Increment value in function - javascript

I want to increment my i value to save different value to local storage. But i always = 0, what can I do to change this behavior?
(function() {
var i = 0;
var storage = new Storage();
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('buttonCreate').onclick = function() {
var topicValue = document.getElementById("create-topic").value;
var statusValue = document.getElementById("create-status").value;
var descriptionValue = document.getElementById("create-description").value;
var ticket = {
topic: topicValue,
status: statusValue,
description: descriptionValue
storage.set("task-"+i, ticket);
function Storage() {
this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR = 'items';
Storage.prototype.get = function() {
var fromStorage = localStorage.getItem(this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR);
return fromStorage ? JSON.parse(fromStorage) : [];
Storage.prototype.set = function(key, items) {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(items));

Declare the var i = 0 outside of the function. Right now it is being reset to 0 every time to function is run.


How to delete an object from an array in local storage?

I'm creating a kanban board and got stuck in deleting objects from local storage. I've 3 arrays for three kanban columns and they are stored with different keys. I need to delete certain card on click and update the array in local storage.
I already can restore the items and delete the markup on click, but it's still in local storage.
Here's my working code:
var saveToStorage = function (data, key) {
var dataString = JSON.stringify(data);
localStorage.setItem(key, dataString);
var getFromStorage = function (key) {
var dataString = localStorage.getItem(key);
return JSON.parse(dataString);
var deleteFromList = function (task, list) {
for (var i in list) {
var currentTask = list[i];
if (tasksAreEqual(currentTask, task)){
list.splice(i, 1);
var tasksAreEqual = function (task1, task2) {
var task1Str = JSON.stringify(task1);
var task2Str = JSON.stringify(task2);
return task1Str === task2Str;
var createCard = function (task) {
var card = $("<div class = \"card\">");
var cardBody = $("<div class=\"card-body\">");
var cardHeader = $("<div class=\"d-flex justify-content-between align-items-start\">");
var cardText = $("<p class=\"card-text\">").text(task.message);
var btnRemove = $("<button type='button' id='remove' class='btn btn-outline-danger'>").text("x");
var btnNext = $("<button type='button' id='next' class='btn btn-outline-success'>").text("Next =>");
cardHeader.append(cardText, btnRemove);
cardBody.append(cardHeader, btnNext);
btnRemove.on("click", function(e) {
var todoList = getFromStorage("todo") || [];
var progressList = getFromStorage("progress") || [];
var doneList = getFromStorage("done") || [];
var btnAdd = $("#add-btn");
btnAdd.on("click", function () {
var taskMsg = $("#task-msg").val();
var task = {
message: taskMsg
saveToStorage(todoList, "todo");
$(function() {
var todoArr = getFromStorage("todo");
for (var i of todoArr) {
var task = i;
Save the list to localStorage when task removed
// added "return list;"
var deleteFromList = function(task, list) {
for (var i in list) {
if (tasksAreEqual(list[i], task)) {
list.splice(i, 1);
return list;
btnRemove.on("click", function(e) {
todoList = deleteFromList(task, todoList);
localStorage.setItem('todo', JSON.stringify(todoList))
$(function() {
var todoArr = getFromStorage("todo");
// prevent the error 'TypeError: todoArr is null'
if (!todoArr) return;
for (var i of todoArr) {
var task = i;

Modify payment lines pos odoo 8

someone have any idea how i should modify the payment-lines in the POS,I want to add a type of credit card(like a many2one, I did it) but every time I add a line my option change to the first and also when the order is finished not save the value in pos.order -> statement_id.
enter image description here
here is my code:
function POS_CashRegister (instance, local) {
var pos = instance.point_of_sale;
var _t = instance.web._t;
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
var round_pr = instance.web.round_precision
const ParentOrder = pos.Order;
pos.PosModel.prototype.models.push({ //loaded model
model: '',
fields: ['id', 'name'],
domain: [['pos_active','=',true]],
loaded: function(self,credit_cards){ //pass parameters
self.credit_cards = credit_cards;
pos.PaymentScreenWidget = pos.PaymentScreenWidget.extend({
validate_order: function(options) {
var self = this;
var currentOrder = self.pos.get('selectedOrder');
var plines = currentOrder.get('paymentLines').models;
for (var i = 0; i < plines.length; i++) {
if(plines[i].cashregister.journal_id[1] === 'Tarjeta de Credito (PEN)')
var value = plines[i].node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.value;
render_paymentline: function (line) {
var self = this;
if(line.cashregister.journal_id[1] !== 'Tarjeta de Credito (PEN)'){
if (line.cashregister.currency[1] !== 'USD') {
return this._super(line);
} else {
var el_html = openerp.qweb.render('Paymentline', {widget: this, line: line});
el_html = _.str.trim(el_html);
var el_node = document.createElement('tbody');
el_node.innerHTML = el_html;
el_node = el_node.childNodes[0];
el_node.line = line;
.addEventListener('click', this.line_delete_handler);
el_node.addEventListener('click', this.line_click_handler);
var sourceInput = el_node.querySelector('.source-input');
var convertedInput = el_node.querySelector('.converted-input');
sourceInput.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
convertedInput.value = el_node.line.get_amount_str();
line.node = el_node;
return el_node;
}else {
return this._super(line);
pos.Paymentline = pos.Paymentline.extend({
initialize: function(attributes, options) {
this.amount = 0;
this.cashregister = options.cashregister; = this.cashregister.journal_id[1];
this.selected = false;
this.credit_card = false;
this.pos = options.pos;
set_credit_card: function(value){
this.credit_card = value;
get_credit_card: function(){
return this.credit_card;
export_as_JSON: function(){
return {
name: instance.web.datetime_to_str(new Date()),
account_id: this.cashregister.account_id[0],
journal_id: this.cashregister.journal_id[0],
amount: this.get_amount(),
credit_card_id: this.get_credit_card(),
any suggestions?
You can create 2 journals here too. One for visa and another for master If you don't want that drop down there. Another way is you have to store selected option in a variable and then print that variable in front.
To store selected option initially assigned ids to each values of option and after then while validating order you can get that id of that field and from that id you can get your value. By this way also you can do that.

