ReactJs requires a wrapper div which breaks the layout - javascript

I have the following React code:
render() {
return (
<NavItem dropdown toggleOnHover className='collapse-left'>
<DropdownButton nav>
<Icon bundle='fontello' glyph='bullhorn' />
<Menu alignRight ref='bullhorn-menu' id='notifications-menu' className='double-width' alwaysInactive>
<MenuItem header>
<Entity entity='Notifications' />
{, index) => {
return (
<Notification notification={item} key={index} />
<MenuItem noHover>
<Grid collapse style={{marginBottom: -10}}>
<Col xs={12} collapseLeft collapseRight>
<Button block className='notification-footer-btn left-btn'>MARK ALL READ</Button>
The code above doesn't work, because it throws:
react-with-addons.js:9729 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of undefined
However, when I surround the map() statement with a div, it works, but that breaks the layout.
The Notification component just returns something like this:
<MenuItem href='/'>
<Col xs={2} className='avatar-container' collapseRight>
<div><img src='/imgs/avatars/avatar22.png' width='40' height='40' alt='sarah_patchett' /></div>
<div className='text-center'>
<BLabel bsStyle='info'>NEW</BLabel>
<Col xs={10} className='notification-container' collapseLeft collapseRight>
<div className='time'>
<strong className='fg-darkgray50'><Icon bundle='fontello' glyph='chat-5'/><em><Entity entity='notificationsTimeFirst' /></em></strong>
<div className='message-header'>
<strong className='fg-darkgreen45'>Sarah Patchett sent you a private message</strong>
<div className='message-details fg-text'>
<span>{"Hey Anna! Sorry for delayed response. I've just finished reading the mail you sent couple of days ago..."}</span>
Can someone tell me how to just loop over my array and render the Notification component, without the surrounding div?

Currently it is not possible to return multiple components like that, so you need to wrap them in something.
Why don't you just change the style of the container so that it doesn't break the layout?
For example:
<div style={{ display: "inline" }}>
{, index) => {
return (
<Notification notification={item} key={index} />
Alternatively, you could do this:
let menuItems = [
<MenuItem header key="header">
<Entity entity='Notifications' />
return <Menu>
{ menuItems }
Now the contents of the menu is an array, so every item needs a key.


Unable to pass down useState props for adding count

I have three components im trying to connect together to add the number of items I have in a shopping cart. I have the main component which creates the CartCount object and setCartCount functionality:
function MinerStore() {
const [cartCount, setCartCount] = useState([0]);
const addToCart = () => {
setCartCount(cartCount + 1);
return (
<div >
<StoreNav cartCount={cartCount} />
<StoreCard addToCart={addToCart} />
I also then have the two components I am trying to show the added count on as well as the added count functionality:
export default function StoreCard(addToCart) {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Grid container spacing={3}>
{ => (
<Grid item key={} xs={12} sm={6} md={3}>
<Button onClick={addToCart}>
Add to Cart
export default function StoreNav(cartCount) {
return (
<AppBar position="static">
<Badge badgeContent={cartCount} color="primary">
<ShoppingCartIcon />
You've set your initial state as an array [0].
Set it as as 0 and check it out
And ofc as the people above mentioned you should either use props or {addToCart} in the child's parameter.
Then on button should look as such:
<Button onClick={addToCart /* or props.addToCart */}>Add to Cart </Button>

I have a component. But the onClick function isn't running

I have a component which i have imported into another component. When I click the component, the onclick function refuses to run.
This is the code for the component
const HomeFeedCard = ({ name, image, published, quantity, weight }) => {
const classes = useHomeFeedCardStyles()
return (
<Grid item xs={6} md={3} sm={4} lg={3}>
<Paper elevation={5}>
<img src={image?.url} alt='Product' className={classes.image} />
<div className={classes.container}>
sx={{ width: 56, height: 56, mr: 1 }}
<div className={classes.textContainer}>
<Typography variant='h6' component='body'>
<LinesEllipsis text={` ${name}`} />
<Typography>{`${quantity} left | ${weight}KG`}</Typography>
THIS IS THE function that runs the onClick function. The console returns nothing
onClick={() => console.log('product', product.productName)}
Your onClick is not defined in your function HomeFeedCard.
const HomeFeedCard = ({ name, image, published, quantity, weight, onClick }) => {
return (
<div onClick={onClick} />
If you don't know which properties you want to set use:
In the HomeFeedCard, you are not expecting an onClick function as a prop.
You need to explicitly bind the onClick to an actual element. You can wrap content inside HomeFeedCardwith adiv`.
OR, pass onClick further to Grid if accepts a click handler.
const HomeFeedCard = ({
}) => {
const classes = useHomeFeedCardStyles();
return (
<div onClick={onClick}>
<Grid item xs={6} md={3} sm={4} lg={3}>
<Paper elevation={5}>
<img src={image?.url} alt="Product" className={classes.image} />
<div className={classes.container}>
sx={{ width: 56, height: 56, mr: 1 }}
<div className={classes.textContainer}>
<Typography variant="h6" component="body">
<LinesEllipsis text={` ${name}`} />
<Typography>{`${quantity} left | ${weight}KG`}</Typography>
onClick={() => console.log("product", product.productName)}

