AngularJS : Functions in Service doesn't work - javascript

So I'm making a service in angular but when I call it in my controller it doesn't work...
Here is the service :
app.service('AllPosts', function(){
this.posts = [
{"id":"0","username":"Simon", "age":"18"},
{"id":"1","username":"Chris", "age":"53"}
this.getPosts = function(){
return this.posts;
this.getPost = function(id){
var post={};
angular.forEach(this.posts, function(value) {
if( == id){
return post;
And in my controller I try to call it like that:
app.controller('PostsCtrl', function($scope, AllPosts){
$scope.posts = AllPosts.getPosts;
When I try to use the function .getPosts I have an empty white page but if I replace .getPosts by .posts I have my page loading right...
$scope.posts = AllPosts.posts;
What am I doing wrong guys, please?

In your code you are assigning $scope.posts to a function:
$scope.posts = AllPosts.getPosts;
You should call the function so that the result of the method call is assigned to $scope.posts:
$scope.posts = AllPosts.getPosts();
Now, $scope.posts will be assigned to the posts that are returned by the method.

I edited the code to work as a function or as a variable.
app.service('AllPosts', function(){
var posts = [
{"id":"0","username":"Simon", "age":"18"},
{"id":"1","username":"Chris", "age":"53"}
this.getPosts = function(){
return this.posts;
// or you can do this by calling it.
this.getPosts = this.posts;
// Using functional programming and arrow function.
this.getPost = function(id){
return this.posts.filter((value) => {
return == id;
In your controller:
as #Amin Meyghani and # Mike C mentioned:
app.controller('PostsCtrl', function($scope, AllPosts){
// You need to comment one of these
// to use it as a function.
$scope.posts = AllPosts.getPosts();
// or if you want to use it as avarible .
$scope.posts = AllPosts.getPosts


angularjs undefined object in service

I want to share data from controller 1 to another controller
I get an undefined error in my 2nd controller. Is anyone able to tell me whats wrong with my code?
app.service('var_transfer_service', function(){
var test_var;
return {
getVar: function () {
return test_var;
setVar: function( _test_var ) {
test_var = _test_var;
console.log(test_var);//show the object content in my console
Controller 1
app.controller('homeCtrl', function($scope,$http, $filter ,var_transfer_service){
$scope.search_item = function ($event,item){
var latt =;
var lngt = item.lng;
Controller 2
app.controller('MapCtrl',function($scope,var_transfer_service, $state, $cordovaGeolocation) {
var transferred_var = var_transfer_service.getVar();
console.log(transferred_var); //undefined object
It's undefined because it's not initialized:
var test_var;
You only set a value on the setVar function which gets called in the $scope.search_item function in the secound controller (that you never call).
What is your indented behaviour?
You used a service, but wrote a factory.
Angular services return the function instance, so put functions on the function scope, using "this".
Using service:
app.service('var_transfer_service', function(){
var test_var;
this.getVar = function () {
return test_var;
this.setVar = function( _test_var ) {
test_var = _test_var;
console.log(test_var);//show the object content in my console
Basically, angular service returns the function itself, but factory return the return value of the function - so, you wrote a factory.
So your code would work, if you will use app.factory:
app.factory('var_transfer_service', function(){
var test_var;
return {
getVar: function () {
return test_var;
setVar: function( _test_var ) {
test_var = _test_var;
console.log(test_var);//show the object content in my console

Angular scope not updating to factory value

I created a very simple factory
.factory('DatosFactory', function($http){
var datos = {}; = [];
datos.getDatos = function(){
$'php/dataHandler.php',{action:"get_datos"}).success(function(data){ = data;
return datos;
And in the Controller i set the value from "" to a scope variable
.controller('DatosController', function($http,$scope,DatosFactory){
$scope.datos =;
$scope.datoSeleccionado = {};
$scope.getDatos = function(){
$scope.mostrarDato = function(dato){
//$scope.datoSeleccionado = dato;
I need that the value of "scope.datos" updates once the post from the factory ends
Notes: I did a console.log from the factory (inside the success) and it gives me the Object correctly, also, in the controller i created a function to return the factory's value from the browser console and it also works, but when i console.log "scope.datos" it returns an empty object.
Sorry for my bad english
Just return the promise from $http to the controller
angular.module('vpmClient').factory('DatosFactory', function($http){
var datos = {}; = [];
datos.getDatos = function(){
return $'php/dataHandler.php',{action:"get_datos"});
return datos;
And in the controller you call the service
angular.module('vpmClient').controller('DatosController', function($http,$scope,DatosFactory){
$scope.datos =;
$scope.datoSeleccionado = {};
$scope.getDatos = function(){
$scope.datoSeleccionado =;
You need to use the then keyword:
$scope.getDatos = function() {
DatosFactory.getDatos().then(function(data) {
$scope.datos = data;

