
It isn't always clear to the programmer when the component will be re-rendered and thus when changeSomeData() will be called. This makes it difficult to trace the cause of some data mutation.
An event handler method is not executed during the render, instead it is only registered as an event handler and will be called later in response to that particular event. This is OK.
They means the methods used for rendering purposes like :
because the methods are used as handler for events :
<button #clikc="send" >Send</button>

Where to make API hits ComonentDidMount or in ComonentDidUpdate [React.JS]

In an interview, an interviewer asked me that where should you make API-hits in a simple react application? Meaning in which life-cycle method in a Class-Component. I knew the answer to be ComponentDidMount - because it is the first life-cycle method where we get complete rendered dom meaning dom is now ready!
Then he asked, but why NOT in comonentDidUpdate?
Now, I told him what I had read somewhere, I don't know the exact answer of this -- except ComponentDidMount runs first, so make it there.
Now, can someone tell me if my answer was correct? Or should we make API-hits in ComponentDidUpdate()?
I am confused. Kindly, someone explain with reasoning? Thanks in Advance!
It depends on when you want to call the API:
If an API call is done only once then do componentDidMount
If after render based on some state, you want to fetch data again then do it in componentDidUpdate
Same scenarios can be handled within functional components using useEffect hook as follows:
1- Only runs the first time when the components render same as componentDidMount:
useEffect(() => {
// Run only once when the component renders
}, []); // Pass empty array as dependencies
2- Run every time when component renders either by props change or by local state change same as componentDidUpdate without comparing previous and current props:
useEffect(() => {
// Run every time the component re-renders including the first time
}); // Do NOT pass array dependencies
3- Run only when particular props change, same as componentDidUpdate but with props comparison:
useEffect(() => {
// Run only when the component prop1 and prop2 changes
}, [prop1, prop2]); // Pass props as array dependencies
Reference: Using the Effect Hook
Lets take an example scenario.
You have a profile page and it has a text box which allows you to update tags.
You do a fetch for the whole profile in the componentDidMount to get all the details and show the content.
And then componentDidUpdate will have to be used for something like the update on tags, lets say you do a fetch to get tags based on the user input for every 3 letters the user type. then you use componenDidUpdate to check the state and do the call.
If you think of the same in functional components we'll have to use useEffect.
See the array of dependecies, if you pass an empty array it would act similar to componentDidMount.
And the componentDidUpdate
Here the effect will run only when a change it done to the tagText, but the componenDidUpdate would be different as you will have to compare the previous state and decide whether the text is updated.
According the Official React Documentation (Link):
componentDidMount() is invoked immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the tree). Initialization that requires DOM nodes should go here. If you need to load data from a remote endpoint, this is a good place to instantiate the network request.
This method is a good place to set up any subscriptions. If you do
that, don’t forget to unsubscribe in componentWillUnmount().
componentDidUpdate() is invoked immediately after updating occurs.
This method is not called for the initial render.
Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component
has been updated. This is also a good place to do network requests as
long as you compare the current props to previous props (e.g. a
network request may not be necessary if the props have not changed).
Check out this link for a complete big picture. This will be handy while learning react.

React Alt Calling a store method synchronously

Developing a React/Alt application, I face a quite common scenario:
In the root component, in a button click handler, I need to check if a value in a specific store is valid before triggering an action. This value is not yet available in the state of the store since it has to be calculated.
So I have to call an action linked on the method of the store which going to calculate the value. The result will be stored in the state of the store and will be available in the listen-handler of the root component.
Unfortunately, in this case, I lose the initial context of the user action.
I'd like to synchronously calculate the value and retrieve it in the same context. Is there a way to do it? What are the best practices in such a scenario?
You can split your validation logic up into a separate module. On the onClick handler you can then execute this validation logic, using either store.getState() or the props of your component. The validation logic will then be separate from your component, which makes it easy to test and re-use, plus it won't clutter your component, which should be more concerned with behavior of the interface.

Flux calling actions with arguments managed in store

Say I have an action someAction(params) that takes params which is managed in a store paramsStore:
paramsStore.listen(function(params) {
It seems that I can't just call this in my view because apparently this goes against the Flux way of doing things (actions shouldn't be called within store listeners).
The reason I have someAction inside the store listener, is because I want it to be called every time the paramsStore is modified. How can I achieved this without resorting to the 'unpattern' of calling actions within stores listener?
The right "flux way" of doing it would be to call the someAction(params) wherever information is dispatched to paramsStore.
Understanding what someAction does will give more clarity. Does it really need to be an action? If you're just doing some manipulation in the store data, you could have it as a local method in the paramStore.
While I am new to flux as well I could offer a suggestion. State that is needed to determine the outcome of an action that is held by Store A could be attached to a get method. This state can be retrieved by a View with a getter. When the action is called this state can be sent as a parameter. If something needs to be async it can now be done here (ajax call or something else) based on what the state is. Either the result of this or a promise object can then be used to trigger an action which is passed to the dispatcher. The dispatcher sends the result or promise to the store. The store then updates its state and the process repeats as necessary (when initial action is triggered).
I think a little more detail of what exactly you need would help actually. I do believe listening for for an action and triggering another action inside the store doesn't coincide with flux. I do think there is likely a way to accomplish the actual result you want using flux but without more detail this is the best I could come up with. Also, in reality you can implement anything you want. Flux is just a model and by extension a self imposed constraint to help with structure.
If you are using Flux as is, you could refer to the original image of the whole architecture at
As you can see not only views could create actions. There are also Web API Utils which could create ones. Generally speaking not only API utils can do this. It's totally okey to create actions in order to start some behaviour according to outside world, some services or something else.
But in your case you are trying to create an action on some store update listener. As far as I can understand this would result in some changes in one or few other stores. In this case you probably don't need to create an action in the listener, but rather create some relations between your stores with waitFor API. Here is a link with detailed information:

onrender vs init in Ractive.js

I recently started trying out Ractive.js. I was particularly interested in its components. One of the things I noticed immediately is that many of the examples are using the init option. However when I try to use the init in my code I get a deprecation notice and it then recommends using onrender instead. onrender however had far fewer examples than init and some of the functions such as this.find weren't available inside onrender. I looked through the Github issues but couldn't find any reasoning behind this change or what the suggested path forward for selecting elements specific to a component was.
I created a test pen to try creating a recursive component with the new API but I had to resort to using jQuery and an undocumented fragment api to select specific DOM nodes I needed to manipulate. I feel this is against how Ractive expects you to do things, but I couldn't figure out what was expected of me with the existing documentation.
What's the major differences between the init and onrender options and how does onrender expect you to handle manipulating specific elements and their events within a component?
You can use this.find() inside onrender (if you can't for some reason, you've found a bug!).
We split init into oninit and onrender a while back for a number of reasons. Those examples you mention are out of date - are they somewhere on If so we should fix them. You can find more information about lifecycle events here on the docs, but the basic difference is this:
init was called on initial render (assuming the component was rendered, i.e. never in node.js, if you were doing server-side rendering)
oninit is called on creation, immediately before rendering. It is called once and only once for any Ractive instance, whether or not it gets rendered. It's therefore a good place to set up event handlers etc. The opposite of oninit is onteardown, so you can use that handler to do any cleanup if necessary (or use this.on('teardown'...) inside oninit).
onrender is called whenever a component is rendered. This could happen more than once (if you unrendered, then re-rendered, etc) or not at all. If you need to store DOM references etc, this is the place. The opposite of onrender is onunrender.
I did a fork of your codepen, replacing the jQuery stuff with more idiomatic Ractive code to show how you'd do it without storing DOM references.