Getting unexpected token, expected "," while trying to map an array in React

So, this is what I'm doing inside of the return:
return (
<Row className="rows container">
{results.length > 0 && (
{ => (
<Col className="columns " xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3} >
<img src={result.poster_path} alt="movie poster" />
But, it's giving me the error Unexpected token, expected "," . I don't understand, especially because I have used the same syntax in another component and that's not reporting any errors.
Your return statement should look like this
return (
<Row className='rows container'>
{results.length > 0 && => (
<Col className='columns ' xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3}>
<img src={result.poster_path} alt='movie poster' />
(I removed the square brackets from around
Square brackets are used to inform jsx that you are going to execute javascript inside the jsx. You already started that execution on {results.length, if you add another pair of brackets inside the js execution block it will be perceived by js as you creating an object, hence the expected comma error.

How to open a collapse bar by onClick of an icon in another Component?

I have a component MockTable which shows a list of some items in a table along with actions such as view, delete and update. I need to open a collapse bar in another component AddMock by clicking any of these actions in MockTable. These actions are icons. I'm using semantic-ui react and react-Bootstrap.
actions in Mocktable =>
<Icon link name="eye" />
<Icon link name="edit" />
<Icon link name="delete" />
AddMock =>
const AddMock = () => {
return (
<div className="row">
<Accordion style={{ paddingLeft: "32px" }}>
<Card className="collapseStyle">
<Accordion.Toggle as={Button} variant="link" eventKey="0">
Add Mock
<Accordion.Collapse eventKey="0">
<Container className="mockbody">
<Header as="h3">Hierarchy</Header>
<TabContent />
How to implement this scenario?
In the component that possess the actions edit, view & delete, you can declare a state variable isActive and pass it through props to the component AddMock.
Assuming Mocktable.js looks something like following.
const MockTable = () => {
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
return (
<Icon link name="eye" onClick={()=>setIsActive(!isActive)} /> // this will act as toggle (show & hide)
<Icon link name="edit" onClick={()=>setIsActive(!isActive)} />
<Icon link name="delete" onClick={()=>setIsActive(!isActive)} />
<AddMock isActive={isActive} />
const AddMock = ({ isActive }) => {
return (
<div className="row">
<Accordion active={isActive} style={{ paddingLeft: "32px" }}> // passing isActive here to show/hide.
<Card className="collapseStyle">
<Accordion.Toggle as={Button} variant="link" eventKey="0">
Add Mock
<Accordion.Collapse eventKey="0">
<Container className="mockbody">
<Header as="h3">Hierarchy</Header>
<TabContent />

How to control the position of the text in the selector in antd UI?

I am using antd's selector, I want to add a prompt to the left of the selection box to indicate what this selector is used to select. I tried to use the label tag in the select tag, but this will give an error. I also thought about using pseudo-elements, but that didn't work. Do you know how to do it. The effect I want is as follows. The left side of the selection box is the prompt word, and the right side is the selection result of the selector.
There is no build-in way, you need to compose it from other components.
For example: using CheckBox, Dropdown, Menu and layout components like Row and Col
const data = ['Jack', 'Lucy', 'Momo', 'Alex'];
export default function App() {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState('Jack');
const menu = (
<Menu onSelect={({ key }) => setSelected(key)}>
{ => (
<Menu.Item key={item} value={item}>
return (
<h3>All Checkboxed</h3>
<Select defaultValue="Jack">
{ => (
<Select.Option value={uniqueValue} key={uniqueValue}>
<h3>Side By Side</h3>
<Checkbox disabled>
<Select defaultValue="Jack">
{ => (
<Select.Option value={uniqueValue} key={uniqueValue}>
<Card size="small" style={{ width: 120 }}>
<Row type="flex" gutter={10}>
<Checkbox disabled />
<Dropdown overlay={menu} trigger={['click']}>
<Row type="flex" style={{ alignItems: 'center' }} gutter={10}>
<Icon type="down" />

