commands in chatroom & defining words after command - javascript

Okay basically I'm trying to have a action happen of alert('hi $message'); when a user enters the command /command lewis into the chatroom; In the alert I have stated the variable $message and this is the word followed by the command; for example /command $message. I have posted my script below; so basically what I'm trying to achieve is recognise when a user types /command followed by a $message into the textarea then perform an action.
Chatroom Javascript
name ='<? echo $chat_room_username; ?>';
$("#name-area").html("You are: <span>" + name + "</span>");
var chat = new Chat();
$(function() {
// watch textarea for key presses
$("#sendie").keydown(function(event) {
var key = event.which;
//all keys including return.
if (key >= 33) {
var maxLength = $(this).attr("maxlength");
var length = this.value.length;
// don't allow new content if length is maxed out
if (length >= maxLength) {
// watch textarea for release of key press
$('#sendie').keyup(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
var text = $(this).val();
var maxLength = $(this).attr("maxlength");
var length = text.length;
// send
if (length <= maxLength + 1) {
chat.send(text, name);
} else {
$(this).val(text.substring(0, maxLength));
var instanse = false;
var state;
var mes;
var file;
function Chat () {
this.update = updateChat;
this.send = sendChat;
this.getState = getStateOfChat;
//gets the state of the chat
function getStateOfChat(){
instanse = true;
type: "POST",
url: "/rooms/process.php?room=<? echo $room; ?>",
data: {
'function': 'getState',
'file': file
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
state = data.state;
instanse = false;
//Updates the chat
function updateChat(){
instanse = true;
type: "POST",
url: "/rooms/process.php?room=<? echo $room; ?>",
data: {
'function': 'update',
'state': state,
'file': file
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
for (var i = 0; i < data.text.length; i++) {
var newdata = data.text[i].replace(/:brand/g,"<img src=\"/_img/logo1.png\"></img>");
newdata = newdata.replace(/:tipsound/g,"<audio autoplay><source src=\"/tip.wav\" type=\"audio/mpeg\"></audio>");
$select_gifs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `submited_chatroom_gifs` WHERE `staff` = '1'");
while($gif = mysql_fetch_array($select_gifs)){
newdata = newdata.replace(/:<? echo $gif['name']; ?>/g,"<img data-toggle=\"tooltip\" height=\"<? echo $gif['height']; ?>\" width=\"<? echo $gif['width']; ?>\"title=\":<? echo $gif['name']; ?>\" src=\"/_img/gifs/<? echo $gif['img']; ?>\"></img>");
<? } ?>
$('#chat-area').append($("<p>"+ newdata +"</p>"));
document.getElementById('chat-area').scrollTop = document.getElementById('chat-area').scrollHeight;
instanse = false;
state = data.state;
else {
setTimeout(updateChat, 1500);
//send the message
function sendChat(message, nickname)
type: "POST",
url: "/rooms/process.php?room=<? echo $room; ?>",
data: {
'function': 'send',
'message': message,
'nickname': nickname,
'file': file
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
$function = $_POST['function'];
$room = $_GET['room'];
$log = array();
switch($function) {
if(file_exists($room . '.txt')){
$lines = file($room . '.txt');
$log['state'] = count($lines);
$state = $_POST['state'];
if(file_exists($room . '.txt')){
$lines = file($room . '.txt');
$count = count($lines);
if($state == $count){
$log['state'] = $state;
$log['text'] = false;
$text= array();
$log['state'] = $state + count($lines) - $state;
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line)
if($line_num >= $state){
$text[] = $line = str_replace("\n", "", $line);
$log['text'] = $text;
$nickname = $_POST['nickname'];
$reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/";
$message = htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['message']));
if(($message) != "\n"){
if(preg_match($reg_exUrl, $message, $url)) {
$message = preg_replace($reg_exUrl, ''.$url[0].'', $message);
fwrite(fopen($room . '.txt', 'a'), "<p><font size=\"2px\">". $nickname . ": " . $message = str_replace("\n", " ", $message) . "</font></p>\n");
echo json_encode($log);
the alert is only for the person who wrote the command in
Thankyou for any help, and I apologise for the lengthy question.
