Jquery tab. Check if any of them is open - javascript

I have some tabs. All are collapsed by default. If the user click on a button first tab opens. I figured out that part:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#showFirstTab').on('click', function() {
var tabObj = jQuery('#podcast-tabs li:first a');
var programId = tabObj.data('programid');
jQuery('#calendar-' + programId).fullCalendar('render');
Now I need to check if any tab is open, and click again on the same button, all tabs should collapse. I was thinking in use a variable to save the state, but not sure if library provides already a solution for this.

You can first check if any tab is open, by using the tabsactivate event:
var isActive = false;
$(".podcast-tabs").on("tabsactivate", function( event, ui ) {
isActive = true;
Now, inside your click code check for that variable and if true close all tabs using option like:
if (isActive)
$("#podcast-tabs").tabs("option", "active", false);


Javascript function interacts with other function

I am completely new to javascript (and jquery) and have been experimenting with drop down menus the past couple of days. I found this one fancy notification menu, and I tried to see what happens when I have two of them on the page. Anyways, I made a quick example of my problem here:
The problem is that I can have both notification containers open up if I click on both.
If I am already clicked on one of the bells, then I click on the other, it should close the other one. Instead it keeps it open, and even when you click on the other container one, it still doesn't close it. You have to click off the page or click the notification bells. I am trying to make it to where you can only have one open at a time. So in order to do this, I tried changing the names of the functions:
As you can see:
$(function() {
var nContainer = $(".notification-popup-container");
//notification popup
$("#notification-link").click(function() {
return false;
//page click to hide the popup
$(document).click(function() {
//popup notification bubble on click
nContainer.click(function() {
return false;
I added the next function to be called test(), which you would think, since it's an entirely new function it would work differently. Instead, the error still persists.
What am I doing wrong? I even gave the the new bell it's own divs and link name. I also renamed container to container2.
Set the global variable for your container:
var nContainer = $(".notification-popup-container");
var nContainer2 = $(".notification2-popup-container");
$(function() {
var nContainer = $(".notification-popup-container");
//notification popup
$("#notification-link").click(function() {
nContainer2.hide(); //hide the second container
return false;
//page click to hide the popup
$(document).click(function() {
//popup notification bubble on click
nContainer.click(function() {
return false;
And you can do same with other function.
There is no need to give the popup containers different classnames.
I would give the a-tags a common classname instead of an id. The href can be used to identify the target popup, so the binding between the link and the target popup is set in the origin of action. The JS part would be abstracted and could be reused.
<a class='notification-link' href='#firstpopup'>X</a>
<a class='notification-link' href='#secondpopup'>X</a>
<div class='notification-popup-container' id="firstpopup">
... firstpopup
<div class='notification-popup-container' id="secondpopup">
... secondpopup
The click handler first hides all the popups before opening a new one.
$(".notification-link").click(function () {
var targetId = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
working example: http://jsfiddle.net/qyLekdwk/
The problem here is how the event propgation is handled
$(function () {
var nContainer = $(".notification-popup-container");
//notification popup
$("#notification-link").click(function () {
//page click to hide the popup
$(document).click(function (e) {
if (!$(e.target).closest('#notification-link, .notification-popup-container').length) {
$(function test() {
var nContainer2 = $(".notification2-popup-container");
//notification popup
$("#notification2-link").click(function test() {
$(document).click(function (e) {
if (!$(e.target).closest('#notification2-link, .notification-popup-container').length) {
Demo: Fiddle

How to: jQuery/JS Dialog box with checkbox on a link with click event (to go to that link)