AngularJS sharing async data between controllers

There's quite a few topics out there covering issues with sharing data between controllers, but I havn't found any good answers for my case.
I have one controller that fetches data asynchronous using promise. The controller then makes a copy of the data to work with within that scope. I then have a second controller which I want also want to work on the same copy of data that of the first controller so they both share it.
Here's some code simplified to serve as example:
.controller('firstController', function ($scope, someService){
var vm = this;
someService.getData().then(function(data) {
angular.copy(data,; //creates a copy and places it on scope
.controller('secondController', function ($scope, someService){
var vm = this; = someService.getCurrentData(); //Triggers before the setter in firstController
.factory('someService', function(fetchService){
var _currentData = {};
var getData = function(){
return fetchService.fetchData().then(function(data) { return data; });
var getCurrentData = function(){
return _currentData;
var setCurrentData = function(data){
_currentData = data;
As the getData is async will the setCurrentData be triggered after the getCurrentData, so getCurrentData gives a different object and does not change to the correct one. I know you can solve this with broadcast and watch, but I'm trying to avoid using it if possible.
Refactor your factory to check if the _currentData variable has already been set - then you can simply use callbacks:
app.factory('someService', function(fetchService){
var _currentData = null;
var setCurrentData = function(data){
_currentData = data;
var getData = function(callback) {
if (_currentData == null) {
fetchService.fetchData().success(function(data) {
} else {
var getCurrentData = function(){
return _currentData;
Now, calling your getData service will check if the data is already got and stored, if so, use that, else go get it!
someService.getData(function(data) {
console.log(data); //yay for persistence!
I would solve in this way:
.controller('firstController', function ($scope, $rootScope, someService){
var vm = this;
someService.getData().then(function(data) {
angular.copy(data,; //creates a copy and places it on scope
.controller('secondController', function ($scope, $rootScope, someService){
var vm = this;
$rootScope.$on('myData:updated', function(event, data) { = someService.getCurrentData();

Angular js , passing object from service

'use strict';
var app = angular.module('app');
app.factory('currTripService', function() {
var currtrip ='';
setCurrTrip: function(trip){
currtrip = trip ;
getCurrTrip: function(){
return currtrip ;
app.controller('TripCreateController', function($scope, $location, Trip,currTripService) {
//The save method which is called when the user wants to submit their data
$ = function() {
//Create the forum object to send to the back-end
var trip = new Trip($scope.trip);
//Save the forum object
trip.$save(function() {
//Redirect us back to the main page
}, function(response) {
//Post response objects to the view
$scope.errors =;
$scope.trip = currTripService.getCurrTrip();
// $scope.products = productService.getProducts();
$scope.addItem = function(item) {
$scope.item = {};
When i click on /trip/new , its does the save in TripCreateController and set the trip object inside currTripService.
Then when redirected to TripDayCreateContoller the console.log(currTripService.getTrip()) , returns 'undefined'
Is it because Trip is an object ? How can i fix this ?
try this:
app.factory('currTripService', function() {
var currtrip = '';
var self = this;
setCurrTrip: function(trip){
self.currtrip = trip ;
getCurrTrip: function(){
return self.currtrip ;
When you declare a function, this scope changes so currtrip was only existing in your getter/setter functions, but not outside.
The best way to do this is to use a class. Below is a an example of a class from CoffeeScript.
class currTripService
# storage object
#data = null
# get data
get: =>
return #data
# set data
put: (data) =>
#data = data
app.factory('currTripService', currTripService)
However if you want to do this without a class method then you can instead use something that would imitate a class:
var currTripService = function () {
// storage variable
var currTrip = null
// reference to this element
var _this = this
// set this trip value
setCurrTrip: function(trip){
_this.currtrip = trip;
// get this trip value
getCurrTrip: function(){
return _this.currtrip;
app.factory('currTripService', currTripService);
Just a note: I put the function outside the factory to imitate how you'd typically call a class, but you can obviously just put all of the code in the function declaration.
app.factory('currTripService', function () {
// logic

Angular service not passing between controllers

I have two controllers on a parallel scope level I need to pass data between:
function TableRowCtrl($scope, $http, sharedProperties) {
$scope.items = sharedProperties.getProperty();
function SideNavCtrl($scope, $http, sharedProperties) {
$scope.customers = undefined;
var temp = "cats";
$http.get('data/customers.json').success(function(data) {
$scope.customers = data;
temp = "dogs";
I am trying to use a service to do this (via examples I have seen) :
angular.module('myApp', []).service('sharedProperties', function() {
var property = "Cats";
return {
getProperty: function() {
return property;
setProperty: function(value) {
property = value;
However - when I try and set the data in the SideNavCtrl http success function, it does not bubble out - the service still returns 'cats' as its value. From what I have read, services are supposed to be global, and setting data in them should be permanent (as is its purpose). What am I doing wrong, and how can I get data between these two controllers on the same scope?
The problem is your TableRowCtrl saves the result of a function in its scope variable. When the service itself changes, the value in the scope does not because at that point, it's a simple property. You can either expose your service directly in the scope or wrap $scope.items in a function instead:
function TableRowCtrl($scope, $http, sharedProperties) {
$scope.items = function() { return sharedProperties.getProperty(); };
// And in your view
{{ items() }}
function TableRowCtrl($scope, $http, sharedProperties) {
$scope.shared = sharedProperties;
// And in your view
{{ shared.getProperties() }}
Edit: Simple plunkr here
Edit #2:
If the problem is a binding that isn't updated because of an asynchronous process, you can use $scope.$apply:
$http.get('data/customers.json').success(function(data) {
$scope.customers = data;
temp = "dogs";
Edit 3:
I've recreated your $http.get and updated the plunkr and it works. Based on what you are showing in your questions, it should work using function instead of regular properties.
#SimomBelanger already identified the problem. I suggest using objects rather than primitives, then you don't need to call functions in your view:
<div ng-controller="TableRowCtrl">items={{}}</div>
<div ng-controller="SideNavCtrl">customers={{customers}}</div>
app.service('sharedProperties', function () {
var obj = {
property: "Cats"
return {
getObj: function () {
return obj;
setObjProperty: function (value) { = value;
function SideNavCtrl($scope, $timeout, sharedProperties) {
$scope.customers = undefined;
var temp = "cats";
$timeout(function () {
$scope.customers = 'some data';
temp = "dogs";
}, 2000);
function TableRowCtrl($scope, $http, sharedProperties) {
$scope.items = sharedProperties.getObj();
In the fiddle I use $timeout to simulate an $http response.
Because getObj() returns a (reference to an) object, updates to that object are automatically picked up by the view.

