obtain mac address from browser including chrome, windows, safari, firefox - javascript

Could browser inside a machine obtain the machine's MAC address?
I'm building an API which need obtain unique identification of the machine (ideally, it could be MAC address), however, after discussion and research, I realize browsers don't support this. If not, any way the browser could obtain device related data which could be used to replace MAC address?

For IE and ActiveX allowed:
function networkInfo(){
var wmi = new ActiveXObject ("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
var service = wmi.ConnectServer(".");
e = new Enumerator(service.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True"));
for(; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var s = e.item();
var macAddress = unescape(s.MACAddress);
return macAddress;

The Answer is no, a browser can't access the MAC address of a Device, with regular Js. However, have you explored Node JS? It has a Mac Plugin
that perhaps could be used in conjunction with another plugin called Browserify, Which could get you what you wanted. The benefit of using node is the massive amount of plugins that allow you to do things with js in your browser that you can't otherwise.
But you could create a unique UID on the page load, and save it somehow through localstorage, and pull that when you need a Device Specific ID. This won't work cross browser though. Hope this points you in the right direction. Good Luck.


Identify an opend Webbrowser with ShellExecute properly to work with document.getElement

I need to automation my job by filing Forms in webpage by js,I made a code like this:
var ie = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
ie.visible = true;
while (ie.busy) WScript.Sleep(100);
ie.document.getElementsByName('q')[0].value ="3";
var Butn = ie.document.getElementsByName('btnK')[0];
but I want this code work with another web browser (e.g.Firefox) so I tried something like this:
var ie = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
var commandtoRun ="C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe";
ie.ShellExecute(commandtoRun,"http://www.google.com", "1");
while (ie.busy) WScript.Sleep(100);
ie.document.getElementsByName('q')[0].value ="3";
var Butn = ie.document.getElementsByName('btnK')[0];
but this code throw an error:
'ie.document' is null or not an object
I ask for any of these tow ways:
*dealing with a web browser already opened not only open one then applying the code.
*Identify the opened web browser in proper way to apply the code.
I can see that you are using an ActiveX object that is only supported by the IE browser.
This object is a Microsoft extension and is supported in Internet Explorer only.
If you are looking to automate the other browsers like Firefox, I suggest try to check Selenium web driver. I think that it is more suitable product to fulfill your requirements.
It is available to automate the browsers using many developing languages.
It looks like it is also possible to get an object of already opened browser.
See here: Can we use Selenium to work with an already open browser session?

Simple javascript detect user's device

I want to add javascript into my template to detect that every time users view my websites with what kind of device (Smartphone, tablet or PC).
Currently, I try to do it with javascript, here it is:
var smartPhone = "smartphone";
var Ipod = "ipod";
var userDevice = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
function DetectPhone()
if (userDevice.search(smartPhone) > -1)
return true;
windows.location = "/pageforphone.aspx";
function DetectIpod()
if (userDevice.search(Ipod) > -1)
return true;
windows.location = "/pageforpod.aspx";
Did I write the codes right? Honestly, no iPhone...
Of course, if these were completed with Php or Asp.net would be better, but is it true that people always turn the javascript off on their palm devices?
Also, i think iphone or ipod or any other tablets are quite similar, is it ok that i use same redev pages for those devices? Actually i am not very understanding what is the differences among them and what should i be aware when i redev my web pages.
The premise of the question, that browser-sniffing is acceptable, is false. You should never engage in browser sniffing, simply because you cannot confidently accomplish what you set out to accomplish. User Agent Strings are not immutable, and are often times changed by plugins installed on the client machine, or by the client themselves (not uncommon, since bad programmers may lock them out of a site based on their UA-String).
Rather than asking what device the user is one, you should instead be asking what functionality is the device capable of. This brings you to feature detection, where you set out to do X, test to see if the user agent is capable of doing X, and then proceed to do or not do X. For instance:
if ( !!document.createElement("video").canPlayType ) {
console.log( "HTML5 Video Supported" );
This is more reliable than trying to see if the user is on an iPhone, iPad, Windows Tablet, or HTML5 Enabled Browser. You can use tools like Modernizr to perform a lot of these tests for you - over 40 in fact.
There many mobile devices on the market + each device can have more than one browser installed. I would prefer using some library rather than funding "iPhone" in user agent string (I'm using Android phone with Opera browser myself)
For example:
http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/ - server side, has a large database of devices and features supported
http://modernizr.com - client size JavaScript library, detects which HTML5 features available on browsers (e.g. geolocation API, video, Index DB, local storage, etc.)
Both of them are regularly updated with latest mobile devices released and provide you with information which features are supported on given device
This is how I use javascript to detect iOS devices
<script type="text/javascript">
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var isiPhone = ((agent.indexOf('iphone'))!=-1)
if (((agent.indexOf('iphone'))!=-1) {
document.location = "mobile.aspx?device=iphone";
if (((agent.indexOf('ipod'))!=-1) {
document.location = "mobile.aspx?device=ipod";
if (((agent.indexOf('iPad'))!=-1) {
document.location = "mobile.aspx?device=ipad";

