Two ng-clicks on in same div - javascript

So I've been looking around for an answer for this but I just couldn't find the answer. So what I have is a ng-repeat of items that are in a particular class="list-items". When I click on each of the item in items, it should execute a function. Within each list I have an remove button which I would like to remove the item when clicked.
So some code for reference:
<div ng-click="executeCallback($index)" class="list-items">
<div class="item-info">
<span>some info here</span>
<button ng-click="removeItem($index)">X</button>
So I did right now, in my CSS, i tried using an position absolute on the button and a z-index of like 10000 to show that it is greater than, but when I click the removeItem button, it still calls the executeCallback function. I don't want it to call the executeCallback function.
Is there a way to have the removeItem function be called only when the remove button is clicked and not the parent class?

You can add multiple events in one ng-click.
<div ng-click="executeCallback($index)" class="list-items">
<div class="item-info">
<span>some info here</span>
<button ng-click="removeItem($index);$event.stopPropagation()">X</button>

Directives like ngClick and ngFocus expose a $event object within the scope of that expression. The object is an instance of a jQuery Event Object when jQuery is present or a similar jqLite object. Source
You can use this, directly in the HTML template, to stop its propagation by calling $event.stopPropagation(). Just add it on the button and you should be fine:
<button ng-click="removeItem($index);$event.stopPropagation()">X</button>


Google Analytics - Get nested span event click without class and id

I am using Tag manager and Anayltics 360.
My code as follows,
<div rel="ABC_Links" class="ak_widget" >
<!-- BEGIN: Widget - Links -->
<section class="mfb-30">
<div class="widget_links">
<div class="widget_container">
<div class="widget_content">
<button type="button" class="buttonShadow" onclick="'https://somepagelink.aspx); return false;">
<div class="widget_item">
<div class="widget_icon">
<div class="widget_text"><span style="overflow-wrap: normal;">ABCD TEXT</span></div>
<button type="button" class="buttonShadow" onclick="'https://somepagelink.aspx); return false;">
<div class="widget_item">
<div class="widget_icon">
<svg> 12345</svg>
<div class="widget_text"><span style="overflow-wrap: normal;">XYZ TEXT</span></div>
<!-- END: Widget Links --></div>
I have 12 buttons in this same format. Here i have given an example of two buttons.
Button name i can change later so i can not take it as hard coded for "Click Text" in tag manager.
I can use only rel= "ABC_Links" as unique identifier. I can not use any of below class as they are not unique.
I have used Custome javascript to get parent child relationship but didn't work.
I have used DOM element variable but it did not work.
Now Question is, Is there any way to trigger event in tag manager when i click on any of the button below and get the info in real time event in Anayltics 360 ???
One way to achieve this would be to create a User-Defined Custom JavaScript variable in GTM to set isABCLink=true on button click.
On the Variables screen under Built-In Variables make sure you have "Click Element" ticked.
Create a User-Defined Variable
Name: isABCLink
Type: Custom JavaScript
function() {
return {{Click Element}}.matches("div[rel=ABC_Links] button, div[rel=ABC_Links] button *");
Create a Trigger
Trigger Type: Click - All Elements
This trigger fires on: Some Clicks
Conditions: isABCLink equals true
Set up your tag firing on above trigger
Once caveat to point out is that the exact element clicked on could be the button or one of the child elements of the button such as the <svg> which might make it hard to set up your tag depending on what exactly you need.

