How to get scope of grid - javascript

I am creating a grid inside one penal. Now I wanted to access this grid and for that I am writing a function.
which is like this.
function getGrid(obj, store){
Here obj is grid and store is store.
But I don't know where to write. How to get the correct scope.
my Store and Grid code is
var myData = [
['FFPE Slide',2,'eSample'],
['Whole Blood',2,'eSample']
// create the data store
var myStor = new{
fields: [
{name: 'Stu'},
{name: 'Sub'},
{name: 'Excl'}
xtype: 'panel',
items: [{
title:"Panel Header",
tbar: this.desToolbar
xtype :'grid',
selType: 'checkboxmodel',
frame: true,
store: myStor,
autoHeight: true,
stripeRows: true,
columns: [
text: 'Study',
id: 'Sd',
header: 'Study',
width: 130,
sortable: false,
hideable: false,
dataIndex: 'Stu'
text: 'Subject',
width: 130,
header: 'Subject',
dataIndex: 'Sub',
text: 'Exclude',
width: 130,
header: 'Exclude',
dataIndex: 'Excl',
Thanks for help !!

You can get the grid using getCmp function & after getting the grid you can call getStore on it to get its store:
var obj=Ext.getCmp('COHART_GRID');
var store=obj.getStore();

1) Dont Use getCmp() use Component query.
2) Change id to itemID in the Grid declaration.
xtype :'grid',
itemId: 'COHART_GRID',
selType: 'checkboxmodel',
frame: true,
store: myStor,
autoHeight: true,
stripeRows: true,
3) store = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#COHART_GRID')[0].getStore().
4) can you access your grid and Store in the Controller.


Unable to select fields in the grid Sencha Extjs

I have a datagrid in my code and I am hoping to click through the text and copy it to clipboard but the app is not letting me copy it. Here is some code. Not sure how to enable selection.
Ext.define('xxxxx', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.xxxxxx',
requires: [
xtype : 'gridpanel',
viewConfig: {
enableTextSelection : true
itemId: 'gridId',
ui: 'uipanel-default',
cls: 'uigridpanel-body uigridpanel-column someSummaryGridCls',
header: false,
The enableTextSelection field is set to true and still it doesn't work.
Some code from the DataGrid
initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
columns: [{
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
draggable: false,
itemId: 'iDColmn',
width: '8%',
autoSizeColumn: true,
dataIndex: 'id',
name: 'id',
text: 'ID',
tdCls: 'gridcellwrap',
menuDisabled: true,
stateId : 'id'
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
draggable: false,
itemId: 'testColmn',
width: '15%',
tdCls: 'gridcellwrap',
autoSizeColumn: true,
dataIndex: 'test',
name: 'test',
text: 'Test',
menuDisabled: true,
stateId: 'test'
You put "enableTextSelection" to the wrong place in your code. That config parameter is tied to columns, not to the grid view.
So, you must use it in your column objects starting with xtype:"gridcolumn". You can enable text selection, for each column separately