I've been asked for a simple solution to add to links on a blog that would pop-up a warning before going to that link. Only if you agree do you go on to that link. The first solution works fine (and I got it here):
<script type="text/javascript">
function confirm_alert(node) {
return confirm("some message here");
Click Me
However, now I've been asked to have a checkbox in the pop-up that says something like "I understand" and then a button to continue. If it isn't checked or if they click outside the box (or the X close button if there is one), then it just goes back to the page they were on. If it IS checked and they click continue it goes to the URL on the link (as above).
Along with this, I need to set a browser cookie ONLY if the dialog is checked and continue hit. I've set cookie's in browser with JS before, but not attached to to an event like this, so I'm not sure how to do that either.
I've done many searches here and on the net in general and can't seem to find any examples that do this. I have found that there's no way to do this with a standard confirm dialog and would need to use jQuery and that's fine, but I still can't find an example.
Any help is much appreciated.
I haven't tested this code (I just free typed it here).
In the HTML:
<div id="agreeModal">
<input id="agree" type="checkbox" />
<button id="btnCancel">Cancel</button>
<button id="btnContinue">Continue</button>
JavaScript (in another file or in a <script> tag) :
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var agreeUrl = '';
// Get the links on the page
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a');
links.addEventListener('click', function( event ){
event.preventDefault(); //stop it from following link
agreeUrl = this.getAttribute('href'); // get the url
document.getElementById('agreeModal').style.display='block'; //show Modal
var btnContinue = document.getElementById('btnContinue');
btnContinue.addEventListener('click', function( event ) {
var cb = document.getElementById('agree');
if (cb.checked) { //if checkbox is checked goto url
location.href= agreeUrl;
var btnCancel = document.getElementById('btnCancel');
btnCancel.addEventListener('click', function( event ) {
//hide Modal
Same code in jQuery:
(function( $ ){
var agreeUrl='';
$('a').on('click', function( event ){
event.preventDefault(); //stop it from following link
agreeUrl = $(this).attr('href'); // get the url
$('#agreeModal').show(); //show Modal
$('#btnContinue').on('click', function( event ) {
if ($('#agree').prop('checked')) { //if checkbox is checked goto url
location.href= agreeUrl;
$('#btnCancel').on('click', function( event ) {
//hide Modal
})( jQuery);
Hope that helps!

Close javascript popup by clicking anywhere

I am super novice and need a quick advice. I have installed a javascript based popup plugin on my wordpress site, witch opens automatically when somebody visits the site. To close the popup the user will have to click a cross X in the corner of the popup.
I need to edit the plugin so that the user can click ANYWHERE, and the plugin will close.
Here is the javascript code I found. any tips about this?
function open_lightbox(){
//var closebut = (typeof(ujiPopups) !== 'undefined' && ujiPopups != null && ujiPopups.showclose && ujiPopups.showclose == "true") ? true : false;
onOpen: function (dialog) {
dialog.container.show('fast', function () {
autoResize: false,
autoPosition: true,
escClose: false,
zIndex: 999999,
overlayClose: false
function popups_close(){
Something like this should do it:
$(document).click(function() {
if($('#popup').is(':visible')) {
If you wish to keep the modal active on interaction with the popup itself:
$(document).click(function(e) {
if (!$(e.target).is("#popup")) {
if ($('#popup').is(':visible')) {
A simple example here: http://jsfiddle.net/wnT4G/
*Check comments for some elegant revisions by #ComFreek
I use a rather strange method, but it works:
$('.modal').show(); //show popup
$('.modal').hide(); //hide modal
$('.click-btn, .modal').click(function(e){
e.stopPropagation; // don't close modal by clicking inside modal and by clicking btn
user event
function addEvent(action) {
$("body").click(function() { action();});
function clearEvent() {
You want to do this:
$('Your selector of the popup').click(function(e)
.stopPropagation(); Will actually cancel the .click() function that was triggerd by clicking in the document.
So whenever you click anywere in the document the popup will close, except when clicked on the popup itself.
Hope this helped!
I think you just want to set overlayClose and possibly escClose to true. Your plugin probably creates an overlay on the page so users can't click anywhere else so I'm guessing overlayClose: true will get the plugin to close the dialog when the overlay is clicked.
escClose: true,
overlayClose: true
I'm not sure what plugin you're using, but this one uses a clickClose property.