[edit] Sorry just re-read my question and I will just try and explain what I'm trying to achieve in abit more detail. So basically when a user inputs /command lewis the script would then perform an alert('Hi Lewis');. But then if a user was to enter /command john the alert would be alert('Hi John');.
The alert would be instead of posting the message to the chatroom.


cant get concat values and php not working

So my problem is that why jquery concat is not working and also it is not posting and can't inserted into the database
I tried changing the code and read references still cant get enough
This is my jquery
var uid = $('#lname').val() + $('fname').val() + $('#datecreated').val(moment().format('YYYY'));
var datecreated = $('#datecreated').val(moment().format('YYYY'));
var fname = $('#fname').val();
var lname = $('#lname').val();
var email = $('#email').val();
var password = $('#pass').val();
var passcheck = false;
This is my ajax
if (uid && fname && lname && email && password && datecreated)
var form = $(this);
var formData = new FormData(this);
url : form.attr('action'),
type: form.attr('method'),
data: form.serialize(),
data: formData,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
this is my full code php, I dunno if the problem is with xampp or not. Im tackling this problem for 3 day straight now and I dunno where the problem is
valid['success'] = array('success' => true, 'messages' => array());
$uid = $_POST ['uid'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$fname = $_POST['fname'];
$lname = $_POST['lname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$datecreated = $_POST['datecreated'];
if ($_POST)
$sqlmail = "SELECT * FROM acc WHERE (email = '$email') AND acc_stat < 3";
$resmail = $connect->query($sqlmail);
if($resmail->num_rows > 0)
while($row = $resmail->fetch_array())
if($email === $row['email'])
$valid['messages'] = "Email address is already taken";
$valid['success'] = false;
echo json_encode($valid);
$sql = "INSERT INTO 'acc' ('uid', 'password', 'lname', 'fname', 'email', 'acc_type', 'acc_stat','date_create') VALUES ('$uid', '$pass', '$fname', '$lname', '$email', '3', '1','$datecreated')";
if($connect->query($sql) === TRUE)
$valid['success'] = true;
$valid['messages'] = "Account registration successful.";
echo json_encode($valid);
$valid['success'] = false;
$valid['messages'] = "Network connection not stable. Please try again later.";
echo json_encode($valid);
$valid['success'] = false;
$valid['messages'] = "No internet connection.";
echo json_encode($valid);
There is a small mistake in your code, please fix it and it should work fine. the error is at line
var uid = $('#lname').val() + $('fname').val() + $('#datecreated').val(moment().format('YYYY'));
chage it to var uid = $('#lname').val() + $('#fname').val() + $('#datecreated').val(moment().format('YYYY'));.
silly mistake of missing just #. one more thing, you will not receive the uid paramter in php side, just because you are not sending it with form. append it to FormData as give,
var uid = $('#lname').val() + $('#fname').val() + $('#datecreated').val(moment().format('YYYY'));.
var formData = new FormData(this);
formData.append('uid' , uid);
Now you will be able to recieve that uid parameter.
Try to use this:
var uid = $('#lname').val() + $('#fname').val() + $('#datecreated').val(moment().format('YYYY'));
var datecreated = $('#datecreated').val(moment().format('YYYY'));
var fname = $('#fname').val();
var lname = $('#lname').val();
var email = $('#email').val();
var password = $('#pass').val();
var passcheck = false;

display data js from datebase sql [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
(41 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I would like to push my value of textbox to sql and then display it.