Tab/Vbox layout

I have an app that uses a Tab layout with the same grid panel shared as an xtype widget between each form panel bound to each tab.
My Main tab layout is as follows:
Ext.define('cardioCatalogQT.view.main.Main', {
extend: '',
xtype: 'main-view',
controller: 'main-view',
requires: [
style: 'background-color:#dfe8f5;',
width: '100%',
height: 400,
layout: 'vbox',
defaults: {
bodyPadding: 5
items: [{
region: 'south',
xtype: 'form',
itemId: 'Ajax',
flex: 1,
styleHtmlContent: true,
xtype: 'image',
src: 'resources/images/R3D3.png',
height: 50,
width: 280
title: 'Ad Hoc Sandbox for Cohort Discovery'
}] ,
text: 'Initiate advanced request',
xtype: 'button',
handler: function(button){
var url = 'https://url_here';
xtype: 'resultsGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'searchGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'demographicGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'vitalGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'labGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'diagnosisGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'medicationGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'procedureGrid'
//disabled: true
xtype: 'queryGrid'
//disabled: true
The individual tabs that share the same grid widget (specifically, demographicGrid, vitalGrid, labGrid, diagnosisGrid, procedureGrid and medicationGrid, each referenced by xtype in the main view) look like:
* Widget with template to render to Main view
Ext.define('cardioCatalogQT.view.grid.DemographicGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
alias: 'widget.demographicGrid',
itemId: 'demographicGrid',
store: 'Payload',
requires: [
config: {
variableHeights: false,
title: 'Demographics',
xtype: 'form',
width: 200,
bodyPadding: 10,
defaults: {
anchor: '100%',
labelWidth: 100
// inline buttons
dockedItems: [ {
xtype: 'toolbar',
height: 100,
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Constrain sex',
itemId: 'showSex',
hidden: false,
listeners: {
click: function (button) {
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Hide sex constraint',
itemId: 'hideSex',
hidden: true,
listeners: {
click: function (button) {
},{ // Sex
xtype: 'combo',
itemId: 'sexValue',
queryMode: 'local',
editable: false,
value: 'eq',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
fieldLabel: 'Select sex',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'value',
hidden: true,
store: {
fields: ['name', 'value'],
data: [
{name: 'female', value: 'f'},
{name: 'male', value: 'm'}
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Constrain age',
itemId: 'showAge',
hidden: false,
listeners: {
click: function (button) {
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Hide age',
itemId: 'hideAge',
hidden: true,
listeners: {
click: function (button) {
}, { // Age
xtype: 'combo',
itemId: 'ageComparator',
queryMode: 'local',
editable: false,
value: '',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
fieldLabel: 'Select age that is',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'value',
hidden: true,
store: {
fields: ['name', 'value'],
data: [
{name: '=', value: 'eq'},
{name: '<', value: 'lt'},
{name: '<=', value: 'le'},
{name: '>', value: 'gt'},
{name: '>=', value: 'ge'},
{name: 'between', value: 'bt'}
listeners: {
change: function(combo, value) {
// use component query to toggle the hidden state of upper value
if (value === 'bt') {
} else {
xtype: 'numberfield',
itemId: 'ageValue',
fieldLabel: 'value of',
value: '',
hidden: true
xtype: 'numberfield',
itemId: 'upperAgeValue',
fieldLabel: 'and',
hidden: true
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Constrain race/ethnicity',
itemId: 'showRace',
hidden: false,
listeners: {
click: function (button) {
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Hide race/ethnicity constraint',
itemId: 'hideRace',
hidden: true,
listeners: {
click: function (button) {
},{ // Race
xtype: 'combo',
itemId: 'raceValue',
queryMode: 'local',
editable: false,
value: 'eq',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
fieldLabel: 'Select race',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'value',
hidden: true,
store: {
fields: ['name', 'value'],
data: [
{name: 'female', value: 'f'},
{name: 'male', value: 'm'}
//minWidth: 80,
text: 'Add to search',
xtype: 'button',
itemId: 'searchClick',
handler: 'onSubmitDemographics'
