How to integrate a overlay help menu in my web page - javascript

I need to develop an answer box element as this in my website. Which technologies I am supposed to use to achieve this result.

It is called text editor. There are many plugin available for including text editor in your webpage.
I would suggest you to use CKEditor .

A simple search in google for html editor plugin
Edit: the link seems not to work:


Embed PDF usingHTML5 with searchable text? or need plugin?

I want to embed a PDF on my webpage that has text I would like to be searchable. Using iframe method does not seem to work (when I click inside the window, ctrl F does not let me search for it.) What is the best way for me to embed the PDF (multiple pages) so that I can search text within the PDF? Can it be done with HTMl5? Or is there some library?
I've tried the techniques on this page:
I an unable to find and match the text with Ctrl+F when I open up the website in any webbrowser on any of the PDFs. The Ctrl+F appears to only work with HTML text. Please help!
is find() what you're looking for? Please read: this SO question
Mousetrap is a library that allow you to assign shortcuts, May be it's possible to search documents using Mousetrap you might want to try Mousetrap.js project site, github and this site has some examples and maybe it's possible to find text in documents or search documents for text. Please try and read their information..
End edit
You can't do a search in PDF files with html only, you will need other technologies however you can embed a lot of file types with <embed> and display them on your pages using object, embed or frames.. if you want to search text in PDF documents, it would be better to use a php extension that is able to help you out
I hope it's helpful to you

Ace Editor - Add hyperlinks inside the editor

I am fairly new to using Ace Editor. I am trying to develop a small tool using the library and I would like to be able to add hyperlinks inside the editor.
So far I have been able to replace plain text with hyper links using:
editor.renderer.on('afterRender', function(){
// replace specific text with hyperlinks
The only thing is that the links are not clickable. I was wondering if there is anyway to make them clickable to have the behaviour I want.
Thank you in advance.
Links are not clikable because of pointer-events:none style on the editor, you can add css to override that, but it won't work on IE < 11.
Answer at uses a different way to implement links which will work on old browsers
See jsbin example at

Is there any JSP equivalent for text editor as we use in

i am designing a website where user can enter text in a formatted way, i have worked in where i have used AJAX toolkit and used HTML text editor control. i require similar kind of feature but i don't know how to achieve this feature in jsp.
As you will be answering this question you will be doing some formatting below, i just want to implement the similar kind of feature.
I couldn't show my work as this problem is what i have to solve first. Please let me know how can i do this. !
but i am talking of the answer box of stack overflow or similar
If you want a free version then use TinyMCE. It is fast and uses jquery and setting it up is really easy and you can buy it to activate other features too.
But if you want to pay for it then you can use Cute Editor, from my experience you need to buy licence per domain.
javascript editor

Javascript: ACE editor inside a FancyBox

I have an web application which displays data in text boxes/textareas (tonnes of them).
Changing this web application to use <div>s is really out of the question as it would cost more than the gain of implementing ACE.
I have tried to create an example which would load the ACE editor inside a FancyBox when clicking on the textarea/text box.
My example is here:
The problem is however that it doesn't seem like the ACE javascript can find the new this.content.
edit: Of course.. other solutions to how to make fancy text boxes/textares with ACE would also be very welcome.
I went by using $(".fancybox-inner")[0] instead of using an own <div> for this.
Like this:
Now I can click a textarea (or whatever really), and get a fancybox with the ACE editor updating the textarea.

facebook auto-expanding like box

can anyone provide me any ideas about how to import a facebook like box, in my site. I would it to seem like the one in the folowing site "". Does any of the existing javascript frameworks afford such a functionality?
Thank you in advance
It is simple Facebook social plugin called Like Box and you can get it here:
You can install it on any webpage quite easily - If you follow the instructions on the page linked above.
About the slider - It can be achieved quite easily with jQuery. Put the Like Box on some div and use jQuery animate to show it by click.