I read a lot topics but still nothing. I have always problem to explain my problems but I hope u will see what i want to do escpecialy when u look at db2.php
var username = "<span class ='username' = >Klient: </span>";
var newMessage = $("#textbox").val();
nw = newMessage;
type: "POST",
url: "db2.php",
data: {'name': nw },
success: function (json) {
jss = json.PYT;
oss = json.ODP;
var prevState = $("#container").html();
if( prevState.length > 3){
prevState = prevState + "<br>";
$("#container").html(prevState + username + newMessage);
and my db2.php .
header('Content-type: application/json');
include 'connect.php';
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
$name = $_POST['name'];
$queryResult = $connect->query("select * from Chatbot where '$name' LIKE
$result = array();
while($pomoc = $queryResult->fetch_assoc()){
$result[] = $pomoc;
echo json_encode($result);
Now my result is {}, echo is null.
VM289:1 dsasa
I know how to get just output from ajax but if i want to push this data everything goes wrong. Best regards
UPDATE. Now I would like to get jss value out of this function to the other one.
var jss = {}; //(first line code)
var username = "<span class ='username' = >Klient: </span>";
var newMessage = $("#textbox").val();
nw = newMessage;
type: 'POST',
url: 'db2.php',
data: {
'name': nw,
success: function(data){
jss = data[0].PYT;
var jss2 = {};
var nw;
if ( event.which == 13) {
if ( $("#enter").prop("checked") ){
var username = "<span class ='username' = >Klient: </span>";
var newMessage = $("#textbox").val();
var prevState = $("#container").html();
if( prevState.length > 3){
prevState = prevState + "<br>";
$("#container").html(prevState + username + newMessage);
function send_message(message){
var prevState = $("#container").html();
if(prevState.length > 3){
prevState = prevState + "<br>";
$("#container").html(prevState + "<span class = 'bot'>Chatbot: </span>" + message);
function username(){
$("#container").html("<span class = 'bot'>Chatbot: </span>Hi!");
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("textbox").value;
function ai(message){
var jss;
message = message.toLowerCase();
nw = message;
type: 'POST',
url: 'db2.php',
data: {
'name': nw,
success: function(data){
jss = data[0].PYT;
if ((message.indexOf(jss)>=0) || (message.indexOf("?")>=0)){
send_message("Nope ");
I think this is what you need to do with your function so that you can use the jss variable properly, once the ajax request has completed:
function ai(message){
var jss;
message = message.toLowerCase();
nw = message;
type: 'POST',
url: 'db2.php',
data: {
'name': nw,
success: function(data){
jss = data[0].PYT;
if ((message.indexOf(jss)>=0) || (message.indexOf("?")>=0)){
send_message("Nope ");
Any code which relies on the jss variable must not be executed until after the ajax call has completed. Since ajax calls run asynchronously, the only way to guarantee this is for that code to be included in (or triggered from) the "success" callback function in your ajax request.

Codeigniter jquery not working inside AJAX file upload

I have an AJAX file upload code in codeigniter. The Issue is that I changed the simple form submit to file submit. But After that, JQUERY has stopped working. The response is coming success, but at the same time, ajax error function is called. I don't know what's wrong with my code.
This is my controller.
