Is angularjs work client side? - javascript

I have a page built-with angular functionality,
It is works fine from xampp server (http://localhost/...) but It didn't work from my desktop.
Please let me know AngularJS work from client-side like HTML / Java Script.

Yes, AngularJS (v1 and v2) is a JavaScript framework which only works on the client side.
For the Server side, you can take a look at Node.JS which works perfectly with AngularJS.

Yes, it works on client side. However, you need to install webserver, to run the app. Take a look at node.

Yes, Angular JS works on client side but you can't call REST API Services without Server.

AngularJS fits the definition of a framework the best, even though
it's much more lightweight than a typical framework and that's why
many confuse it with a library.
AngularJS is 100% JavaScript, 100% client-side and compatible with
both desktop and mobile browsers. So it's definitely not a plugin or
some other native browser extension.
About the client side browser support
We run our extensive test suite against the following browsers: the
latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Safari for iOs, as
well as Internet Explorer versions 9-11. See Internet Explorer
Compatibility for more details on supporting legacy IE browsers.
If a browser is untested, it doesn't mean it won't work; for example,
older Android (2.3.x) is supported in the sense that we avoid the dot
notation for reserved words as property names, but we don't actively
test changes against it. You can also expect browsers to work that
share a large part of their codebase with a browser we test, such as
Opera > version 12 (uses the Blink engine), or the various Firefox


How well does Internet Explorer work with NodeJS, Javascript and HTML/CSS nowadays?

I'm unsure whether to create a desktop app via Electron or create a WebApp instead. My customers are to 70% IE (i believe mostly older versions) users and I don't want the app to run slow, crash or not support features and animations. So knowing how IE does nowadays would help me with this decision greatly.
IE does not support a lot of new functionality. But if you write your pages correctly that is not a problem. It can be difficult and expensive to get things to work in up-to-date browsers, mobile browsers and IE, but it can be done.
Electron is great since it provides the same browser interface for everyone. But Electron Apps can become very bloated and large. If you want to only use the latest HTML, CSS and JavaScript then Electron is much simpler to use then a Web App. But using Electron means that your customers will not be able to get at your code from their mobile devises.

Call method and access properties in a client side app from a web browser

We have a solution that deals with devices on Windows and would like to make calls to certain components of it from webbrowsers (Edge, chrome, firefox) by using javascript so this will be done client side.
We used to do it by using activex but since this technology works pretty much only for Iexplorer and now with modern browsers being depricated, is not an option any more.
Our solution is Java based and also some C#.
Does anybody know how to do this? Thanks a lot.
Pretty much the only way to do that would be to create a web service that exposes your components, then make web requests to that service from JavaScript. That is all any modern browser will allow you to do.
We are investigating another oprtion that seems feasible, using websockets seems to be more reliable than using native messaging since the lastone relies too much on browser version and would involve the creation of an extension for at least three browsers, edge, chrome and firefox and if something changes in those browsers it would probably breaks the extension. While with websockets this wont happend.
Has enyone have done something similar?

End-2-End Testing outside angularjs

I'm looking for a way to test an app or a website, which is not based on angularjs, on real browsers and real devices. I found CasperJS, but CasperJS only runs with headless browsers.
Are there test-runner/testing-framework combinations out there which support:
all major browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE)
headless browsers (PhantomJS)
(optional) simulate touch gestures
I would choose protractor. I know its main target is angular, but it works fine without angular as well. It has nice shortcut features. We use it to test non-angular sites and it looks stable enough. Otherwise it is based on webdriverjs, and it can work with phantomjs as well.
There is a good starter setup:
And this page can help to tune it for your requirements:
And the main urls:
I didn't test the phantomjs part, but google says it should be fine.
About main browsers Protractor can connect to Saucelabs as well.
And they have 301 different Device/OS/Browser Platforms at now.
Selenium is certainly the most widely used test automation tool that meets your requirements. I personally used Sahi most of the times which does the same but afaik has no grunt integration.

How to check the last available version of Chrome and Firefox using C# or JavaScript?

One of the requirements of one of my clients is to show a message to a user that's using an older version of Firefox, Chrome, IE or Safari. For the last two it's easy (IE 9+ and Safari 5+). But for Firefox and Chrome, the requirement is that the site supports the current and the previous version of each browser.
To get the clients browser and version is quite simple, but I need to know what is the last version of each browser. Is there any way of doing that?
Well, technically, all you need is a place that keeps track of what the latest version of each browser (Ideally with a web service).
A quick Googling I was able to find:
It's not a web service, but you could simply parse that HTML and get the latest version of each browser. Alternatively, you could keep track yourself and manually update this information in your database.
You should only ever have to worry about IE when it comes to version enforcement. Exception being, of course, if you need a specific API that's just not available in previous versions of Chrome/Firefox, but in that case you'd look and enforce the API, not the browser version. Adding to that, if Chrome/Firefox don't have an API, chances are even the most bleeding edge version of IE won't either, so the point is moot. The fact is Firefox and Chrome, and in part Safari, are far ahead of IE when it comes to browser hosted capabilities that trying to enforce specific versions of the former would likely be a lot of wasted time and effort to yield nothing substantial.
The best I could find was this. It has an export option that allows to export in JSON, XML...
I would strongly suggest that you don't check the browser version, instead try doing feature detection using, say, Modernizr.
What features of your client's site depends on specific versions of each browser? If you use Modernizr you could perform a check on a feature, say some video stuff, and if the current browser does not support that feature, then display a message to the user suggesting they upgrade their browser.
Detecting browser versions via Javascript is very flakey at best.
The only reason I'd say you need this kind of verification is because your webpage has features only available to latest browsers. Instead of relying on version numbers, I suggest learning Modernizr.js for your website.
It can detect particular html5/css3 features individually.

Developing a cross-platform self-contained HTML application

I am thinking of building an application, kind of like TiddlyWiki in the sense that everything is self-contained in an HTML file, or at least in a bundle where a user won't have to install anything. It works on just about any browser, and on mobile phones (Android and iPhone), and in some browsers (e.g. Firefox), manages to save to the local filesystem without a plugin (albeit, it launches many security warnings, but there are other solutions for that). Other browsers happen to use a Java plugin to bypass this restriction.
Are there any technologies that exist that make this possible? HTML5's web storage sounds like it would be almost perfect, except that the data would be tied to the browser.
Any assistance would be appreciated (even if that just means editting / retagging the question to get more folks looking).
Whats about the fileapi:
I am just adding a relevant comment with this but not exactly an answer...
When you are saying that you want to develop application which contains everything... Then I would like to add about Titanium, PhoneGap, and others (Corona)...
This softwares provides JavaScript base which will be running on all the mobiles (if mobile applications), desktops (if desktop applications) and so on.... But Titanium (as i am working on it) works on the SDK of all the other languages for development...
Now TiddlyWiki, what i have understood from the link is that it is creating a web application or something like that which will work on all the other mobile devices. But this is NOT Good always, Since some application needs to be a NATIVE environment (which is supported by Titanium). Native applications will be much more faster than any other developed applications..