The only difference between each of the form panels in the tabs are the item components. Each of these form panels references an xtype of 'searchGrid' and renders it like in the attached image:
The problem is that I have 6-instances of this same grid. This works for the most part, but it is causing some issues related to getting control of the checkboxes in my grid along with some bizarre grid store load behaviors, and honestly, keeping track of components using this anti-pattern is a PITA.
I would like to somehow have a single instance of my searchGrid in a lower vertical panel, while an upper vertical panel has the item components I need to change according to the requirements for each tab. An example of how the item controls vary is
My desired behavior is that when I click on a tab, the upper item components would take me to a different form panel, while the lower panel stay fixed on the search grid.
However, I currently have the searchGrid bound to each tab's form panel, since that is the only way I could get this to work.
The searchGrid grid panel looks like:
Ext.define('cardioCatalogQT.view.grid.Search', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
xtype: 'framing-buttons',
store: 'Payload',
itemId: 'searchGrid',
requires: [
columns: [
{text: "ID", width: 50, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'id'},
{text: "Type", width: 120, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'type'},
{text: "Key", flex: 1, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'key'},
{text: "Criteria", flex: 1, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'criteria'},
{text: "DateOperator", flex: 1, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'dateComparatorSymbol'},
{text: "When", flex: 1, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'dateValue'},
{text: "Count", flex: 1, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'n'}
columnLines: true,
selModel: {
type: 'checkboxmodel',
listeners: {
selectionchange: 'onSelectionChange'
// When true, this view acts as the default listener scope for listeners declared within it.
// For example the selectionModel's selectionchange listener resolves to this.
defaultListenerScope: false,
// This view acts as a reference holder for all components below it which have a reference config
// For example the onSelectionChange listener accesses a button using its reference
//referenceHolder: true,
// inline buttons
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock: 'bottom',
ui: 'footer',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
}, {
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [{
//reference: 'andButton',
text: 'AND',
itemId: 'andButton',
tooltip: 'Add the selected criteria as AND',
iconCls: 'and',
disabled: true,
handler: 'onCriterionAnd'
//reference: 'orButton',
text: 'OR',
itemId: 'orButton',
tooltip: 'Add the selected criteria as OR',
iconCls: 'or',
disabled: true,
handler: 'onCriterionOr'
//reference: 'notButton',
text: 'NOT',
itemId: 'notButton',
tooltip: 'Add the selected criteria as NOT',
iconCls: 'not',
disabled: true,
handler: 'onCriterionNot'
//reference: 'removeButton', // The referenceHolder can access this button by this name
text: 'Remove',
itemId: 'removeButton',
tooltip: 'Remove the selected item',
iconCls: 'remove',
disabled: true,
handler: 'onCriterionRemove'
},'-', { // SaveQuery
//reference: 'SaveQuery',
text: 'Save',
itemId: 'saveQuery',
tooltip: 'save the current filter',
iconCls: 'save',
disabled: true,
handler: 'onFilterSave'
height: 1000,
frame: true,
iconCls: 'icon-grid',
alias: 'widget.searchGrid',
title: 'Search',
initComponent: function() {
this.width = 750;
I messed around with using a Vbox layout to get my desired behavior, but was rather unsuccessful. This does not seem like that uncommon of a use case to have an upper Vbox panel change to different form panels based on a Tab click, while the lower Vbox panel remains fixed. Any insight would be most welcome.
If I understand correctly, this small test of mine should do exactly what you want, using a border layout with regions north and center.
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ext-theme-gray.css">
<title>Test app</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-all-dev.js"></script>
Ext.onReady(function() {
var Viewport = Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport',{
autoCreateViewport: true,
PS: I used ExtJS 4.2.2, but it should work in other Ext versions as well.

Get values from grid cell?

I'm trying to get the value of a certain column cell but with no luck. Here is my makeup of the grid:
Ext.apply(this, {
xtype: 'grid',
selModel: {
mode: 'MULTI'
columnLines: true,
store: Ext.create(''),
columns: [
{text: 'FirstName', dataIndex: 'first_name', cellWrap: true, width: 75},
{text: 'LastName', dataIndex: 'last_name', cellWrap: true, width: 100},
{text: 'Comment', dataIndex: 'comment', cellWrap: true, flex:1, minWidth: 200},
I've tried to get the cell value by doing so:
var grid_results = function(header_name, row) {
var grid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('grid=itemId=gridID]')[0];
return grid.getStore().data.items[0].raw['FirstName'];
you can use the get method to obtain the value of a specified field in the model
Here is a fiddle demonstrating

GridPanel doesn't show store and filters

I have a GridPanel with 5 columns, I put filter:true in every row but it doesn't show filter option and doesn't show the store items either, I see two rows but they are empty.
storeSalvaguardas = [{'codigo':'10', 'tipoDocumento':'final','denominacion':'Documento de prueba', 'version':'2', 'descripcion':'eso'},{'codigo':'10', 'tipoDocumento':'final','denominacion':'Documento de prueba', 'version':'2', 'descripcion':'eso'}];
grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: storeSalvaguardas,
requires: [
id: 'tablaGrid',
trackMouseOver: true,
columns: [
{id:'codigo',header: '<bean:message key="label.agr.informes.codigo"/>', width: 10, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'codigo', filter: true},
{id:'tDoc',header: '<bean:message key=""/>', width: 10,sortable: true, dataIndex: 'tipoDocumento', filter: true},
{id:'nombre',header: '<bean:message key="label.gestionRecursos.criterios.busqueda.tab1"/>', width: 15,sortable: true, dataIndex: 'denominacion', filter: true},
{id:'version',header: '<bean:message key=""/>', width: 10,sortable: true, dataIndex: 'version', filter: true},
{id:'descripcion',header: '<bean:message key=""/>', width: 55,sortable: false, dataIndex: 'descripcion', filter: true}
bbar: [
'<bean:message key="label.agr.dobleclic.modificar"/>'
region: 'center',
stripeRows: true,
title:'<bean:message key="label.AGR.analisisgr.listadodocs"/>',
border: true,
loadMask: new Ext.LoadMask( Ext.getBody(), {
msg:'<bean:message key="generic.label.cargando"/>'
forceFit: true,
style: 'text-align: left;',
Here is the result:
What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
I believe filtering is applied at the Store level.
Here is a snippet from the documentation, with an example:
Filtering and Sorting
Stores can be sorted and filtered - in both cases either remotely or
locally. The sorters and filters are held inside MixedCollection
instances to make them easy to manage. Usually it is sufficient to
either just specify sorters and filters in the Store configuration or
call sort or filter:
var store = Ext.create('', {
model: 'User',
sorters: [{
property: 'age',
direction: 'DESC'
}, {
property: 'firstName',
direction: 'ASC'
filters: [{
property: 'firstName',
value: /Ed/
The new Store will keep the configured sorters and filters in the
MixedCollection instances mentioned above. By default, sorting and
filtering are both performed locally by the Store - see remoteSort and
remoteFilter to allow the server to perform these operations instead.
Filtering and sorting after the Store has been instantiated is also
easy. Calling filter adds another filter to the Store and
automatically filters the dataset (calling filter with no arguments
simply re-applies all existing filters).
store.filter('eyeColor', 'Brown');
The Column object does not seem to have a filter property so I do not think you can do it that way.
I usually create a form above or at the side of the grid with filter options for particular fields. Here is an Example.
Finally only we needed to include plugins: 'gridfilters', in my code.
This is the final code:
grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
plugins: 'gridfilters',
store: storeDocumento,
listeners: {
'rowdblclick': function (view, record, tr, columnIndex, e) {
var cell = e.getTarget('.x-grid-cell-inner');
if (!cell) {
var codigo = record.get('id_doc');
alert('Codigo: ' + codigo);
requires: [
id: 'tablaGrid',
trackMouseOver: false,
columns: [
{id:'id_doc',header: '', width: 10, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'id_doc', filter: 'string', hidden: true},
{id:'codigo',header: '<bean:message key="label.agr.informes.codigo"/>', width: 10, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'codigo', filter: 'string'},
{id:'tDoc',header: '<bean:message key=""/>', width: 10,sortable: true, dataIndex: 'tipoDocumento', filter: 'list'},
{id:'nombre',header: '<bean:message key="label.gestionRecursos.criterios.busqueda.tab1"/>', dataIndex: 'denominacion', width: 15,sortable: true, filter: true},
{id:'version',header: '<bean:message key=""/>', width: 10,sortable: true, dataIndex: 'version', filter: 'number'},
{id:'fecha',header: 'Fecha', width: 10, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'fecha', filter: 'date'},
{id:'descripcion',header: '<bean:message key=""/>', width: 55, dataIndex: 'descripcion', sortable: false, filter: false}
bbar: [
'<bean:message key="label.agr.dobleclic.modificar"/>'
region: 'center',
stripeRows: true,
title:'<bean:message key="label.AGR.analisisgr.listadodocs"/>',
border: true,
loadMask: new Ext.LoadMask( Ext.getBody(), {
msg:'<bean:message key="generic.label.cargando"/>'
forceFit: true,
style: 'text-align: left;',