Incrementing key value to save data in localstorage

I need to increment key value when I'm saving data to localstorage because when I click button key is same for all records and record just update,doesn't creating new. I know I can do this with closures bit I'm fresh in JS and dont know how to do it correct.
(function() {
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('buttonCreate').onclick = function() {
var topicValue = document.getElementById("create-topic").value;
var statusValue = document.getElementById("create-status").value;
var descriptionValue = document.getElementById("create-description").value;
var key = 0;
var storage = new Storage();
var ticket = {
topic: topicValue,
status: statusValue,
description: descriptionValue
storage.set(key, ticket);
return (function() {
return key;
function Storage() {
this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR = 'items';
Storage.prototype.get = function() {
var fromStorage = localStorage.getItem(this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR);
return fromStorage ? JSON.parse(fromStorage) : [];
Storage.prototype.set = function(key, items) {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(items));
You need declare the variable before the function, to save the value and add 1+.
(function() {
window.onload = function() {
var key = 0; //move var key to here
document.getElementById('buttonCreate').onclick = function() {
var topicValue = document.getElementById("create-topic").value;
var statusValue = document.getElementById("create-status").value;
var descriptionValue = document.getElementById("create-description").value;
// var key = 0; remove these line
var storage = new Storage();
var ticket = {
topic: topicValue,
status: statusValue,
description: descriptionValue
storage.set(key, ticket);
return (function() {
return key;

Increment key when saving data to localStorage

I try to increment a key value when saving data to localStorage. I know I can do that through closures but I'm fresh in JS and don't know how I can do this.
(function() {
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('buttonCreate').onclick = function() {
var topicValue = document.getElementById("create-topic").value;
var statusValue = document.getElementById("create-status").value;
var descriptionValue = document.getElementById("create-description").value;
var storage = new Storage();
var ticket = {
topic: topicValue,
status: statusValue,
description: descriptionValue
storage.set("Item", ticket);
function Storage() {
this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR = 'items';
Storage.prototype.get = function() {
var fromStorage = localStorage.getItem(this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR);
return fromStorage ? JSON.parse(fromStorage) : [];
Storage.prototype.set = function(key, items) {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(items));

trying to add multiple similar objects to another object

I'm trying to write a function that adds a new "row" that has an optional "cell" to an object. Here is my code:
var init = function() {
var num = 0;
var count = 0;
var SC = {}
var rowAdd = function() {
num = num + 1
var cellstate = false;
var objCount = count + 1
var rowObj = {
number: num,
cell: cellstate
return SC.rowObj;
var initialize = function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
init(); {
}); {
SC.row1.cell = true;
This approach rewrites the row everytime i call rowAdd(). In the end I want a single object SC to contain every row, and each row should have a cell property. How can I do this?
Try this. You can just use num for objCount too and no need for cellState variable.
var init = function() {
var num = 0, SC = {}
var rowAdd = function() {
num = num + 1;
SC["row" + num] = {
number: num,
cell: false
return SC;
How about making SC an array and pushing the new row onto the array:
var SC = [];
var rowAdd = function() {
num = num + 1
var cellstate = false;
var objCount = count + 1;
var rowObj = "row" + objCount;
var rowObj = {
number: num,
cell: cellstate
return SC.push(rowObj);
You'll want to have an array object on SC to hold your rows.
var SC = { rows: [] };
And then add to it
To access