public function ajax_add() {
$config = [
'upload_path' => './assets/game_images/',
'allowed_types' => 'gif|png|jpg|jpeg'
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if ($this->upload->do_upload('image')) {
$file = $this->upload->data();
$file_name = $file['file_name'];
if ($file_name == '') {
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please upload an image.';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
echo json_encode($data);
} else {
$data['inputerror'][] = 'image';
$data['error_string'][] = $this->upload->display_errors();
$data['status'] = FALSE;
echo json_encode($data);
$data = array(
'title' => $this->input->post('title'),
'iframe' => $this->input->post('iframe'),
'status' => $this->input->post('status'),
'category_id' => $this->input->post('category_id'),
//'image' => $file_name
$insert = $this->game->save($data);
echo json_encode(array("status" => TRUE));
private function _validate() {
$data = array();
$data['error_string'] = array();
$data['inputerror'] = array();
$data['status'] = TRUE;
if ($this->input->post('title') == '') {
$data['inputerror'][] = 'title';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Game Title is required';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if ($this->input->post('iframe') == '') {
$data['inputerror'][] = 'iframe';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Game Iframe is required';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if ($this->input->post('status') == '') {
$data['inputerror'][] = 'status';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Status is required';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if ($this->input->post('category_id') == '') {
$data['inputerror'][] = 'category_id';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please select category';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if ($data['status'] === FALSE) {
echo json_encode($data);
And this is my HTML
if (save_method == 'add') {
url = "<?php echo site_url('game/ajax_add') ?>";
} else {
url = "<?php echo site_url('game/ajax_update') ?>";
var formData = new FormData($('#form')[0]);
url: url,
type: 'JSON',
data: formData,
async: false,
success: function (data)
if (data.status) //if success close modal and reload ajax table
} else
for (var i = 0; i < data.inputerror.length; i++)
$('[name="' + data.inputerror[i] + '"]').parent().parent().addClass('has-error'); //select parent twice to select div form-group class and add has-error class
$('[name="' + data.inputerror[i] + '"]').next().text(data.error_string[i]); //select span help-block class set text error string
$('#btnSave').text('save'); //change button text
$('#btnSave').attr('disabled', false); //set button enable
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
alert('Error adding / update data');
$('#btnSave').text('save'); //change button text
$('#btnSave').attr('disabled', false); //set button enable
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
type: 'POST',
url: url,
dataType: 'JSON',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

How to show bootstrap success message in ajax success method ()?

I am using following jQuery/Ajax method to validate a form. I am passing json data to the php file called add.php. Now If add.php page find any error its showing error message otherwise it's showing success message.
Now, In ajax success method I want to show bootstrap success message class if there is no error otherwise a error message class.
To this line :
$('#form_result').append('<p class="alert alert-danger">'+value+'</p>');
Now I can't determine how to check if the result is success.
Jquery/Ajax Code :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#add_zone").submit(function(e) {
url : 'add',
data : $(this).serialize(),
dataType : 'json',
type : 'POST',
beforeSend : function () {
success : function ( result ) {
$("#submit_button").val("Add New Zone");
$.each( result, function( key, value ) {
if(key !== 'error') {
$('#form_result').append('<p class="alert alert-danger">'+value+'</p>');
add.php page
if(isset($_POST['form_name']) && $_POST['form_name'] == "zone") {
if(verifyForm('zone', 'add')) {
$msg = array();
$msg['error'] = false;
$zone_name = validate_data($_POST['zone_name']);
$remark = validate_data($_POST['remark']);
$errors = array();
$check = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT zone_name FROM zone WHERE uid ='$uid' AND zone_name = '$zone_name' ");
$num_check = mysqli_num_rows($check);
if(isset($zone_name, $remark)) {
if(empty($zone_name)) {
$msg[] = 'Zone name required';
$msg['error'] = true;
} elseif($num_check > 0 ) {
$msg[] = 'Zone name already exists, choose another name';
$msg['error'] = true;
if(!empty($errors)) {
$msg[] = '<div class="alert alert-danger">';
$msg[] = '<strong>OPPS! Correct the following error(s):</strong><br/>';
foreach($errors as $er) {
$msg[] = $er.'.<br/>';
$msg['error'] = true;