Multiple select checkbox is not returning values in Extjs 4.2 grid

I am using Extjs 4.2 grid for my application. In my grid there is an option to select multiple rows and to delete them(via checkbox). But I am but the selected rows not returning any values.
Bellow is my code..
Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true});
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '../js/extjs_4_2/examples/ux/');
Ext.define('ForumThread', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{name: 'patient_name'},
{name: 'referrer_provider'},
{name: 'admit_date'},
{name: 'added_date'},
{name: 'billing_date'},
{name: 'dob'},
{name: 'loc_name'},
{name: 'physician_name'},
{name: 'imploded_diagnosis_name'},
{name: 'imploded_procedure_name'},
{name: 'imploded_optional_name'},
{name: 'imploded_quick_list_name'},
{name: 'med_record_no'},
{name: 'message'}
idProperty: 'bill_id'
var url = {
remote: '../new_charges_json.php'
// configure whether filter query is encoded or not (initially)
var encode = false;
// configure whether filtering is performed locally or remotely (initially)
var local = false;
// create the Data Store
var store = Ext.create('', {
pageSize: 10,
model: 'ForumThread',
remoteSort: true,
proxy: {
type: 'jsonp',
url: (local ? url.local : url.remote),
reader: {
root: 'charges_details',
totalProperty: 'total_count'
simpleSortMode: true
sorters: [{
property: 'patient_name',
direction: 'DESC'
var filters = {
ftype: 'filters',
// encode and local configuration options defined previously for easier reuse
encode: encode, // json encode the filter query
local: local, // defaults to false (remote filtering)
// Filters are most naturally placed in the column definition, but can also be
// added here.
filters: [{
type: 'string',
dataIndex: 'patient_name'
// use a factory method to reduce code while demonstrating
// that the GridFilter plugin may be configured with or without
// the filter types (the filters may be specified on the column model
var createColumns = function (finish, start) {
var columns = [
menuDisabled: true,
sortable: false,
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
width: 50,
items: [{
icon : '../js/extjs_4_2/examples/shared/icons/fam/user_profile.png', // Use a URL in the icon config
tooltip: 'Patient Profile',
renderer: renderTopic,
handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var rec = store.getAt(rowIndex);
//alert("Bill Id: " + rec.get('bill_id'));
//Ext.Msg.alert('Bill Info', rec.get('patient_name')+ ", Bill Id: " +rec.get('bill_id'));
dataIndex: 'patient_name',
text: 'Patient Name',
sortable: true,
// instead of specifying filter config just specify filterable=true
// to use store's field's type property (if type property not
// explicitly specified in store config it will be 'auto' which
// GridFilters will assume to be 'StringFilter'
filterable: true
//,filter: {type: 'numeric'}
}, {
dataIndex: 'referrer_provider',
text: 'Referring',
sortable: true
//flex: 1,
}, {
dataIndex: 'admit_date',
text: 'Admit date',
}, {
dataIndex: 'added_date',
text: 'Sign-on date'
}, {
dataIndex: 'billing_date',
text: 'Date Of Service',
filter: true,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y')
}, {
dataIndex: 'dob',
text: 'DOB'
// this column's filter is defined in the filters feature config
dataIndex: 'loc_name',
text: 'Location',
sortable: true
dataIndex: 'physician_name',
text: 'Physician (BILLED)',
sortable: true
dataIndex: 'imploded_diagnosis_name',
text: 'Diagnosis'
dataIndex: 'imploded_procedure_name',
text: 'Procedure'
dataIndex: 'imploded_optional_name',
text: 'OPT Template'
dataIndex: 'imploded_quick_list_name',
text: 'Quick List'
dataIndex: 'med_record_no',
text: 'Medical Record Number'
dataIndex: 'message',
text: 'TEXT or NOTES'
return columns.slice(start || 0, finish);
var pluginExpanded = true;
var selModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
columns: [
{xtype : 'checkcolumn', text : 'Active', dataIndex : 'bill_id'}
checkOnly: true,
mode: 'multi',
enableKeyNav: false,
listeners: {
selectionchange: function(sm, selections) {
grid.down('#removeButton').setDisabled(selections.length === 0);
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
//width: 1024,
height: 500,
title: 'Charge Information',
store: store,
//disableSelection: true,
loadMask: true,
features: [filters],
forceFit: true,
viewConfig: {
stripeRows: true,
enableTextSelection: true
// grid columns
colModel: createColumns(15),
selModel: selModel,
// inline buttons
dockedItems: [
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [{
itemId: 'removeButton',
text:'Charge Batch',
tooltip:'Charge Batch',
disabled: false,
enableToggle: true,
toggleHandler: function() { // Here goes the delete functionality
var selected = selModel.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelections();
var selectedIds;
if(selected.length>0) {
for(var i=0;i<selected.length;i++) {
selectedIds = selected[i].get("bill_id");
selectedIds = selectedIds + "," + selected[i].get("bill_id");
alert("Seleted Id's: "+selectedIds);return false;
// paging bar on the bottom
bbar: Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
store: store,
displayInfo: true,
displayMsg: 'Displaying charges {0} - {1} of {2}',
emptyMsg: "No charges to display"
renderTo: 'charges-paging-grid'
It's giving the numbers in alert dialogue of the selected rows,here
But after this it's throwing a javascript error "selModel.getView is not a function" in the line bellow
var selected = selModel.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelections();
I changed it to var selected = grid.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelections(); Still it's throwing same kind of error(grid.getView is not a function).
Try this
var selected = selModel.getSelection();
Instead of this
var selected = selModel.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
You already have the selection model, why are you trying to ask to get the view to go back to the selection model? It's like doing node.parentNode.childNodes[0].innerHTML.
selModel.getSelection(); is sufficient. Also be sure to read the docs, there's no getView method listed there for Ext.selection.CheckboxModel, so you just made that up!

