Best way to arrange different views in a single page website - javascript

I have an app using AngularJS and Bootstrap.
The way I have arranged my different views is using ng-show. That is, views change according to button presses, etc. and enabling/disabling ng-show values.
I have a single HTML file with a lot of DIVs. All these DIVs show/dissapear.
My questions are:
Is this the usual way of doing a single page web app? I.e. have all the views in different DIV's and show/hide them as needed?
Is there a more efficient way to arrange all different views in to a more structured way than having all of them in a single HTML file?
Thank you.

If your application is quite big and you have more than two or three views, you have to use a router like ngRouter, UI Router is more powerful but more complex. This is the best solution.
If your application is rather small (two or three views), and doesn't evolve, you can use ng-switch.
Ng-if may be an option but it is less convenient.
But you should avoid ng-show, because DOM elements are always in the page and just hide.

You should really use a routing service, such as ngRouter or ui.router, because if the app becomes more complex it will become increasingly hard to maintain.
Here's one article I googled on routing and using templates in Angular.

It is very easy to show multiple pages on the single page applications on according to their menu's using Routing in angularjs.
AngularJS Single Page Template and ng.Net Template, Both are based on mvc pattern, and easy to understand. So in below have some references. Check it.


Copying bootstrap form elements from one theme to another

I'm building my first Yii2 app in bootstrap and I was looking at a few templates to base the UI in. The problem is that each one offers a few unique form elements that I like. Is it relatively easy to copy form elements from one theme to another?
For example, copying the Ui Elements > Tree View from into another template like
Depending on your experience in CSS and Javascript. I also customized on several occasions templates bootstrap changing some elements. First, it is whether you intend to do only the changes to the graphics and then only the changes to boostrap.css or if you want to supplement / modify the parts managed via javascrit. For graphics all template-type bootstrap behave the same way, then it needs to identify exactly which categories you care about and modify them with the catatteristiche want. For the part controlled by javascrit the situation is similar only the most delicate and complex.

Layout and design regarding different sections of template when using MVC and AngularJS

Im using Bootstrap and AngularJS with .Net Web API for my backend services. Im still a bit new to AngularJS. When considering the different sections of the layout, my app directive is currently at the container level named "Bottom". However, my individual views will be in the area named "main-content" (these are div boundaries).
The layout also contains an area named "sidebar" which will only be used on one page, the rest of my pages will expand "content-wrapper" from 10 to the full 12 column width of the page.
So Im trying to decide on how to use either use one layout (in terms of our MVC _layout.cshtml typically used for the template) for both types of pages, or use two separate layouts. The latter seems "cleaner", since trying to use a single layout for all scenarios seems more trouble. I think Ive used separate master pages with ASP.Net web forms in the past in these cases. Same idea here? I think this would make things cleaner also with regards to setting up the AngularJS code, as I can separate the two page types with different modules with their own controllers. Does this seem like a good approach, considering not just the mvc layout, but any impact on Angular/Javascript code?
TL;DR: Use one layout CSHTML page.
It's hard to give a confident recommendation without having a deeper knowledge of your application. Ultimately, it's your decision to make based on the information you have.
That being said, if indeed that sidebar is only used on one page, it should be considered part of that page. With that in mind, Container in the image you attached would serve as the host element for the router's view directive and the page with the sidebar will have that sidebar in its template.
If, however, the sidebar may appear on other pages in the future, I would simply hide it based on the current page with the view directive on the content-wrapper in your example. I have a similar situation in an app I'm working in which the sidebar behaves as a sort of internal navigation. If the current page does not have any sensible links to put in that sidebar, we hide it. Something like that may work for you in this case.
In either case, I would recommend against using multiple CSHTML layout pages because of the potential strangeness in the user's experience with some pages using a nice, AJAX-driven navigation and others using an old-school, "white-flash" kind of navigation.
Take a look at ui-router, which is an alternative to the default routing that Angular comes with. It allows you to have multiple views, the content of which can change based on the route. If you are used to using a templating system to layout applications pages and your pages have a generalized sort of layout (ie all pages have a top nav, a main body, and a footer, or something similar) then ui-router goes a long way towards making this much easier in Angular.

Dynamic tabs in AngularJS with routing

I want to create a tab control, which supports both static and dynamic tabs.
The dynamic tabs are of N different types, and display their contents according to some id.
I would like to do all that using routing (ui-router probably), since I would like deep linking and all the other benefits that come with it.
I've been trying to find an example on the web, but couldn't find any (I did find some questions resembling this one on other sites though, alas, they were not answered).
The closest thing I found was ui-router-extras which offer functionality that seem to be a good starting place, however, I'm still not sure if what I would like to achieve would be possible using it.
Any ideas if this is possible, any guidelines or suggestions on how to get started ?
I think the best way to create this if you have a lot of tabs would be using a controller for the tabs which has the scope for all sections you want to have, and then a view which ng-repeats through all the tabs, populating your view.
I recommend for the style that you try bootstrap's nav-tabs if they fit your design (
If you have few sections, you could just hardcode the tabs into the view, each with it's ui-sref.

Javascript MVC application design

I'm having difficulty grasping how to structure/architect a canvas application using an MVC like approach in Javascript. UI will be fairly fluid and animated, the games fairly simplistic but with heavy emphasis on tweening and animation. I get how MVC works in principle but not in practice. I've googled the buggery out of this, read an awful lot, and am now as confused as I was when I started.
Some details about the application area:
multi screen game framework - multiple games will sit within this framework
common UI "screens" include: settings, info, choose difficulty, main menu etc.
multiple input methods
common UI elements such as top menu bar on some screens
possibility of using different rendering methods (canvas/DOM/webGL)
At the moment I have an AppModel, AppController and AppView. From here I was planning to add each of the "screens" and attach it to the AppView. But what about things like the top menu bar, should they be another MVC triad? Where and how would I attach it without tightly coupling components?
Is it an accepted practice to have one MVC triad within another? i.e. can I add each "screen" to the AppView? Is "triad" even an accepted MVC term?!
My mind is melting under the options... I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here. I've got a solution already up and running without using an MVC approach, but have ended up with tightly coupled soup - logic and views and currently combined. The idea was to open it up and allow easier change of views (for e.g. swapping out a canvas view with a DOM based view).
Current libraries used: require.js, createJS, underscore, GSAP, hand rolled MVC implementation
Any pointers, examples etc., particularly with regards to the actual design of the thing and splitting the "screens" into proper M, V or C would be appreciated.
edit: ...or a more appropriate method other than MVC

Complex view logic in AngularJS

I'm curious in my exploration of AngularJS.
Sometimes views are quite complex and the logic provided by CSS and Angular templates is not enough. For example, let's say that I want to add decorative elements whose number change according to an image size.
How should I implement it in AngularJS?
Try to decompose views into directives. Directives play role of components in AngularJS.