Angular 2+ switching betweens elements, based on click

So, I'm trying to use a angular way to send the buttons created to either the #start or #finish divs, based on click on the buttons selected, so in a way they would send themselves if you may if they follow a condition, which in this case is to be either inside of the #start or #finish divs. With Jquery, I just check what's the parent of certain element, if matches one, I send it to the other, and vice versa. Now with angular, I have been looking into the whole, rendering and stuff, but my head can't just understand the overall picture, and I even though I was able to click and send the element clicked to a different div, I couldn't do it with the other buttons created, and also with the button that was first clicked, in the other div.
<div class="ui raised very padded text container segment"
<div class="ui raised very padded text container segment" #start>
*ngFor='let word of ge_array'
Does anybody know how to tackle this situation?
Renan, I would change all your plan. I have an array of element. this elements have a property "place". I will show in two div one for "plan1" and the other for "plan2".
//the .ts is like
get items1(){
return this.items.filter(it=>;
get items2(){
return this.items.filter(it=>;
//the .hmtl like
<h2>place 1</h2>
<button *ngFor="let item of items1" (click)="">{{item.word}}</button>
<h2>place 2</h2>
<button *ngFor="let item of items2" (click)="">{{item.word}}</button>
I would prefer using a getter and have "item1" and "item2". the click make that the property "place" of the item becomes 2 in place 1 and becomes 1 in place2
You can make two *ngFor over the same array also using a *ngIf like
<h1>place 1</h1>
<div *ngFor="let item of items">
<button *ngIf="" (click)="">{{item.word}}</button>
<h1>place 2</h1>
<div *ngFor="let item of items">
<button *ngIf="" (click)="">{{item.word}}</button>
and forget the getters

Ignore div click if click was on button inside div

I have a div with a button inside of it that minimizes the div. If you click anywhere else inside the div it will load details about the div. However, I don't want to load details if minimizing the div. Here is my code:
<div (click)="showDetails(key)" *ngFor="let key of keys">
<button (click)="minimize(key)">Minimize</button>
<span>The rest of the content is here</span>
When minimize is triggered, I want to ignore showDetails.
I'm not able to test it right now, but what you could try is
(click)="minimize(key, $event)"
In your component
minimize(key, event) {
Try with either one of them and see how it goes !
what you have to do is to ignore the parent click event by stopping the propagation of the event using stopPropagation()
html code :
<div (click)="showDetails(key)" *ngFor="let key of keys">
<button (click)="minimize(key,$event)">Minimize</button>
<span>The rest of the content is here</span>
ts code :
use event.stopPropagation()
to prevent the click event from bubbling up the DOM.
What i did here to get around it pretty simple where you do not need create the function/method.
<div (click)="showDetails(key)" *ngFor="let key of keys">
<button (click)="$event.stopPropagation()">Minimize</button>
<span>The rest of the content is here</span>
Hope this helps!

Angular js ng-click doesn't work in child element

I'm trying to toggle a variable on click of an element in the DOM and I'm getting some strange behaviour.
Full Example Here
Essentially if I put the ng-click on the .options div and leave the controller on the .options-tab div, the event triggers (but applies to everything inside the .options div). And for some reason I am forced to apply the ng-controller again.
<div ng-app ng-controller="Swipe" class="container">
<div class="options" ng-click="swiped=!swiped2">
<div ng-controller="Swipe" class="options-tab" ></div>
If I put it on the element that I want it on, it doesn't trigger the event.
<div ng-app ng-controller="Swipe" class="container">
<div class="options">
<div ng-controller="Swipe" class="options-tab" ng-click="swiped=!swiped2"></div>
You had a few issues:
Multiple controller declarations creating duplicate scopes
ng-click="swiped1=!swiped1" on both the options and options-tab elements (it was being set and then reversed immediately)
Your 2nd example was set to ng-click="swiped=!swiped2" instead of ng-click="swiped2=!swiped2"
Updated working fiddle:

Is there a simple Javascript command that targets another object?

I have a page with two divs in it, one inside the other like so:
<div id='one'>
<div id='two'></div>
I want div one to change class when it is clicked on, then change back when div two is selected.
I'm completely new to javascript, but I've managed to find a simple command that makes div one change when I click it.
<div id='one' class='a' onclick="this.className='b';">
<div id='two'></div>
Now I just need an equally simple way to change div one back when number two is clicked.
I've tried changing "this.className" to "one.classname," and for some reason that worked when I was working with images, but it doesn't work at all with divs
<div id='one' class='a' onclick="this.className='b';">
<div id='two' onclick="one.className='a';">
This does not work.
Essentially I'm wondering if there is a substitute for the javascript "this" that I can use to target other elements.
I've found several scripts that will perform the action I'm looking for, but I don't want to have to use a huge, long, complicated script if there is another simple one like the first I found.
You can use document.getElementById
<div id='two' onclick="document.getElementById('one').className='a'; return false;">
This does not work.
This would work:
document.getElementById('one').className = 'a';
you could get the element by id with:

