Javascript add row to HTML table with text and onClick - javascript

i am adding a new table row in javascript:
var i=1;
function addRow(seq, nominalcode, description, quantity, unitprice) {
seq = seq || '';
nominalcode = nominalcode || '';
description = description || '';
quantity = quantity || '';
unitprice = unitprice || '';
var tbl = document.getElementById('table1');
var lastRow = tbl.rows.length - 4;
//var iteration = lastRow - 1;
var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow); = 'item_row_' + i;
var Cell0 = row.insertCell(0);
var elItemSequence = document.createElement('input');
elItemSequence.type = 'hidden'; = 'item_sequence' + i; = 'item_sequence' + i;
elItemSequence.value = seq;
var elNominalcode = document.createElement('input');
elNominalcode.type = 'textarea';
elNominalcode.className = 'form-control'; = 'nominal_code' + i; = 'nominal_code' + i;
elNominalcode.placeholder = 'Nominal Code';
elNominalcode.value = nominalcode;
var Cell1 = row.insertCell(1);
var elDescription = document.createElement('textarea');
elDescription.type = 'textarea';
elDescription.className = 'form-control'; = 'description' + i; = 'description' + i;
elDescription.placeholder = 'Description';
elDescription.value = description;
elDescription.cols = 40;
elDescription.rows = 2;
var Cell2 = row.insertCell(2);
var elQuantity = document.createElement('input');
elQuantity.type = 'text';
elQuantity.className = 'form-control'; = 'quantity' + i; = 'quantity' + i;
elQuantity.placeholder = 'Quantity';
elQuantity.value = quantity;
elQuantity.value = quantity;
Cell2 .appendChild(elQuantity);
var Cell3 = row.insertCell(3);
var elUnitPrice = document.createElement('input');
elUnitPrice.type = 'text';
elUnitPrice.className = 'form-control'; = 'unitprice' + i; = 'unitprice' + i;
elUnitPrice.placeholder = 'Price';
elUnitPrice.value = unitprice;
var Cell4 = row.insertCell(4);
var elDelete = document.createElement('a');
elDelete.href = '#';
elDelete.onclick = function(){ DeleteInvoiceLine(seq, i) };
elDelete.text = 'Delete' + i;
document.getElementById('numrows').value = (i-1);
in the above code there is an onClick action which calls a function
but everytime the row is added its running the function, how can i make it only call the function on click of the a anchor
my function is:
function DeleteInvoiceLine(seq, row_num) {
alert(seq + '/' + row_num);

You can try anonymous function
elDelete.onclick = function(){ DeleteInvoiceLine(seq) };

Try this:
elDelete.setAttribute("onclick", "DeleteInvoiceLine("+ seq +","+ i +")");

There are several issues in your code.
1. elDelete.onclick=... not onClick
2. As you note DeleteInvoiceLine(seq) run at the moment the element created.
This is because you assign result of the function, not function to onclick event.
3. (not asked yet) What is sec variable? I suspect something like for(var sec=0;sec<N;sec++) and your code is inside the loop. This will not work (see
4. elDelete.onclick = function(){ DeleteInvoiceLine(seq) }; doesn't work because sec is out of scope at the moment of click.
Some fixes.
var i = 0;
for(var sec=0;sec<N;sec++){
//your code
elDelete.onclick = DeleteInvoiceLine(seq, i);//I keep it with purpose
//your code
//The key moment
function DeleteInvoiceLine(seq, row_num){
//sec comes here from the loop
return function(){//note (); (sec) would kill all construction
//and in this context would be **event {type:'click'}
//your code which uses **sec** and/or **row_num**
//this time sec and row_num are available from parent scope
}//return function
}//function DeleteInvoiceLine


CheckBox for all and for single does not work correctly

I am trying to make an array of listing using checkbox function, the function checks if the all checkbox is clicked then put all listings in the array, if it is clicked to uncheck it pulls all array values, and if a single listing is checked it adds to the array , and if its unchecked when its single or all listing values its value from the array is taken out. Yet on the first run if all selected i cant remove a single value by selecting one checkbox, and after all are checked and unchecked i cant add a single value into array by checking a single option.
var lstsToEdit = [];
$(".tab-listings-selection").on("click", function() {
var lstType;
if( == "mnLstAct") lstType = "act";
if( == "mnLstInact") lstType = "inact";
if( == "mnLstDraft") lstType = "draft";
document.getElementById("mnLstAct").style.fontWeight = "normal";
document.getElementById("mnLstInact").style.fontWeight = "normal";
document.getElementById("mnLstDraft").style.fontWeight = "normal"; = "bold";
function lstDisplay(type){
document.getElementById("main").innerHTML = "";
var tblLsts = document.createElement("table");
tblLsts.setAttribute("id", "tblLsts");
var tblLstsHRow = tblLsts.insertRow(0);
var tblLstsHThumb = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(0);
var tblLstsHTitle = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(1);
var tblLstsHStock = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(2);
var tblLstsHPrice = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(3);
var tblLstsHExpiry = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(4);
var tblLstsHSection = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(5);
var tblLstsHAll = tblLstsHRow.insertCell(6);
tblLstsHThumb.outerHTML = "<th></th>";
tblLstsHTitle.outerHTML = "<th>Title</th>";
tblLstsHStock.outerHTML = "<th>In Stock</th>";
tblLstsHPrice.outerHTML = "<th>Price</th>";
tblLstsHExpiry.outerHTML = "<th>Expiry</th>";
tblLstsHSection.outerHTML = "<th>Section</th>";
tblLstsHAll.outerHTML = "<th>All<input id=\"lstsAllChk\" class=\"lstChk\" type=\"checkbox\"/></th>";
var lstThumb = [];
var listings;
if (type == "act") lsts = lstAct;
if (type == "inact") lsts = lstInact;
if (type == "draft") lsts = lstDraft;
for (var lstIndex = 1; lstIndex < lsts.results.length+1; lstIndex++){
var lst = lsts.results[lstIndex-1];
var row = document.getElementById("tblLsts").insertRow(lstIndex);
var colThumb = row.insertCell(0);
var colTitle = row.insertCell(1);
var colStock = row.insertCell(2);
var colPrice = row.insertCell(3);
var colExpiry = row.insertCell(4);
var colSection = row.insertCell(5);
var colSelect = row.insertCell(6);
var lstJ = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: "listings/" + lst.listing_id + ".json", async: false}).responseText);
colThumb.innerHTML = "<img src=\"" + lstJ.results[0].url_75x75 +"\">";
colTitle.innerHTML = lst.title;
colStock.innerHTML = lst.quantity;
colPrice.innerHTML = lst.price;
colSelect.innerHTML = "<input id=\"" + lst.listing_id + "\" class=\"lstChk\" type=\"checkbox\"/>";
for (var secIndex = 0; secIndex < sects.results.length; secIndex++){
if (sects.results[secIndex].shop_section_id == lst.shop_section_id)
colSection.innerHTML = sects.results[secIndex].title;
$(".lstChk").on("click", function() {
if( == "lstsAllChk" && this.checked){
for(var lstIndex = 0; lstIndex < document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk").length; lstIndex++){
var lstId = document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk")[lstIndex].id;
//if(lstsToEdit.findIndex( function(value){ value == lstId;}) == -1){;
else if( == "lstsAllChk" && !this.checked){
for(var lstIndex = 0; lstIndex < document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk").length; lstIndex++){
var lstId = document.querySelectorAll(".lstChk")[lstIndex].id;
$("#"+lstId).prop("checked", false);
var index = lstsToEdit.findIndex( function(value){ value == lstId;});
lstsToEdit.splice(index, 1);
else if(this.checked) lstsToEdit.push(;
else {
var index = lstsToEdit.findIndex( function(value){ value ==;});
lstsToEdit.splice(index, 1);
if(lstsToEdit.length > 0) document.getElementById("lstEdit").style.display = "block";
else document.getElementById("lstEdit").style.display = "none";
table sort js
$("th").on("click", function() {
var table = this.closest("table");
var selection = $(this).text();
var col = this.cellIndex;
var tbl = [];
var order = [];
for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < table.rows.length; rowIndex++){
if (rowIndex > 0){
for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < table.rows[rowIndex].cells.length; colIndex++){
if (colIndex == col){
for (var rowIndex = table.rows.length-1; rowIndex > 0; rowIndex--){
var reA = /[^a-zA-Z]/g;
var reN = /[^0-9]/g
order.sort (function (a,b){
var aA = a[0].replace(reA, "").toLowerCase();
var bA = b[0].replace(reA, "").toLowerCase();
if(aA == bA) {
var aN = parseInt(a[0].replace(reN, ""), 10);
var bN = parseInt(b[0].replace(reN, ""), 10);
return aN == bN ? 0 : aN > bN ? 1 : -1;
} else {
return aA > bA ? 1 : -1;
for (var orderIndex = 0; orderIndex < order.length; orderIndex++){
var row = table.insertRow(orderIndex + 1);
for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < tbl[orderIndex].length; colIndex++){
var cell = row.insertCell(colIndex);
var index = order[orderIndex][1];
cell.innerHTML = tbl[index][colIndex];
<script src=""></script>
include 'menu.php';
include 'shopJson.php';
<div id="lstEdit">edit</div>
<div id="main"></div>
var lstActURL = "listings/active.json";
var lstInactURL = "listings/inactive.json";
var lstDraftURL = "listings/draft.json";
var sectURL = "listings/sect.json";
var lstAct = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: lstActURL, async: false}).responseText);
var lstInact = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: lstInactURL, async: false}).responseText);
var lstDraft = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: lstInactURL, async: false}).responseText);
var sects = JSON.parse($.ajax({url: sectURL, async: false}).responseText);
$("#mnLstAct").append("(" + lstAct.results.length + ")");
$("#mnLstInact").append("(" + lstInact.results.length + ")");
$("#mnLstDraft").append("(" + lstDraft.results.length + ")");
document.getElementById("mnLstAct").style.fontWeight = "bold";
The JQuery .attr() method correlates to the actual attributes of a DOM element. However, from the JavaScript perspective, many elements have DOM properties that seem like they are the same as their HTML attribute counterparts, but are not because the property is updated in memory, while the attribute change updates the DOM. Sometimes, there are properties that don't even have an attribute counterpart (i.e. selectedIndex on select elements).
The point is that you have thess lines:
$("#"+lstId).attr("checked", true);
$("#"+lstId).attr("checked", false);
Where you are attempting to force an element to be checked, but that may not correlate to what you get when you check the checked property.
To account for this, use the prop() method instead of the .attr() method:
$("#"+lstId).prop("checked", true);
$("#"+lstId).prop("checked", false);
See the documentation for .prop() for details and a comparison between attributes and properties.

Pass contextual variable to onclick event handler as argument

*This is happening inside a larger block of code, in a for loop. See end of post for entire loop.
I've read all of the posts that seem to be about this subject, but I'm still lost.
I'm trying to assign an onclick event to a checkbox. The function being assigned to the onclick event needs to have access to a variable that is available in the scope where the checkbox is defined (idvariable).
var idvariable = parentChildList[i].children[j]["subjectid"];
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "checkbox";
input.value = "";
input.onclick = function () {
return clicked(idvariable);
function clicked(id) {
I've tried every variation of inline and named functions, but I can't figure out how to give the clicked function access to idvariable. In this example above, the value of that variable is undefined.
Or, if I try it with this way:
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "checkbox";
input.value = "";
var idvariable = parentChildList[i].children[j]["subjectid"];
input.onclick = function (idvariable) {
return clicked(idvariable);
function clicked(id) {
I get an alert that says [object MouseEvent]. Same with the following where I removed the () from the method name I'm assigning to the onclick event:
var idvariable = parentChildList[i].children[j]["subjectid"];
input.onclick = function () {
return clicked;
function clicked(id) {
return alert(id);
*entire loop:
for (var i = 0; i < parentChildList.length; i++) {
var row = table1.insertRow(-1);
var cell = row.insertCell(0);
cell.innerHTML =
"<h4 class=\"panel-title\"><a data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-parent=\"#accordion\" href=\"#collapse" + i + "\">" + parentChildList[i]["title"] + "</a></h4>";
if (parentChildList[i].children.length > 0) {
var row2 = table1.insertRow(-1);
var cell2 = row2.insertCell(0);
var table2 = document.createElement("table");
table2.className = "collapse"; = "collapse" + i;
for (var j = 0; j < parentChildList[i].children.length; j++) {
var row3 = table2.insertRow(-1);
var cell3 = row3.insertCell(0);
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "checkbox";
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.innerText = parentChildList[i].children[j]["title"];
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "checkbox";
input.value = "";
input.setAttribute('subj', idvariable);
var idvariable = parentChildList[i].children[j]["subjectid"];
input.onclick = function () {
return clicked(this.getAttribute('subj'));
function clicked(id) {
return alert(id);
}; = "0px 0px 0px 10px"; = "x-small";
label.insertBefore(input, label.childNodes[0]);
onclick handler receives Event object. If a handler attached as elem.onclick=handler then the element is available inside the handler as this. So this is workaround.
var idvariable = parentChildList[i].children[j]["subjectid"];
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "checkbox";
input.value = "";
input.setAttribute('data-subj', idvariable);
input.onclick = function () {
return clicked(this.getAttribute('data-subj'));
function clicked(id) {
You will have to append the checkbox to some existing element first, using the following code.
var element = document.getElementById("one").appendChild(input);
Then you can get the parent by using something like the following...
var x = document.getElementById("someId").parentElement;
where x will contain the parent element.
This link is about custom data in an event (custom event). Hope that helps.

adding focus on a runtime generated input box using javascript

hi i have a form which dynamically generates a table row on a button click using javascript
everything is working fine but now i want to add focus on a newly generated input box in my table row so can anyone help in this?
here is my script
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var jj=1;
function addRow()
var tbl = document.getElementById('zimtable');
var lastRow = tbl.rows.length;
var iteration = lastRow - 1;
var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow);
var firstCell = row.insertCell(0);
var el = document.createElement('input');
el.type = 'text'; = 'zimname_' + jj; = 'zimname_' + jj;
el.size = 40;
el.maxlength = 40;
var secondCell = row.insertCell(1);
var el2 = document.createElement('input');
el2.type = 'text'; = 'zimmob_' + jj; = 'zimmob_' + jj;
el2.size = 10;
el2.maxlength = 10;
var thirdCell = row.insertCell(2);
var element4 = document.createElement("select"); ='zim_'+jj;
var option1 = document.createElement("option");
var option2 = document.createElement("option");
option2.value='MUQAMI HAZRAT';
option2.innerHTML='MUQAMI HAZRAT';
var option3 = document.createElement("option");
var fourthCell = row.insertCell(3);
var el3 = document.createElement('input');
el3.type = 'text'; = 'zemail_' + jj; = 'zemail_' + jj;
el3.size = 40;
el3.maxlength = 40;
// alert(i);
// alert(jj);
i want to add focus on my first input box in my generated table row
Change the line:
try this

Javascript function not recognizing id in getElementById

I am adding a row to a table, and attached an ondblclick event to the cells. The function addrow is working fine, and the dblclick is taking me to seltogg, with the correct parameters. However, the var selbutton = document.getElementById in seltogg is returning a null. When I call seltogg with a dblclick on the original table in the document, it runs fine. All the parameters "selna" have alphabetic values, with no spaces, special characters, etc. Can someone tell me why seltogg is unable to correctly perform the document.getElementById when I pass the id from addrow; also how to fix the problem.
function addrow(jtop, sel4list, ron4list) {
var tablex = document.getElementById('thetable');
var initcount = document.getElementById('numrows').value;
var sel4arr = sel4list.split(",");
var idcount = parseInt(initcount) + 1;
var rowx = tablex.insertRow(1);
var jtop1 = jtop - 1;
for (j = 0; j <= jtop1; j++) {
var cellx = rowx.insertCell(j); = "1px solid blue";
var inputx = document.createElement("input");
inputx.type = "text";
inputx.ondblclick = (function() {
var curj = j;
var selna = sel4arr[curj + 2];
var cellj = parseInt(curj) + 3; = "cell_" + idcount + "_" + cellj;
var b = "cell_" + idcount + "_" + cellj;
return function() {
seltogg(selna, b);
} //end j loop
var rowCount = tablex.rows.length;
document.getElementById('numrows').value = rowCount - 1; //dont count header
} //end function addrow
function seltogg(selna, cellid) {
if (selna == "none") {
document.getElementById('x').value = cellid; //setting up for the next function
var selbutton = document.getElementById(selna); //*****this is returning null
if ( != 'none') { //if it's on = 'none';
} //turn it off
else { //if it's off = '';
} //turn it on
} //end of function seltogg
You try, writing this sentence:
document.getElementById("numrows").value on document.getElementById('numrows').value
This is my part the my code:
document.getElementById("sorpara").innerHTML+="<li id=\"inputp"+contapara+"_id\" class=\"ui-state-default\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s\"></span>"+$('#inputp'+contapara+'_id').val()+"</li>";
Look you have to use this " y not '.

Animating adding a table row (JavaScript + jQuery)

I've written some code to add a table row which you can see below.
function addRow(pos) {
// Insert new HTML table row
var tblObj = document.getElementById('questionTbl');
var newRow = tblObj.insertRow(pos + 1);
// Add new table cells
var newCell1 = newRow.insertCell(0);
newCell1.innerHTML = 'one';
var newCell2 = newRow.insertCell(1);
newCell2.innerHTML = 'two';
var newCell3 = newRow.insertCell(2);
newCell3.innerHTML = 'three';
var newCell4 = newRow.insertCell(3);
newCell4.innerHTML = 'four';
var newCell5 = newRow.insertCell(4);
newCell5.innerHTML = 'five';
var newCell6 = newRow.insertCell(5);
newCell6.innerHTML = 'six';
var newCell7 = newRow.insertCell(6);
newCell7.innerHTML = 'seven';
I have since added the jQuery library as I wanted some functionality that I haven't forseen (otherwise I would've done the Add Row stuff in query). = "row_" + (pos + 1);
newRow.className = "hide";
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#row_" + (pos + 1)).switchClass("hide", "show-row");
The adding of the row works, but it doesn't animate. There is a delay in it appearing (which I guess would be the time it takes to animate).
Does anyone know why the animation isn't working?
Try this
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#row_" + (pos + 1)).removeClass("hide").addClass("show-row").hide().show('slow');
Try this:
function addRow(pos) {
// Insert new HTML table row
var tblObj = document.getElementById('questionTbl');
var newRow = tblObj.insertRow(pos + 1);
// Add new table cells
var newCell1 = newRow.insertCell(0);
newCell1.innerHTML = 'one';
var newCell2 = newRow.insertCell(1);
newCell2.innerHTML = 'two';
var newCell3 = newRow.insertCell(2);
newCell3.innerHTML = 'three';
var newCell4 = newRow.insertCell(3);
newCell4.innerHTML = 'four';
var newCell5 = newRow.insertCell(4);
newCell5.innerHTML = 'five';
var newCell6 = newRow.insertCell(5);
newCell6.innerHTML = 'six';
var newCell7 = newRow.insertCell(6);
newCell7.innerHTML = 'seven'; = "row_" + (pos + 1);
newRow.className = "hide";
$("#row_" + (pos + 1)).switchClass("hide", "show-row");
$(document).ready(function() { ... } should be used when you need code executed as soon as the DOM is ready to be manipulated, basically the function passed to the ready function is executed on page load. The original jQuery code would never execute as the function was attached to the ready event after the ready event had already been fired.