$msg[] = '</div>';
if(empty($errors) && $msg['error'] === false) {
$insert = mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO zone (zone_name, uid, remark) VALUES('$zone_name', '$uid', '$remark') ");
if($insert) {
$msg[] = 'New zone added.';
} else {
$msg[] = "Can't add new zone.";
$msg['error'] = true;
echo json_encode($msg);
Don't mix output with error state:
if(isset($_POST['form_name']) && $_POST['form_name'] == "zone") {
if(verifyForm('zone', 'add')) {
$msg = array();
$msg['error'] = false;
$msg['body'] = [];
$zone_name = validate_data($_POST['zone_name']);
$remark = validate_data($_POST['remark']);
$errors = array();
$check = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT zone_name FROM zone WHERE uid ='$uid' AND zone_name = '$zone_name' ");
$num_check = mysqli_num_rows($check);
if(isset($zone_name, $remark)) {
if(empty($zone_name)) {
$msg['body'][] = 'Zone name required';
$msg['error'] = true;
} elseif($num_check > 0 ) {
$msg['body'][] = 'Zone name already exists, choose another name';
$msg['error'] = true;
if(!empty($errors)) {
$msg['body'][] = '<div class="alert alert-danger">';
$msg['body'][] = '<strong>OPPS! Correct the following error(s):</strong><br/>';
foreach($errors as $er) {
$msg['body'][] = $er.'.<br/>';
$msg['error'] = true;
$msg['body'][] = '</div>';
if(empty($errors) && $msg['error'] === false) {
$insert = mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO zone (zone_name, uid, remark) VALUES('$zone_name', '$uid', '$remark') ");
if($insert) {
$msg['body'][] = 'New zone added.';
} else {
$msg['body'][] = "Can't add new zone.";
$msg['error'] = true;
$msg['body'] = implode('',$msg['body']);
echo json_encode($msg);
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#add_zone").submit(function(e) {
url : 'add',
data : $(this).serialize(),
dataType : 'json',
type : 'POST',
beforeSend : function () {
success : function ( result ) {
$("#submit_button").val("Add New Zone");
if (result.error) {
$('#form_result').append('<p class="alert alert-danger">'+result.body+'</p>');
else {
$('#form_result') . html(result.body);

Variable getting via Ajax is empty ( Phonegap-Ajax-Json-PHP-MySQL )

I created an android application using Phonegap. I made an account in 000webhost and I've added my PHP files on the server. In the phpMyAdmin, I've created my database.
Right, now I tried to connect my project with the online database and insert or check some data in it.
When I run the application in my mobile phone i get this alert from the success: ... part of code in ajax :
There is no such username.
(my PHP had in comments all the echo, except the: echo json_encode)
When I added this line (var_dump($_POST);) right after i am getting the $usernamefrom ajax in the PHP and run my app, I saw this alert: array(1){ [\"username\"]=> string(2) \"hi"\" }
When I added these lines: if (empty($username)) { echo '...' } , after I run my app, I saw that in the alert inside the error: ... part of the ajax, it is printed the echo that is inside this if. So, the $username is empty for sure.
This is my JavaScript file: (I get correctly for sure all the values from html so Focus on the two Ajax parts of code)
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
// PhoneGap is ready
function onDeviceReady() {
var el = document.getElementById("register");
el.addEventListener("click", Register, false);
function Register() {
var username = document.getElementsByName('username')[0];
var password = document.getElementsByName('password')[0];
var email = document.getElementsByName('email')[0];
var strong_flag_user = 0;
var user = username.value;
if (username.value == "") {
document.getElementById('username').style.boxShadow = "0 0 7px #f00";
url: "",
type: "POST",
crossDomain: true,
data: { username: user },
success: function(response){
if (response.status == 'success') {
document.getElementById('username').style.boxShadow = "none";
strong_flag_user = 1;
else if (response.status == 'error') {
navigator.notification.alert("This username is already taken! Please use another one!", null, 'Username', 'Okay');
document.getElementById('username').style.boxShadow = "0 0 7px #f00";
strong_flag_user = 0;
else {
strong_flag_user = 0;
error: function(error){ //function(error){
strong_flag_user = 0;
//window.location = "main.html";
//>5 characters, 1 upper case, at least 1 lower case, at least 1 numerical character, at least 1 special character
var passExp = /(?=^.{6,15}$)((?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])|(?=.*\d)(?=.*[^A-Za-z0-9])(?=.*[a-z])|(?=.*[^A-Za-z0-9])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])|(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[^A-Za-z0-9]))^.*/;
var strong_flag_pass = 0;
if (!(password.value.match(passExp))) {
document.getElementById('password').style.boxShadow = "0 0 7px #f00";
navigator.notification.alert("Please enter a strong Password! It has to have at least: 6 characters, 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 numerical character and 1 special character!", null, 'Password', 'Okay');
strong_flag_pass = 0;
document.getElementById('password').style.boxShadow = "none";
strong_flag_pass = 1;
var emailExp = /^.+#[^\.].*\.[a-z]{2,}$/;
var strong_flag_email = 0;
if (!(email.value.match(emailExp))) {
document.getElementById('email').style.boxShadow = "0 0 7px #f00";
navigator.notification.alert("Please enter a correct Email!", null, 'Email', 'Okay');
strong_flag_email = 0;
else {
document.getElementById('email').style.boxShadow = "none";
strong_flag_email = 1;
var gender;
if (document.getElementById("gender").value == "female")
gender = 'F';
gender = 'M';
var about_you = document.getElementById("about_you").value;
var age = document.getElementById("radio-choice").value;
if (document.getElementById('radio-choice-1').checked) {
age = document.getElementById('radio-choice-1').value;
else if (document.getElementById('radio-choice-2').checked) {
age = document.getElementById('radio-choice-2').value;
else if (document.getElementById('radio-choice-3').checked) {
age = document.getElementById('radio-choice-3').value;
else if (document.getElementById('radio-choice-4').checked) {
age = document.getElementById('radio-choice-4').value;
else if (document.getElementById('radio-choice-5').checked) {
age = document.getElementById('radio-choice-5').value;
else if (document.getElementById('radio-choice-6').checked) {
age = document.getElementById('radio-choice-6').value;
if (strong_flag_user == 1 && strong_flag_pass == 1 && strong_flag_email == 1){
//add to db
register_db(email.value, password.value, username.value, gender, about_you, age);
function register_db(em, pass, user, gend, about, ag) {
url: "",
type: "POST",
crossDomain: true,
data: { username:user, password:pass, email:em, gender:gend, about_you:about, age:ag },
success: function(data)
if (data.status == 'success')
else if (data.status == 'error')
This is my PHP file in which I check if the username already exists (Username = Primary Key):
header('Content-type: application/json');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
$server = "my***";
$database = "a1****37_guideme";
$username = "a1****37_guideme";
$password = "*****";
$con = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
// if($con) { //echo "Connected to database!"; }
// else { //echo "Could not connect!"; }
mysql_select_db($database, $con);
$topost = file_get_contents('php://input');
$thedata = json_decode($topost, true);
$username = $thedata['username'];
//if (empty($username)) {
// echo 'The username is either 0, empty, or not set at all';
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as Count FROM `user` WHERE `username`='$username'";
$result= mysql_query($sql, $con);
$rows = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$count = $rows['Count'];
if (!$result) {
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
//$response_array['status'] = 'error';
//echo json_encode($response_array);
else {
if ($count == 0) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'success','message'=> 'There is no such username'));
//$response_array['status'] = 'success';
//echo json_encode($response_array);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error','message'=> 'The username already exists'));
//$response_array['status'] = 'error';
//echo json_encode($response_array);
And this is the PHP file in which I tried to insert the new entry in my database ( my credentials are for sure correct):
header('Content-type: application/json');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
$server = "mys****";
$database = "a***37_guideme";
$username = "a***37_guideme";
$password = "******";
$con = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
// if($con) { //echo "Connected to database!"; }
// else { //echo "Could not connect!"; }
mysql_select_db($database, $con);
$topost = file_get_contents('php://input');
$thedata = json_decode($topost, true);
$username = $thedata['username'];
$password = $thedata['password'];
$email = $thedata['email'];
$gender = $thedata['gender'];
$age = $thedata['age'];
$about_you = $thedata['about_you'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO user (username, password, email, gender, age, about_you) ";
$sql .= "VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email', '$gender', '$age', '$about_you')";
if (!mysql_query($sql, $con)) {
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
// $response_array['status'] = 'error';
// echo json_encode($response_array);
else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'success','message'=> 'No problem'));
// $response_array['status'] = 'success';
// echo json_encode($response_array);
My problem solved by changing the way I get the data in my PHP to -> $user = $_POST['username']; instead of the way with Json (json_decode e.t.c.).