localStorage and 'file:' protocol not persistent, SQLite gives SECURITY_ERR

I work with RapidWeaver — Mac OS X CMS application — and it uses no server environment. It has an editor and a preview mode. The preview mode is a Webkit based renderer, and I can use 'Inspect Element', like you normally could do in Safari.
I want to store some settings for a toolbar, either using localStorage or SQLite. I have read some information about indexedDB, though I have found no concrete implementations on how to use it.
Problems with localStorage
localStorage works fine when I stay in the preview mode, when I switch between editor and preview mode the url — location.href — is slightly altered:
document-143873968-28 changes into
What I have read about localStorage, that it's basically globalStorage[location.hostname] for FireFox. As far as I know globalStorage is not supported in Safari, so I can't try that.
Problems with SQLite
When I try to open a database:
var shortName = 'mydatabase';
var version = '1.0';
var displayName = 'My Important Database';
var maxSize = 65536; // in bytes
var db = openDatabase(shortName, version, displayName, maxSize);
I get this in my console:
SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18: An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent.
That basically wraps up my question, I will appreciate any answers or comments sincerely.
Using the following solution: Implementing a WebView database quota delegate with a few modifications I was able to get it to work.
The following delegate method worked for me (place in your webViewDelegate):
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender frame:(WebFrame *)frame exceededDatabaseQuotaForSecurityOrigin:(id) origin database:(NSString *)databaseIdentifier
static const unsigned long long defaultQuota = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
if ([origin respondsToSelector: #selector(setQuota:)]) {
[origin performSelector:#selector(setQuota:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithLongLong: defaultQuota]];
} else {
NSLog(#"could not increase quota for %#", defaultQuota);
By default the database is given 0 bytes, which results in the vague error message you get above. The above method is called after an attempt is made to create a database when there is not enough space. Note that this method is defined in WebUIDelegatePrivate.h ( http://opensource.apple.com/source/WebKit/WebKit-7533.16/mac/WebView/WebUIDelegatePrivate.h ) and using may preclude you from submitting your app to the mac app store.
localStorage is a html5 mechanism to give scripts a bit more space than cookies. Safari supports it: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/SafariJSDatabaseGuide/Name-ValueStorage/Name-ValueStorage.html
I don't know offhand what, if any, path restrictions it should have for file:/// based apps.
Edit: looking into the path restrictions further, I see that what you got should work with Safari, FF recently fixed a bug that would keep it from working there: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show%5Fbug.cgi?id=507361

ActiveX write to file from JavaScript on Windows Mobile 6.5 - nothing happens

I need to persist some information in offline mode for future use. Normally I would use local storage from HTML5, but on Windows Mobile 6.5, it seems there is no browser available that would support HTML5. So I'm analysing using ActiveX to write information to the file, which could be send to the server (manually) when back online.
The following code:
function tst_write_file() {
var fnameinput = $("filename");
var fname = fnameinput.value;
var sometextinput = $("sometext");
var sometext = sometextinput.value;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var file = fso.CreateTextFile(fname, true, true);
alert("Text was written");
Is working on Windows (laptop), prompting that unsecure ActiveX requires to be run. On my IE on Windows Mobile 6.5, however, no prompt is done, no alert is shown, and I have checked in security options, that scripts are enabled.
Am I doing something wrong or this ActiveX component is not available on WM 6.5?
The Scripting object doesn't exist in Windows CE, Windows Mobile or Windows Phone.
my experience with windows mobile 5.5, 6.2 and 6.5. Scripting.FileSystemObject doesn't exist on 5.5. On 6.2 works almost perfect but file is written on the disk in different location but read the location correct. On 6.5 i tried 2 different phones. one diamond touch 2, the script works fine, but AT&T block this script. i believe in registry, but i didn't have time and balls to find out the problem

JavaScript for Chrome extension - get Windows username

I am working on a Chrome extension, where in my JavaScript function should identify the logged in Windows username.
I want to access Windows' username within JavaScript and display it in my Chrome extension web page.
I tried following <script>, this works well in IE. Is there any equivalent way possible with the Chrome browser?
function GetUserName()
var wshell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
Please let me know any built-in method to extract the username.
You're using ActiveX which is only available in IE. In my opinion you should never be able to access information like this from within a browser (and usually can't). I doubt there is a solution which functions like you want.