X-Editable: stop propagation on "click to edit"

I have an editable element inside a div which itself is clickable. Whenever I click the x-editable anchor element, the click bubbles up the DOM and triggers a click on the parent div. How can I prevent that? I know it's possible to stop this with jQuery's stopPropagation() but where would I call this method?
Here's the JSFiddle with the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/4RZvV/ . To replicate click on the editable values and you'll see that the containing div will catch a click event. This also happens when I click anywhere on the x-editable popup and I'd like to prevent that as well.
EDIT after lightswitch05 answer
I have multiple dynamic DIVs which should be selectable so I couldn't use a global variable. I added an attribute to the .editable-click anchors which get's changed instead.
editable-active is used to know if the popup is open or not
editable-activateable is used instead to know if that .editable-click anchor should be treated like it is
$(document).on('shown', "a.editable-click[editable-activateable]", function(e, reason) {
return $(this).attr("editable-active", true);
$(document).on('hidden', "a.editable-click[editable-activateable]", function(e, reason) {
return $(this).removeAttr("editable-active");
The check is pretty much like you've described it
$(document).on("click", ".version", function() {
$this = $(this)
// Check that the xeditable popup is not open
if($this.find("a[editable-active]").length === 0) { // means that editable popup is not open so we can do the stuff
// ... do stuff ...
For the click on the links, simply catch the click event and stop it:
The clicks within X-editable are a bit trickier. One way is to save a flag on weather the X-editable window is open or not, and only take action if X-editable is closed
var editableActive = false;
$("a.editable-click").on('shown', function(e, reason) {
editableActive = true;
$("a.editable-click").on('hidden', function(e, reason) {
editableActive = false;
$("div.version").click(function(e) {
var $this;
$this = $(this);
if(editableActive === false){
if ($this.hasClass("selected")) {
} else {
Fixed Fiddle
It's not pretty, but we solved this problem with something like:
$('.some-class').click(function(event) {
if(event.target.tagName === "A" || event.target.tagName === "INPUT" || event.target.tagName === "BUTTON"){
We're still looking for a solution that doesn't require a specific list of tagNames that are okay to click on.

Detect click outside element?

Similar to this question, but taking it a step further. I would like to detect clicks outside of a set of items, which I am handling in the following way:
$('#menu div').live('click', function() {
// Close other open menu items, if any.
// Toggle the clicked menu item.
$('body').one('click', function(event) {
// Hide the menu item.
This works like a charm, unfortunately, when another menu item is open and a
second is clicked, it requires two clicks to open the second item. The first
click hides the first menu item that was open, the second shows the second menu
The "correct" behavior works in the following way:
Clicking a menu item opens it.
Clicking the same menu item (or it's children) closes it.
Clicking another menu item closes the first, opens the second.
Clicking away from (open) menu items closes them.
I have tried the following in place of the above $('body').one() order to ignore clicks on menu items with little success:
// Captures click on menu items in spite of the not.
$('*').not('#menu *').one('click', function() { // Hide menu }
$('*:not(#menu)').one('click', function() { // Hide menu }
As always, thanks for any help!
Just move the body click handler outside and do something like this:
$('body').bind('click', function(e) {
if($(e.target).closest('#menu').length == 0) {
// click happened outside of menu, hide any visible menu items
It was incorrectly pointed out in the comments that e.target does not work in IE; this is not true as jQuery's Event object fixes these inconsistencies where necessary (IE, Safari).
I wrote this a long time ago, before the glory days of jQuery...
function clickedOutsideElement(elemId) {
var theElem = getEventTarget(window.event);
while(theElem != null) {
if(theElem.id == elemId)
return false;
theElem = theElem.offsetParent;
return true;
function getEventTarget(evt) {
var targ = (evt.target) ? evt.target : evt.srcElement;
if(targ != null) {
if(targ.nodeType == 3)
targ = targ.parentNode;
return targ;
document.onclick = function() {
alert('Outside the element!');
alert('Inside the element!');

